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commiTTee sPoTliGHT
from THL_JanFeb21
by QuantumSUR
Keeping on: HBA Law Week Fun Run Goes Virtual
By KimBerLy a. CHOJnaCKi
The HBA John J. Eikenburg 8K Law Week Fun Run is ticipants received a finisher medal, as did all participants in the in its 36th year. Every year before now, hundreds of 1K kids’ run. All registered participants also received a t-shirt, area runners, walkers, and supporters have traversed race packet with swag generously provided by sponsors of the up and down Allen Park- race, and the opportunity to win way on race day in support door prizes. of The Center for Pursuit, a private, While the Law Week Committee non-profit corporation dedicated to is proud of the work it has done for offering people with intellectual and The Center for Pursuit over the last developmental disabilities the op- 36 years, it is particularly proud of portunity to reach their full potential the impact it has been able to make and to contribute to their community. in this most extraordinary year, all That changed this year due to the CO- with the help of the Houston legal VID-19 pandemic. community, the support of sponsors
This year, the Law Week Fun Run from the community, and particiwent virtual. Instead of one race day, pants far and wide. All the while, the participants were able to participate Committee remains excited and anxin the 1K kids’ run, the 8K, or the ious to (hopefully) be able to plan 1-mile family walk over a span of 17 next year’s race as an in-person event days. While there was no race day as it has in years past. camaraderie, no live music, no post- If you missed the opportunity to race food or beer, the shift to a vir- register for this year’s Law Week tual event nevertheless proved to be Fun Run or to sponsor the event, you another silver lining for The Center can always support The Center for for Pursuit, with this year’s donation Pursuit by making a tax deductible of $70,691. donation by mailing a check to the
Since 1986, the Houston Bar Asso- Houston Bar Association, Attn: Fun ciation has raised over $1.6 million Run, 1111 Bagby, FLB 200, Houston, for The Center for Pursuit. To that Texas 77002. (All checks should be end, 100 percent of every entry fee made payable to the Houston Bar is contributed directly to The Center Foundation.) for Pursuit and helps support a vari- And if you’re interested in being a ety of programs designed to provide part of organizing a great event for an education, job training, socialization, Top photo– south texas college of law houston fielded several even better cause, consider joining community living, and health care for teams and individual runners, and all participated together, the committee in the upcoming bar people with intellectual disabilities. including Dean michael eikenburg law Week Fun c barry. Bottom– members of the ommittee at holler brewing co., host year. For more information, please Paired with additional fundraising for a drive-thru packet and awards pickup. reach out to any one of the co-chairs: from sponsorships, and without the costs associated with or- Brooksie Boutet, Amber Morrison, and Cara Vasquez. ganizing the usual, in-person trappings of the annual race, the HBA was able to contribute even more to The Center for Pursuit Kimberly A. Chojnacki is an associate editor of The Houston this year. Lawyer. She also is a litigation associate at Baker Donelson
Participants this year were able to choose their own routes, in Houston. She represents corporate clients in eminent domain whether in their neighborhoods, using the usual course route, proceedings, complex commercial litigation, and insurance or anywhere else in the world they happened to be. All 8K par- defense disputes.