What's the Story November, 2015

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Editor: Janice Hermsen: janice@lrpnv.com Find us on social media LRP or LeRue Press ™ facebook.com/ Bookhound1000 @LeRuePress

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Are we a newspaper? No...Are we a magazine? No...Are we a newsle er? Not really any of those. So what are we? We are a publica on in print and online designed to provide informa on: for fun, for what’s happening, for things you might want to see in other publica ons, but don’t. We look for stories that could go viral...at the very least, stories that are interes ng. The point is to “Share It!” November 7—December—4, 2015

How much do you know about the heartland of Nevada? Reno, NV, November 6, 2015: Dr. Mary B. Ansari, Director Emerita of Administra ve Services and Branch Libraries at the University of Nevada, Reno, and author of a series of place names books published by Camp Nevada in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s celebrated her book launch weekend beginning November 6, 2015. Dr. Ansari, with her husband, Nazir, has been a major benefactor to educa on, human services, and the arts in Nevada. She is trustee and secretary‐treasurer of the Nazir and Mary Ansari Founda on, a charitable founda on seeking to improve people’s lives through support of human services, educa on, the arts and culture in northern Nevada. In 2007, Dr. Ansari and her husband were recognized by the University of Nevada’s Board of Regents as Dis nguished Nevadans and were honored as Outstanding Philanthropists by the Sierra Chapter of the Associa on of Fundraising Professionals. They are recipients of the Desert Research Ins tute’s President’s Medal and were inducted into Junior Achievement’s Hall of Fame. The University of

Nevada, Reno’s Map Library bears her name and she has served on Inside this issue: several public boards. Dr. Ansari’s book launch 1 Front cover: How much do you know about the weekend began November 6, 2015 heartland of Nevada? at the 6th Annual Book Blast and 2 Fundraiser at the Sparks Museum Brian T. Shirley: The Toymaker and Cultural Center, 814 Victorian Avenue in Sparks, Nevada. She gave 2 Dennis DuPerault: Thing to think about a presenta on: How did Misfits Flat in Lyon County, Nevada get its 3 Eddie Floyd: “My Hero: Shari Floyd” name? on Friday evening along with a number of 5 Mike Aloia: Walk the Turtle-Embrace our life other speakers at the 6 event. A book signing was Bobby Joe Holman: Blue Note Cafe´ scheduled from 11‐4 at 6 Take the quiz! You may know more than you think! the museum for Dr. Ansari and other northern 7 Ken Roberts: Alternative investments in an IRA Nevada authors. Nevada 8 Richard Pugh: Oh, how Mark Twain loved Did youG.know? Heartland: The Place animals Names of Carson City, 9 Douglas, Lyon and Storey 6th Annual Book Blast on behalf of the Sparks Museum a success Counties, Nevada is a culmination of Ansari’s work providing a Nevada Heartland is available on comprehensive reference to the amazon.com and directly from the names on maps in the “heartland” publisher, LeRue Press at lrpnv.com. of Nevada where much of Nevada’s early history began. Eric Moody, Nevada in the Nevada Heartland West editor, says it best: “One can By Mary B. Ansari, L.H.D. dip into the book at any point and find not only significant information ISBN 978‐1‐938814‐80‐8 about the name of a specific place, 301 pages but also little‐known facts or stories relating to the site.” Published by LeRue Press, LLC

Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

Brian T. Shirley

What’s the Story?™ Share it! Page 2

The Toymaker

Back in the days of the first Gulf War, I was keeping the U.S. safe at Dyess,AFB in Abilene TX. by partying and chasing women. Hey, someone had to do it. One weekend, my fellow airman, Jared Derringer, and I decided we would venture out to Dallas, TX. for a few days and take up the chase there, just to give the women in Abilene a break. On our second night in Dallas, we were heading out to the clubs when I came up with a plan on how we would approach and engage our quarry. We would not tell the women we met we were in the Air Force, we would come up with another career or job or whatever, just for the hell of it. Sounds brillant, right? Yeah, right. I decided I would be a Business Broker, which I had no idea at the me and s ll don't know what exactly a business broker does or if they exist. I knew, though, I could B.S. my way through it. ( B.S. are my ini als, you know.) Jared had not decided what his false occupa on would be before we started drinking and carousing, but it wasn't a big deal, I knew he'd come up with something. At some point, we ran into a group of about 6 or 8 women and started talking to them. The next thing I knew I was dancing with one of them and Jared was doing the same. The woman and I finished dancing to a couple of songs and we made our way back to the group, who by the way, turned out to be a bunch of elementary grade school teachers. The lady I had danced with asked me what I did and my line of crap automa cally started flowing. I knew i was doing a good job, because she was just as confused as I was. Then I heard Jared and his girl coming back from the dance floor, and I say " heard"

Dennis DuPerault

because she had him by the hand, was pulling him towards us and was excitedly yelling, “Guess what he does for a living, guess what he does!!!" Of course, I was just as interested as the women in finding out what Jared's occupa on was, as he had not informed me of it either since we were too busy partying and chasing women. Continued on page 4

Celebrate Veterans Marine Corp Birthday November10

Veteran’s Day November 11

On this day in 1775, the Continental Marines were established.

A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

Happy 240th Birthday!

Thank you for your service

Things to think about

 Some mes emo ons on the order of any amount cannot be avoided.

 It is okay to remember the past as long does not influence the present.

 Do you remember a me when things just were the way they were?

 What crew mans a haunted ship? A SKELETON CREW

 Life gives you apples when you ordered oranges.

Hope you enjoyed “Things to think about”. Listen to What’s the Story weekly on KCKQ 1180 AM for more trivia.

Dennis DuPerault, author of Auto Emo ons 101 and co‐host on What’s the Story?® loves to talk about cars. His column will provide ps and tricks and mul ‐faceted informa on. He might mix it up a li le, but you can ask him anything you want about cars. Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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Page 3

Eddie Floyd

"My Hero", Shari Floyd

For twenty years Shari Floyd managed her stores, Great Earth Vitamins, while simultaneously opera ng Northern Nevada Home Sales. But her real passion has always been, and will probably always be, the horses, especially the wild ones. One day, Shari had lunch with country western singer/star Lacy J Dalton and learned that Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protec on Fund needed a home for over100 horses they and others rescued from poten al slaughter. I will never forget the day Shari called me a er having lunch with Lacy and said, "I am going to sell the cows and turn our ranch into a wild horse sanctuary!" I responded, "Well, you have finally found something we can take care of that will cause us to go broke faster than all the others!" But I was proud of her decision and passion for our American Heritage, the wild horses. Shari has run the Wynema Ranch for nearly two decades. Quarter and Paint horses formerly roamed her pastures and were part of Shari’s breeding stock. A horseman for over fi y years, she has also raised mules and run ca le on her ranch, including such exo c breeds as: Brahman and Watusi Ca le. As I o en say on the radio with America Ma ers Media, (americama ers.us) "Shari runs the Ranch, while I simply RUN MY MOUTH!" Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary prides itself as an eco friendly rescue and rehabilita on refuge for America’s wild mustangs, burros, and mules. For these majes c creatures that once roamed the range free, a safe haven and alterna ve to slaughter has been conceived. The premise upon which this sanctuary has been established is that all rescued animals are given the best chance for a rewarding life in their new restricted regime and that each animal will be given a new purpose. Those wild horses and burros who willingly sign onto people and establish a bond through a process known as “gentling” will be given an opportunity for permanent homes under the watchful eye of Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary Adop on Program. If circumstances change for their adop ve family, return of adop ve animals will be welcomed. Other horses will be given opportuni es to par cipate in programs to help heal, self‐empower, and inspire returning veterans, veterans’ families, at‐risk youths, foster youths, recent parolees, and those struggling with addic ons. Addi onally, the rescued herds will join in helping to educate the public, especially the community’s youth, through programs offered at the ranch about the heritage, the behavior, and the beauty of one of America’s most cherished icons−Wild Mustangs. Future plans include Doctor James Forsythe, as well as others na onwide, to use the horses for therapy for pa ents, including children, veterans and others recovering Continued on page 4

New Releases-LeRue Press: 2015-2016 Mary Ansari Nevada Heartland History‐Geographical Rick Cornell 2051 Science Fic on Barbara Davis Craps and the Showgirl– Personal Narra ve Dennis DuPerault Auto Emo ons 101‐Updated and Revised Non‐Fic on‐Self‐Help Eddie Floyd Final Breath Paperback Contemporary Western Romance Eddie Floyd Barn Yarns Fic on‐ Contemporary Western D. Robert Harden Harden, You’re Killing Me Fic on‐Historical Dennis Hill Out in the Sagebrush Fic on‐Contemporary Western Do e Kelly Poetry Mary Elizabeth Morgan One Stupid Night Non‐Fic on‐ Young Adult Beachy Orr Exploring Sand Harbor Photo Book Beachy Orr TBA Photo Book Pan Pantoja Molerat: A Proverb Poetry and Art Pan Pantoja The Hound That Is Me Poetry Mark Shaff Part of the Redemp on Series Fic on‐Adventure Floyd Sneed L’African: On the One Memoir

Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

What’s the Story?® Share it! Page 4

Continued from page 3

from addic ons. It is called either Hippo or Equine Therapy, and it has been proven to work. In addi on, it gives the horses a job, to help us help them with all of their needs. Working together, we hold the space to ensure those horses that once roamed free, can be as wild as they need to be, under the protec on of Wynema Wild Horse Sanctuary. Currently the goal for the Ranch, soon to be the Forsythe Ranch, is to secure dona ons for a solar pump to save not only with man hours of labor, but also between

$400 and $500 for gasoline to run regular generators to keep the wild mustangs’ water troughs full. Please visit www.WynemaRanch.com and take a virtual tour of the Ranch, as well as get involved with the horses and other animals that call the Ranch Home. And remember, you are always welcome at the Wynema Wild Horse Sanctuary. I like to say, "Just give us no ce, and the no ce I am referring to is when you get to the last gate, simply YELL 'We're Here!" See ya there!

Eddie Floyd was born in Jacksonville, Florida and raised in the small fishing village of Mayport, Florida, the son of a shrimper and commercial fisherman. Floyd has owned many companies in the last 35 years and is the Founder of Nevada Ma ers, Inc., dba America Ma ers Media with numerous radio talk shows. His show, AM News is known around the world with foreign correspondents in 30 countries and in every state in the United States. Eddie lives with his wife, Shari, on the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary. He likes to tell his audience that “She runs the ranch, while I run my mouth.” On Shari’s birthday, March 31, 2015, Final Breath: a love story was released by LeRue Press. The book, wri en by Floyd, is “an endearing story of love that touches your soul and your heart.” Country singer/songwriter, Lacy J. Dalton wrote the foreword. One hundred percent of the profits from the book will be donated to the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary. To get a copy, go to www.lrpnv.com/FinalBreath.htm

Continued from page 2

Then she stunned me by saying "He's a toymaker, he makes toys." The lady I was talking to asked what her friend had said about Jared's career. I replied, while trying to keep a straight face, "Umm, he designs kids toys, he's a toymaker." “Wow, neat!" she said. Later on, a er the ladies had le and we were headed back to the hotel, I just looked at Jared and said, "Toymaker,

huh?!" "Well, she told me she was a school teacher, so I figured, hey, teacher....kids... toys,.... Toymaker." Jared actually had "Toymaker" put on the back of his so ball jersey for the squadron team. God bless you, Jared my friend. I wonder if he ever got that posi on at the north pole. God Bless our Men & Women in Uniform!!!

Brian is an author, former radio host, comedian and philosopher. He has been in the comedy business for over 20 years in Canada, the U.S. and the Bahamas. He lives in Charleston, South Carolina. Last year, he went to Japan to entertain the U.S. Marine Corp where he opened for headliner Jackie Fabulous, a stand‐up comedian herself. He recently teamed up with Frannie Sheridan in The Shirley and Sheridan Show. To book Brian, Contact him via his Facebook page: h ps://www.facebook.com/brian.t.shirley.5?fref=ts Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP). *Found around the internet...

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Page 5

“Walk the Turtle”

Mike Aloia As the shadows of clouds converge against the light of day, it casts the whirlwinds upon the air we breathe, the momentum beyond the drizzle is felt when we are drowned by society’s wrath.

A pleasure to watch the hail within the cast of raindrops that blind our perceptions and directions, the fears of progress become a mere memory after we are able to breathe. Reminders may linger as our integrity and devotions become apparent to the understanding and purpose of self, to know who we are, to see the positions we are given, accepting responsibility to share. To hear your calling and present your best performance, to be looked up to and never look down upon those that may be lost, expressions of kindness is to be used as your shield against the anger and hate

Embrace our life In the midst of thunder rumbling in your distant past, it must pass through your soul like a wave of warmth instantly filling your heart, to awaken within the calm of humble and pray with grace.


"Three‐toed Box Turtle" by Original uploaded by Carnopod (Transfered by L.tak) ‐ Original uploaded on en.wikipedia. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons ‐ h ps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Three‐toed_Box_Turtle.jpg#/media/ File:Three‐toed_Box_Turtle.jpg

Our lives of constant change are guided by the hand that holds the sails, the shredded cloth has endured the high winds and raging seas, a time of rest begins as we take a step back and see the big picture.

To have the gift of longevity during this, our gift of life is a blessing beyond graciousness; it is the wisdom earned by the painful heart wrenching realities that are part of who we are, it is what to have lived means. As the dark clouds have simply diminished, when we have walked the turtle for many moons, we will find ourselves at the crossroads of turning points when we reach those milestones in life.

Mike Aloia is a father of two daughters and a proud grandfather. He is 50 years old and lives in Jacksonville, Florida. Mike is mul ‐ talented: a cartoonist, comedian, musician, songwriter, actor, columnist, and the CEO of American Hearts Radio, LLC Entertainment Network. He has experience in web TV, radio entertainment produc on, ar st management, and other aspects of entertainment. His column “Walk the Turtle” are his thoughts on slowing down, taking it easy, and enjoying life. Mike's work can be found in the following places: www.americanheartsradio.com www.twi er.com/ahradiollc www.facebook.com/americanheartsradio www.harmonybooking.com www.youtube.com/user/witchone231

YOUR AD HERE! Only $15 for a business card size ad. (3‐1/2” x 2”) Just provide Camera ready art. In a pdf or jpeg, 300 dpi (dots per inch). That’s less than 1 cent per printed copy. 2500 per month printed and distributed throughout Reno/ Sparks/Carson City plus online impressions. Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

Bobby Joe Holman

Blue Note Cafe´:

Speakeasy, Blind Pig or Blind Tiger! Speakeasy, blind pig or ger are all Prohibi on handles that refer to a new and very exci ng restaurant/night club called “The Bridge” located at 425 Virginia Street in “Old Town” Reno, NV 89512. Not since the speakeasies in Truckee, Nevada during Prohibi on in the 1920’s has Reno/Tahoe and northern Nevada’s surrounding areas been given the opportunity to experience a roaring twen es a er hours” nightclub that offers, American cuisine with Specialty Fusion orange bourbon, ginger, vodka and apple cucumber gin” drinks nightly! They also, offer musical entertainment on special occasions! The Bridge is open at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday ‐ Saturday with the restaurant closing at 9:00 p.m. and the bar closing when the last customer leaves! Now, that’s what I call an “A er Hours” nightclub! For more Informa on, give them a call at: (775)432‐1633 Heart To Harp, Bobby Joe Holman The only professional harmonica player/instructor to have wri en, performed and been interna onally published with: The Hal Leonard Corp., Warner Bros. Publishing, Music Sales Inc., CenterStream Publishing, StarLicks Inc. and Alfred Publishing.

Take the quiz! You may know more than you think!

(Answers on back page)

1. What types of clubs flourished in Nevada in the 1900s? 2. In what year did the Reno Trac on Company operate a trolley in Reno, NV? 3. Who was the first female U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Nevada in the 1900s? 4. What was the name of Mark Twain’s brother who lived in Carson City and became Nevada’s first State Archivist? 5. In the mid‐1860s, which Nevada mining camp offered the State $50,000 to move the capital from Carson City to that se lement? 6. In the late 1900s, who was the legendary Paiute religious leader and prophet who lived in southern Lyon County and founded the Ghost Dance movement?

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.

7. In which Nevada city did Mark Twain get his start as a journalist? 8. What was the first casino to open on Highway 91, the future Las Vegas Strip? 9. What creature in Death Valley can live its en re life without drinking a drop of liquid? 10. What is Nevada’s official state fossil?

Ques ons 1‐3 derived from Historical Nevada by Nevada Magazine Ques ons 4‐7 Courtesy of Mary Ansari and her book, Nevada Heartland Ques ons 8‐10 derived from 50states.com

‐George S. Pa on

Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

(courtesy bainyquote.com)

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Ken Roberts Alterna ve investments have become increasingly popular lately and for good reason; they can poten ally provide for some decent returns and can help diversify tradi onal stock and bond por olios. Some people are using their qualified re rement accounts like IRAs to hold real estate and even small businesses. Real estate can be an a rac ve investment for several reasons including long term capital apprecia on and cash flow. Before purchasing real estate within your IRA, it’s very important to consider the pros and cons carefully. One considera on is that you’ll lose some important tax deduc ons. Property tax and mortgage interest are already tax deduc ble, so if you buy real estate within an IRA, you’ll lose those two deduc ons. You’ll also lose the deprecia on deduc on that you get with an investment property. The IRS has a lengthy list of prohibited transac ons; the rules are complicated and must be followed accurately or you could lose the tax deferred status of your re rement account if one of them is broken. You’re not allowed to live or work on your own property, so a property manager is required. All funds invested in the property must come from the IRA account and that includes maintenance and repairs. Substan al taxes and penal es could be due if one of the rules is violated. Ge ng a mortgage inside an IRA account can also be difficult which means you won’t be able to use the leverage that a mortgage can provide, and of course you don’t get the mortgage interest deduc on. RMDs or required minimum distribu ons from an IRA can also get very complicated if you’re primarily invested in real estate and have to start withdrawing funds a er you turn age 70

Alternative investments in an IRA

½. If you’re thinking about investment real estate and don’t want to own it in your name for liability reasons, you might want to consider establishing an LLC to own the property. An LLC can provide protec on from creditors in the event of a lawsuit. Having the investment property held by an LLC can also make having a mortgage even more advantageous because the debt lowers your liability exposure. Inves ng in real estate within your re rement account is a decision that requires complete understanding of some very complicated rules. If not done right, you could lose the tax status of your re rement account. Do your research carefully.

Ken Roberts is the author of “The Tac cal Op on Investor” and the host of Ken’s Bulls and Bears heard on America Ma ers radio. Ken has been in the securi es business for over twenty years and had worked as an investment advisor, branch manager, professional trader and por olio manager. Over the course of his career he has earned NASD series 3,6,7,9,10,56 and 63 designa ons and is a CMT Level II candidate. Ken also writes a weekly column in the Sierra Sun newspaper, is a contribu ng author to Seeking Alpha and writes a column for the Wall Street Journal Market Watch. He has completed advanced finance courses at the New York Ins tute of Finance. You can reach Ken at 800‐535‐4253. I Am That Fool

Exploring Sand Harbor

Pick Me, Pick Me

Amazing Mom

Meet Ryan Brown: egotistical, brilliant trial lawyer By Rick Cornell

Includes color photos and maps while kayaking at Sand Harbor. By Beachy Orr 72 pages, $19.95

Miguel can’t stop bouncing in his seat and waving his hands…

Early Reader To all the "Amazing Moms" and the things they do every day. By Nichole Truax, Ed.D.;28 pages

196 pages; $12.95

By Elizabeth Horton 36 pages; $14.95

Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

Richard G. Pugh

Oh, how Mark Twain loved animals

Maybe it was because of the abundance of cri ers observed in the gold mining areas of Nevada during his travels and while employed at the Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City that Mark Twain, an ardent student of animals, penned so many of his me‐honored observa ons that uniquely captured animal contribu ons to society. Compe ng newspapers in Virginia City at the me were always trying to best each other with outrageous “Scoops” when Samuel L. Clemens began wri ng for the Enterprise. While there he changed his name to Mark Twain and began a short run (twenty one months) and enhanced his growing reputa on for using animals in his curious, fallacious observa ons of the human condi on. He once reported that his first thought on seeing Virginia City was that “…it looked much like a skinned cat”. He would periodically invent stories such as the ones about “…a lamb chewing tobacco on B Street” and “…a cat being observed drinking coffee laced with cognac on Main Street”. Twain and his friend Dan DeQuille, a reporter for thirty two years and later editor of the Territorial Enterprise gained fame in wri ng what they called “Quaints” which were outright fabrica ons. They amused and pleased their followers, bewildered their compe tors, sold lots of papers and contributed to making the Enterprise the largest selling newspaper in the west. The following are but a few of the many observa ons in which Twain men oned animals made during and a er his employment in Nevada:

a bull by the tail once had learnt sixty or seventy mes as much as a person that hadn’t and said a person that started in to carry a cat home by the tail was gainin’ knowledge that was always going to be useful to him, and warn’t ever going to grow dim or doub ul. **The principal difference between a cat and a lie is a cat only has nine lives. **Noise proves nothing. O en a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she has laid an asteroid. **Mules and donkeys and camels have appe tes that anything will relieve temporarily but nothing sa sfy. **If you should rear a duck in the heart of the Sahara, no doubt it would swim if you brought it to the Nile. **A home without a cat…and a well‐fed, well pe ed,

**We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it and stay there, lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold on anymore. **Uncle Abner said that the person that had took Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

Continued from page 11

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Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

6th Annual Book Blast on behalf of the Sparks Museum a success

Floyd Sneed, original drummer for Three Dog Night (Photo courtesy John & Loyce Palmore)

Thanks to Bobby Joe Holman and Floyd Sneed for the generous contribu on off their musical talents November 6th and 7th at the Sparks Museum and Cultural Center. Authors and a endees were treated to an impromptu show of harmonica, Bobby Joe’s cigar box guitar and a bit of the blues. Floyd Sneed, rock and roll pioneer and original drummer for Three Dog Night made a trip to the northern Nevada area to join the fun, promote his upcoming book in late 2016 and show some of his artwork. Over 20 authors par cipated in the annual event with a variety of genres. Mysteries, coloring books, adventure, historical and science fic on to name just a small sampling of the books available at the event. LeRue Press, America Ma ers Media and First Independent Bank sponsored the event on behalf of the Sparks Museum located at 814 Victorian Avenue.

Bobby Joe Holman playing his cigar box guitar and Floyd Sneed, original drummer for Three Dog Night shared their talents at the Sparks Museum. (Courtesy John & Loyce Palmore)

Business Cards * Commercial Printing * Book Printing *

Copies * Answer Phones * Conference Room Rental * Go to lrpnv.com or amazon.com for your copy of Nevada Heartland

Nevada Heartland The Place Names of Carson City, Douglas, Lyon and Storey Counties, Nevada by Mary B. Ansari, LHD 301 pages 8”x10”

Retail. $29.95 Wholesale and bulk pricing available. E-mail lrp@lrpnv.com

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Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com

Look at the books, the Book Hound found!

New Books priced as marked Cookbooks Mysteries galore! New Books Used hardcover and paperback as low as 75-85% off retail price. Example: Hardcover retails at $24.95 85% off retail=$3.75 Softcover retails at $7.99 75% off retail=$2.00

In great condition! LeRue Press (LRP) 280 Greg St. #10 Reno, NV 89502 775.356.1004 844.987.8579 (844.WT.STORY) www.lrpnv.com

Fiction & Non-Fiction


Grab a Steamin’ Wienie and a copy of What’s the Story® at Sinbad’s

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Page 11

Out in the Sagebrush: With the exception of a few ex-wives, everybody like a cowboy Although it is rumored that cowboys are becoming a breed on the verge of ex nc on, Dennis Hill doesn’t believe it. “Cowboys are very much alive in different places throughout the country. Every region has its own way of doing things, dictated by the country they work in and their tradi ons. In the high desert of the Great Basin, buckaroo tradi ons started in Spain three or four hundred years ago. “Billy Gibson will take you into his world of good and bad horses, good and bad men, a faded hero, and a strong woman or two. A good cowboy yarn!” Pick up your copy at www.leruepress.com or online at amazon.com. Also available on Kindle. ISBN 978‐1‐938814‐96‐9 147 Pages Published by LeRue Books

because it was forbidden. The mistake is not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent. **It is just like man’s vanity and imper nence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull percep ons. **Rise early. It is the early bird that catches the worm. Don’t be fooled by this absurd saw. I once knew a man who tried it. He got up at sunrise and a horse bit him. **Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.

Continued from page 8

and properly revered cat…may be a perfect home, perhaps, but how can it prove tle? **Adam was but human…this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple’s sake; he wanted it only

**Concerning the difference between a man and a jackass; Some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the Jackass!

Business Services

Where can you find “What’s the Story?” in print? Sinbad’s, S McCarran, Sparks, NV Reno Town Mall: Buy Nevada First and America Ma ers Media, 4001 S. Virginia Street, Reno, NV A to Zen in Carson City, 1801 Carson Street, Carson City, NV Dr. Forsythe’s office , LeRue Press, 280 Greg Street #10, Reno, NV and all around Reno and Sparks at local businesses, restaurants, beauty salons, re stores, via Brian T. Shirley in South Carolina and, of course, online at www.lrpnv.com or www.issuu.com by searching LeRue Press. Can’t get to any of those loca ons. Want a copy? Contact us at lrp@lrpnv.com or call 775.356.1004 or 844‐987‐8679 (844‐WT‐STORY)

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Ta l k Ta l k Ta l k ! Yup, that’s what our guests do. They share their stories with you every week. Monday– 4 p.m. Pacific What’s the Story? Radio Show. Whether it’s leadership, a new business or comedians on the road, we’re here every Friday to share the story. What’s your story? Contact us at www.lrpnv.com Friday– 11 a.m. Pacific The Book Hound Radio Show. Love books? We do. We interview emerging, debut authors AND your favorite best‐selling author. Listen on KCKQ AM 1180 in northern Nevada or streaming live at h p://amm.streamon.fm

Brought to you by LRP Printing~Publishing~Business Center ‐Benjamin Franklin, besides being an inventor, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America and a scien st, was also a printer from the me he was 12 years old. (wikipedia.com) ‐Orville Wright, best known for the inven on of the airplane with his brother Wilbur, opened his own print shop and developed his own prin ng press for the shop in the 1880s. (biography.com) ‐Lydia Bailey was a successful 19th century printer. A er her husband died, she took over the print shop and employed over 160 male printers during her career. She ran one of Philadelphia’s largest print shops. (lancasterlyrics.com) ‐Leonard & Ruby Szudajski opened a small prin ng business in the early 1970s when Leonard was forced to re re because he was determined to be legally blind. With the help of contact lenses, coke bo le thick glasses and a magnifying glass or Ruby’s sharp eyes, he was able to print business cards, napkins, and assorted other items for businesses in the Southern California area, se ng the type on the two Chandler & Price le erpresses they purchased. One of the two presses can be seen in the lobby at LeRue Press. (lrpnv.com)

6. Wovoka (a.k.a. Jack 10. The Ichthyosaur Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.

5. American City 9. The Kangaroo Rat 4. Orion Clemens

-Henry Ford Read more at h p://www.brainyquote.com/

3. May Bradford Shockley

8. The Pair‐O‐Dice Club (1931) 7. Virginia City

2. 1904 (Nov. 20)


1. Cycling Clubs

“What’s the Story?®” is a monthly publica on of LeRue Press (LRP). No part of this publica on may be reprinted without permission. But we’d love it if you shared it! It is available in print and online. Go to www.lrpnv.com or www.issuu.com and search LeRue Press. Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).

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