38701 Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados - Izaro Fund

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Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_006D View of the plantation and its context

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_119P General view with the plantation area in the foreground and Irrigation Manager´s house and administration buildings in the background

38701_100927_219D Landscape and plantation view

38701_100927_224D Landscape and plantation view

38701_100927_221D The administration complex is located within an existing Eucalyptus wood

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Irrigation Manager´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_127D Overall view from north

38701_100327_123D View of the street facade with the garage on right

38701_100327_125D Northwest facade

38701_100327_124D Perspective of the house with the garage in the foreground, pointing northeast

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Irrigation Manager´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_014D Wooden fence in the foreground and concrete house volume in the background

38701_100327_016D Northeast facade from the backyard

38701_100327_128D Southwest facade

38701_100327_019D Backyard detail

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Porter´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100927_201D Southeast façade

38701_100327_032D Lateral view showing the wall and roof as an unique plan

38701_100327_072D View of the Porter´s house from inside of the site, pointing southeast

38701_100327_030D Overall view with the access on left, pointing northeast

38701_100927_203D Side view

38701_100327_063D The concrete constructions almost hidden in its context

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Porter´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_071D Exterior wall and roof detail

38701_100327_068D View of the backyard and the glass facade

38701_100327_064D View of the Porter´s house from the backyard

38701_100327_066D Concrete wall and wooden fence

38701_100327_070D Interior view showing the living room and corridor leaded by the long window

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Land manager´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100927_243D Aerial view

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Land manager´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_103D Aerial view

38701_100327_113D Street facade

38701_100327_114D Northwest facade

38701_100327_116D View of the road and house on right pointing east

38701_100327_118D Overall view from north

38701_100327_051D View of the orchard with the house in the background

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Land manager´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_053D Back facade pointing northwest

38701_100327_056D Lateral view from the backyard

38701_100327_059D View of the backyard on right and gallery space on left

38701_100327_052D Perspective of the back facade pointing northeast

38701_100327_054D View of the backyard from northeast

38701_100327_058D Dining and living room

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Leonardo Finotti

Administrator´s house

ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100927_215D General view from north

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administrator´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100927_241D General view from south

38701_100927_218D Aerial close-up view from north

38701_100327_148D West facade detail

38701_100327_146D Aerial view

38701_100327_133D View of the access pointing east

38701_100327_149D Wooden door detail

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administrator´s house

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100927_213D Overall view from northeast

38701_100327_142D View of the west side of the house showing the eave space

38701_100327_012D View of the east side with the exterior social space on center

38701_100327_011D View of the back facade with the backyard in the foreground

38701_100327_141D Southwest side of the house and landscape in the background

38701_100327_150D View of the landscape from the administrator´s house

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Leonardo Finotti

Stable´s house

ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_034D Overall view from east

38701_100327_038D Southeast facade with the pergola on center

38701_100327_037D General view pointing west

38701_100327_035D Northeast facade with the entrance on center

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administration

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_073D General view of the administration area

38701_100327_074D View of the administration and its surrounding forest

38701_100327_060D Lateral facade of the double-height concrete volume of the administration

38701_100327_077D Concrete wall detail

38701_100327_076D Street perspective with the administration building on right

38701_100327_155D View of the administration double-height office building

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administration

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_061D Overall view of the double-height concrete volume of the administration

38701_100327_152D Offices building west facade

38701_100327_189D Night facade of the office building

38701_100327_187D Double-height volume at night

38701_100327_154D Offices building south facade

38701_100327_191D Overall night view

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administration

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_186D Exterior entrance to the courtyard

38701_100327_171D Courtyard surrounded by the administration building

38701_100327_168D Roof detail from the courtyard

38701_100327_166D View of the courtyard with the main hall in the background

38701_100327_165D View of the courtyard with offices on left

38701_100327_157D Perspective of the corridor with the large window to the courtyard on left

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administration

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_169D View of the courtyard

38701_100327_167D View of the courtyard. Roofs define the boundaries

38701_100327_159D View of the big hall at the administration building

38701_100327_170D Roofed exterior, gallery and interior

38701_100327_161D View of the courtyard with the main hall in the background

38701_100327_160D Main hall with the corridor in the background

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administration

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_173D View of the courtyard and its covered sidewalks

38701_100327_175D Connection between administration building and machines garage

38701_100327_131D Frontal view of the entrance gate

38701_100327_184D Night view of the courtyard and its covered sidewalks

38701_100327_172D Administration exterior gallery and wooden fence on right

38701_100327_020D Garage and entrance gate

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Administration

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_075D Concrete volumes and walls define a courtyard within the trees

38701_100327_181D Overall view of the supporting building

38701_100327_176D View of the machines garage

38701_100327_130D Access and corridors are located between the concrete volumes

38701_100327_177D View of the machines garage

38701_100327_178D Interior of the supporting building

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Stables

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_079D Overall view of the stable

38701_100327_085D View of the wooden shed on left in the arid context

38701_100327_087D General view from east with the entrance on center

38701_100327_082D Lateral view

38701_100327_083D North facade

38701_100327_045D Wooden shed east facade

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Stables

Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_102D Overall view from east

38701_100327_089D View of the stable shed on right and its forecourt, pointing west

38701_100327_043D View of the stables complex from east

38701_100327_084D Overall view from northeast

38701_100327_100D Rodeo detail

38701_100327_044D Lateral facade. The language is made of simple and effective gestures

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Leonardo Finotti


ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_098D Wooden shed detail

38701_100327_097D View of the entrance from the courtyard

38701_100327_092D View of the entrance between the wooden shed and the concrete trough, from the courtyard

38701_100327_090D View of the entrance between the wooden shed and the concrete trough, from the forecourt

38701_100327_040D View of the stables area with the trough and entrance on right

38701_100327_095D Trough and wooden buildings define a close area for the stable

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE Leonardo Finotti


ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_039D View of the trough

38701_100327_093D Horse area

38701_100327_042D Wooden shed facade from southeast

38701_100927_237D Stables view

38701_100327_041D Saddles deposit

38701_100327_080D Wooden shed lateral facade

Martin Hurtado Arquitectos Asociados Izaro Fund Casablanca, CHILE

Leonardo Finotti


ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

38701_100327_046D Overall view from south

38701_100327_048D Wooden fence and shed on left, pointing northeast

38701_100927_240D Overall view of the chicken coop

38701_100327_081D Chicken coop inside view

38701_100327_047D Small wooden pavilion used as chicken coop at the stables area

38701_100327_153D Fence at the stables

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