Discover Ethiopia

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Adimasu Tours welcomes you to Ethiopia! Adimasu Tours is a successful tour company established in 2005 by Adimasu Gebeyehu. Adimasu is a South Omo Valley born Ethiopian with many years of experience in the tourism industry. An extensive knowledge about the many facets of Ethiopia and the joy of meeting travellers from all over the world has become Adimasu’s guideline as founder of the company. Today these are among the fundamental qualities we are looking for when we recruit new staff. We have a team of 12 drivers and over 30 guides speaking many of the different local languages. Our fleet consists of around 12 always well-maintained vehicles. We also own two permanent campsites, one in Kibish Suri and the other in Yabello, Oromia. At Adimasu Tours, every trip is customised according to your wishes and requirements. Every itinerary is flexible; both before and during your tour with us are we open to change the programme according to your request. Consequently we are one of the foremost and most well-established tour companies in Ethiopia and we provide excellent and reliable travel service all over the country. Adimasu Tours is a proud member of Ethiopian Tour Operators Association. In 2012 the Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism awarded us third most reliable travel agency. And we intend not only to live up to that reputation, but also to improve it. We would be delighted to be part of your adventure and to show you our unique and beautiful country. Welcome to Ethiopia. Adimasu Gebeyehu


Adimasu Tours arranges tailor-made solutions and strives to comply with your every request. We specialise in tours for groups, families and individuals, from 1-35 days duration. We offer exclusive tours with personal chefs, budget tours, packaged expeditions, adventure trips, photography tours, bird watching tours, nature tours and ethnological tours. All tours can be arranged in a variety of languages including English, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Russian.


We specialise in: Lalibela, Danakil Depression, Omo Valley, Bale Mountains, Simien Mountains, Harar, Suri & Gambela, The Rift

We deliver high quality services. Your satisfaction is our business. Starting from the first contact and until after your visit, we are committed to provide you with the best service possible. We use only well-trained and experienced staff. Both prior to your visit, for preparation and during your tour, do we use highly qualified staff only. We prioritise your safety the highest. Consequently our cars are always fully maintained. We use only reliable cars with good tires. This is particularly important when touring on difficult roads in remote areas.

Valley, Lakes, Coffee tours, Historical and archaeological tours. We also offer 4WD car rental and expedition equipment and are happy to arrange the following services: air ticketing, hotel reservations and airport transfers. Our fleet. We currently have 12 vehicles in our fleet; 4WD’s, land cruisers and mini busses. Our vehicles are always well-maintained in order to live up to the high expectations of safety, reliability and comfort of our international guests.

We take responsibility. Responsible tourism has always been an integral part of our company. Our adventures are designed with due respect to the local people and their culture. Furthermore we abide by the rules of eco-tourism. We practice fair-mindedness. We have set fair-mindedness as a fundamental value and we practice it - not only in relation to our guests and to our business in Ethiopia but in the contact with people in general. We are reliable. Both our guests and the locals in the areas we visit must be able to rely fully on our commitment to what we do.

Ethiopia: a magnificent, diverse and culturally rich country. Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa with its 85 million inhabitants. The ethnic diversity is large and includes more than 80 different ethnic groups and spoken languages, the three largest being Oromio, Amharic & Tigrinya. The country is 1,130,000 square kilometres; two times the size of France. It is located in the North-eastern corner of Africa, landlocked between Djibouti and Eritrea to the North, Somalia to the East, Sudan and South Sudan to the West and Kenya to the South. With it’s significant range in altitude, the highest point being 4,620 meters above and the lowest 116 meters below sea level, Ethiopia has three different climate zones. They offer a wide variety of flora and fauna. It is home to a number of unique and spectacular geological sites, among them Danakil Depression, the lowest place in Africa and the hottest place on the planet with one of the few permanent lava lakes. It is also home to a number of endemic mammals and more than 860 bird species out of which more than 30 are endemic. Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia and is located in around 2700 meters which makes it the third highest located capitol in the world. It houses a large number of diplomatic missions, like the head quarters of African Union (AU), the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), 4

the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and of more than 90 other diplomatic missions and embassies. Ethiopia is among the few African countries that has its own alphabet, time system and calendar. Ethiopia is also known for its 2000-year-old history and for being the only African country, which was never colonised. The monuments of the Axumite Empire, the rock hewn churches of Lalibela, the castles of Gondar, the walled city of Harar, and the Konso Cultural Landscape are just a few of the historical Unesco World Heritage sites in the country. All over the country scientists are currently making important findings that contribute to our knowledge and understanding of the origin of our human race and it’s early development. Ethiopia is the homeland of coffee, of Lucy, the oldest found humanoid fossil, and of the first marathon athlete, Abebe Bikila, running barefoot and winning gold in the Olympics. Ethiopia has been struggling with droughts and famines for many years. But this image is finally changing as more and more people discover the unique value of this magnificent, diverse and culturally rich country and come to visit.




lowland plains and we visit a local Mursi village.

Day 1: Tuesday: Drive from Addis Ababa to Hawassa. Hotel in Hawassa. We drive south from Addis down through the African Rift Valley. On the way we stop for bird watching at Lake Langano, Lake Ziway, Lake Shalla and Lake Abiata. Late afternoon we arrive in Hawassa, a vibrant and pleasant town located at the shore of Lake Awassa.

Day 5: Saturday: Drive from Jinka to Turmi. Camping in Turmi. We pass by Dimeka where we visit the weekly Hamer market. Here we will also see people from the Karo tribe.

Day 2: Wednesday: Visit in Hawassa. Drive from Hawassa to Arba Minch. Hotel in Arba Minch. We make an early morning visit to the local fish market at Amora Gedel by the lake and have time to enjoy the bird life and see the fisher mens activities. Mid-morning we continue from Hawassa to Arba Minch. We drive by Woleita Sodo and further south along the beautiful Lake Abaya and Guge Mountains, past lush banana fields. Day 3: Thursday: Drive from Arba Minch to Jinka. Hotel or guest house in Jinka. We have an early start from Arba Minch and will be entering into Omo Valley passing Konso, Weito and Key Afer. We visit the weekly Bena market that attracts the local colourful tribes from the region; the Aris, the Tesemais and the Hamer. Mid-afternoon we continue our drive to Jinka, home to the Ari tribe and gateway to Mago National Park. Day 4: Friday: Day trip to Mago National Park. Hotel or guest house in Jinka. We visit Mago National Park, home to the Mursi Tribe, that live in the

ATE008 - WESTERN OMO VALLEY AND SURI, 10 DAYS Day 1: Drive from Addis to Jimma. Hotel in Jimma. Day 2: Drive from Jimma to Mizan Tefari. Camping in Mizan Tefari. We visit the Dizi people and the great forests and coffee plantations on the way. Day 3: Drive from Mizan Tefari to Tulget. Camping in Tulgit. We visit the unique Suri people, where the women wear ear and lip plates and the men use body scarifications for the sake of beauty. With some luck we will participate in a donga game, a stick fighting ritual. Day 4: Drive from Tulgit to Kibish. Camping in Kibish. We will drive the short way through the beautiful landscape with some


Day 6: Sunday: Day trip around Turmi. Camping in Turmi. We pay a visit to the Karo tribe, famous for their body painting. We will also get to enjoy the beautiful view of the Omo River. Day 7: Monday: Drive from Turmi to Yabello. Camping in Yabello. A beautiful drive through the southern Ethiopian countryside. On the way we will visit the Abore and the Borena tribes. Day 8: Tuesday: Day trip from Yabello. Camping in Yabello. We visit a local salt lake crater and see how people are extracting salt in the way they have been doing it for hundreds of years. We will also visit the famous singing wells of Borena - the singing depends, however on the weather. Day 9: Wednesday: Drive from Yabello to Hawassa. Hotel in Hawassa. On the way we will stop to see Tuttefella Unesco World Heritage site and visit the Gedeo tribe. Day 10: Thursday: Drive from Hawassa to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis late afternoon. In the morning we visit the great fish market in Hawassa. On the way to Addis we stop for lunch at Lake Langano.

beautiful views of Kibish Valley. Later we will visit the Suri people around Kibish. Day 5: Trekking in Suri. Camping. Day 6: Trekking in Suri. Camping. Day 7: Trekking in Suri. Camping. Day 8: Trekking in Suri. Camping. Day 9: Drive from Kibish to Mizan Tefari. Hotel in Mizan Tefari. Day 10: Drive from Mizan Tefari to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis in the evening.

HISTORIC ROUTE ATE002 - THE HISTORIC ROUTE, 10 NIGHTS AND 11 DAYS Day 1: Drive from Addis Ababa to Bahir Dar. Hotel in Bahir Dar. We drive north from Addis through the beautiful countryside in the highlands of Oromia. On the way we visit Debre Libanos Monastery. We cross the magnificent Blue Nile Gorge and visit the Portuguese Bridge, Ethiopia’s first built bridge and continue through the countryside of the Amhara highlands. Day 2: Day trips around Bahir Dar. Hotel in Bahir Dar. In the morning we sail to the peninsula of Zege to visit the famous monasteries of Lake Tana. In the afternoon we drive to the Blue Nile Falls, Tis Abay (Smoke of the Blue Nile). Here we enjoy the sunset over the magnificent falls. Day 3: Drive from Bahir Dar to Gondar. Hotel in Gondar. After arriving in Gondar we visit the Gondar Castle complex and the bath of Fasilida. We will also visit some of the unique, old, and historically interesting churches of Gondar. Day 4: Drive from Gondar to Axum. Hotel in Axum. On the way to Axum we drive through the beautiful countryside of Amhara and enter Tigray and we get to enjoy some spectacular views of the magnificent Simien Mountains. Day 5: Day trips in Axum. Hotel in Axum. We visit the city of Axum and the historic sites, including the historically interesting sites of the ancient Axumite Empire, the bath of the Queen of Sheba, the tomb of King Bazens along with the ancient burial stelae. Day 6: Drive from Axum to Adigrat. Hotel in Adigrat. On this day we will visit the ruins of Yeha and visit the interesting Debre Damo and its wonderful views - a monestary that can be reached by climbing 20 meters up the vertical cliff (sorry, women cannot visit this religious site). Day 7: Drive from Adigrat to Mekele. Hotel in Mekele. On our way we visit some of the beautiful rock hewn churches of Tigray, focussing on the Gheralta cluster. Day 8: Drive from Mekele to Lalibela. Hotel in Lalibela. We drive through the beautiful mountainous countryside of Tigray and Eastern Amhara. On the way we visit the Yemrehanna Kristos Church. Day 9: Day trips in Lalibela. Hotel in Lalibela. The focus of the day will be a visit to the more than 13 churches of Lalibela, all carved out of the solid rock by King Lalibela around a thousand years ago. Day 10: Drive from Lalibela to Dessie. Hotel in Dessie. The beautiful drive takes us through mountainous Wollo on the western edge of the Great Rift Valley and offers some beautiful views of the countryside. We will make a stop at Lake Hayk. Day 11: Drive from Dessie to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis Ababa in the afternoon.

PARKS & HISTORY ATE005 - EAST HARAR, 5 DAYS Day 1: Drive from Addis Ababa to Awash. Lodge in Awash Falls. We have an early start and drive to Awash National Park. In the afternoon we go trekking around the park. Day 2: Game drive in Awash National Park. Drive to Harar. Hotel in Harar. With an early start we have a good chance of seeing a variety of wildlife, including many species of birds, onyx, baboons, greater and lesser kudu, warthogs, gazelles, and monkeys. Additionally we may see leopards, lions, and other cats. Overlooking the Awash Gorge, the landscape in the park is beautiful and Awash Falls is a good place to take a dip. After the visit to Awash National Park we drive to Harar. Day 3: Day trips in Harar. Hotel in Harar. We have a full day dedicated to exploring Harar. The walled city is interesting with its colourful markets, countless mosques and shrines, and the unique Harari people and their houses. Day 4: Day trip to Babile. Hotel in Harar. Early morning-drive to Babile Elephant Sanctuary between Harar and Dire Dawa. Babile town has a large market on Saturdays and a camel market on Mondays and Thursdays. After the visit we return to Harar for further exploration. In the evening we can visit the Hyena Man who feeds the hyenas outside the city wall. And if you want you can give it a try yourself. Day 5: Drive from Harar to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis late afternoon. On the way we will visit Lake Hora and Lake Bishoft.


DANAKIL DEPRESSION ATE004 - DANAKIL DEPRESSION, 8 DAYS Day 1: Flight from Addis Ababa to Mekele. Hotel in Mekele. Alternatively we can drive from Addis to Mekele via Kombolcha and through the beautiful and mountainous western edge of the Great Rift Valley. Day 2: Drive from Mekele to Hamed Ela. Camping in Hamed Ela. We stop in Berhale to pick up travel permits and continue down into the Afar Region. Day 3: Half day excursion to Danakil Depression. Camping in Hamed Ela. Drive and hike to visit the salt mining and the colourful sulphur formations in the hottest and deepest part of the depression. We drive back to Hamed Ela and in the afternoon we will be watching the camel caravans passing by. Day 4: Drive from Hamed Ela to Dodom. Trek fro Dodom to Erta Ale. Camping by Erta Ale. In the afternoon we arrive at Dodom, the base camp of Erta Ale. After a rest we trek from Dodom to the rim of the volcano where we will visit Erta Ale, the unique lava pool and enjoy the spectacular volcanic landscape. Our luggage will be carried by camels. Day 5: Trek from Erta Ale to Dodom. Drive from Dodom to Afdera. Camping in Afdera. With the first light we trek back to the base camp. After breakfast we drive to Afdera, a highly saline lake and visit the Afar salt extraction. Day 6: Drive from Afdera to Logia. Camping in Logia. Day 7: Drive from Logia to Awash National Park. Lodge in Awash. It is a day of driving on good asphalt road through the Afar Region. We reach Awash in the afternoon. Day 8: Half day tour in Awash. Drive from Awash to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis late afternoon. We spend half a day enjoying the game in Awash National Park. At noon we drive to Addis Ababa.



ATE001 - TREKKING IN SIMIEN MOUNTAINS, 9 DAYS Day 1: Drive from Addis Ababa to Gondar. Hotel in Gondar. The drive from Addis takes us north through the beautiful highlands of Oromio. We cross the spectacular Blue Nile Gorge, Abay Gorge and continue through the Amhara highlands up to Bahir Dar and Lake Tana. From here we continue north to Gondar, the former capitol of Ethiopia. Day 2: Drive from Gondar to Buyit Ras. Trek from Buyit Ras to Sankaber. Camping in Sankaber. We stop in Debark to handle the national park fees etc. and continue driving to Buyit Ras. This is the starting point of the trek and from here we trek to Sankaber, close to the escarpment edge. This place offers magnificent views of the Simien Mountains and here large numbers of the endemic Gelada Baboon reside. In Sankaber we will pick up our supplies. Day 3: Trek from Sankaber to Geech. Camping in Geech. From Geech we will trek into a valley through which the often dry Wazla (or Koba) River is running. Coming out of the valley we will view the Jinbar River Waterfall, that fall into the Geech Abyss. We cross the Jinbar River and ascend into the village of Geech. Day 4: Trek from Geech to Chenek. Camping in Chenek. With an early start we trek to the peak of Gogo (3,926 m) that offers spectacular views over the lowlands to the North. This is one of the highlights of the trip. We pass Korbete Metia, a solid rock wall which opens up and gives more wonderful views of the escarpment and the lowland far below. This is a good place to spot lammergeiers and the indigenous Walia Ibex. Day 5: Trek from Chenek to Ambikwa. Camping in Ambikwa. We continue eastward up Mount Bwahit and get a view of the camp from which we came. Crossing the Bwahit Pass we reach a viewpoint that offers wonderful views of the Mesheta River Valley and offers us the first glimpse of Mount Ras Dashen, Ethiopia’s highest mountain. From here we descend through the village of Chiro Leba and reach the Mesheha River. After crossing the river we climb back up through the valley to the village of Ambikwa. Day 6: Day trek from Ambikwa. Camping in Ambikwa. With a long days trekking ahead we have an early start. We head towards the valley of the village of Mizma. Hereafter there is a steep ascend to a ridge crest overlooking the large valley. The trail takes us up along the valley side straight towards Ras Dashen. We climb to the top where a buttress marks the summit of Ras Dashen, the highest point in Ethiopia. After this we trek back to Ambikwa.

ATE003 - TREKKING IN BALE MOUNTAINS, 7 DAYS Day 1: Drive from Addis Ababa to Bale Dinsho. Lodge in Dinsho. From the national park office in Dinsho we start the trek the next day. Here there is a good chance of seeing different species of mammals, including mountain nyala, Menelik’s bushbuck and warthogs. Day 2: Trek from Dinsho to Fincha Abbera Falls. Camping in Fincha Abbera. There is no uphill walking on this day. We trek through the beautiful lush landscape with local villages and farms. Day 3: Trek from Finch Abbera via Meraro to Wassama. Camping in Wassama. On this day we reach the Wassama Lake with its beautiful cold blue water. There is a good chance of seeing many different species of birds, including birds of prey. Day 4: Trek from Wassama to Garba Guracha Lake. Camping in Garba Guracha. We pass by Mount Batu (4,307 m), the second highest peak in Bale Mountains and trek through the amazing landscape of the alpine mountains with the distinct flora and fauna.

Day 7: Trek from Ambikwa to Chenek. Camping in Chenek.

Day 5: Trek from Garba Guracha to Sanetti Plateau. Camping in the Sanetti Plateau. This is another day that offers beautiful views of the unique high plateau of the Bale Mountains and the people who live there. We reach the windy Sanetti Plateau where we may spot the Ethiopian wolf and where we will have our last night of camping.

Day 8: Drive from Chenek to Bahir Dar. Hotel in Bahir Dar.

Day 6: Drive from Sanetti to Lake Langano. Hotel in Langano.

Day 9: Drive from Bahir Dar to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis late afternoon.

Day 7: Drive from Langano to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis Ababa in the afternoon.





ATE009 - BIRD WATCHING, 13 DAYS Day 1: Day tour from Addis Ababa. Hotel in Addis Ababa. We drive from Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos and Jema River Gorge through the Sululta wetlands. We make a small de-tour to the attractive Aleltu Water Falls. Day 2: Drive from Addis Ababa to Menagesha State Forest. Hotel in Addis Ababa. We drive on the Ambo Road and turn of to Suba. From here we hike to the top of Mount Wecheche. We return by car to Addis Ababa via Jimma Road. Day 3: Drive from Addis Ababa to Awash National Park. Lodge or camping in the park. First stop on the way is Debre Zeit where we visit the Chalalklaka Wetland and Lake Hora. In the afternoon we continue to Awash National Park, which is one of the best bird watching sites in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Day 4: Day trip in Awash National Park. Lodge or camping in the park. We have a full day of bird watching in the Awash National Park. We will visit different habitats, the plains, the cliffs, the wetlands and the forests along the Awash River. Camel trekking to some of these sites can be arranged. Day 5: Drive from Awash to Langano. Lodge in Langano. We make a short stop at the Koka Dam (Awash River Bridge) for spotting aquatic and woodland birds. Hereafter we continue to Lake Zeway, one of the most important bird habitats among the Ethiopian Lakes. We arrive in Langano late afternoon. Day 6: Birding in Rift Valley. Drive from Langano to Wondo Genet. Hotel in Wondo Genet. In the early morning we go birding around the hotel garden and by the cliffs near Lake Langano. Later we drive to Abijata-Shalla Lakes National Park for more birding. This is a good place to watch large numbers of flamingos. In the afternoon we drive to the forests of Wondo Genet. Day 7: Day trip in Wondo Genet. Hotel in Wondo Genet. We enjoy a full day bird watching in Wondo Genet, which is home to many endemic species of birds. Later we can enjoy and relax in the hot spring pools of Wondo Genet. Day 8: Drive from Wondo Genet to Hawassa. Hotel in Hawassa. Along Lake Awassa we will see more birds, different from those of Lake Abiata and Lake Shalla. Lake Awassa is a fresh water lake, very different from the alkaline lakes. We visit the Black Forest, another interesting bird watching site by Lake Awassa. Day 9: Morning visit at Lake Awassa. Drive from Hawassa to Bale Dinsho. Lodge in Dinsho. In the morning we visit the fish market at the shore of Lake Awassa. Then we drive from Hawassa to Bale Dinsho, the gate way to Bale Mountains National Park. Day 10: Day trip to Sanetti. Drive to Bale. Hotel in Goba. We enjoy the bird watching on the stunning afro-alpine Sanetti Plateau. With its cold climate it offers a distinct fauna and flora. We drive to the top of Tullu Dimu (4,377 m) and watch the endemic birds and mammals. Day 11: Day trip from Goba. Hotel in Goba. We drive up and over the Sanetti Plateau and down the other side to the dense Harenna Forest, located by the southern boundary of the Bale Mountains National Park. In the woodland avi-fauna we find a large variety of birds and mammals and interesting plants. Day 12: Drive from Bale Goba to Asela. Hotel in Asela. On the way we will cross the beautiful Arsi Mountains. Day 13: Drive from Asela to Addis Ababa. Arrival in Addis Ababa in the late afternoon. On the way from Asela we make a stop at the hot springs in Sidere, near Nazareth, another good place for spotting birds.


ADDIS ABABA ATE010 - ADDIS ABABA CITY TOUR, 1 DAY A city tour of Addis Ababa, the buzzing capitol of Ethiopia, offers many diverse sights and experiences. We drive up to the Entoto Mountains above the city. The air is full of the scent of the many eucalyptus trees and we get to enjoy a panoramic view of the city. We visit the historic Entoto Maryam Church, where Menelik II was crowned emperor in 1889. The church houses a small museum with relics from the time of Menelik II, including weapons, clothes, court and household implements. It was here that the forgotten 16th century town of monarch Lebna Dingel was discovered, a discovery which Emperor Menelik II interpreted as a divine confirmation for the establishment of his new capitol, Entoto. After Entoto we visit the National Museum and the Archeological Museum and enjoy their exhibitions. We will visit Lucy, in Ethiopia called Denkinesh, the famous and oldest found humanoid fossil dating back 3.5 million years. We will learn about the Axumite Empire and the monarchs of Tewodros and Menelik. Hereafter we have time for lunch. There is a broad range of international restaurants and local cultural restaurants in Addis Ababa, that offer a variety of food; these include the famous Addis Ababa Restaurant, previously home of Empress Zewditu, Yod Abyssinal, another famous restaurant, and Gurage Kitfo House, also offering traditional Ethiopian dining and the lovely traditional coffee ceremony. After lunch we will visit the Ethnological Museum, located in the compound of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies. The museum houses an exhibition of art, clothing and artefacts from different ethnic traditions. It offers also reflections on historic events and the different cultures of the country. Next we visit the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Kidist Silassie Church, where the earthly remains of many of the patriotic heroes from the war against the Italian invaders are buried. The church also houses the first tombs of Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taitu, from before they were shifted to Entoto. We pass Menelik II’s palace and proceed to the African Hall, headquarters of the Economic Commission of Africa. Here we get a look at the large stained glass work, designed by renowned Ethiopian artist Afewerk Tekle. We visit the St. George Cathedral (Georgis Church) in Piazza, north of Churchill Avenue, that was built in 1896 in the traditional octagonal shape to commemorate Ethiopia’s patriotism. Hereafter we visit Mercato, the largest open air market in Africa, where virtually every possible commodity is on sale. It is the primary distribution, retail and whole sale point for the city and the central highland. Lastly we pay a visit to the Addis Ababa Lion Zoo.

TRAVEL FACTS Climate: There are two main seasons in Ethiopia; temperatures depend primarily on the altitude. The lowlands are generally hot and humid, the highlands have cooler climate. In most of the country, the main rainy season spans from primo June to the ultimo September, with short rains in March. In Southern Ethiopia, however and particularly in the Omo area, the seasons differ with the main rains from March to May and the shorter rains in October and November. Topography: The altitude ranges from 116 m below sea level in the Danakil Depression, officially the hottest place in the world, to 4,620 meters altitude, on the peak of Mount Ras Dashen. Population: The population is estimated at 85 million, the third highest population in Africa. Around 50% of the population is under the age of 25. Language: Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic state with more than 80 ethnic groups and spoken languages. Amharic with its unique script is the official language. English is also widely spoken. Visa and immigration requirement: Visa may be obtained in Ethiopian embassies prior to leaving your home country. However, guests from 33 countries can now purchase a three-month tourist visa on arrival in Bole Airport in Addis Ababa. These 33 countries include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and United States. Health requirements: Prior to entry visitors should obtain a valid health certificate. Vaccinations should include yellow fever. Vaccination against cholera is required for any person who has visited or transited a cholera-infected area within six days prior to arrival in Ethiopia. Your passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry. Calendar and time: Ethiopia is following follows the Julian calendar, which consists of 12 months of 30 days each and a 13th month of five or six days. It is seven years and eight months behind the Gregorian calendar. Ethiopia is in the GMT + three hours time zone. Currency: The local currency is Ethiopian Birr, made up of 100 cents.

ATE011 - DAY TRIP FROM ADDIS ABABA TO DEBRE LIBANOS After an early breakfast we drive north from Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos, home to a 13th century monestary, built by the Ethiopian saint, Abune Teklehaimanot. Although the original church was destroyed it is still an important pilgrimage site for the Ethiopian Orthodox believers. As an added bonus, packs of the endemic Gelada Baboon are often seen nearby. Further down the road from Addis Ababa we come to a viewpoint that offers a stunning view of the Blue Nile Gorge, which is on par with Arizona’s Grand Canyon. We will enjoy a picnic lunch in the beautiful landscape by the gorge with the singing birds. On the way back to Addis Ababa we visit some Oromia villages. We drive through one of the famous teff growing regions of Ethiopia (teff is a grain from which you make injeera, the main ingredient in the Ethiopian cuisine).

Credit Cards: By now Visa debit cards are widely accepted in many ATM’s in towns and cities across the country. MasterCard, Access, American Express and Diners Club are not as widely accepted, except in a few establishments in larger cities. Cash is recommended. Electric supply: Ethiopia uses 220 Volts 50 cycles AC and two hole sockets. A universal two–prong adapter is recommended. Adaptors are often available in shops throughout Ethiopia. Communication: Telephone, fax, internet and postal facilities are available in most main towns. The IDD code for Ethiopia is +251. Clothing: Ethiopians are modest dressers; visitors should dress with consideration, especially in places of worship. Shoes must always be removed before entering a church and a mosque.


REC O MMEN D ATI O N S Jose Antonio Senz de Broto, February 2014

A GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE TOUR OPERATOR I looked for a good travel agency to go to the South and I was lucky to get in contact with Adimasu. I chose Adimasu because I felt there was a sense of responsibility and care about me as a customer and my wishes. The program was very good and the guide and driver Asma very satisfactory. I have no problems to recommend Adimasu to any potential clients. This agency will tailor a program to fit your requirements and your budget, which is ox paramount importance. Jose from Spain.

Ramona Schubert, December 2013


We have been on a 35-day tour with Adimasu Tours around Ethiopia and have enjoyed every day. Our guide Channey was very experienced and he did everything to make us feel comfortable. It was an unforgettable experience and we can recommend this company to everyone who is looking for an individual tour. Especially convenient was that everything was included in the price and we didn’t have to worry about the daily business. Thanks from Germany.

Michael Nekludov, November 2013


My wife and I just came back from a short 3-day trip to Hawassa 12

(south region). Many thanks to Adimasu for his fantastic guiding! It was really amazing to hear the many breathtaking stories from the other expeditions that Adimasu guided before (filming with National Geographic, assisting "overlanders", bikers, birdwatchers, etc) I would definitely like to go for a longer expedition to Omo Valley with Adimasu someday!

Evans Novis, October 2013


I've just come back from a tour through the Omo Valley. I was given several recommendations for tour operators from other travellers and speaking to them all and comparing prices I decided on doing the tour with Adimasu. I found Adimasu most flexible in working with me to put together a tour that was within my budget and accomplished all I wanted to see and do. I also appreciated the fact that Adimasu was always quick to respond to any questions or concerns I had before, during, and after the tour.

Barbara, July 2013

GREAT ADVENTURE! If you want to discover Ethiopia you must do it with Adimasu! He is a very nice and a friendly guy. We spent with Adimasu 4 days in Simien Mountains and everything was perfect. We didn't have to worry about anything; everything was organised. We spent also 8 days in Omo Valley with Adimasu. We did not have any

problems because all was well planned. I recommend Adimasu very much! He can help you with everything! Best regards, Barbara, Jarek, Aneta, Piotrek, Wojtek, Monika, Asia

Barbara Seura, February 2012


My friend and I, both women in our 60’s, recently visited Ethiopia and started with a 10-days tour to the Omo Valley with “Adimasu Tours: Discover Ethiopia". Adimasu is definitely up there with the best! He and his employees are professional, polite, respectful, and very knowledgeable; they have excellent English skills, and were able to explain the details of the many sights we encountered each day of our tour. Our driver John was excellent too. How he was able to navigate roads that looked like paths to nowhere is beyond me. Our guide, Yemenu, knows the Omo Valley like the back of his hand. A great guide, a great driver, and a comfortable, safe car, are absolute musts for a successful tour to the Omo Valley. We were given as much flexibility as we wanted. And the bottled drinking water provided by Adimasu was an extra perk! Adimasu Tours gives a great deal for a very reasonable rate. I can't say enough good things about our tour, and dealing the Adimasu.

Suzanne Charkas, February 2012

A WONDERFUL DRIVER, HELPFUL AND PUNCTUAL My husband and our 9-year old daughter have just returned

from 7 weeks of touring with Adimasu Tours in Ethiopia travelling. Firstly — we had the most wonderful driver, Ayu. He was organised through another great man, Adimasu Gebeyehuand. I can't say enough about this man and Adimasu. They were helpful and punctual. Ayu drove very carefully and he is an all round wonderful person. We were so impressed with him and the help that Adimasu gave us in organising our visit and can highly recommend them.

Tim Draper, December 2011

EXCELLENT GUIDE RECOMMENDATION FOR OMO VALLEY If you are planning to go in Omo Valley then you will already be (or soon will be) aware of the minefield of bad advice and bogus guides. I teamed up with two fellow travellers and tailor made a fantastic two-week trip down to the Omo Valley with the help of Adimasu Cabayo's tour company. Adimasu was the perfect organiser of our tour, completely flexible and able to build a perfect trip. He provided fantastic, professional service at one of the lowest prices I was quoted by anyone. Our driver, Alex Dejene modestly called himself a driver, but in fact he is so much more. Alex is a remarkable guide, he knows everybody in the Omo region, his local knowledge is faultless and utterly comprehensive. The man is truly one of the best guides I have ever travelled with. As a photographer for rough guides for more than six years, with 22 guidebook projects under my belt, I feel I'm a fairly good judge of guides and tour operators, having literally dealt with hundreds of them over the years. Alex is up there with the very best of them. A faultless and wonderful trip was delivered.


Special thanks First of all we would like to thank our German partner Mr. Carsten Gruener and his wife Sabine for all the help and support we are receiving from them. Our thanks also goes to the Ethiopian authorities, in particular to the chiefs and people of South Omo and West Omo Regional State, Amhara Regional State, Tigray Regional State, SNNPR Regional State, and Oromia for their help to visit their areas. We would also like to thank: The Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism for their assistance with establishing our company. The Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation for their constant up-to-date information. Tim Draper, Ben Hogarth and his wife Steph Haunt as well as Roland Strieker for the professional photos. Helena Greb, Trix Kwakernaat, Eef Lenaerts, Barbara Musik, Yu Yang, Arno Schick, Christian Weil, Fabio Zaffagnini for their translations and Jabu Ventures for text editing, photography, and graphic design. To our staff, the drivers, guides, and cooks and our kind front office staff, thank you for living our commitments. Last but not least we would like to thank our guests and travellers, who have chosen to discover Ethiopia with us.


Graphic design: Jabu Ventures I/S Denmark — Photos: Elisa Amati, Steph Haunt , Ben Hogarth, Joakim Larsen, Claudio Maria Lerario 15


E X P E D I T I O N S & A DV E N T U R E I N E T H I O P I A

Contact in Ethiopia


In Germany

Tel. +251 / 11 81.04.597

Carsten GrĂźner

Addis Ababa — Ethiopia

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