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Are we a newspaper? No...Are we a magazine? No...Are we a newsle er? Not really any of those. So what are we? We are a publica on in print and online
to arso n… n .
designed to provide informa on: for fun, for what’s happening, for things you might want to see in other publica ons, but don’t. We look for stories that could go viral...at the very least, stories that are interes ng. The point is to “Share It!” May 16—June 15, 2016
Presidential positions: Where do the candidates stand on the issues?
ecent polls* indicate the economy, immigra on and healthcare are top issues on the list of concerns for Americans. Because of the recent events regarding the Veteran’s Administra on (VA), long wait mes, concerns with quality of care, candidate’s posi ons on the VA are included also. Due to space limita ons, the issues, recorded from each candidates website are IN PART ONLY. Please go to the candidates website for a more inclusive review. Candidates are listed alphabe cally by party affilia on.
Issue: Economy/Jobs Hillary Clinton‐Democrat (D) A plan to raise American incomes: Hillary will: · Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs. · Create good‐paying jobs and get pay rising by inves ng in infrastructure, clean energy, and scien fic and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth. · Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share. Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our me is raising incomes for hardworking Americans. Sanders‐ Democrat (D) 1.Demanding that the wealthy and large corpora ons pay their fair share in taxes. 2. Increasing the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour by 2020. In the year 2015, no one who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty. 3. Pu ng at least 13 million Americans to work by inves ng $1 trillion over five years towards rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, railways, airports, public transit systems, ports, dams, wastewater plants, and other infrastructure needs. 4. Reversing trade policies like NAFTA, CAFTA, and PNTR with
China that have driven down wages and caused the loss of millions of jobs. If corporate America wants us to buy their products they need to manufacture those products in this country, not in China or other low‐wage countries. Gary Johnson‐Libertarian (L) Government’s role is to create and maintain a regulatory and tax environment in which private job‐creators can prosper. Gary Johnson did that as Governor, and would do so as President. Government regula on should only exist to protect ci zens from bad actors and the harm they might do to health, safety and property. Regula on should not be *gallup.com
Continued on page 7
2nd Annual ABC (Amazing Book Cover) Art Award Do you judge a book by its cover? Many people do. If you’re an author or you know someone who is, this is an opportunity to enter your book cover in the 2nd Annual ABC (Amazing Book Cover) Art Award sponsored by LeRue Press, LLC and judged by the general public. Self‐Published and small press authors across the United States are encouraged to enter. There is no fee to par cipate. Enter to win: Entries accepted beginning May 1, 2016 For entry form send email to lrp@lrpnv.com (Subject: ABC ART ENTRY Closing date is June 19, 2016 Vo ng begins July 1st. Details will be posted on lrpnv.com Con nued on page 8
Editor: Janice Hermsen: janice@lrpnv.com
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Press Release:
Breaking news for Reno Town Mall
May 15, 2016, Reno, NV ‐ Thanks to the Rob Rothe Family and the new Reno Town Mall Manager, Eilish Boisvert, Reno, Sparks and surrounding areas, like Lake Tahoe, are going to have a "Town Hall" style mee ng area for groups ranging from poli cal to service clubs throughout the area. Eilish, born in San Diego, but with a degree from Dartmouth is planning to move World Ma ers Inc., doing business as America Ma ers Media and, soon World Ma ers Media, next to the brand new coffee shop and deli, Silver State Coffee Shop and Deli. "We also have some exci ng news to share regarding new clients moving into the mall, which we plan to break with next month." said Ms. Boisvert. Organiza ons are welcome to schedule their mee ngs in this brand new “Town Hall” se ng. An added bonus is the ability to air the mee ngs on 1180 am, KCKQ, a Lotus Radio Sta on at the same me, or recording for future airing or personal use of the
Inside this issue:
organiza on. All shows can take advantage of live streaming worldwide on www.AmericaMa ers.us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For addi onal informa on on the radio shows and availability of same, please contact either Eilish at 775‐332 ‐7315, check out www.RenoTownMall.com or Eddie Floyd at 775‐384‐4444 at World Ma ers Inc. America Ma ers Media currently has over 60 hours of live broadcas ng on both radio sta ons, and looks forward to working with both Reno Town Mall and organiza ons and businesses. Interested par cipants or organiza on leaders are also welcome to stop by the Reno Town Mall at 4001 South Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada 89502. "Soon, we will be incorpora ng World Ma ers Media into our business plan. We will be broadcas ng in several different languages to reach a worldwide audience!" said Floyd, “So feel free to stop by or call me personally with your ideas for any and all shows that will add to our community radio, because our community is the world." ####
Presidential positions: Where do the candidates stand on the issues?
2nd Annual ABC (Amazing Book Cover) Art Award
Press Release: Breaking news for Reno Town Mall
Brian T. Shirley: The panic/heart attack conundrum
Dennis DuPerault: Things to think about
Mike Aloia: Crossroads in life
Bobby Joe Holman: Blue Note Cafe
Richard G. Pugh: Gun fight in Nevada in 1923 Victor Warren: Helpful hints for story writers
Bookstores: Nevada and S. Carolina
Take the quiz: You may know more than you think!
The Reno Town Mall is located at 4001 S. Virginia Street in Reno, Nevada. America Ma ers Media is a radio sta on with facili es in the Reno Town Mall. They air 60 different programs including businesses and talent in Nevada and across the United States.
Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com
Brian T. Shirley I've been a stand up comedian for nearly twenty years and I started suffering from panic a acks about ten years ago. They seemed to hit me in mes of high stress or when I had a real bad hang over. It took me a few years to figure out what they were. I thought I was having a heart a ack most of the mes they would hit. I've spent well over two thousand dollars in hospital bills to find out there was nothing wrong. I was touring with The Disgruntled Clown one me and I had an a ack a few hours before our show. I went to the emergency room and they did a cardiogram and stress tests. I called my painted com padre from there to tell him what was going on. Try si ng in a hospital room wai ng for tests results while a pissed off clown tells you that you had be er make it to the show or you won't get paid and you'll lose you hotel room. That's enough to get the heart rate up itself.
Dennis DuPerault One of the first products Motorola, then Galvin Manufacturing Corpora on, started to develop was the “record player” for automobiles, the radio. At the me, the most known player on the market was Victrola, so they called it a “motorola”. The name became so popular, they made it the company name.
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The panic/heart attack conundrum A er all those years of visi ng hospitals and emergency rooms, the a acks have subsided quite a bit. Several years ago, I enrolled in a smoking cessa on study, and yes, I smoked all through those panic a ack years. I actually got PAID to quit smoking! Yes, it meant I was a lab rat and yes, some stuff grew, but they cut it off (Just a joke folks). When they did a cardiogram on me for the beginning phase, the doctor told me the results showed I had more than likely had a heart a ack at some point in the past. Well that got the old pumper pumping. The lady doctor could tell by the look on my face I was in a bit of shock, so she advised me not to have another one now and to go see my regular doctor. She even added that I seemed to be ge ng around alright. Well, my regular doctor performed another Con nued on page 8
Things to think about On September 16, 1958, Chevrolet introduced the El Camino, a sedan pick‐up designed to compete with Ford’s popular Ranchero. (Excerpts from Auto Emo ons 101) Listen to What’s the Story weekly on KCKQ 1180 AM (streaming at h p://amm.streamon.fm) for more trivia.
Dennis DuPerault, author of Auto Emo ons 101 and co‐host on What’s the Story?® loves to talk about cars. His column will provide ps and tricks and mul ‐faceted informa on. He might mix it up a li le, but you can ask him anything you want about cars. Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
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“Walk the Turtle”
Mike Aloia
To be born with the heart of a lion, to have the wisdom of s llness in silence, to see the percep ons of each moment in me, to allow yourself to be as one with the flow inside the vibra ons of life. To feel its hold upon your solitude and smell the fragrance of turning points, we imagine the possibili es of happiness while confron ng the reali es of wonderment of where and when the journey ends. The fears of broken promise, the trials that are over, the tests we are given and the scores we face, the mes we praise and persevere become aspects of strength fed into our spirits, bow to your dreams.
Crossroads in life To become a watcher of the constant unfolding is given when humbled to the presence of truth and love, healed by hope and faith, to understand the direc ons of paths that lead to right, look deep, love. Walk the turtle away from paths of sorrow, use your force to guide the soul, listen to your spiritual calling and follow the signs that will guide you, the heart speaks when you reach crossroads in life.
Mike Aloia is a father of two daughters and a proud grandfather. He is 50 years old and lives in Jacksonville, Florida. Mike is mul ‐talented: a cartoonist, comedian, musician, songwriter, actor, columnist, and the CEO of American Hearts Radio, LLC Entertainment Network. He has experience in web TV, radio entertainment produc on, ar st management, and other aspects of entertainment. His column “Walk the Turtle” are his thoughts on slowing down, taking it easy, and enjoying life. Mike's work can be found in the following places: www.americanheartsradio.com www.facebook.com/americanheartsradio www.harmonybooking.com
In Black & White: The story of Floyd sneed Late 2016 release of Classic Drummer Hall of Fame and Pop Music Hall of Fame inductee (Three Dog Night), Floyd Sneed. In Black & White is a wi y, entertaining and insigh ul book full of stories told by original Three Dog Night drummer, Floyd Sneed. Also played S.S. Fools and Dog & KATT bands from the 60s through the 80s and how he took his crea vity to another level with his own personal imagery that is joyful and inspired by his sense of humor. Published by LeRue Press, LLC. Follow Floyd on Twitter @FloydSneedDrums
© Hinton Design
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BobbyJoe Holman I remember the curtains opening and all you could hear was screaming. It was impossible to see anything because of the bright spotlights in our faces. Nothing but bright lights and screaming. For many, it's hard to believe that the first me The Rolling Stones ever set foot on American soil and performed their music was on March 15, 1965 at The Swing Auditorium on The Na onal Orange showgrounds located in San Bernardino, California with a very popular local band from Rialto called Those Bushmen opening for them! “I.E. Re‐visited” a weekly IECN publica on reconnects us to The Inland Empire’s music scene, historic loca ons and interna onal events that occurred during the 1950’s and 1960’s! I.E. Re‐visited is comprised of four individual, informa ve segments, which helps to remind us of the sights and sounds we experienced growing up in The Inland Empire during those years! For example: Music from The Inland Empire‐ Reunites us to the original music and musicians who created and performed this music! The avid music fan will be given in‐depth stories and interviews taken from
Blue Note Café-I.E. Revisted musician and Inland Empire music, historian Mike Stax’s "Ugly Things" publica on, as well as the opportunity to listen to this music on the "I.E. Revisited" radio show on The Rialto Network Public Access Radio Sta on with yours truly hos ng! “Do You Remember?” asks the reader. Do you remember a certain special event? Hot Rods! Choppers! Customs! Oh My! Join Rialto's Eddie P's bou que owner Carmen Palmer, as she is given a hands‐on and step‐by‐step instruc on by local hot rod builder Phil Hillman, to building a 1956 F150 Ford pickup hot rod from the ground up! “Historic Inland Empire Loca ons, Then and Now! Special interest Inland Empire loca ons will be researched by Richard McInnis of the Rialto Historical Society and informa ve topics about the Inland Empire will be taken from a number of publica ons by author and historian John Anthony Adams. So there you have it, my fellow brothers and sisters! Let’s re‐live those glorious mes, and please help me by sending any informa on or leads you may have that can make the “I.E. Revisited” experience more rewarding to: I.E. Revisited 302 N. Riverside Ave. Rialto, California 92376 Heart To Harp, Bobby Joe Holman Bobby Joe Holman: The only professional harmonica player/instructor to have wri en, performed and been interna onally published with The Hal Leonard Corp., Warner Bros. Publishing, Music Sales Inc., CenterStream Publishing, StarLicks Inc. and Alfred Publishing.
If you can't get your songs to people one way, you have to find another. -B. B. King Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/
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Richard G Pugh Dr. T. Perry Tyson of San Jose, a formerly respected Reno physician, went on a shoo ng rampage while ‘holed up’ in the Bazzini Hotel in Wadsworth, Nevada. In a front page headline dated Feb. 17, 1923, the Reno Evening Gaze e reported that Dr. Tyson seemingly became a raging “Madman” and “Maniac” before a Washoe County deputy killed him with a .45 caliber pistol. Subsequent headlines read; “Crazed Man is Killed in Gun Ba le With Posse”, “Former Nevada Physician Dies in Pistol Duel”, “Maniac Endangers Lives of Ci zens”, “Arrest Sought When A empt Made to Get Paiutes to Wipe Out Whites”, and “Dr. Tyson Holds Force of Officers at Bay in Wadsworth Hotel”. Dr. Tyson had moved from Reno to the San Jose area in 1917, but returned to northern Nevada yearly. On one of his visits in 1922, he was arrested on a “Lunacy Charge” and was paroled into the custody of his son who took him back to live in the Bay Area. Tyson returned to Reno on Feb. 12, 1923 and stayed at the home of a long time friend who saw him off to Wadsworth two days later commenting to investigators he appeared “normal at the time.” It was reported that Dr. Tyson, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, had traveled from San Jose where he was living to Wadsworth, a very small community 25 miles east of Reno, for the expressed purpose of encouraging a group of Paiute Indians in the area to rise up against white se lers. It was not en rely clear why he wanted to do this but family members speculated that the doctor “may have had good reason to be sympathe c to Indian causes…” and he might have reacted to rumors that numerous Indians had been murdered by white se lers. He apparently was distraught because their fishing areas along the Truckee River were being deprived of valuable water. In 1915 the Newlands Reclama on Project and its up stream construc on of the Derby Dam diverted large amounts of water to the Lahontan Reservoir for crop irriga on in the Fallon, Nevada area. The Washoe County Sheriff’s office responded to a report that a man with a gun had secluded himself in a room in the Bazzini Hotel. For several hours the Sheriff, two depu es, the Jus ce of the police, a local physician, and the
Gun fight in Nevada in 1923 hotel owner tried unsuccessfully to persuade the man to surrender. It was a standoff! At one me the use of tear gas was tried and as that failed to cause the gunman to come out, chloroform was introduced through the key hole. That tac c worked and caused the disturbed doctor to charge out of the room with pistol in hand firing directly at one of the depu es. Another deputy, observing this scene through a knothole in an adjoining room took dead aim, shot, and killed the doctor before he could injure the other officer. In the Reno newspaper ar cle it was reported that Dr. Tyson, who at one me had been Chief Autopsy Surgeon for Washoe County, was studying psychiatry and was planning on wri ng a book on the subject. “Tyson’s condi on was a result of over study” said the paper. “He was unbalanced as a result of studying psychiatry which pertains to healing mental diseases and became mentally deranged. He had been of unsound mind for a long period; though at mes he appeared lucid.” There was a brief inves ga on in Wadsworth but no evidence was ever presented to disprove anything other than a man with a gun being shot by police officers in the line of duty. Tyson’s family laid his ashes to rest in a columbarium in Oakland. A er coming to Reno from Charleston, S.C. in 1973 to accept the posi on of CEO of the Nevada State Medical Associa on and serving as Director of Physician Rela ons at Washoe Medical Center for two years, Pugh re red in 1990. Later he helped establish Health Access Washoe County (HAWC) and served as Board Member and President for several years. He has served as Adjunct Clinical Instructor at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and authored four books through the History of Medicine Program there.
Grab a Steamin’ Wienie and a copy of What’s the Story® at Sinbad’s
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Con nued from page 1
used to manipulate behavior, manage private lives and businesses, and to place unnecessary burdens on those who make our economy work. Elimina ng unnecessary regula ons and applying common sense to those rules that are necessary will free up capital and allow those who want and need to create jobs to do so. Donald J. Trump‐Republican Too few Americans are working, too many jobs have been shipped overseas, and too many middle class families cannot make ends meet. This tax plan directly meets these challenges with four simple goals: 1. Tax relief for middle class Americans: In order to achieve the American dream, let people keep more money in their pockets and increase a er‐ tax wages. 2. Simplify the tax code to reduce the headaches Americans face in preparing their taxes and let everyone keep more of their money. 3. Grow the American economy by discouraging corporate inversions, adding a huge number of new jobs, and making America globally compe ve again. 4. Doesn’t add to our debt and deficit, which are already too large.
system and rewriting bad trade agreements; Enhance access to justice and reverse the criminalization of immigrants; Establish parameters for independent oversight of key U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agencies. Gary Johnson (L): Having served as Governor of a border state, Gary Johnson understands immigra on. He understands that a robust flow of labor, regulated not by poli cs, but by the marketplace, is essen al. Governor Johnson has long advocated a simplified and secure system of work visas by which willing workers and willing employers can meet in a robust labor marketplace efficiently and economically. Aspiring immigrants would undergo a background check, pay taxes and provide proof of employment. Making it simpler and efficient to enter the U.S. legally will provide the greatest security possible, allowing law enforcement to focus its me and resources on the criminals and bad actors who are, in reality, a rela vely small por on of those who are today entering the country illegally.
Issue: Immigra on
If not, just go to
Hillary Clinton (D): Hillary will: Enact comprehensive immigra on reform to create a pathway to ci zenship, keep families together, and enable millions of workers to come out of the shadows. Defend President Obama’s execu ve ac ons to provide deporta on relief for DREAMers and parents of Americans and lawful residents, and extend those ac ons to addi onal persons with sympathe c cases if Congress refuses to act. Promote naturaliza on and support immigrant integra on. End family deten on and close private immigrant deten on centers. Bernie Sanders (D): Through legislation and executive action, Senator Sanders will implement a humane and secure immigration policy that will: Dismantle inhumane deportation programs and detention centers; Pave the way for a swift and fair legislative roadmap to citizenship for the eleven million undocumented immigrants; Ensure our border remains secure while respecting local communities; Regulate the future flow of immigrants by modernizing the visa
h p//www.eac.gov Not affiliated with any party
Donald J. Trump (R): Real immigra on reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetro ng donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigra on system puts the needs of other na ons ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigra on reform: 1. A na on without borders is not a na on. There must be a wall across the southern border. 2. A na on without laws is not a na on. Laws passed in accordance with our Cons tu onal system of government must be enforced. 3. A na on that does not serve its own ci zens is not a na on. Any immigra on plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans. Con nued on page 9
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Victor Warren 1) Never decide to write something based on the commercialism of selling it. Write about your personal passion. It will drive you and whoever wants to help you succeed. 2) Only op on a property (book, story, screenplay) with someone you feel really understands your passion about the project. If they are really ignited it will fuel their conversa ons with other folks when you are not around.
Helpful hints for story writers 3) Close you eyes and listen to the voice inside you. Let it write for you. If you don’t know who that voice is, ask it ques ons and create a conversa on on paper. If the voice tells you it does not want to talk, ask it why, and go from there. 4) Listen to everyone with an open mind. Try to really take everything in. You can sort it out later. But on first interchanges, open your heart and “really” listen.
Victor is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University where he majored in ac ng and direc ng. won Best Independent short film at the CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. He was awarded First Prize at both the MASSACHUSETS FILM OFFICE SCREEN WRITING COMPETITION and RHODE ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. As a director, THE REGISTER voted Victor Warren’s produc on of Woyzeck one of the best plays of 2002. Warren is part of Mac Crea ve Management, a bou que agency devoted to nurturing ar sts and branding them to allow them to fulfill their dreams. You can reach Victor at www.Glydascope.com , @victorwarren or @Mac_Crea ve
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Mailboxes: $25/month-We receive and forward mail, Nevada professional business street address. Virtual Office: $125/month-Business street address, we receive your packages telephone answering, conference room, mailbox Conference Room: Rent by the hour ($15/hour) Commercial printing services: Business cards, post cards, flyers 280 Greg St. #10, Reno, NV 89502 775.356.1004
Con nued from page 3
cardiogram and said I was fine and that they had read it wrong at the other clinic. There went another ninety‐five dollars towards the non‐existent heart a ack fund. All I have to say is, if I ever get admi ed to a hospital and the doctor looks at me and tells me I've had a heart a ack, my response will be " It's about damn me, I've got this one on Lay‐A‐Way!! ". Brian is an author, former radio host, comedian and philosopher. He has been in the comedy business for over 20 years in Canada, the U.S. and the Bahamas. He lives in Charleston, South Carolina. In the past few years, he went to Japan to entertain the U.S. Marine Corp where he opened for headliner Jackie Fabulous, a stand‐ up comedian herself. To book Brian, Contact him via his Facebook page: h ps://www.facebook.com/brian.t.shirley.5?fref=ts
Con nued from page 1
Winners will be chosen by popular vote. LeRue Press, LLC is the sponsor only and does not determine choices. Winners will receive: A framed ABC Art Award cer ficate An ad in What’s the Story?TMprint publica on and on‐line A 60 second commercial to be aired on the Book HoundTM radio show for one month Interview on the Book HoundTM Radio Show Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on July 23, 2016 . Some limita ons apply, see official rules for details. Janice Hermsen, one of the owners of LeRue Press, LLC said, “We love the opportunity to see all the different book covers and display them around the shop as well as online. We think every author should take advantage of the opportunity to show off their work and add an award to their list of praise for their books!” The winners will be announced at LeRue Press, LLC, 280 Greg Street, #10 in Reno, Nevada. The event was streamed last year and there are plans to do it again. In addi on, LeRue is celebra ng its 10th year as LeRue Press so they are excited to be sharing that at the celebra on. There will be a food truck, refreshments and plenty of authors to go around. LeRue Press is a publisher, printer, book distributor and business center located in Reno, Nevada.
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Issue: Health Care Hillary Clinton (D): Clinton: Hillary will: Defend the Affordable Care Act and build on it to slow the growth of out‐of‐pocket costs. Crack down on rising prescrip on drug prices and hold drug companies accountable so they get ahead by inves ng in research, not jacking up costs. Protect women’s access to reproduc ve health care, including contracep on and safe, legal abor on. Bernie Sanders (D): Be er Coverage Bernie’s plan would create a federally administered single‐ payer health care program. Universal single‐payer health care means comprehensive coverage for all Americans. Bernie’s plan will cover the en re con nuum of health care, from inpa ent to outpa ent care; preven ve to emergency care; primary care to specialty care, including long‐term and pallia ve care; vision, hearing and oral health care; mental health and substance abuse services; as well as prescrip on medica ons, medical equipment, supplies, diagnos cs and treatments. Pa ents will be able to choose a health care provider without worrying about whether that provider is in‐ network and will be able to get the care they need without having to read any fine print or trying to figure out how they can afford the out‐of‐pocket costs. Gary Johnson (L): No comments related to healthcare specifically, although there is a position on abortion. Go to garyjohnson2016.com. Donald J. Trump (R): Congress must act. Our elected representa ves in the House and Senate must: Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representa ves must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to. Modify exis ng law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased
The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting. -Charles Bukowski Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/
complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organiza ons like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical‐ related procedure. Block‐grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products.
Issue: Veteran’s Administra on Hillary Clinton (D): Hillary will: Put our veterans needs first by ensuring access to mely and high quality care and blocking efforts to priva ze the VA. Ensure that the men and women who risk their lives for our country have access to a good educa on and good jobs when they come home by solidifying services and programs that connect veterans to jobs a er their service. Strengthen services and support for military families who serve alongside our service members. Con nued on page 11
Pick up your copy of the books below at your favorite retailer or contact the publisher, LeRue Press, LLC at 775‐849‐3814 or toll free at 844‐987‐8679 (844‐WT‐STORY) or online at www.lrpnv.com. Go to contact us. I Am That Fool
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Miguel can’t stop bouncing in his seat and waving his hands…
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Bernie Sanders (D): As President, Sen. Sanders will: 1) Fully fund and expand the VA so that every veteran gets the care that he or she has earned and deserves. Substan ally improve the processing of Veterans’ claims for compensa on. 2) Expand the VA’s Caregivers Program. 3) Expand mental health service for Veterans. 4) Make comprehensive dental care available to all veterans at the VA. Donald J. Trump (R): The Trump Plan Will: Ensure our veterans get the care they need wherever and whenever they need it. No more long drives. No more wai ng for backlogs. No more excessive red tape. Just the care and support they earned with their service to our country. Support the whole veteran, not just their physical health care, but also by addressing their invisible wounds, inves ng in our service members’ post‐ac ve duty success, transforming the VA to meet the needs of 21st century service members, and be er mee ng the needs of our female veterans. Make the VA great again by firing the corrupt and incompetent VA execu ves who let our veterans down, by modernizing the VA, and by empowering the doctors and nurses to ensure our veterans receive the best care available in a mely manner.
Have a good story to tell? Can you do it in 50 words...exactly? Give us a good headline and then tell your story in 50 words… exactly! Talk about what you do, make up a story or talk about your business. No ads allowed; just tell your story, very, very succinctly. For Twitter lovers, that’s about 450 characters more or less. Send to lrp@lrpnv.com. The blurb above is 50 words...exactly (without the headline). Get creative! We’d like to read yours! Selected stories will be printed in future issues of What’s the Story?TM
Candidates’ websites www.hillaryclinton.com www.berniesanders.com www.garyjohnson2016.com www.donaldjtrump.com
Take the quiz: You may know more than you think! 1. Donald F. Duncan introduced in 1929 a toy based on a weapon used by 16th‐century Filipino hunters. What is it called? 2. Who designed the dome of St. Peter's, Rome? 3. In what year was the "Gunfight at the OK Corral"? 4. What in medicine is Pathology? 5. In which city was Mar n Luther King assassinated? 6. Henry III defined which measurement by laying 3 barleycorns end to end? 7. Which fes val links the ci es of Hereford, Worcester and Gloucester? 8. 'Don't fire un l you see the whites of their eyes' is a phrase associated with which ba le? 9. Which saint's 11,000 maidens were slain by the Huns? 10. Who founded the Order of Merit?
11. Franz Liszt was the father‐in‐law of which composer? 12. What was founded by business and professional men in 1905 in Chicago? 13. English Turn is an American tournament golf course in which U.S state? 14. What did the ini als of D.H Lawrence stand for? 15. What in compu ng is W.O.R.M? 16. How many le ers make up the Hawaiian alphabet? 17. Near which Sco sh city was the ba le of Culloden fought? 18. What is the most northerly town in Europe? 19. Euskada Ta Askatasuna is a group of nasty people more commonly known as what? 20. Rhodes belongs to which island group? (Answers on back page)
Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press, LLC. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press, LLC .
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New Releases-LeRue Press: 2016
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Celebrate Veterans Memorial Day is May 30. Please remember our fallen heroes.
Thank you for your service
Link to What’s The Story online
Barbara Davis Craps and the Showgirl– Personal Narrative Dennis DuPerault Auto Emotions 101‐Updated and Revised Non‐Fiction‐Self‐Help Eddie Floyd Barn Yarns Fiction‐ Contemporary Western Joseph Holsworth What Deepest Remains Fiction The Evolution of an Artist Series Pan Pantoja: The Hound That Is Me Poetry The Dog Hears Something Poetry Chokin’ Death Oliver X Monsters No Salvaging from the Pit ….and 13 more Mark Shaff Force One: Doubling the Penny Adventure/Thriller Floyd Sneed In Black & White: The Story of Floyd Sneed Memoir 280 Greg Street, Suite 10, Reno, NV 89502
20. Dodecanese
10. King Edward VII
19. Basque terrorists ETA
9. Ursula
18. Hammerfest
8. Bunker Hill 1775
17. Inverness
7. 3 Choirs Fes val
16. 12
6. An Inch
15. Write Once Read Many
5. Memphis
14. David Herbert
4. The Study of Diseases
13. Louisiana
3. 1881
12. The Rotary Club
2. Michelangelo
11. Richard Wagner
1. Yo‐Yo
Answers to ques ons on page 11 “What’s the Story?®” is a monthly publica on of LeRue Press (LRP). No part of this publica on may be reprinted without permission. But we’d love it if you shared it! It is available in print and online. Go to www.lrpnv.com or www.issuu.com and search LeRue Press. Copyright, 2015‐2016, LeRue Press, LLC. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press, LLC(LRP).