Actividades MAría CLIL

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Mary, mother of Jesus and mother of the Church 9 Complete these texts with the help of words from the boxes.

Mary, the ____ of Anna and Joachim, was born at Nazareth. She was a relative of Elizabeth and John the ____ (Luke 1:36). Her Hebrew name was ____, which in translation becomes Mary. Mary received special grace from ____ and was kept free from sin in order to become the mother of God ‘son. This is why ____ refer to Mary as the “Immaculate ____”. We call her “the Virgin Mary” because she gave birth to ____ who was conceived by the power of the Holy ____. Baptist, daughter, Spirit, Miriam, God, Conception, Catholics, Jesus.

Because Mary was the mother of Jesus, this gives her a place of great respect in the Christian ____. Mary is not adored as a god but is shown great ____. She was a human person who set an example of how a Christian should live. Many Christians will pray to ____ asking her to join them in their ____ to God. prayers, Church, devotion, Mary.

Catholic Christians also call Mary the “Mother of the Church”, because she gave ____ to Jesus and was the ____ Christian to serve and follow him. Mary was with the apostles at Pentecost, when the ____ Spirit gave them the courage and determination to go and preach about ____. When her ____ on earth ended, she was taken to ____ to live with God. Catholics call this her “Assumption”.

first, Holy, birth, life, Jesus, heaven.

Mary, mother of Jesus and mother of the Church

Mary, the daughter of Anna and Joachim, was born at Nazareth. She was a relative of Elizabeth and John the Baptist (Luke 1:36). Her Hebrew name was Miriam, which in translation becomes Mary. Mary received special grace from God and was kept free from sin in order to become the mother of God ‘son. This is why Catholics refer to Mary as the “Immaculate Conception”. We call her “the Virgin Mary” because she gave birth to Jesus who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Because Mary was the mother of Jesus, this gives her a place of great respect in the Christian Church. Mary is not adored as a god but is shown great devotion. She was a human person who set an example of how a Christian should live. Many Christians will pray to Mary asking her to join them in their prayers to God.

Catholic Christians also call Mary the “Mother of the Church”, because she gave birth to Jesus and was the first Christian to serve and follow him. Mary was with the apostles at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit gave them the courage and determination to go and preach about Jesus. When her life on earth ended, she was taken to heaven to live with God. Catholics call this her “Assumption”.

The Magnificat (Luke chapter 1) 9 Fill the gaps of this text with words from the box below: mother, Elizabeth, Gabriel, visitation, children, rich, song, psalm, Son, prayer, word, God, Testament, Jesus.

After the angel _____ announced that Mary was to become the _____ of Jesus, he told Mary that ______ was also expecting a child. Not only was Elizabeth a much older woman, but it was also believed she could not have _____. Mary immediately left to visit Elizabeth (the _______). They were overjoyed to meet. Not only did Elizabeth know about Mary’s pregnancy, but she also knew that the child was the ___ of God. With joy, Mary sang a ____ of praise that has become a great _____ of the Church called “The Magnificat”. This is a Latin ____ which means “glorifies”. The prayer is similar to a _____ from the Old ______ because it is set out like a poem, gives glory to God and speaks about the poor being cared for by ___. This prayer is a powerful reminder of the fact that a simple teenage girl was chosen to give birth to_____, rather than someone who was ____ and important.

Annunciation: the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to announce to Mary that she has been chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. Visitation: Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, who was six months pregnant, only to find that she knows all about Mary’ news.

MAGNIFICAT My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour. He looks on his servant in her lowliness; henceforth all ages will call me blessed. The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy his name! His mercy is from age to age, On those who fear him. He put forth his arm in strength And scatters the proud hearted. He cast the mighty from their thrones and raises the lowly. He fills the starving with good things, sends the rich away empty. He protects Israel, his servant, remembering his mercy, the mercy promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his sons for ever.

The Magnificat (Solution) After the Angel Gabriel announced that Mary was to become the mother of Jesus, he told Mary that Elizabeth was also expecting a child. Not only was Elizabeth a much older woman, but it was also believed she could not have children. Mary immediately left to visit Elizabeth (the Visitation). They were overjoyed to meet. Not only did Elizabeth know about Mary’s pregnancy, but she also knew that the child was the Son of God. With joy, Mary sang a song of praise that has become a great prayer of the Church called “The Magnificat”. This is a Latin word which means “glorifies”. The prayer is similar to a psalm from the Old Testament because it is set out like a poem, gives glory to God and speaks about the poor being cared for by God. This prayer is a powerful reminder of the fact that a simple teenage girl was chosen to give birth to Jesus, rather than someone who was rich and important.

An icon for today Mary, because of her wonderful qualities of constancy and faith, is probably the most important of our icons. It is likely that she taught Jesus as a boy, all that she knew about integrity, bravery in the face of adversity and love for all kinds of people. Mary showed us what real strength of character is, as well as what it really is to do what God wants of us.

Mary’s faith It is possible that Mary was only 15 years old when visited by the angel and still under 16 when she gave birth to Jesus. Mary has the faith to do God’ will with determination and courage. Most of what we know about Mary comes from the gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, Mary pondered in her heart all that happened. Mary stayed by the cross while her son died. When he rose from the dead, Mary was amongst the first to know. All of this shows us her faith in God and her willingness to carry on during times of great difficulty.

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