Paulo Mendes da Rocha Patriarca Square São Paulo SP Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER skype: LeonardofiFinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL
07808_060821_103D View of the plaza and gateway to Prestes Maia gallery from Viaduto do Chá street
Paulo Mendes da Rocha Patriarca Square São Paulo SP Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32359498 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
07808_060821_054D View of the white gateway with Unibanco tower in the background from northwest
07808_060821_023D View of the metal gateway with Viaduto do Chá street in the background pointing
07808_060821_130D Night view from São Bento street
07808_060821_125D Aerial view from northwest
07808_060821_138D Night view from Viaduto do Chá street
Paulo Mendes da Rocha Patriarca Square São Paulo SP Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32359498 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
07808_060821_117D General view from west
07808_060821_095D Aerial general view from west
07808_060821_059D General view of the plaza and the gateway to Prestes Maia gallery
07808_060821_080D Metal arc detail with Santo Antonio Church in the background
07808_060821_113D View of the arc and suspended roof in the plaza and Direita street in the background
Paulo Mendes da Rocha Patriarca Square São Paulo SP Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL +55 34 32359498 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
07808_060821_048D Aerial view of the plaza and the big gateway to Prestes Maia gallery
07808_060821_005D View of the big curve roof and escalators to the gallery on left pointing southwest
07808_060821_120D Suspended roof detail
07808_060821_111D View of the curved roof covering Prestes Maia gallery access and part of the plaza
07808_060821_069D View of the curved suspended roof on right and Santo Antonio Church in the background
07808_060821_072D View of the void to the Prestes Maia gallery bellow the curved roof