3 minute read
from Harvest Force 2023 issue 1
by MMS1
Rev Derrick Lau, Executive Director of MMS. Pastor Derrick is officially retired as at end 2022, having served 38 years in pastoral ministry. From the new year 2023, he was re-engaged on an annual basis. He is honoured and privileged to continue the ministry of preaching the Word and administering the Holy Sacraments, as well as mobilising the church to reach the nations.
Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, (Luke 24:46)
As we celebrate Easter 2023, let us RECAP the scene where Mary and some ladies were standing outside the tomb where Jesus was buried. They were grieved at the crucifixion and death of Jesus whom they had come to love and cherish. They were ministered by Him particularly in their struggle with life’s situations such as sickness, pain, and death of their loved ones. They had witnessed and experienced for themselves the power and presence of God through the ministry of Jesus, and hence were understandably devastated by His death.
Similarly, many of us have had experienced the reality of God’s love through the Word of God, and the ministry and mission of the church. We recap occasions when we were faced with situations that required divine intervention, and when God was faithful, just, and loving, and was always near to listen to our cries.
While the ladies stood outside the tomb, they had an incredible encounter that profoundly transformed their lives. An angel informed them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, but instead, that He had risen from the dead! (Mark 16:6) At that moment, they would invariably recall the conversations that they had with Jesus concerning his death and resurrection. Their spirits were transformed from fear and discouragement to faith and courage in the Risen Christ! We praise God that MMS reaches out to 7 countries in our region, and I encourage you to read the testimonies of lives transformed by Christ (www.mms.org.sg/ projectmetamorphosis).
Let us then RECEIVE the promises of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures as well as from those who had witnessed and shared the power of Christ’s resurrection. In Romans 5:17, Paul tells us, “For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.” May we then receive through the Risen Christ, the abundance of God’s grace and that in our grief, may Christ comfort our hearts, strengthen us in our weakness, and encourage us as we serve His Holy mission.
This Easter, I pray that we shall also REJOICE in the Risen Christ for through His resurrection, He has overcome the sting of death! (1 Corinthians 15:56,57) We shall live triumphantly and serve as Christ ambassadors, sharing this awesome message of hope to the nations!
As the travel corridors are opened globally, there will be opportunities to share His love, especially with those who are burdened with sin and darkness, conflict and war.
Together with my Staff, ExCo members, and our families, we wish you a Blessed Easter 2023!