39601 Silvio Todeschi - Community Center at Aglomerado da Serra

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Silvio Todeschi (BCMF Arquitetos) + Flávio Agostini (M3 Arquitetura) and Alexandre Campos Community Center at Aglomerado da Serra Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

39601_100406_005P Aerial view of the building among the trees

Silvio Todeschi (BCMF Arquitetos) + Flávio Agostini (M3 Arquitetura) and Alexandre Campos Community Center at Aglomerado da Serra Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

39601_100406_002D Partial facade from a street nearby

39601_100406_024D View of the outdoor staircase and the building in the background from street

39601_100406_011D Inside the metal skin there is a covered gallery and interior boxes

39601_100406_023D Upward general view from street

39601_100406_010D Lateral view

39601_100406_020P Metal skin detail

Silvio Todeschi (BCMF Arquitetos) + Flávio Agostini (M3 Arquitetura) and Alexandre Campos Community Center at Aglomerado da Serra Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

39601_100406_022D Green metal volume emerging among the trees

39601_100406_018D Interior view of the metal skin

39601_100406_012D View of the gallery between the green skin and the interior building

39601_100406_013D Both green skin and red wall link the different parts of the building

39601_100406_015D View of the exterior covered space toward balcony. Metal skin in the foreground and trees in the background

39601_100406_014D The interiors are simple as well and the connection with the exterior is the main theme in it

Silvio Todeschi (BCMF Arquitetos) + Flávio Agostini (M3 Arquitetura) and Alexandre Campos Community Center at Aglomerado da Serra Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

39601_100406_016D View of the end of the complex

39601_100406_017D At the end of the complex there is a courtyard defined by a stone wall and the building

Silvio Todeschi (BCMF Arquitetos) + Flávio Agostini (M3 Arquitetura) and Alexandre Campos Community Center at Aglomerado da Serra Belo Horizonte MG, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

39601_100406_003D Facade showing the green metal box emerging from the trees

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