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Health and Safety
Health and Safety _______
Face Coverings •
Everyone (students, employees and guests) is required to wear a face covering on campus when in public spaces, both indoors and outdoors.
An appropriate face covering must fully cover your mouth and nose at all times unless you are alone in a personal residential or individual office space, are eating in a designated area, or are outside and can maintain at least six feet of physical distance from others.
Student athletes will be given additional guidance regarding the use of masks for practice and competition.
Fontbonne will provide a limited number of reusable cloth masks to all employees and students prior to the beginning of the fall semester. Individuals must maintain an adequate supply of personal face coverings to allow for washing and daily use.
More information about face coverings can be found here.
Protection and Prevention •
Wash your hands and sanitize frequently following CDC guidelines.
Avoid touching your face when possible.
Do not share supplies such as cutlery or office equipment (pens, staplers, etc.)
Cover coughs and sneezes.
Cleaning and Disinfecting •
All cleaning and sanitizing products used on campus are CDC-recommended and FDA-approved for effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2.
High-touch surfaces such as building entrances and exits, restroom doors, doorknobs and elevator buttons will be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
Hand sanitizer stations and disinfectant wipe dispensers will be available in all classrooms and offices as well as in the hallways of each building near elevator and stairwell entrances. Use them to keep workspaces and personal items clean before and after each use and throughout the day.
Common sources of infection such as drinking fountains will be closed. Refill stations for reusable water bottles will be available throughout campus.
Social Distancing and Density Reduction • Everyone should maintain at least six feet of separation from others in all indoor and outdoor spaces on campus at all times.
Signs outlining distancing guidelines will be posted in common spaces and some offices.
To promote distancing, classroom and office capacity will be reduced; physical barriers will be installed where needed.
Elevator occupancy will be limited; posted signs will indicate capacity.
Where feasible, stairwells will be one-way and will be clearly marked.
Furniture has been arranged to maintain social distancing and should not be moved.
Fontbonne will limit the number of guests on campus. Employees may host invited speakers or vendors and will be responsible for ensuring they follow our guest guidelines.
Screening • All employees, students and visitors must self-screen daily for symptoms of COVID-19.
Touchless temperature-taking stations will be located in each building to accommodate those without a thermometer.
A smartphone app will be utilized for easy self-monitoring.
Additional information about screening requirements can be found here.
Surveillance Testing •
At this time, routine testing of asymptomatic individuals is not readily available. We will continue to monitor public-health guidance and may adjust surveillance testing requirements accordingly.
Flu Shots and Protecting the Vulnerable •
Students and employees are strongly encouraged to get a flu shot. Updates regarding flu shot availability on Fontbonne’s campus will be communicated at a later date.
According to the CDC, certain persons may have a higher risk for COVID-19 infection. Accommodations, such as work from home or remote learning, may be possible for high-risk students and employees.
In the Event of COVID-19 Like Illness •
COVID-19 is a contagious illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is primarily passed from person to person, typically through respiratory droplets that result from coughing, sneezing or talking.
Primary symptoms may include dry cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell and sore throat. Other symptoms could include congestion or runny nose, fever/chills, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. An up-to-date list of symptoms can be found here.
Members of the community should actively monitor their health each day and seek medical evaluation and treatment if they have any symptoms that could be affiliated with COVID-19.
Students can get information about COVID-19, testing and isolation or quarantine by contacting the campus nurse. The campus nurse’s hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To make an appointment, please call 314-889-4784 or email campus nurse Carla Hagan at chagan@fontbonne.edu. There will be no walk-in visits.
Employees can get information about COVID-19 work policies here.
Counseling and Well-being •
Fontbonne is taking a holistic approach to physical and emotional well-being. While steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 are physical, they will undoubtedly have consequences for short-term and long-term mental health. More information regarding how to improve your physical and mental health upon returning to campus can be found here.