from Year 6s by email Year 7s can answer questions primary to secondary school to help with transition from
uncils y not Subject co ally well in many schools, wh
re lk ncils work bs and ta lu c n u Sports cou r lp ils he ject counc b u s r e h t have o m? curriculu e h t t u abo
Re-invigor wsletter e N t n e d u t S about sm, writing
rnali volved in jou s in Get pupils in blog or page A . m e th ortant to What is imp o. ld work well to ou w r te et sl w the school ne
Action groups
up an action group For each planned project, set l. Ask for volunteers. reporting to the school counci
amic than sub-committee! Action group sounds more dyn
Involvement database
track which pupils are Set up a simple database to Great for monitoring & involved in which activities. for personal statements.
School Coun cil surgery
Set a day o f the week when member s of the school counc il will be ava ilable in the same room so anyone can come t o talk to t they want t hem about o change in anything the school.
your pupil voice Student research group
researchers. Ask Train a group of students as to commission them to staff and the school council particularly on student views carry out research projects,
Overlap positions Have overlapping terms of office for your school council, year councils, action groups, etc, so that new reps can learn by shadowing the old ones.