file of o r p e h t Raising ouncil c l o o h your sc
Here are some ideas for making sure that students can recognise school council members, raising the profile of your school council and improving communication between council members and other students.
School council noticeboard (or even a TV screen) with names and photos of council members, news about activities and publicity for special events.
Identify council members with badges, special hats or sashes - or being allowed to come into school with a David Beckham haircut!
Have a feature on the school council in official school publications. Include school council meetings in the school diary. Have a section about the council in the school prospectus and on the school website.
Make school council announcements in assembly.
School council surgeries. A school council corner or stall (such as a table at lunchtime in the dining room) with a couple of school council members available for a chat.
Publish a school council newsletter and have school council headed notepaper.
Make a video news programme and show it in assembly or in form meetings. Include shots of the parts of the school you want to change and interviews with students.
Tell teachers, governors and parents about the school council. Write personal letters to them or give a presentation at one of their meetings.
Have school council suggestion boxes, with a prize for the best suggestion made each year.
Get publicity for school council special events and projects by involving the local press or seeking sponsorship from local businesses.
Make links with school councils in other schools by setting up a Buddy school, school council exchange or shared training sessions.
Sunflower/tree display chart for school council successes and targets reached (like a Blue Peter campaign). ŠSchool Councils UK 2010 Please feel free to reproduce this resource with acknowledgement (non-commercial use only)
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