Dieguez+Fridman Arquitectos Clay Building Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL LeonardofifiFifinotti.blogspot.com photo@LeonardofifiFifinotti.com +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
23001_081205_040D West facade; swimming pool on right
Dieguez+Fridman Arquitectos Clay Building Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL LeonardofifiFifinotti.blogspot.com photo@LeonardofifiFifinotti.com +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
23001_081205_048D View of the west facade with the garages bellow
23001_081205_046D View of the swimming pool; west facade onleft
23001_081205_057D Aerial night view of the swimming pool
23001_081205_031D View of the swimming pool
23001_081205_065D Swimming pool lights
Dieguez+Fridman Arquitectos Clay Building Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL LeonardofifiFifinotti.blogspot.com photo@LeonardofifiFifinotti.com +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
23001_081205_053D Staircases, lift and foot bridge
23001_081205_066D Night view of the garages on the ground floor
23001_081205_001D View of the footbridge
23001_081205_051D View of the staircase on left and garages on right
23001_081205_033D Access fence detail
23001_081205_014D Access footbridge detail
Dieguez+Fridman Arquitectos Clay Building Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL LeonardofifiFifinotti.blogspot.com photo@LeonardofifiFifinotti.com +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
23001_081205_063D Night view of the footbridge
23001_081205_003D View of the balconies
23001_081205_007D View of the living room from the stairs and the street trees in background
23001_081205_064D Balcony night detail
23001_081205_019D View of the balconies from the suite
23001_081205_024D Interior view of the living room with the balcony on left and the staircases on right
Dieguez+Fridman Arquitectos Clay Building Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL LeonardofifiFifinotti.blogspot.com photo@LeonardofifiFifinotti.com +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
23001_081205_006D Kitchen glass detail on left and concrete staircase on right
23001_081205_058D Interior view of the living room with the balcony on right and the stairs on left
23001_081205_060D Kitchen on left, stairs and living room on right
23001_081205_025D Stairs detail
23001_081205_056D Partial view of the stairs and entrance door in background from the living room
23001_081205_023D View of the bedroom on left and balcony on right
Dieguez+Fridman Arquitectos Clay Building Buenos Aires ARGENTINA Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER MAIN OFFICE
Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 Fundinho - Uberlândia MG CEP: 38400-198 BRASIL Rua da Consolação 3064 Bl. B42 Cerqueira César - São Paulo SP CEP: 01416-000 BRASIL
Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos CP: 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL LeonardofifiFifinotti.blogspot.com photo@LeonardofifiFifinotti.com +55 34 32149444 +55 11 87811913 +351 213915998 skype: LeonardofifiFifinottiStudio
23001_081205_026D Terrace access detail
23001_081205_009D View of the terrace access
23001_081205_013D Roof detail
23001_081205_030D Interior view of the living room with the staircases in background
23001_081205_020D Glass parasol detail