Oscar Niemeyer Pampulha Complex - Yatch Club Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL
05506_070724_001D General view from northeast with Igreja São Francisco de Assis on right
Oscar Niemeyer Pampulha Complex - Yatch Club Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL
05506_070724_003D General view from northeast
05506_070724_004D General view from east with Pampulha Lake in the foreground
05506_070722_001D 05506_060407_017D General view from west with Pampulha Lake in West facade with the swimming pool in the the foreground foreground
05506_060407_020D View of the building from the swimming pool area, showing the free ground floor and staircase
Oscar Niemeyer Pampulha Complex - Yatch Club Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL
05506_060407_011D Overall view from northwest
05506_070725_003D Perspective of the east facade
05506_070725_007D Overall view of the first floor from the terrace
05506_070725_002D View of the east facade with the beginning of the ramp on left
05506_070725_004D Perspective of the eastern balcony following the entrance ramp
05506_070725_006D View of the main hall glass facade from the terrace
Oscar Niemeyer Pampulha Complex - Yatch Club Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL
05506_060407_006D Overall view from southeast with the entrance ramp on center
05506_060407_005D General view of Portinari Saloon on the first floor
05506_060407_004D Main hall roof and wall details
05506_060407_002D Transversal view of the main hall on the first floor
05506_060407_001D View of the main hall toward Cândido Portinari Artwork
05506_060407_003D View of the glass corner of the main hall