5 minute read

ST PAUL METHODIST SCHOOL - This I call to mind

David Chan, Director of St Paul Methodist School (Timor-Leste).

“Yet THIS I call to mind and therefore I have HOPE.” (Lamentations 3:21, NIV)


The LOVE of God (Lamentations 3:22a)

I call to mind the Love of God that compelled MMS to start St Praise Time at the weekly Boys’ Brigade meeting. Paul Methodist School (SPMS) in Timor-Leste in 2016. In a country where its people are predominantly Catholics and where its future hinges very much on the quality of its education, MMS sees Timor- Leste as an opportunity to do good (Galatians 6:10) by starting an English-medium Daily devotion. school and bringing holistic education to the children and youth of Timor-Leste. With a humble beginning of only 18 Grade 7 (aka Secondary 1) students, today, by His grace, SPMS stands at an enrolment of 500 students (Grade 1 to 12) and staff.

Minds Renewed. Therefore, I have HOPE that God will use SPMS to renew the minds of the students with the mind of Christ. Why? Because the steadfast love of God never ceases and His love will continue to establish work of SPMS in Timor-Leste.

Praise Time at the weekly Boys' Brigade meeting.

Daily devotion.

The COMPASSION of God (Lamentations 3:22b)

I call to mind the Compassion of God that draws the Timorese children and youth to experience the Father Heart of God through SPMS. Through the school daily devotions, Christian-based curriculum, and weekly Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade (BBGB) programmes, God’s compassion for His people has indeed caused hearts to be awakened, as their minds are renewed.

John (not his real name) joined SPMS in Grade 7 and was known to be disruptive in school. He challenged authority and would do whatever he deemed right in his mind at that moment. Teachers and classmates would avoid confrontations with him if possible and would let him have his way.

John’s learning attitude had often gotten him into troubles and was surfaced to my attention. However, every time I rebuked and corrected him, I saw a broken spirit within him crying out: “Help me! Show me! Love me for who I am.” As I meted out punishments to him, I would see a young man longing for a father to believe in him and to discipline him to walk in the path of righteousness.

I am thankful I can carry the compassion of God the Father into his life. One day, after I had punished him, he turned to say, “I have never felt my parents care for me like you do. I know you care, that is why you punish me.” That brought tears to my heart and I praised God for awakening his heart to see His compassion and love.

Hearts Awakened. Therefore, I have HOPE that God will use SPMS to open the eyes of the heart of every student to see Him. Why? Because God’s compassions never fail. They are new every morning.

In the final week of school in 2021, the different grades gathered to fellowship for the first time in many months.

Artist impression of new school.

The FAITHFULNESS of God (Lamentations 3:23)

I call to mind the Faithfulness of God that never fails to meet every need of the school. With the exponential increase in the school enrolment each year, God provided SPMS to date two temporary physical locations and seven buses so that we are able to provide education to all the 475 students (of which 200 are new students for the year). Though the school “walls” are bursting at the seams because of the great number of students, God promised that He Himself will be the wall of fire around it. (Zechariah 2:4-5)

The faithfulness of God is further seen when He has finally given MMS a piece of 3-hectare land in Metinaro, Dili to build SPMS this year. The acquisition of land took 3 years. With the completion of SPMS building project in 2023, I believe the dwelling presence and glory of God within SPMS will transform the lives of all students whom He calls to have their minds renewed and hearts awakened through SPMS education.

Life transformed. Therefore, I have HOPE that God will use SPMS to transform the lives of the students to serve His purpose in each generation in Timor-Leste and the nations beyond. Why? Because great is the faithfulness of God. He will establish SPMS forever for his faithfulness endures to all generations.

280 students planting 2000 promises of God in SPMS permanent home in Metinaro. May these promises flourish and bring hope to the generations to come in Timor-Leste!

The dwelling presence and glory of God within SPMS will transform the lives of all students whom He calls to have their minds renewed and hearts awakened through SPMS education.

As you call THIS to mind, may you abound in H.O.P.E. together with us by….

Helping to share the goodness of God in SPMS with others.

Offering your God-given gifts and talents to support the work of SPMS.

Praying for SPMS.

Encouraging the students to have an education in SPMS through your financial support.

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