45501 Zanettini Arquitetura - CENPES

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Siegbert Zanettini CENPES Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

45501_101221_246D Aerial view of the complex from south. On the left view of the original building designed by Sergio Bernardes

Siegbert Zanettini CENPES Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

45501_101222_047P South façade

45501_101222_055D Overall view from southwest

45501_101222_012D Side view showing the laboratories clustered around the central spine

45501_101222_039D Next to the access was set this ovoid volume dedicated to the collaboration between different actors

Siegbert Zanettini CENPES Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil Leonardo Finotti ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.leonardofinotti.com photo@leonardofinotti.com skype: leonardofinottistudio BACK OFFICE +55 34 32359498 Rua Bernardo Guimarães 525 38400-198, Uberlândia MG BRAZIL +55 11 87811913 Rua da Consolação 3064 cj.B_42 01416-000, São Paulo SP BRAZIL +351 969319613 Estaleiro Naval Rocha do Conde de Óbidos 1399-036, Lisboa PORTUGAL

45501_101222_017D The circulation is a fluid space between inside and outside. View of the escalators

45501_101222_026D Like a second sky the huge ceiling defines a second exterior between the volumes. The landscape project was designed by Benedito Abbud

45501_101222_023D Opened corridor between laboratories. The huge roof covers both opened and closed

45501_101222_002D Curve corridor at the convention center

45501_101222_027D View of the corridor and laboratory volume. The ceiling was designed in order to control the interior weather

45501_101222_035D Laboratory space view

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