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It’s A Blast! The 6th Annual Book Blast!
October 13—November 11, 2015
Book Blast: Fundraiser and membership drive for Sparks Museum 814 Victorian Ave., Sparks, Nevada
Every year, for the last 5 years, LeRue Press (LRP) has held a Book Blast to celebrate authors and books. This year, LeRue teamed up with the Sparks Museum to show off the museum and cultural center. Join the talented ar sts, musicians, speakers and authors par cipa ng in the 6th Annual Book Blast. The public is invited to this free, 2 day event: Friday, Nov 6th between 5‐ 9 p.m. and Saturday, Nov 7th from 11‐4 p.m.
Speakers Authors Ar sts Musicians Saturday 11-4
November 6 5‐6 p.m. Recep on with authors, ar sts, musicians 6‐8 p.m. Learn more about the museum, available tours in northern Nevada * Mary Ansari launches her book, Nevada Heartland * Harmonica trivia and the wild west... * Floyd Sneed, Bobby Joe Holman, Rob Black, music and fun 8‐9 p.m. Closing recep on
Buy a book or artwork and tour the museum and train free Food, fun and more!
Friday night 5-9 p.m.
November 7 11‐4 p.m. Museum visits Book signings Art displays Music Food Fun Love Three Dog Night? Floyd Sneed, original drummer for Three Dog Night will be there too. A por on of all sales goes to the Sparks Museum. If you cannot a end, you can
s ll become a member or donate by going to www.sparksmuseum.org. Parking available behind the museum at 814 Victorian Ave. in Sparks or at the parking garage located on C Street. For ques ons, contact Kelly at Kelly@sparksmuseum.org or janice@lrpnv.com 814 Victorian Ave. Sparks, Nevada 775.355.1144
Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
Books Art Music Tour the museum and the train (1‐4 p.m.)
Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com
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Brian T. Shirley BTS on the road: A view from Japan This was an important step for my career as a stand‐ up comedian and an incredible opportunity to visit a foreign land. Here's a look at my glimpse into Japan and the Marine camps I visited. What a wonderful, yet exhaus ng experience, as you will see. Ge ng to Camp Fuji, Japan, from Charleston, South Carolina, was no picnic, but that's how world travel is. I le Charleston around noon on Saturday, got to Chicago a li le over two hours later, then had a three hour layover. A er that, I boarded a huge jetliner for Tokyo which was a twelve hour flight. During the flight we had two meals. I no ced a er the first meal, everyone closed the windows and se led down to sleep or watch movies. I watched a few movies, played some solitaire and tried to sleep as much as possible. I'm guessing about eight or so hours in, we had our second meal, more of a breakfast. The lights had come on a li le before this and it was now ge ng dark outside; it had been light almost the whole trip as it seemed we were chasing the sun.
Inside this issue: Front cover: Book Blast-Fundraiser & Membership Drive for Sparks Museum & Cultural Center
Brian T. Shirley: BTS on the road: A view from Japan
Eddie Floyd: Cancer: Outcome based studies
Dennis DuPerault: Things to think about
Mike Aloia: Walk the Turtle-Embrace our life
Bobby Joe Holman: Blue Note Cafe´
Ken Roberts: Fixed income investment strategies
Take the quiz: You may know more than you think!
7 12
Did you know?
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work. -Colin Powell http://www.brainyquote.com
Something I also experienced on this flight was the warm, moist washcloths the flight a endants handed out twice during the trip. I took one the first me not knowing what to do and watched the other folks use them to wipe their faces and backs of their necks, so I did the same. A er we landed, I was not sure what to do a er ge ng through customs. Who would pick me up? Did I have to call the base? My first flight had been delayed which changed my arrival me. I walked around the entrance to the airport looking for someone with a sign that said "Brian T Shirley," or maybe just someone looking like they were wai ng to pick someone up. Then I spo ed some phones and headed towards them. I stopped to get a sip of water at a fountain and was approached by an Asian gentleman with a clipboard in his hand. He said, with an accent, "Excuse me, are you comedian?" and pointed at my picture on the flier he had on the clipboard. Wow, what a relief! The headlining comedian I was working with, Jackie Fabulous, was there as well. She had arrived a few hours earlier. The young man took us to the transport van and we
headed for Camp Fuji which took another three hours. It was a long trip and already 11:30 p.m. Japan me, Sunday. I had dozed some on the ride, but I did see some of the Tokyo skyline before trying to nap, and I woke up here and there along the way to watch our driver naviga ng the highway in the quiet darkness. Camp Fuji is situated right below that great mountain of the same name. It's impressive as I could see the snow‐covered peak from my hotel room window. I woke up at 6 a.m. to a sunny sky that looked more like 10 a.m. as far
Fuji Mountain Courtesy, Brian T. Shirley
as the sunlight goes. The sun was very high in the early morning sky and I was wide Continued on page 4
Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
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Eddie Floyd
Cancer: Outcome based studies
I have read many facts and opinions when it comes to cancer and its many supposed “cures” around the world, and I feel we are the most blessed community in the na on in this regard ‐ all due to the existence of Century Wellness Clinic. The Clinic is in the process of comple ng an outcome based pa ent study of 1,000 pa ents diagnosed with Stage IV adult cancers. The outcome based study is a prospec ve study and will con nue un l the first 500 pa ents reach the 5 year mark. Dr. Forsythe’s survivorship rate is 64% at 58 months with all adult cancers. He is convinced the results will surpass the 5 year results of conven onal oncology reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2004 as 2.1% survivorship, retrospec ve. Dr. James Forsythe, MD, HMD uses integra ve cancer treatment which combines allopathic and complementary cancer care therapy. The Forsythe Immune Protocol ™ and The Forsythe Lite IPT Protocol ™ uses "low dose" chemotherapy plus Insulin Poten a on Therapy (IPT) with genomic tes ng on whole blood, plus other integra ve methods of cancer treatment. Over the past 38 years, with his wife, Earlene Forsythe, APRN, by his side, the doctor's cancer study outcomes have truly been amazing. The facts support the statements I am making about Century Wellness Clinic, and the doctor, based on the results to date. Dr. James Forsythe is also a world renown writer and lecturer. Dr. Forsythe has authored many books regarding all types of medical condi ons and treatments, but is best known for wri ng the na onal protocol for Age Related Humane Growth Hormone Deficiency, as well as his leading edge treatment of all adult cancers. My personal favorite is, “Take Control of Your Cancer”. His latest book, “Stoned‐The Truth about Medical Marijuana and Hemp Oil In the Treatment of Cancer”, both can be purchased in most leading book stores as well as amazon.com.
New Releases-LeRue Press: 2015-2016 Mary Ansari Nevada Heartland History‐Geographical Rick Cornell 2051 Science Fic on Barbara Davis Craps and the Showgirl– Personal Narra ve Dennis DuPerault Auto Emo ons 101‐Updated and Revised Non‐Fic on‐Self‐Help Eddie Floyd Final Breath Paperback Contemporary Western Romance Eddie Floyd Barn Yarns Fic on‐ Contemporary Western D. Robert Harden Harden, You’re Killing Me Fic on‐Historical Dennis Hill Out in the Sagebrush Fic on‐Contemporary Western Do e Kelly Poetry Mary Elizabeth Morgan One Stupid Night Non‐Fic on‐ Young Adult Beachy Orr Exploring Sand Harbor Photo Book Beachy Orr TBA Photo Book Pan Pantoja Molerat: A Proverb Poetry and Art Pan Pantoja The Hound That Is Me Poetry Mark Shaff Part of the Redemp on Series Fic on‐Adventure Floyd Sneed L’African: On the One Memoir
As most of you know, I primarily write ar cles that are normally based in southern humor, so you may be asking yourself, Why such a serious ar cle, and why so much study on my part? Well, it's because Dr. Forsythe actually added years to my father‐in‐law's life a er he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, therefore, you can simply classify this as a personal endorsement, and thank you for being part of our family and community. Century Wellness Clinic is located at 521 Hammill Lane, Reno, Nevada, 89511, telephone number: 775‐827‐0707. Website: www.DrForsythe.com and or www.CenturyWellness.com. Editor’s note: All statements are the opinion of the author and not an endorsement by What’s the Story™. Consult your physician and consider geƫng a second opinion before engaging in any treatment. Eddie Floyd was born in Jacksonville, Florida and raised in the small fishing village of Mayport, Florida, the son of a shrimper and commercial fisherman. Floyd has owned many companies in the last 35 years and is the Founder of Nevada Ma ers, Inc., dba America Ma ers Media with numerous radio talk shows. His show, AM News is known around the world with foreign correspondents in 30 countries and in every state in the United States. Eddie lives with his wife, Shari, on the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary. He likes to tell his audience that “She runs the ranch, while I run my mouth.” On Shari’s birthday, March 31, 2015, Final Breath: a love story was released by LeRue Press. The book, wri en by Floyd, is “an endearing story of love that touches your soul and your heart.” Country singer/songwriter, Lacy J. Dalton wrote the foreword. One hundred percent of the profits from the book will be donated to the Wynema Ranch Wild Horse Sanctuary. To get a copy, go to www.lrpnv.com/FinalBreath.htm
Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com
Continued from page 2
awake. I walked up to the PX a er seven and got some snacks, then I checked emails and laid down again around nine. Our first show was that night and I wanted to be well rested. We arrived at the club around 5:30 p.m., ate some dinner and hung out before the show at 7 p. m. Everyone was nice and thanked us for coming to entertain the troops. That night, we performed in front of 50‐60 Marines, mostly young men aged 19‐24. I believe the oldest may have been a man in his thir es. There were very few women there as the base was made up of about 96% males. We had a meet‐n‐greet a er the show with some of the audience and then headed back to our rooms. Sleep came pre y quickly and that was good as we had to muster in the lobby the following morning to leave for our next base. The sun started its rise early around five‐thirty as I could see the light through the sides of my window curtains. I dozed in and out un l around seven‐thirty and prepared for my 8:45 a.m. departure. I looked out of my hotel window one last me at the great snow‐peaked mountain and wondered if I would ever gaze upon its magnificence ever again. Either way, I was happy to be here in the first place. Jackie and I waited in the lobby for a few minutes and our very punctual transporta on showed up. They were extremely nice and although our driver spoke very li le English, he made us feel right at ease. We drove two hours to the airport and I signed a headshot photo for the driver as we said goodbye. It made him very happy and warmed my heart to know I could make him feel good. Our layover at the Haneda Airport was two hours with a two‐hour flight to the Naha Airport on Okinawa. Our point of
What’s the Story?® Share it! Page 4
contact there was Jennifer, a very sweet, blonde lady married to an Airman who is sta oned nearby. Jennifer is the MCCS Entertainment Coordinator and the first American with whom we had been in contact since our arrival. She was very enthusias c about her job and got us checked in and se led at The West Pac Inn on Camp Foster, our home for the rest of the tour. Jennifer would pick us up each evening and take us to the camps where we performed. This first show on Okinawa was right there at Foster. When we got to our hotels a er the day of travel, we had two hours down me and then off to the show. The Enlisted Club there was very nice and we had a wonderful dinner. The audience made their way in as we ate and almost completely filled the club. There were about a hundred Marine and Marine spouses/dates, and they really enjoyed the show. We met some of them a erwards and posed for pictures with them, then le the club for the five‐minute drive back to our rooms. I went to bed shortly therea er. Now that I've had some me to rest and reflect on the trip so far, I feel thankful. I am thankful that I'm able to do this and thankful for these young men and women who are serving their country. In the end, this trip is all about them. They deserve the best and they also need us to bring them the gi of joy. It can't be easy in a foreign land away from your families and conforming to the military way of life. Next we met in the lobby at 4:30 in the a ernoon for Camp Schwab. The club is called Beachhead and it's about an hour’s drive from where we stayed. This was the smallest club thus far and there were about 30 or so Marines in a endance. One of the club managers told me it was always hard to plan an event because you never knew when there was an exercise that took the Marines away from the base early in the morning. Also, this base has a small amount Continued on page 6
Dennis DuPerault Are your purchases fun or are you just looking? Emotions are the driving force to most all decisions we make. Bottom line, let emotions balance the practical in any major buying decisions.
Things to think about
The auto, when purchased, can be a pursuit of happiness.
Why are doctors always calm? They have a lot of patients.*
Hope you enjoyed “Things to think about”. Listen to What’s the Story weekly on KCKQ 1180 AM for more trivia.
Dennis DuPerault, author of Auto Emo ons 101 and co‐host on What’s the Story?® loves to talk about cars. His column will provide ps and tricks and mul ‐faceted informa on. He might mix it up a li le, but you can ask him anything you want about cars. Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP). *Found around the internet...
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“Walk the Turtle”
Mike Aloia
It is what we are given; it is a precious gi many search to find the source and the meaning. Truth of origina on emerges from the stars within our vast universe. A re na of an all‐seeing eye of God is taught by genera ons, a focus on a journey of unknown roads winding through a maze of emo ons we all must face. To have vision and insight of why we are held cap ve on this spinning sphere, to gaze into the darkness and see a glimmer of light deep into an abyss of the infinite. Tapping into the imagina on and exploring our passions of crea veness, we rise above all obstacles by summoning our inner strengths of determina on and adapta ons. We evolve our minds and awaken our spirit as the soul is guided by the senses we posses by being human, many are compassionate as some show empathy, a decree of love gives us unity. By the connec ons of mind, body, and soul, our hearts pump the lifeblood through our veins, flesh and bone; we give our expressions and opinions based upon our beliefs and understandings.
Embrace our life of humility as we are in tune with a frequency of posi ve energies. Our free will is what allows us to receive the promise of hope, peace, and happiness; respect of self is our responsibility to maintain our integrity, to follow our dreams is our obliga on to change.
"Three‐toed Box Turtle" by Original uploaded by Carnopod (Transfered by L.tak) ‐ Original uploaded on en.wikipedia. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons ‐ h ps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Three‐toed_Box_Turtle.jpg#/media/ File:Three‐toed_Box_Turtle.jpg
Pa ence and virtue are also bestowed as we are freshly aware that we’re never alone; to be wise in faith and walk forward in trust is a significance to the architecture of our character as me heals all.
We absorb the feelings that surround us, the sounds that move us and the visions of what tries to control us, an unseen force propels us into a supernatural realm of wonderment, a touch of grey will appear. While we each walk our turtle through the hills and over mountains, we follow the signs we pass by and remember those simple moments that made us smile and cry, we close our eyes and embrace our life.
To show the grace of kindness to those that are broken or lost, to kiss the lips of another being of light and feel the vibra ons Mike Aloia is a father of two daughters and a proud grandfather. He is 50 years old and lives in Jacksonville, Florida. Mike is mul ‐ talented: a cartoonist, comedian, musician, songwriter, actor, columnist, and the CEO of American Hearts Radio, LLC Entertainment Network. He has experience in web TV, radio entertainment produc on, ar st management, and other aspects of entertainment. His column “Walk the Turtle” are his thoughts on slowing down, taking it easy, and enjoying life. Mike's work can be found in the following places: www.americanheartsradio.com www.twi er.com/ahradiollc www.facebook.com/americanheartsradio www.harmonybooking.com www.youtube.com/user/witchone231
YOUR AD HERE! Only $15 for a business card size ad. (3‐1/2” x 2”) Just provide Camera ready art. In a pdf or jpeg, 300 dpi (dots per inch). That’s less than 1 cent per printed copy. 2500 per month printed and distributed throughout Reno/ Sparks/Carson City plus online impressions. Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
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Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com
Bobby Joe Holman
Blue Note Cafe´
Hi, this is Bobby Joe welcoming you to The Blue Note Café which is a part of Chillin’ with Bobby Joe, a live broadcasted Internet program. The Blue Note Café column gives sugges ons on a ending local musical performance events, performers and venues here in northern Nevada and surrounding areas. For those of you who may not know me, I am a professional harmonica player and instructor with interna onally published books, videos and DVDs on harmonica instruc on who has been a part of the northern Nevada music and entertainment scene for the last 15 years. These sugges ons are only my opinion, and I am by no means a foremost authority! So with that being said, today’s sugges on is The Sparks Heritage Museum and Cultural Center, located at 814 Victorian Ave. in Sparks. They are open Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. This Diamond in the Rough will take you back 100 years to when Sparks was being developed through the help and services of the railroad. The museum presents ongoing museum tours, train tours, art exhibits, music concerts and special events. They even have an app on your phone you can use to tour the museum. They also provide instruc onal classes on a number of subjects, so give them a shout at 775‐355‐1144 or email kelly@sparksmuseum.org, You’ll be glad you did! Well, thanks again for taking the me to hang out with me, and next me we’ll take a look at a fairly new restaurant/speakeasy called The Bridge located in Reno! The only professional harmonica player/instructor to have wri en, performed and been Heart to Harp, interna onally published with: The Hal Leonard Corp., Warner Bros. Publishing, Music Bobby Joe Holman Sales Inc., CenterStream Publishing, StarLicks Inc. and Alfred Publishing. Continued from page 4
of permanent duty personnel and a lot of the people there were on six months deployment. This was a very interac ve show from the audience, to say the least, and we had fun with these folks. I must say you can really feel the bonds that have been built between these young men, and it's a testament to our military's training. It's also a testament to these people who choose to serve. A er the show, we talked with some of the Marines, then headed back to the van for our hour‐long ride back to home base. The me passed quickly, however, as the three of us talked and joked about whatever came up. The weather since we le Fuji has been rainy and overcast on Okinawa. This somewhat gloomy weather, coupled with ge ng some much needed rest kept me in my room for the first few days. I tried to do some filming for my "BTS On The Road" web series, but it was so humid outside my video camera lens fogged up. I also had to be careful about what I filmed as it was a military installa on. I wanted to get to know our POC (Point of Contact) a li le before filming at the club, so I decided to try to film at Thursday's club. Thursday arrived and we were scheduled for a 7:30 p.m. lobby call for a 10‐minute drive to Camp Furtenma and a club called Thirsty's. Thirsty's was thirsty for some comedy! It was a very nice club that had a solid restaurant on one end with a stage next to it, a bar in the middle, and pool tables with a karaoke lounge on the other
end. The stage was well‐lit, the Marines were packed in ght, and the show was HOT!! They were a great crowd and a lot of fun‐‐this Marine Air Base (not a Camp per se) boasted a li le more of a mix when it came to the women vs. men ra o. It was also our midpoint and I could tell we were star ng to jell as comedians on this tour. Audiences seemed to be ge ng stronger as the week progressed. We hung out for a while a er the show talking with some of the troops, taking pictures and bonding with them, then it was me to get back. Jennifer, our very accommoda ng host, drove us back to the hotel. Friday morning the sun broke and I had a chance to walk around the base. The walk to the PX was alright, the walk back was tough. Our hotel was situated on a hill, and I huffed it back thanking God that I had started walking around my neighborhood a few months prior. A er my walk and a shower, I started ge ng ready for the night's show. This me we had a show at Camp Kinser’s Clubside venue. This was by far the largest room we had performed in and there were
Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
Continued on page 9
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Ken Roberts Fixed Income Investment Strategies Explained The US dollar is very strong right now relative to other global currencies. That makes foreign travel more affordable and has made living overseas even more popular. There has been a strong trend in recent years for American retirees to live abroad in order to have a lower cost of living and stretch those retirement dollars. I’ve personally worked with clients who have chosen to retire in places like Thailand, the Philippines and Mexico. I had one client who spent two months of the year snow skiing at Lake Tahoe and the other ten months living on the beach in Thailand. He told me that he spent less in Thailand in ten months than he did skiing for two months in the Tahoe area. I worked with another client who moved to the Philippines when he retired and purchased a beachfront condominium for about $40,000 and lived on about $20 per day after his fixed expenses were paid. Mexico has also been a popular destination for US retirees. Several years ago, foreigners were not allowed to own property in the so-called “restricted zone” which included areas
near the border and coastline. Apparently, now it is possible for foreigners to own coastal property through the use of a trust or a Mexican based corporation. I’m not an expert on Mexican real estate law, so I would definitely suggest consulting an expert if you’re considering making a purchase there. Thailand also has rules on foreign ownership of residential property. The way their rules work is that foreigners can own condominiums as long as the building ownership is at least 51% Thai. If that requirement is met, the other 49% of the units can be sold to foreigners. I glanced at some internet listings of Thai condos and found studios with a pool, 200 meters from the beach starting at about $27,000. There were several one bedroom condos listed in the $40,000 range. That’s a real bargain by US standards. A recent article in Forbes magazine listed the best places to retire abroad and their top ten were, in this order; Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, Malaysia, Costa Rica, Malta, Spain, Colombia, Portugal and Thailand. They considered quite a bit of different data that included weather and cost of living. Continued on next page
Take the quiz! You may know more than you think!
(Answers on back page)
Who became President of the USA in 1963?
12 Which dish is ba ered deep‐fried squid known as?
Who invented the lightning conductor?
13 Which jubilee did Queen Elizabeth II celebrate in 2012'?
Which element is coal mainly composed of?
14 What is the name of the most sacred river in India?
In which country was the fashion designer Coco Chanel born'?
15 Which famous singer married the movie director , Guy Ritchie?
Which vegetable is zucchini be er known as?
16 What does the computer abbrevia on ADSL stand for?
How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol?
17 What is the capital of the state of Florida?
What do the rings on the Olympic Games symbol represent?
18 In the film “Nanny McPhee”, who played the actual role of Nanny Mc Phee?
What is the most popular name for Britain’s public houses?
?In the film “Meet the Parents”, who plays the character Greg?
19 Where in Britain is St. Andrews University located? 20 Which sport is Novak Djokovic famous for playing? 10 In which American state is Harvard University located? 11 What is the name given to a female swan?
Courtesy of h p://www.challengethebrain.com/ques ons‐and‐answers ‐general‐knowledge‐quiz.htm
Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
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Distribution: 2500 copies per month in print. Additional online exposure at issuu.com and lrpnv.com Continued from previous page
U.S. News & World Report ran an article about a year ago titled,”9 Affordable Places to Retire Overseas”. They looked at specific cities in foreign jurisdictions and calculated a monthly budget for the cost of living in those cities. The average monthly cost of living for the nine cities was $1,116. Their article included locations in Belize, France, Thailand, Philippines, Nicaragua, Malaysia, Ecuador, Vietnam and Ireland. Living abroad is one way that retirees can really stretch a tight budget and live the lifestyle they’d like. If you don’t like the idea of living abroad full time, maybe buying your second home, the beach house in a foreign country. might make sense.
Ken Roberts is the author of “The Tac cal Op on Investor” and the host of Ken’s Bulls and Bears heard on America Ma ers radio. Ken has been in the securi es business for over twenty years and had worked as an investment advisor, branch manager, professional trader and por olio manager. Over the course of his career he has earned NASD series 3,6,7,9,10,56 and 63 designa ons and is a CMT Level II candidate. Ken also writes a weekly column in the Sierra Sun newspaper, is a contribu ng author to Seeking Alpha and writes a column for the Wall Street Journal Market Watch. He has completed advanced finance courses at the New York Ins tute of Finance. You can reach Ken at 800‐535‐4253.
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Where can you find “What’s the Story?” in print? Get print copies of What’s the Story at Sinbad’s in Sparks, Reno Town Mall, A to Zen in Carson City and all around Reno and Sparks at local businesses, restaurants, beauty salons, re stores and, of course, at LeRue Press (LRP) and online at www.lrpnv.com or www.issuu.com by searching LeRue Press. Want a copy? Contact us at lrp@lrpnv.com or call 775.356.1004 or 844‐987‐8679 (844‐WT‐STORY)
Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
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just go back with him. He drove me around the area for a few minutes, then we made our way back. I got ready for the show and finished packing. Our last show was at Camp Hansen in the club there called The Palms. What a fantas c venue, and the manager treated us like royalty. He suggested the "Chariot of Beef" and I took him up on it. Wow, great food and a great club. A very nice way to end this exhaus ng, yet wonderful tour! The Marines packed the club and made the last show a ton of fun. One of them spoke with me at our "Meet & Greet" which we did a er every show and told me he had seen me perform on a Carnival Cruise in 2012. He even told me which joke I did that reminded him of seeing me. Those are Continued from page 6 moments a comedian lives for and s ll blows my mind. Here's an least two hundred people, if not more. A er the show, we posed for American who had seen me twice and both mes were somewhere some more pictures and talked with the service people and their other than the USA. spouses. This crowd was very laid back, fun, and had its interac ve The trip back to the hotel was quiet as I think the three of members. It really felt like a Friday night Comedy Club. us were going over this week in our minds. We mustered in the Our rides back to the hotel were becoming bi ersweet as we lobby the next morning and Jennifer once again picked us up in the only had one more show. van which had become so familiar. Our trip to the Naha Airport Saturday I did venture off camp, but not for too long. Every day I woke would take about 50 minutes and I used this me to reflect on the up early, between 6:45 and 7:15 to go and get some breakfast snacks Japanese landscape and muse over the amazing tour that I had just from the lobby. They shut down the snacks, which were bananas, completed. The biggest thing that stood out for me was the cereal bars, oatmeal packets, and fruit cups around 8 a.m., so you had Marines I was leaving behind as I started my 24‐hour journey to get there early. Because we usually got in around midnight and I home. They, as I've already wri en, really appreciated the gi of had another show that night, once I got up that early, I knew I would laughter Jackie and I brought them. be taking a nap at some point. I generally don't do naps, but I hate Between the restric ons on their freedom‐‐most of them being red onstage so I knew one was in my future a li le later that for their own good, and the separa on from loved ones, they day. deserve to laugh as much as possible. Their a tude is amazing, By the me I ate, did some work on the computer and got a their patrio c outlook inspira onal, and I feel be er about the li le packing done for the Sunday departure it was going on 10:30 in future of America a er being with them. the morning. I figured I would do an early lunch and, long story short, I learned some about the Japanese people themselves, it got to be a ernoon before I laid down. I woke up some me what I could anyway, from this brief look into their world. They are a er 1:00 p.m., checked some emails, and made my way to the front a people who take pride in what they do for a living no ma er what desk to see about catching a shu le to the American Village which was it is. There's no shame in manual labor, or working a job one might a mile or so off base. I was told this was a good spot to visit; there find "beneath" them. They treat the elderly different as well, with were shops, it was next to a beach, and seemed to be a good tourist reverence. They kneel down to get below the level of someone spot. I also needed to se le my account for my in‐room bar purchases, si ng in a wheelchair when conversing with them‐‐I saw this me which took a li le longer than usual, and it was 3:45 by the me I and me again. I think we could learn some things from their could get a shu le as they only came at certain mes. culture and I will forever be changed in some ways for having been My plan was to stay an hour and get a cab back, but the trip there. was cut short. By the me we got there it was a er 4 and I did not I'm now back and happy to be home. If you have never want to cut it close ge ng back to base, so I told the driver I would traveled halfway across the earth, it does take some me to get back to normal. I have a new respect for my fellow entertainers and other professionals who are world travelers; it's not glamorous or easy! I do hope to turn this opportunity into more work and already have with a show in a few weeks at a casino near Shreveport, LA. I also appeared on a local TV show right before I le , and I'm doing the #1 radio talk show here in Charleston, SC, today on the way to do my show, The BTS Radio Show. More work and publicity are always nice, but they're not the biggest or best things I got from this experience. Continued from page 11 Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).
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Out in the Sagebrush: With the exception of a few ex-wives, everybody like a cowboy Although it is rumored that cowboys are becoming a breed on the verge of ex nc on, Dennis Hill doesn’t believe it. “Cowboys are very much alive in different places throughout the country. Every region has its own way of doing things, dictated by the country they work in and their tradi ons. In the high desert of the Great Basin, buckaroo tradi ons started in Spain three or four hundred years ago. “Billy Gibson will take you into his world of good and bad horses, good and bad men, a faded hero, and a strong woman or two. A good cowboy yarn!” Pick up your copy at www.leruepress.com or online at amazon.com. Also available on Kindle. ISBN 978‐1‐938814‐96‐9 147 Pages Published by LeRue Books
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The phrase "Thanks for coming here!" that I heard many, many mes from our service men and women sta oned in the land of the rising sun are words I will always cherish when I think of this trip!!
Brian is an author, former radio host, comedian and philosopher. He has been in the comedy business for over 20 years in Canada, the U.S. and the Bahamas. He lives in Charleston, South Carolina. Last year, he went to Japan to entertain the U.S. Marine Corp where he opened for headliner Jackie Fabulous, a stand‐up comedian herself. He recently teamed up with Frannie Sheridan in The Shirley and Sheridan Show. To book Brian, Contact him via his Facebook page: h ps://www.facebook.com/brian.t.shirley.5?fref=ts
Jeff Gordon, caught on camera with Doug Gabriel. Do you have a picture that’s notable? Share it!
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Ta l k Ta l k Ta l k ! Yup, that’s what our guests do. They share their stories with you every week. Monday– 4 p.m. Pacific What’s the Story? Radio Show. Whether it’s leadership, a new business or comedians on the road, we’re here every Friday to share the story. What’s your story? Contact us at www.lrpnv.com Friday– 11 a.m. Pacific The Book Hound Radio Show. Love books? We do. We interview emerging, debut authors AND your favorite best‐selling author. Listen on KCKQ AM 1180 in northern Nevada or streaming live at h p://amm.streamon.fm
‐Benjamin Franklin, besides being an inventor, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America and a scien st, was also a printer from the me he was 12 years old. (wikipedia.com) ‐Orville Wright, best known for the inven on of the airplane with his brother Wilbur, opened his own print shop and developed his own prin ng press for the shop in the 1880s. (biography.com) ‐Lydia Bailey was a successful 19th century printer. A er her husband died, she took over the print shop and employed over 160 male printers during her career. She ran one of Philadelphia’s largest print shops. (lancasterlyrics.com) ‐Leonard & Ruby Szudajski opened a small prin ng business in the early 1970s when Leonard was forced to re re because he was determined to be legally blind. With the help of contact lenses, coke bo le thick glasses and a magnifying glass or Ruby’s sharp eyes, he was able to print business cards, napkins, and assorted other items for businesses in the Southern California area, se ng the type on the two Chandler & Price le erpresses they purchased. One of the two presses can be seen in the lobby at LeRue Press. (lrpnv.com)
14. Ganges 7. The con nents
20. Tennis 13. Diamond
6. Five
19. Scotland 12. Calamari
Where words fail, music speaks.
5. Courge e
18. Emma Thompson 11. A pen
4. France
-Hans Christian Andersen Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/
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3. Carbon 9. Ben S ller
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2. Benjamin Franklin 8. The Red Lion
15. Madonna
1. Lyndon B. Johnson “What’s the Story?®” is a monthly publica on of LeRue Press (LRP). No part of this publica on may be reprinted without permission. But we’d love it if you shared it! It is available in print and online. Go to www.lrpnv.com or www.issuu.com and search LeRue Press. Copyright, 2015, LeRue Press. No part of this publica on may be copied or reprinted without permission from LeRue Press (LRP).