Les Clefs d'Or® International Revue | Autumn/Winter 2011/2012 No. 206

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LES CLEFS D'OR Revue de l'Union Internationale des Concierges d'Hotels "LES CLEFS D'OR" Post-Humous International President AnDy POngCO (PHILIPPInES) COnSEILLERS A. SCHnEIDER J.M. BAUTISTA A. OSTERTAg A. DAMOnTE W. FREyTAg A. gUnST (deceased) M. SILVERMAn A. gIACOMELLO D. OBRIEn R. BASTOnI




International President

VIRgInIA CASALE Hotel Sofitel Montreal, Canada EMMAnUEL VRETTOS Hotel Mistral, Athens, greece 2nd Vice President COLIn TOOMEy Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney, Australia 3rd Vice President SIMOn THOMAS Browns Hotel, London, England Past President ROBERT WATSOn Willard Inter-Continental Washington, DC USA Treasurer JEAn-ROLAnD BOUTILLE Hotel Bel-Ami, Paris, France general Secretary MICHAEL ROMEI The Waldorf Towers, new york, ny USA Ass't general Secretary SHUJAAT KHAn The Capital Hilton, Washington, DC USA Representative for International LIOnEL LORAnS President in Paris Hotel Raphael, Paris, France 1st Vice President



ADMInISTRATIOn: LES CLEFS D'OR (UICH) 12 rue Cambon 75001 Paris Telephone: 33-1-42-60-77-57 Fax: 33-1-42-60-17-44 graphic design and printing Montreal, QC., CAnADA cascomkt@aol.com


Message from the International President France Our Values Historic Executive Committee Meeting Vissoie Germany Morocco, Hungary Italy USA New Zealand, Australia Luxembourg, Denmark Japan, Canada Austria, Czech Republic International Congress Toronto 2011 U.A.E. U.A.E. - Qatar, India Brazil, Argentina - Cile China Russia Russia - Ukraine, Mexico United Kingdom Hellas Pinning Ceremony Asian Congress Hong Kong and Macau Honorary members

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Union Internationale des Concierges d’Hôtels “LES CLEFS D’OR” OBJET : Regrouper les Membres ou les Sections Nationales ayant pour appellation LES CLEFS D’OR Siège Social : 12, rue Cambon - 75001 PARIS Association Loi 1901 déclarée à la Préfecture. Paris

L’opinion exprimée dans la revue n’engage que ses auteurs et ne saurait en aucun cas engager l’UICH “Les Clefs d’Or”




MESSAGE FROM OUR INTERNATIONAL UICH PRESIDENT Dear colleagues and friends of Clefs d’Or, What a pleasure and honor to address you for the first time on our Revue as your new President. My first words of immense gratitude will be addressed to General Secretary Michael Romei who maintains all the communication channels open from our blog to our upcoming Revue which you should be reading over the Christmas holidays. Secondly, my sincere appreciation goes to my entire board, from our 3 Vice Presidents, Emmanuel Colin & Simon who work diligently across the world in their different duties. My invaluable treasurer Jean-Roland who keeps the accounts and our French President, Lionel who maintains our Paris office all in good order. Our Past President Robert, maintains his contribution on many levels and will be part of the Andy Pongco committee at London along with Shujaat Khan and then Shujaat will also put together our Book of Members which is a huge achievement every two years. My seven Zone director heroes also need to be mentioned, Maurice, Tamas, Federico, Gregory, Michael, Simon and Sami. Our sages Marjorie, Aldo, Denis, and Roger which are the advisers and keepers of our statutes, follow us always with great passion. Our last executive meeting brought us for the first time in Vissoie, and we were so grateful to have among us two other sages: Walter Freytag and Albert Ostertag. After so many years it was an incredible reunion for our sages to have this moment together and we as an association directly benefit from this because they are a wealth of knowledge. My sincere appreciation goes to our President d’Honneur Aldo Giacomello and Claudio Caser, President of the Swiss section for making this meeting a reality. Vissoie represents our heritage, the spirit that started after the first world war which is still alive today. We are also entering the celebrations of our 60th Anniversary in 2012 as an international organization and what a better way then to launch it from Vissoie, le Village de l’Amitié, what a perfect setting. The British section is busy finalizing what promises another memorable congress which will mark our history. President Crowdy, Paul Still, Simon Thomas among others are leading the troops for success and already the numbers have been achieved in registration. The educational is bridged to Toronto, and we shall see again our dynamic Gerald Parent facilitate the event with Roberta Nedry from Hospitality Excellence. This revue will also cover the Toronto congress and we need to applaude the chairman Toni Daoud and his committee for an outstanding event, the survey speaks for itself with incredible satisfaction. We shall never forget Isadore Sharp speech and that panel of distinguished leaders of our industry… the acceptance of India… Anabella Pelling our Andy Pongco winner and the fact that we serve 126 million guests yearly. In the meantime may you have a wonderful holiday season with your families in peace & harmony and start a 2012 with good health & love in your hearts. I remain always yours in Service through Friendship & Excellence, Vive Les Clefs d’Or !!! Virginia Casale President Les Clefs d’Or “U.I.C.H.” Concierge Sofitel Montreal Golden Mile



CEREMOny AT THE PLAZA ATHÉnÉE FOR OUR 4TH PROMOTIOn FPE COnCIERgE D'HÔTEL On June 8th 2011 was held in the prestigious Plaza Athénée Hotel in Paris the 4th Promotion graduation ceremony of the FPE Concierge d’hôtel. François Dehalaye, Director of this beautiful institution, was this year’s sponsor, for which, once again, a young lady was first of this promotion. She is now assistant concierge at the Hôtel du Palais in Biarritz, becoming the first female at the concierge desk. All the students who graduated found a job which is very satisfactory for the Clefs d’Or. The recruitment of the 5th promotion was already achieved when the graduation took place. On September 6th, 14 students joined the Hospitality College in Toulouse. This year’s sponsor is as prestigious as last year’s, Patrick Scicard, President of Lenotre. He said he was much honored to have this privilege. He will meet all the students during their educational tour in Paris next March. Our French section has worked several months and was quite active on an important project to put on line our new web site (www.clefsdorfrance.org). Since October 18th it is available.This huge work needed several months of research in our archives. It allows us to have an efficient tool on our association, our history, and our job. It gives a better visibility to our sponsors. Well documented we can find many pictures and historical documents. In future we would like to have this site available in several languages

The Clefs d’Or France is also working on organizing this November the Trophy Pierre Quentin (Founder of the Clefs d'or in 1929). Challenge which rewards the best Clefs d’Or concierge. Last year around 12 young members participated in these oral and written tests which verify their professionalism. The winner will be offered his participation to the International Congress in London and will take part in the 2012 Andy Pongo Award.



Many French Concierges have planned to attend the next Congress in London. The proximity of this country eases the transport and the French delegation should be important. We are very happy as a substantial amount of Hotel chains have decided to support their concierge. It is already time to think of our end of year dinner which should be held first weeks of December. This dinner will gather our members and partners in a place held secret right now. This should be, again, a strong moment of 2011. Lionel Lorans Président "Les Clefs d'Or" France


Roger Bastoni, le chef concierge du Majestic Barrière, président sortant de l’union internationale des concierges d’hôtels “Les Clés d’Or”, a été nommé Président d’honneur et devient ainsi membre permanent du Comité des Sages. Cette nomination s’est faite à Toronto, début mai, lors du 58ème congrès international de l’Union Internationale des Concierges d’Hôtel, plus connue sous le nom des “Clés d’Or”. Un congrès qui a réuni 650 concierges, venus des plus grands hôtels de la planète pour échanger sur leur profession et son avenir. Virginia Casale, chef concierge du Sofitel Montréal, a été portée à la tête de cette association prestigieuse. De nouveau confirmé, le Cannois va quant à lui pouvoir poursuivre son action en faveur d’un métier qu’il exerce, défend et promeut avec brio, depuis plus de 40 ans (dont 35 années au service de la clientèle du Majestic Barrière !). Il fut ainsi président de l’Union Nationale des Concierges d’Hôtels “ Clefs d’ Or françaises” de 2003 à 2007 avant d’assurer la présidence de l’Union Internationale des

Clefs d’ Or de 2007 à 2009. Des responsabilités qu’il a su mettre à profit pour créer, avec le bureau national, la première formation aux métiers de concierge d’hôtel, en partenariat avec le Lycée Hôtelier de Toulouse. Cette expérience de l’accueil, il l’a transmise aussi à ses enfants qui ont choisi de suivre son exemple dans le groupe Barrière également. Non sans résultat. Tandis que Gilles affirme ses compétences davantage chaque jour au sein de la loge du Majestic Barrière à Cannes, Yannick, lui, dirige la loge de l’un des palaces les plus courus de Paris : l’Hôtel Fouquet’s Barrière. Relève assurée.








Share the pleasure of meeting each other; enrich our knowledge with each other’s experience with the enthusiasm of the same fraternity union beyond all borders.

Be devoted to creating a positive experience for your guest who will be so satisfied of the relationship that they will return and bring others.

Partager le plaisir de se retrouver, s’enrichir ensemble de chaque expérience, dans l’enthousiasme d’une même union confraternelle au-delà de toute frontière.

Je fais tout pour que les clients soient tellement satisfaits de la relation, qu’ils reviennent et incitent d’autres àvenir.







The chain of the Clefs d’Or is as strong as the weakest of its links. Be available and offer assistance.

The respect of its own word: I say, I do, and I do until the end. Be honest in all circumstances.

I want to progress all the times. I seek for the exceptional in everything I do.


I see, I hear, or I know…but I remain silent.


Leading by example is worth a ton of speeches. I am more demanding to myself than what others would expect from me.




Rendre solide. La chaîne des Clefs d’or est aussi forte que le plus faible de ses maillons.

Respect de la parole donnée : je dis, je fais et je fais jusqu’au bout. Etre honnête dans toute circonstance.

J’ai la volonté de toujours progresser. Je recherche l’exceptionnel dans tout ce que j’entreprends.


Je vois, j’entends ou je sais ... et je me tais.


Respect de la parole donnée : je dis, je fais et je fais jusqu’au bout. Etre honnête dans toute circonstance.

Dear Friends and Colleagues: “A return to our Heritage: A nostalgic journey”…….We were there to honor our founding father Ferdinand Gillet who came from this storybook village of Vissoie adjacent to St-Luc where we held our official meetings in the Val d’Anniviers. Mr. Gillet left his native mountain village to live and work in cosmopolitan Paris, France. In 1929 while working as a concierge at The Hotel Scribe in Paris Mr. Gillet began the journey which culminates where we are today; the creation of a professional organization of hotel concierge all linked to one simple but profound motto: IN SERVICE THROUGH FRIENDSHIP. Little did he know that years later in 2011 we would be returning to his native land to honor him as our founding father and to exalt his vision and motto. The following are some memorable quotes and excerpts from our fellow members who attended this most historic meeting in the spirit of true friendship and hospitality: Michael Romei, General Secretary, UICH

Some very special quotes from those who attended. “M. e Mme Buchs un couple d’hoteliers qui aime les concierges, un hotel sympathique et confortable.” Le President Claudio Caser et son comite d’organization competents et attentifs. ” Albert Ostertag President d’honneur

My sincerest thanks go out to you and your fellow organising committee, Marc, Olivier and, last but no means least, Freddy. This was, as I am sure you are all aware, my first Executive Committee meeting as a serving member of the committee. it was always going to be a memorable experience for me, but nothing could prepare me for the monumental, historic and wonderful weekend that took place in Val d'Anniviers.



Simon Thomas 3rd Vice President UICH

Ferdinand & Jean Gillet were inspired from the harmony and the fragance of this little hospitable village and the surrounding mountains. The harmony and the fragance that flourish in our hearts with the friendship and solidarity. Emmanuel Vrettos 1st Vice President UICH

"Aldo Giacomello proclaimed during his homage to Jean that Vissoie, as the seat of the Gillet family, founder, Ferdinand, and son and collaborator, Jean, ought to be a place of pilgrimage for all Clefs d’Or concierges. We spoke of an idea to someday establish a study center there, where concierges could come to do training and ongoing studies in the profession. It would be such a serene and alluring place to take an educational retreat. Maybe that can become a goal for some of you younger members to continue the legacy of Jean Gillet. " Marjorie Silverman President d’honneur

It is very pleasing to know that such an important occasion was handled so professionally and diligently by the two of you and the rest of the Swiss members. I am sure that the two gentlemen we honoured over the weekend would be delighted to know that the spirit of friendship is alive and well in their home-town of Vissoie. Like everyone involved I am taking away so many wonderful memories of this historic occasion and I thank you both for making it a truly special event. Colin Toomey 2nd Vice President UICH

We are lucky all who could be attend at the most authentic place for Clefs d'Or, the roots of the Gillet Family in Vissoie. Tamas Ungar Central Europe Zone Director UICH

The whole area is beautiful, and the Hotel Bella Tola was one of the best, so friendly, helpful and willing to please. I was so pleased that I had the opportunity to enjoy a little of everything, the food, the wine, the local tour, the history, etc etc etc Paul Still – Great Britain

In short, the visit to Vissoie created a historic journey and left all of us with AN INDELIBLE EXPERIENCE AN EXPERIENCE THAT CANNOT BE FORGOTTEN AN EXPEREINCE THAT CANNOT BE REPLACED Shujaat Khan Assistant General Secretary UICH

“The Charte”. This will be an extraordinary document reminding us always to the Meeting in Vissoie / Val d’Anniviers. This is where our roots are and the very beginning of the history of Les Clefs d’Or, of our history. From a small charming village in the Swiss mountains to 42 countries worldwide. Claudio Caser President Les Clefs d’Or Switzerland




VISSOIE photos







EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETIng In VISSOIE Dear Friends From September, 29th until October, 2nd I had the opportunity to take part in the Executive Committee Meeting in Vissoie, Switzerland.

perfect and very professional way. I was deeply impressed, also because I had the chance to meet a lot of „old“ friends, which accompanied me during my profession in the past and my membership of Clefs d’ Or.

What an amazing location on 1.400 meter altitude in the wonderful valley of Walis and also the place of birth of our founder of Clefs d’ Or international Ferdinand Gillet.

We have discussed the future of our associaton in different meetings, also how important it is to help and support each others in friendship and connectivity. That is the general goal of our association.

He had an extraordinary meeting of almost all Presidents fom Europe, USA and Asia. Thank you to our International President, Virginia Casale and Michael Romei for organizing this event in a

Yours faithfully Walter Freytag

AnnUAL BOARD MEETIng AnD 3RD “nEW BLOOD” TRAInIng In BAD SCHAnDAU In October our national Board Meeting took place in Bad Schandau, close to the beautiful city of Dresden at the “Hotel Elbresidenz Bad Schandau” in a beautiful landmark directly at the “Elbe” River just a few kilometers away from the borderline. This year we did something special for the first time: we combined our Board meeting with our 3rd “new blood” seminar where 25 young members had the opportunity to find out something about team building, our association, finding new friends helping them to become part of our union. There was also an outdoor part deeply in the forest in the training session, where the attendees were shown how important team building and team work is. Also some of the International Presidents took part in our meeting. So we had an amazing weekend – especially the youngsters finding new friends, got to now the member of the board and also the International Presidents. We have amazing feed back from different General Managers how motivated the attandees came back to their properties. We can highly recommend to do the same in your countries, because younsters are very important for our association and for our future.

nEXT nATIOnAL MEETIng nEXT yEAR TAKIng PLACE In COLOgnE Next National Meeting next year taking place in Cologne Our next national congress will take place from July, 19th until July, 22nd in Cologne. We are quite sure it will become an amazing event, due to Cologne is a wonderful city with a lot of historical background. We hope to welcome some good old friends there from different countries especially we will have a combination of

the next area meeting as well as our national meeting. Our colleges from the section Cologne/ Dusseldorf are almost quite busy in organizing this event. In Service through friendship Ralf Schuetz Member of the board Clefs d’Or Germany

KATHRIn BEULSHAUSEn COnCIERgE OF THE yEAR gERMAny 2012 Congratulations to Kathrin Beulshausen, winner of the Concierge of the Year Germany 2012. Each year since 2006 the famous publishing house “Busche Verlag” known for their travel and restaurant guides awards the Concierge of the Year for all of Germany. This year’s event was held in Germany’s most northern island of Syit on the 24th of October 2011; more than 350 guests attended. Some background information about our dear Kathrin Beulshausen: She started her concierge career in 2004 at east Hotel in Hamburg, Germany where she remains today. Kathrin opened the east Hotel Hamburg (128 rooms) in October 2004. The east is famed for its innovative design; forged by Jordan Mozer who has



managed to create a balanced blend of Far East charm with Western industrial history. Kathrin has been a Les Clefs d’Or Member since 2006 and is also Director of the Hamburg Section for Les Clefs d’Or Germany. Congratulations again dear Kathrin for winning this very prestigious award in Germany!

Kathrin Beulshausen with our President Mr. Christian Netzle

Our first meeting was in the 11th June,in the Saadi Hotel, Marrakesh. The second was in the 20th August, in the Sofitel Hotel, Agadir. The third, in the 24th September in the Palais Jamai Hotel, Fes. The last one, in the 15th October in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Casablanca.

During all this meetings we emphasized on training and the different ways to improve communication between concierge members. We will organize the second mediterranean congress the 16th and 17th of December in Hyatt Regency Hotel, Casablanca. Let me know if somebody from the executive committee will attend the next meditettanean congress, we will be happy to welcome him/her. Warm regards, El Mostafa TAOUFIK

Dear Friends!




it is a great plesure to infrom you that we had a very special, active period in the last several month. In May we had a go cart rally competition with the Airportshuttle Minibus Company drivers and our Clefs d'Or members. In June we visited the Caprice Jewelry and Diamond factory in Szentendre, we enjoyed very much the lecture of Mr Arik Herman, GM of the factory. After the visit we had a great dinner at the Kereskedőház Restaurant.

End of June we visited the worldfamous wine region Tokaj, This was a full day excursion with wine tasting and lovely dinner. In July we had a fantastic dinner at the Restaurant Melba. This place has a special location as it is at the Danube river with own Yacht dock. In September we had a partner party at the famous Gundel restaurant. We invited our bussiness partners for a get together, this evening was also an occassion to get more and new bussiness affiliated member.At this evening we had the chance to introduce our new Marketing and Strategy partner the Bunt 24 Company with the leadership of Mrs Mariann Hammerle. We strongly believe that this partneship will help us to achieve our goals. In October we had a traditional dinner at the Mátyás Pince Restaurant, we had special guest at this eveing , Mrs Krisztina Dudas who is the Director of Marketing at the Hungarian Tourism Ltd. She gave us a very interesting presentation about the plans and achievment of the hungarian tourism. We had also Mr Tamas Botka with us from Absolute Media Ltd, he is the publisher of several high class editions about the hungarian Spa's, wine regions, fine restaurants. the latest books were intreduce at his presentation. As the winter season holidays are coming I wish a Merry Christmass and a Happy New year to everyone worldwide and more important good health and peace. In Friendship Tamás Ungár President Les Clefs d'Or Hungary Area Director Central Europe, UICH





COnCIERgE OF THE yEAR MILAn 2011 AWARDED TO RICCARDO ARnALDI Where Milan Magazine in association with Morris Visitor Publications (MVP) sponsored their first annual Concierge of The Year 2011 Award. This was also in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Where Magazine and the first anniversary of Where Milan. This year’s award goes to our dear friend Riccardo Arnaldi Concierge at The Westin Palace Milano. Mr. Arnaldi is originally from Rome and has been working at The Westin Palace Milan for 10 years. He also has worked at several luxury hotels in London, Austria and Germany as well as onboard Cunard’s luxury ship The Seabourn Sun. He is a world adventure traveler, avid runner, and fluent in several languages.

Michael Romei, International General Secretary UICH happened to be visiting Milan at the same time and was invited to attend the Award ceremony sponsored by Where Milan at The historic La Brera Milano. Featured in the photo with Michael are all of the award nominees: Bernie Gallotta from Grand Visconti Palace, Davide Gambi from King, Mario Gambron from Principe di Savoia, Maxim Juricic from Park Hyatt. together with the winner Riccardo Arnaldi. We wish to congratulate Riccardo for winning this prestigious award and we send many many thanks to our dear friends of Where Milan and Morris Visitor Publications (MVP) for their continuous support and partnership with our Les Clefs d’Or organization worldwide. Thank you very much dear friends!

LCD MEET AnD gREET WITH “SERVICE MAgIC” On a recent trip to Italy; I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know a Les Clefs d’Or Concierge colleague and now a great friend: Francesco Battesimo Chef Concierge Hotel Caruso – Orient Express Hotel – Ravello, Italy (AmalfiCoast). Francesco has been at The Hotel Caruso in Ravello for several years but is originally from Northern Italy and worked years ago at another Orient Express Hotel; The Splendido in Portofino. Most recently he was featured on the cover of Orient-Express Hotels Magazine ; Franceso is featured prominently at the entrance of this most beautiful hotel with his great warmth and friendliness; truly inviting you in to experience this little piece of heaven. Imagine a Palazzo type structure perched on a village cliff with a backdrop of sheer panorama and The Amalfi Coast below. The setting is magical and so is Francesco’s service: His recommendation of Trattoria Lorenzo in

the tiny little hamlet of Scala was one of the best al fresco lunch’s ever experienced in all of Italy! The other really truly “Service Magic” performed by Francesco was his ability to arrange for a special order Hertz Car to be delivered directly to Ravello instead of having to travel more than one hour away for an Airport pick up. When everyone else said “NO” he was able to make this happen effortlessly and with pleasure: Truly representative of our Les Clefs d’Or service standards and strength of “Golden Keys” relationships.

LCD MEET & gREET: ROMAnO PALLAI AT HOTEL LUCCHESI FIREnZE > Name and Last Name: Romano Pallai > Position: Concierge > Hotel: Plaza Hotel Lucchesi – Firenze, Italy > Hotel Website: www.plazalucchesi.it > How many years at current hotel: 16 years > How many years with Les Clefs d’Or: 19 years > What do you love the most about your city and location? The fact to be small. People can reach the sites of tourist interest walking and that allows them to see part of the attractions along their way, without be worried about the schedule of public busses or pay expensive taxi fares. Florence is also a city, and it is usual in Italy, where people can feel safe walking around during the day and even

at night time. Our location is just outside the pedestrian area, along the river, with rooms facing the river or with a view on the roofs of the centre. I feel the Lucchesi to be like a second home for our guests, where people can arrive or return with pleasure, counting on efficient and discreet service. My superior, Mr. Michele Paonessa, president of Les Clefs d’Or of Tuscany, and myself do our best to accomplish to their wishes and have them feel welcome.

LCD MEET & gREET: AnDREA SCARPA AT SATURnIA InTERnATIOnAL VEnICE > Name & Last Name: Andrea Scarpa > Position: Chief Concierge > Hotel: Saturnia International Venice > Hotel Website: www.hotelsaturnia.it > Location: Venice, Italy > How many years at current hotel: 11 years > How many years with Les Clefs d’Or: 14 years > What do you love the most about your city and location? The art, architecture and uniqueness!



The national meeting of the USA Section was held in the historic city of Boston, Massachusetts, July 7-11, 2011. The Greater Boston Concierge community delivered what will always be fondly remembered as “A Revolution in Service”. Boston will forever hold a special place in my heart as it marked the beginning of my mandate as the newly elected President of Les Clefs d’Or USA. I have always felt quite privileged to simply be amongst the membership ranks of our prestigious organization. I am both humbled and honored to now assume a role in which I may contribute to shaping its future. It was my great pleasure to attend the 10th National Mexican Congress held in Cancun, Mexico, September 21-25, 2011. From the moment I arrived in Cancun, I felt the sincere warmth and hospitality of our Mexican colleagues. It was truly inspiring to witness the meeting room filled with approximately 80 delegates of a young section. I applaud Yasmine Flores for the leadership she has given our neighboring section during her Presidency and also extend my most sincere congratulations to Mexico’s newly elected President, Ms. Diana Hikichi of the Hotel Nikko, Mexico City. Viva Mexico! Most recently, the USA Board of Directors gathered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 27-31, 2011, for our annual face-to-face meetings. While in San Juan, Les Clefs d'Or, USA hosted a service excellence class titled "The Art of the Concierge," at the InterContinental Hotel. The educational symposium welcomed concierges, hotel employed front service professionals and hospitality students to attend this complimentary four hour session.

The Annual Concierge Choice Awards NYC 2011 Michael Romei with Mary Murphy Assistant Chef Concierge Omni Berkshire NYC


Dear Friends,


The USA section is excited to host the 17th Pan American Congress of Les Clefs d’Or April 26-30, 2012 in fabulous Las Vegas! Please look for on-going congress updates on Face Book at “Les Clefs d’Or 17th Pan American Congress 2012”. I am greatly looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming UICH Congress in London! Until we all meet again, I respectfully remain yours… In Service through Friendship, Jeanne Mills President Les Clefs d’Or USA

OUR nEWLy ELECTED PRESIDEnT LES CLEFS D’OR USA Jeanne Mills, Chef Concierge of the MGM Grand Las Vegas has been elected as the new President of Les Clefs d’Or USA Ltd. Elections were held recently in Boston during the LCD USA National Congress. Jeanne Mills has served wtih distinction on the Board of the USA Section since 2002; she has been a member of Les Clefs d’Or USA for many years and has attended several International, Pan American and Domestic Congresses. Jeanne began her Concierge career at age 19 and was quite inspired by her mentor Jacque Hallstead. She is one of the Founders of the Southern Nevada Hotel Concierge Association. She also grew up in the Hotel business and was often seen playing as a young girl in the luggage storage room of the historic Dunes Hotel Las Vegas where her father served as a

well known Bell Captain for 37 years. It is no wonder that she developed passion for our Concierge profession and our symbolic Les Clefs d’Or Motto “In Service Through Friendship.” Her favorite quote is: ”Life is a journey, not a destination.” Fellow Members Worldwide: Please welcome Jeanne Mills as President LCD USA!!!

LES CLEFS D’OR nyC QUARTERLy MEETIng Last night on Monday June 27th 2011; The Les Clefs d’Or Hotel Concierge of New York City held its quarterly meeting at Hotel Kimberly here in Manhattan. Our Meeting was organized and moderated by Maurice Dancer, Chef Concierge of The TAJ Pierre NYC and Zone Director of The Americas for Les Clefs d’Or UICH. Peter Johnson Chef Concierge of The Hotel Kimberly was our most gracious host and organized our private meeting room followed by a lovely outdoor supper buffet on the beautiful rooftop terrace of The Hotel Kimberly.





HISTORy In THE MAKIng… 1ST UICH OCEAnIA COngRESS Auckland, New Zealand In July 2011, Auckland New Zealand hosted the Inaugural Oceania Congress and the 17th Annual General Meeting This congress brought the ties between Australia and New Zealand even closer. This was history in the making and I was very humbled being a part of it! Special thanks to Gabi Milling from AMEx and our UICH International President Virginia Casale for her well wishes and very kind words!!! Preparation for the UICH International Congress in Queenstown 2013 is well on the way!!! We look forward to showing you all our beautiful country and we will show you all… This is Queenstown “As Good as it gets”…. Yours always in Friendship Franz Staufer President Les Clefs d’Or New Zealand

Left to Right Bryan Wilkinson, LCDNZ South Island Delegate, Nick Steele, LCDNZ Assistant Secretary, Shaun Ryan, LCDNZ Secretary Logan Fleet, LCDNZ Treasurer, Franz Staufer, LCDNZ President, Gaby Milling, American Express Representative Michael Anderson, LCD Australia President, James Ridenour, LCD Australia Secretary ,Peter Brown, LCD Australia NSW State Delegate, Steve Ciric, LCD Australia Treasurer

From our Friends in Queenstown hosts of Congress 2013… Bryan Wilkinson Chief Concierge of the luxury Sofitel Queenstown Hotel and Spa hosted the South Island members of the Hotel Concierge Society Les Clefs d'Or New Zealand aboard the 48ft ketch rigged motor sailor the mv Yvalda used by Sir Winston Churchill during World War two. The Society Les Clefs d'Or (The Keys of Gold) is meeting to organise the 60th International Congress to be held in Queenstown in April 2013. To mark the occasion 42 decorative banners were raised with the sails to represent the 42 member countries from around the world who will be attending.


PLEASE WELCOME MICHAEL AnDERSOn: OUR nEW PRESIDEnT LCD AUSTRALIA AnD OCEAnIA ZOnE DIRECTOR Most recently at their annual national meeting; Les Clefs d’Or Australia elected their new President Michael Anderson replacing Mr. Elvis Soiza who served us with distinction. We thank Elvis for his support and hard work in representing our Australian Section for the past few years. We also wish to congratulate Michael Anderson not only for his newly elected position as President of LCD Australia but also for his new appointment as Oceania Zone Director. Michael Anderson has been Chef Concierge of The Observatory Hotel in Sydney, Australia for the past 19 years. His career in customer service spans nearly 30 years; he has been recipient of numerous awards including the AHA NSW accommodation division Employee Excellence in Service Award in 2000; he was also appointed the official ambassador for the Sydney 2000 Olympic “Welcome the World” program. Over the past 3 years he has represented his hotel as its public face making numerous sales



trips especially in the Arabian Gulf area. Michael has been recently quoted as follows: “ I enjoy leading my team, and sharing with them, my passion for Customer Service, that said I am no “one trick pony.” “I also believe that life lessons are prime in importance.” “The key component in Customer Service is “the creation of empathy” that being one’s ability to connect with people on an emotional level.”

SPRIng WEEK-EnD OF LES CLEFS D'OR LUXEMBOURg The 13 members of the Luxembourg section met for a lovely spring week-end mid-june. After a warm welcome at the ALZINN HOTEL where most of them spend the first night, the SALES-LENTZ coach company took us for the traditional diner in the gambling rooms of the CASINO2000. Diner followed by a "Black Jack" training ! Next morning, all of us were the guests at the extraordinary GOLF DU CHATEAU DE PREISCH located just after the Luxembourg border, in the french countryside. For all of us this was a first golfing experience. We had a great teacher, Michael who gave us a good idea of how difficult and exhausting this very elegant sport can be. Thanks to one of the sponsors of that warm Saturday to the local brewery BOFFERDING, we could quench our thirst !!! After lunch at the golf club restaurant LE SWING, we left France to go back to the green heart of Europe : Luxembourg. We all checked in at the new SOFITEL "LE GRAND DUCAL" where our new member Giovanni MARCONI had reserved the best rooms with a super view on the old part of the city. The most important part of the week-end was when we were the guests of our good Clefs d'Or friend, Thierry DUHR who is the chef and owner of the one star Michelin rated restaurant "LE BOUQUET GARNI" in the upper part of the old town, behind the Grand Duke's Palace in the rue de l'Eau. Thierry had the pleasure to be our 2011 Member d'Honneur. The press was very happy to share this important event with many readers in Luxembourg ! Thierry and his team had prepared an perfect gala diner for us with the best wines. Service was so good and elegant under the management of José, THE Maître D !!!...

We then had our raffle with a lot of prizes that came from the most prestigious boutiques, wineries and restaurants in Luxembourg : CARTIER, LOUIS VUITTON, HOFFMANN/ M O N T - B L A N C , ROLEx, JITROIS, HERMES, JAGUAR LUxEMBOURG, JOALLERIE SCHROEDER, SONIA RYKIEL, FREY WILLE, Le ROYAL HOTEL BOUTIQUE and many more. None of us left without a magnificent gift. Again, we thank them for the generosity and support. After a short but comfortable night, we spend some time visiting our small, but beautiful town and we went on the TSCHOU-TSCHU PETRUSSE ExPRESS TRAIN going through the oldest parts of the city. We ended up at the VILLA VAUBAN for a short visit of that old 18th century villa (museum-artgallery) in the middle of the city park. The group of friends crossed the park during a few minutes to go to the HOTEL "Le ROYAL*****" where Simon DELCOMMINETTE hosted a aperitif in the garden of his hotel. After that relaxing moment we all left for a five minutes walk to the very heart of the city where we were guests of the restaurant LA LORRAINE for a excellent lunch under the trees of the place d'Armes.



I would like to thank everybody from the Luxembourg section for their participation as well as all our sponsors that I would like to name here, but there were so many that it would be impossible. Thank you also to the sunshine that has been with us from the first till the last minute of our meeting !




In May the Danish Section held our 74th Year Anniversary at Custom House. Many of you probably remember this lovely venue by the harbor of Copenhagen as it was one of our venues when we had the Congress in 2008.

During our anniversary it is tradition to elect Concierge of the year. This Year Kasper Poulsen won the title together with nice prices from one of our main sponsors of the event Interntional Herald Tribune. AVIS Car Rental was the other sponsor for this magnificent event. Herald Tribune was represented by Carina Pierre Rochard,Circulation Director Central Europe & Scandinavia. Kasper took his first steps as a Concierge at the 5* Skt. Petri Hotel in Copenhagen and became a member of the Danish board during his time at the property. Since then he has been a Chef Concierge at the environmental friendly property of Copenhagen Towers Crowne Plaza. Since 2011 Kasper has been the Chef Concierge at Radisson Blu Scandinavia. The property that hosted all of us during the International Congress in 2008. Kasper has been a board member since 2008 and is very dedicated to Les Clefs d’Or Denmark and UICH. He’s the treasurer of the Danish section where he has done an outstanding work through his last 2 terms. Kasper was also the Danish nominee for the Andy Pongco award in Toronto. Next year we will celebrate our 75. Year Anniversary and hope to see as many of you as possible!!!

Kasper Poulsen with his present from IHT.

Another story from us: Miss Katrine Stadum, Concierge at Copenhagen Marriott, was "keyed" on Monday September 19 when we had our second seminar with one of our main sponsor, DanTaxi, which is the second largest taxi company in Copenhagen. The seminar is to highend the service between hotels and the taxi business. All this to the benefits of our visitors! After the seminar and keying we went to Bishop & Arms Pub to network and celebrate. Looking forward to see you in London. Warm regards and best wishes, Anders





Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Japanese section I wish to share a warm hello to all of our friends and colleagues around the world. It is over 8 months since the earthquake and tsunami hit the coast of Tohoku region in Japan. We are very grateful for the generous contributions and support that we have received from our friends and colleagues all over the world. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company, the reactors are currently stable and any critical and urgent matter that needed to be resolved is headed in a positive direction. Step by step, Japanese citizens are starting to move toward the normal life they had. We must not forget that Japan's recovery could not have and cannot be achieved without constant support from countries from around the globe. In April, we started the fiscal year with a new committee, and with the support from all of you and the management at our hotels, we are moving forward little by little day by day in hopes of aiding tourism in Japan during these harsh times resulting from the March 11 disasters.

In November, we held our 14th anniversary party at Park Hyatt Tokyo, with the member of Japan Concierge Association and invited guests including former Les Clefs d’Or member and the member from Associative Companies. We thank all of you again for your support that are helping our nation recover from the disaster.

In July, we distributed our first newsletter “Keynews” written specifically for our international peers. We created this newsletter in an effort to advertise a “Safe and Fun Japan” to our international counterparts and we plan on publishing this newsletter bimonthly.

We all look forward to seeing all of you at the London Congress in 2012.

In September, we had a Fam Trip in Kyoto organized by Tourism Division, Kyoto City. We had an experience of ‘Beautiful Maiko dancing show & Kyoto Cuisine’ at the traditional Japanese INN “Hatanaka”. Lectured at “Tomihiro Hand-Dyeing Yuzen”, “Nishiki textile fine arts of Tatsumura KOHO”, and “The Ando Japanese Doll shop”.

Masumi Tajima President, Les Clefs d’Or Japan Chief Concierge Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo

In Service Through Friendship,


InTERCOnTInEnTAL COnCIERgE OF THE yEAR AWARDED TO CAROLInA AVARIA Carolina Avaria, Chef Concierge InterContinental Toronto Yorkville recently attended the Americas Zone IHG Meeting in Las Vegas where she was awarded the Best of The Best Concierge of the Year for InterContinental Americas Zone (North, Central and South America). The Meeting was attended by more than 6100 delegates. Featured in the above photo with Carolina Avaria is Mr. David Webster International Honorary Member Les Clefs d’Or and Chairman of The InterContinental Hotel Group. Also shown in the photo to the right of Carolina Avaria is Mr. Simon Scoot VP of Global Branding for IHG. InterContinental is recognized as a leader in the industry with Concierge In The Know Program and their celebrated Concierge App. We wish to congratulate Carolina Avaria for this stupendous award and to also thank The InterContinental Hotel Group for their continued friendship and support of our Les CLefs d’Or organization and Concierge profession. Our dear friend Carolina Avaria has been working for InterConti-



nental Hotels for 8 years: Chef Concierge for 6 1/2 years at InterContinental Toronto Yorkville and 1 1/2 years at InterContinental Toronto Centre. Carolina is a native from Chile and moved to Canada when she was 8 years old. She was a Professional Stage Manager for 18 years before becoming a Concierge. Carolina worked on more than 100 Shows including; Rent, Les Miserables, Ragtime and even toured with Cameron McIntosh’s Oliver in the UK. She has been a Hotel Concierge for 11 years. She shares her life with her 4 year old Josephine and her well known Toronto French Chef husband Masayuki Tamaru. Carolina is also Vice President for Les Clefs d’Or Canada. She is known for her award winning personality, hard work and enthusiasm and shares tremendous passion for our beloved Concierge profession. Congratulations Dear Carolina!!


Spring and summer in Austria was thankfully a very busy period all over Austria and our members had plenty of possibilities to show their abilities and the importance of our Clefs d´Or network to our management and more important to our valued guests.


Despite the amount of work, our national association had regular meetings and some very special events over the last few months – we attended the International congress in Toronto, celebrated our Clefs d´Or birthday, had examinations in our partner schools and so on. On July 7th our National board was invited at the newly opened Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom for a very successful board meeting. We were also invited at their new restaurant – an absolute hot spot in this beautiful city – and had the pleasure to welcome a new and highly motivated new member into our association. Wolfgang Wagner, Concierge at the Sofitel and colleague of our National President Christian Paral was awarded with the Golden keys by his General Manager and Mr. Paral. “I am very proud that all concierges in our hotel are members of Les Clefs d´Or and that they are allowed to wear the crossed Golden Keys as part of their uniform. Being members of Les Clefs d´Or is a signal that our concierges belong to the best in the world and therefore the philosophy and customer orientation of Sofitel is fully met.” said the proud General Manager, Mr. William Haandrikman. We are very proud to say that with motivated members like Wolfgang and supportive GMs like Mr. Haandrikman, our association will steer into a bright future and our guests will feel the benefits of our motto “In service through friendship” all over the world!


PLEASE MEET OUR LES CLEFS D’OR MEMBERS OF PRAgUE!! Recently I had the golden opportunity to stopover in lovely Prague on my way back home from attending various Les Clefs d’Or meetings and events: Our members and friends of Prague most graciously hosted a lovely dinner at the Restaurant Chagall in the heart of the Historic District: Seated from Left to Right: Michael Romei, Sarka Hakenova (Marriott Hotel), Stanislav Malek (Four Seasons Prague), Kvetoslav Tomas Krejci, Petr Zezula (President Les Clefs d’Or Czech Republic and Chef Concierge Four Seasons Prague), Pavel Ruml (Mandarin Oriental Prague), and Marek Psenicka (Rocco Forte Augustine Prague).

Aperitifs at the lovely home of Stanislav Malek and Kvetoslav Tomas Krejci in Prague.

Petr Zezula is President of Les Clefs d’Or Czech Republic and also Chef Concierge of The Four Seasons Prague. Petr was kind enough to walk with me outside his Hotel to explain the history and design of the unique structure and building overlooking the fairytale Prague Castle and steps away from The Charles Bridge.













Grand Millennium Al Wahda hosted the UAE chapter of the official international Concierge Association’s first ever meeting last week. The meeting brought together concierges from across the Emirates, and facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences across hotels.

Michael Sorgenfrey, general manager of Grand Millennium welcomed the country’s top concierges to the hotel in his opening speech. He said: “It is a great honour to host the cream of the UAE’s concierges here in Grand Millennium Al Wahda. Our hotel, as well as Millennium & Copthorne as a group, are committed to continuous development of our staff, our standards and best practice, and we are proud to support Les Clef d’Or in the UAE.”

…..Congratulations Mr. Jerome Rodrigo……

The meeting was attended by high profile senior figures from the tourism industry including representatives from the Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), the International Herald Tribune, Ferrari World and the Dubai Islamic Arts Centre, as well as Grand Millennium Al Wahda’s chief concierge and president of Les Clef d’Or, Charles Ferrer. The organisation aims to enhance the hospitality experience and provide professional development and networking opportunities, and some of the topics discussed included a training workshop run by DTCM, strengthening the ties between UAE concierges with a commitment to solidarity and integrity, and the UAE chapter’s bid to become host nation for the 2016 international Les Clef d’Or congress.

From left Sandra Newman Chief Concierge Kempinski Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi (newest & only female LCD UAE member), Michael Sorgenfrey, GM Grand Millennium Al Wahda Abu Dhabi, Helen Konstantopolous, Susan Kderiet (both from Int'l Herald Tribune) and myself. Regards, Charles Ferrer President - Les Clefs d'Or - UAE

Group Photo of the UAE meet in Grand Millennium Al Wahda


Please join us in congratulating our Abu Dhabi Concierge Group President and Asst. Secretary General of Les Clefs d'Or UAE, Mr. Jerome Rodrigo of Crowne Plaza abu Dhabi for the coveted Hotelier Middle East Concierge of the Year Award 2011.


HOLLy STIEL SEMInAR/WORKSHOP In DUBAI AnD QATAR Our very own hospitality trainer and concierge expert; Holly Stiel traveled recently to both Doha, Qatar and Dubai, UAE where she conducted a most effective and well attended Seminar/Workshop for the concierge community in both places.

lives. In the forward of my book The Art and Science of The Hotel Concierge; Marjorie Silverman wrote that with this new book I would have an opportunity to inspire another generation of concierge. That is exactly what it felt like in Dubai and Qatar. There were people in attendance from all over the world and it was the first time they had received training especially designed for them. The Hosts were marvelous, the audience appreciative, and the experience: a life time happy memory.” Quote from Holly Stiel

Holly’s seminar was sponsored in partnership by both The Tourism Authority of Dubai and Doha, Qatar together with both Les Clefs d’Or UAE and The Concierge Association of Qatar. The attendance was incredible: 300 people in Dubai and 150 in Doha, Qatar. Please note the following quote from Holly: “It was really thrilling to meet so many people and have the opportunity to touch their





Les Clefs d’Or India just held their 5th Annual General Meeting today in New Delhi: We wish to congratulate the following newly elected members of their Exec. Committee: President – Edwin Saldanha, 1st VP - Albert Amanna, 2nd VP – Sunny Prasher, Gen Sec. – Albert John, Ass’t Sec. - Naveen Dahiya, PRO. – Shaunak, and Treasurer Michael Fernandez.





LES CLEFS D’OR BRAZIL AnnOUnCES nEW PRESIDEnT gUILHERME BORgES Please welcome Guilherme Borges as the new President for Les Clefs d’Or Brazil replacing the outgoing President Silvio Gomes. Guilherme Borges has been a Concierge since 2003; he began his career at the JW Marriott in RioDe Janeiro and then worked also at the Intercontinental from 2005 to 2007 before returning again at the JW Marriott where he remains today. He has been involved with Les Clefs d’Or Brazil since 2003 and became an International Member in 2005. We wish to congratulate Guilherme on his new position and at the same time we wish to thank Silvio Gomes for all of his hard work and tremendous support he has given for so many years.

of Les Clefs d’Or Brazil. At night we celebrated the date in a bar with fellow concierges and friends.

Dear friends, Let me give you a brief summary of our recent activities here in Brazil. One of the most important news is that we will have our 3° AGM (Assembly General Meeting) scheduled for the 05th and 06th of December in Rio de Janeiro. We will have two exciting days, with educational seminars, cultural tours in town with a professional guide, board directors meeting and lunch/dinner, the delivery of keys for new members and Concierge Foundation party. Les clefs d’Or Brazil will celebrate it’s 20th anniversary this year, and our Brazilian Section will prepare a great party. Last June 29th we celebrated for the first time in Brazil “the Concierge Day, the date refers to Saint Peter’s day, as a predominant catholic country we celebrate this date which refers to the saint who has the heaven’s golden keys door, so, we thought that the syncretism to Clefs d’Or crossed golden keys would be a good idea. Many concierges visited St Peter’s church in a nearby neighborhood to attend the morning mass, guided for Mr. Paulo Roberto Correa from the Sofitel Rio de Janeiro Hotel and a founder member

On August 30th we had our 04th Clefs d’Or meeting in Rio. Our meeting took place in a gorgeous palace by name “Casa de Arte e Cultura Julieta de Serpa” that is one of the best eateries with good reputation for serving the best afternoon tea and snacks, besides great French gastronomy. This elegant venue gives a fantastic experience of dining with a touch of great cultural activities taking place there. At our meeting, we discussed many topics about our AGM , coming elections, and information about new members. During the meeting, our then president Silvio Gomes said that he would no longer conduct the presidency of Les Clefs d’Or Brazil for personal reasons and then announced me “Guilherme Borges” as Brazil’s Clefs d’Or new president. Our members wish to thank and applaud Silvio Gomes for all of his hard work and tremendous support he has given to the Brazilian section for the past years. Guilherme Borges Brazil’s Clefs d’Or President


nEW LES CLEFS D'OR MEMBER IS AnDRÉS VERgARA We are proud to inform you another concierge who gets few days ago the golden keys. The new Les Clefs D'or member is Andrés Vergara who works in the W Hotels in Santiago, Chile. Congratulations Andrés!!



SHAngRI-LA HOTELS COnCIERgE WORKSHOP In gIULIn, CHInA The five day event comprising two separate groups focused on technological innovations, human resource management, travel trends, luxury touring and networking opportunities. A detailed update of Les Clefs d’Or activities including the upcoming 2012 International Congress in London was delivered by 2nd Vice President Colin Toomey. An inspirational address from Marjorie Silverman , Past President and Committee de Sage member was also an absolute highlight of the week’s event. Les Clefs d’Or UICH 2nd Vice President Colin Toomey and President d’Honneur (Sage) Marjorie Silverman addressed this recent Workshop in beautiful Giulin, China for Shangri-La Hotel Concierge Worldwide. Photos: Group Photo of The Concierge from ShangriLa Hotels Worldwide. The following is reported and written by our 2nd VP Colin Toomey. “Les Clefs d’Or members have gathered from around the world to participate in the Shangri-La Hotels Concierge Workshop in Guilin, China. Although this year’s workshop saw members come in from as far afield as Vancouver, Paris and Sydney, the majority of the 60 Concierge in attendance are based in Hotels around Asia, particularly China.” Photos: Les Clefs d’Or UICH 2nd. VP Colin Toomey.

With such a busy program in place there was little time for exploring, but a morning tour of the famous Guilin Caves followed by a cruise on the beautiful Li River gave attendees some idea of the tourist city’s natural beauty. Photos: Lady in Red President d’Honneur (Sage) Marjorie Silverman. Following on from the success of last year’s inaugural workshop in



Hong Kong, the Guilin meeting provided a wonderful opportunity for Les Clefs d’Or members to broaden their network of contacts within the Shangri-La Hotel Group and will no doubt lead to a closer working relationship for all involved.” Photos: River Cruise Beautiful Giulin, China.

John sun Dong, Caroline Cheah, Colin Toomey

Les Clefs d’Or China 16th Annual Congress in beautiful Yantai, China.





CEnTRAL EUROPE ZOnE MEETIng MOSCOW In 2001 during the congress in Athens the Russian chapter got its official status as a U.I.C.H. member and Russian concierges in full joined the great International concierge family. After Eugene Bagdasarov (our founding farther) and few other members of the board, left the concierge profession it seemed that the Russian section was not in the best shape. However our Past President - Kate Zhuravleva and Past Vice-President - Michael Hopf put the flame back into the hearts and in the past couple of years we are developing and growing. Our section increased almost for 40% for the past 2 years and we are constantly working on educating young Concierges in different cities in Russia and Ukraine. As part of the celebration of our 10th anniversary and first time ever for 10 years of existence, Russia hosted an International Clefs d’Or event – Central European Zone meeting, which took place in Moscow on August 26-28, 2011. We were delighted to welcome not only Central European Zone country Presidents and delegates, but also guests from other countries. It was like a small congress! Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Switzerland and USA. All Russian members and especially whose who didn’t had a chance to be on any of the congresses were inspired and full of emotions after such a great opportunity to meet International colleagues. This meeting gave us an excellent opportunity to show the development of the Hospitality industry and Concierge profession in Russia and Ukraine.

Continuing to celebrate our anniversary and again first time ever we hold our second annual meeting in the so called North Venice – St. Petersburg. A beautiful city, outstanding hospitality from hosting hotels – Taleon Imperial Club, Corinthia Nevsky Palace and Grand Hotel Europe Orient Express and great program designed by our St. Petersburg colleagues made all of us feel very warm welcomed. During the meeting in 2nd Russian capital 5 new members were accepted and we elected an Interim Vice-President – Chief Concierge of recently opened Intercontinental Tverskaya Moscow, Andrey Korystov. For the past year we finally got our International logo protected on the territory of Russia. Re-designed our web site – www.conciergerussia.ru with the sponsorship and help of Moscow office of American Express. Made a site inspection visit to the Olympic capital of 2014 – Sochi. Step by step we are moving forward. Many of us are going to London and we cannot wait to see all the friends. Vive Les Clefs d’Or and truly yours, Pavel



PLEASE MEET THE COnCIERgE OF ODESSA, UKRAInE Like a ray of light cascading on The Black Sea; please meet the first and only Hotel Concierge of Odessa, The Ukraine. Shown in the photo above from left to right: Kristina Seryozhechkina, Michael Romei, and Lena Stefak; two out of the three concierge at the luxurious Bristol Hotel. They may be very new to the Concierge profession and yes they are stationed for the moment at the far end of The Front Desk, but they are most eager to please and learn their craft. When you enter the little jewel-box of a Hotel; The Bristol; they are right there with a shinning smile. They know the history of their Hotel and are quite knowledgeable of all the major attractions and culture of Odessa. I had the pleasure of spending some time here after visiting our Les Clefs d’Or members in Kiev. I was quite fortunate to have Lena Stefak take me on a personal walking

tour of old Odessa; their eagerness and enthusiasm is so wonderful to see. I highly suggest any of our members who happen to be in this part of the world to pay a visit to these very lovely concierge friends of Odessa!!

PLEASE MEET OUR COnCIERgE MEMBERS FROM KIEV Known as the two Kirill’s of Kiev (Kyiv) some of you may have met the two Kirill’s as they both attended our most recent International Congress in Toronto. In fact Kirill Kuleshov was an Andy Pongco nominee. Both Kirill’s have been very instrumental in supporting our team of Les Clefs d’Or members here in Kiev. Currently we have approximately 5-6 members in Kiev; a city which is growing by leaps and bounds. Several new Hotels are due to open quite soon: Hilton, Fairmont, more boutique hotels and even a Ritz Carlton. Both Kirill’s organize frequent monthly meetings and their favorite place to gather is the Buddha Bar. They possess great passion for our profession and are most eager to learn and develop. They are currently working on a Charity Event in Kiev bringing forth the city and the Les Clefs d’Or Concierge together. I had the pleasure to spend some time with both Kirill’s as well as most of our Concierge members here; they all see themselves as Pioneers and it’s so wonderful to share their excitement and enthusiasm. The Concierge at the Intercontinental Kiev have a very unique and one of kind feature; they actually have an adjacent lounge for guests who prefer to have more private one on one conversation and/or consultation with the Concierge. The Lounge is well equipped with several comforts; a wide assortment of reference material, comfortable seating, beverages available and even portable iPads for viewing and sharing of maps and information.

Kirill Korobstov


Thank you dear friends of Kiev for your wonderful warmth and friendship and thank you for all of your hard work and support in developing our Concierge profession and Les Clefs d’Or in Kiev.



Kirill Kuleshov

Aleksey Nikitan

COn LAS LLAVES PARA ABRIR TODAS LAS PUERTAS A warm welcome to newly elected Madame President Diana HIKICHI, of the Mexican section at the Cancun congress last September 2011. Congratulations to outgoing President, Yasmin Flores who has contributed to much success of the section and who joins wonderful colleagues such as Rosalia Sanchez, Leonel Quijano, Daniel Valencia, Sergio Rodriguez , Nelly Duarte and Carolina Vilar. The association in Mexico has become influential in the Americas and has been getting great recognition internationally. Madame Hikichi works at the Nikko Hotel in Mexico City along with Sergio Rodriguez where they remain at your service. We wish a great mandate to Madame Hikichi with much accomplishments. Viva Les Clefs d’Or Mexico !!!





COnCIERgE OF THE yEAR LOnDOn AWARDED TO MR. RICHIE LOng Mr. Richie Long, known also as “Fat Richie” has been a Concierge at The Cadogan Hotel in London for more than 13 years. Richie is our very own Concierge Comedian and has been a professional standup Comic for years. The coveted award: Concierge of the Year is proudly sponsored by Morris Visitor Publications (MVP), the leading publisher for the domestic and international traveler markets and Les Clefs d’Or Great Britain.

ident Virginia Casale and Mr. Ron Crowdy President of Les Clefs d’Or Great Britain. We wish to congratulate Richie Long as well as all of the nominees. Many many thanks to our dear friends: Morris Visitor Publications (MVP) for their continuous support and friendship throughout our global network of the Les Clefs d’Or Organization. Thank you very much dear friends!

This was the 6th anniversary celebration of The Morris Golden Keys Concierge Awards in London held at the spectacular 8 Northumberland Avenue. The magnificent Ballroom of 8 Northumberland was the setting of the evening: Key leaders of London’s hotel, restaurant, tourism and business community attended. Speeches were given by our very own International Pres-

UICH LES CLEFS D’OR WESTERn EUROPE ZOnE MEETIng In LOnDOn Our Western European Zone Meeting for UICH Les Clefs d’Or took place recently in London, England August 26th – August 28th 2011. The following is a summary posted by Simon Delcomminette our Zone Director and President of Les Clefs d’Or Luxembourg: At the end of the summer, our zone meeting took place at the very comfortable Imperial Hotel on Russell Square. All seven presidents of the largest European Zone attended a very positive and constructive meeting with their new Zone Director, Simon DelComminette, President of The Luxembourg section. GB section president, Ron Crowdy, and 3rd vice-president UICH, Simon Thomas organised an amazing weekend for the participants. This featured a splendid dinner at Brown’s Hotel, in an historic room called The Niagara Room, which is where the famous Niagara Agreement on electricity supply, worldwide, was convened. This was followed by a visit to Sophie’s Restaurant where we were served after-dinner drinks in superb surroundings with great and friendly service. On the day of the meeting, our spouses and partners were taken to Covent Garden. This was the home of London’s Fruit and Vegetable Market for many years and is most famous as being the home of The Royal Opera House, and for the film “My Fair Lady” which was made here. It featured Audrey Hepburn as Eliza, who one of the ‘flower girls’. Simon’s wife Dawn was kind enough to act as escort, and took everyone around this vibrant shopping area, then treated them to a very nice Light Lunch at The Mercer Street Hotel, where she is GM. This was followed by a trip to the worldfamous Madam Tussauds where they were treated as top VIPs, and had a great time. Their afternoon ended with a truly unforgettable experience – ‘Afternoon Tea’ at one of London’s most prestigious Hotels, The Lanesborough. Whilst our partners were being entertained, our presidents had a very positive meeting at The Imperial, and then went to splendid lunch at The Brasserie in John Lewis’ Department Store. If you don’t have an opportunity to eat there, at least go round this very



well appointed store on one of the most exciting shopping streets in the world! That evening, we gathered for Champagne at The Imperial, before being chauffeured to the River Thames, where we were treated to a trip on the cruise ship, “Bateaux London“. This was the highlight of the weekend; we were at the very front of the boat and very much enjoyed a lovely meal and drinks with elegant service whilst we sailed down the river at night. It was a beautiful experience – Big Ben, The Tower of London, and Tower Bridge at night – I can tell you it was so nice! When we got off the boat, Simon Thomas suggested we visit the newly-opened Corinthia Hotel for late-evening drinks. It was an impromptu visit, but we were welcomed warmly by Clefs d’Or colleague, Darren Cousins and he treated us to one last glass of Champagne at this newly opened hotel. I can tell you that The Corinthia is absolute luxury, very stylish, and we were all tremendously impressed. Unfortunately, on Sunday morning, the weekend was coming to a close, but there was one more surprise, when we went for a beautiful lunch in a private room at “Gary Rhodes at The Cumberland“. The food and service were superb, and we were joined by our friend from Kronometry 1999, Cedric Glogg. Cedric had been responsible for leaving each of the presidents beautiful gifts at the hotel, and it was our opportunity to thank him in person. I can tell you my dear friends of Les Clefs d’Or all over the world, London will be a super great congress! Register soon to make sure you can attend. In Friendship, Simon DelComminette, Director of The Western European Zone.


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London - So much to do! 27 January - 1 February 2012

Dear Colleagues of Les Clefs d'Or, It will be our pleasure to host the 59th UICH Congress in London from 27th January 2012 with a programme which is designed to show you as much as possible and mix business with pleasure. All delegates will be accommodated at The Thistle Marble Arch Hotel on Oxford Street, which is the heart of our theatre, shopping and entertainment district - London's famous 'West End'. We will open with a very lively 'Celebration of London's Theatre' at the fabulous London Hilton on Park Lane, and close at 2.00am on 1st February with a fantastic Gala Evening in The Great Room at London's finest banqueting venue - The Grosvenor House, a JW Marriott Hotel. It will be memorable, and it will be great to see you. Kindest Regards, Ron Crowdy, President, Society of the Golden Keys of Great Britain.


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Toni Daoud Past President Canada & Chairman, Virginia Casale President UICH and Gerald Parent International Honorary Member are looking forward to bridging the Educational of Toronto 2011 to London 2012.

2nD AnnUAL SOUTH AFRICAn COnCIERgE/gUEST RELATIOnS COnFEREnCE Charles Ferrer, President Les Clefs d’Or UAE recently addressed and attended the Second Annual South African Guest Relations/Concierge Conference. This unique forum which brings together both guest relations managers and concierge from 4 and 5 star Hotels is sponsored by the Johannesburg Tourism Council (JTC). This Second Annual Conference took place on September 27th 2011 at La Toscana Montecasino in Johannesburg. During the Conference four new Head Concierge received their Les Clefs d’Or keys and were officially inaugurated in affiliation with the Les Clefs d’Or Great Britain section. Currently South Africa has eight Les Clefs d’Or members: Ronnie Govender – Sandton Sun, Archie Christodoulides – Michelangelo Hotel Sandton, ClaudeFrancois Ndala – Beverly Hills Hotel Umhlanga, Deon Prinsloo

Palazzo Hotel Fourways, Lizelle De Haas Radisson Blu Sandton, Vinny Maharaj Intercontinental Sandton Towers, Billy Chetty Davinci Hotel & Suites Sandton, and Ryan Van Zyl Cape Royale Luxury Hotel and Residence Cape Town. We look forward to seeing Ronnie Govender and Claude-Francois Ndala at our upcoming UICH London Congress in January 2012. Congratulations to all of our new members in South Africa and many thanks to Charles Ferrer President Les Clefs d’Or UAE for attending this most worthwhile Conference and sharing this photo and information.





In late April we attended the 58th U.I.C.H. International Congress in Toronto. Thanks to Toni and his team we were very delighted to participate, to meet old friends and establish new ones.

Panagiotis Varotsis & Spiros Arathimos

Panagiotis Varotsis& Dimitris Liapis In June, our Annual Ball was held at "ZORBAS", one of the best fish restaurants at Mikrolimano (next to Piraeus Port)

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The official Le Royal Amman, Jordan Management and Staff Les Clefs d’Or Golden Keys Pinning Ceremony: Featured in this photo from Left to Right: Mr. FOUAD (Rooms Division Manager, Ameera Hamdam (Guest Relations Supervisor), Ala’a (Asst. Chef Concierge) Simon Delcomminette, Mrs. Fadia MBAYDEEN (Director of Human Resources), Mohammad Alqabalani (Chef Concierge and brand new Les Clefs d’Or Member), Idrees (Le Royal Amman Doorman), and Hekmat (Le Royal Amman Shoeshine Staff).

Nizar Saidi Pinning Ceremony in Doha



Mohammad Alqabalani chef concierge le Royal Amman

Mario Morelli, President Les Clefs d'Or Argentina pinning our newest member Mr. Francisco Patriarca Concierge at Los Cauquenes Resort & Spa Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Also shown in the photo is Maria Jose Espinosa Concierge Sofitel Buenos Aires Michael Chatzakis, Aggelos Rigas & Nikolaos Mitrou in front of Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki. A special ceremony for our new members at Athenaeum Intercontinental. Our new members Aggelos Rigas and Nikolaos Mitrou have officially received their keys from our Board Member Michael Chatzakis.

MiladFrancis our one and only member in Beirut, Lebanon

Bashar Bardaneh, The Four Seasons Amman, Jordan

The pinning of Teiva Milz Chef The new Les Clefs D'or memConcierge Intercontinental Pa- ber is Andrés Vergara who peete, Tahiti. works in the W Hotels in Santiago, Chile.






Mr. Grant Bowie – President and CEO of MGM China Holdings Ltd; with International President Virginia Casale and General Secretary Michael Romei.

At the sound of the GONG marked the official opening of our the first ever Les Clefs d’Or Asian Congress; performed by our most honored VIP guest: Mr. James P.C. Tien Chairman of The Hong Kong Tourism Board with President Fred Lui.

Fred Lui hosted a welcome luncheon for Virginia and Michael at the world famous Sabatini Ristorante

Fred Lui, President Les Clefs d’Or Hong Kong hosted a welcome luncheon for all Asian Presidents and Representatives.

Michael Romei with our Hosts of the Gala evening: Ms. Siana Iong MGM Grand Macau and Edward Ma Chef Concierge Langham Hotel Hong Kong and Vice President Les Clefs d’Or Hong Kong.

In the true spirit of hospitality and friendship; hence our famed motto “In Service Through Friendship” I was personally greeted by surprise by my dear friend Edward Ma at Hong Kong International Airport.



General Secretary Michael Romei with International President Virginia Casale and Hong Kong President Fred Lui.

We had the pleasure of meeting one of our keynote speakers: Karen Tam.

General Secretary Michael Romei with International President Virginia Casale and Hong Kong President Fred Lui.

Virginia Casale International President and Michael Romei International General Secretary Les Clefs d’Or UICH together with 14 Presidents and Representatives of our member section countries in Asia, gathered for a group photo at our Gala Night Dinner Reception Langham Hotel Hong Kong.



Group photo of International President Virginia Casale with President Fred Lui, The Les Clefs d’Or Asian Congress Organizing Committee, LCD Asian Zone Director, President Les Clefs d’Or Singapore Gregory Tan, Michael Romei and visiting dignitaries James P.C. Tien Chairman of The Hong Kong Tourism Board and Mr. Anthony Lau Executive Director of The Hong Kong Tourism Board.

More than 150 concierge from 14 member section countries visited the municipality of Macau.




HONORARY MEMBERS Most recently in London our very own Robert Watson, Immediate Past International President, presented honorary Les Clefs d’Or Membership (Diplome d’Honneur) to Mr. David Webster, Chairman Intercontinental Hotel Group Worldwide. This most distinguished award of Honorary Membership status has been given to Mr. David Webster for his continuous support and commitment to Les Clefs d’Or Concierges worldwide. We wish to congratulate Mr. Webster and welcome him to our worldwide network and organization.

Honorary LCD Membership presented to Mr. David Webster Chairman INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel Group


Courtesy visit at BUCHERER in Geneva & discussion on the BUCHERER UICH official Keys. From left to right: Mr. Marc Pierrain, CC at Beau-Rivage Geneva & Vice President Swiss section Mr. Olivier Mazille, C at La Reserve Geneva & President Geneva section. Mrs. Cecile Gameiro, PR at BUCHERER Geneva & Swiss section Honorary Member Mr. Gerard Muller, Manager at BUCHERER Geneva & International Honorary Member Mr. Aldo Giacomello, Senior CC at Beau-Rivage & UICH honorary President.








Le mercredi 12 octobre, Elite Rent-a-Car, la société de location de voitures de luxe et de services chauffeur invitait ses partenaires de l’Association « les Clefs d’Or » pour une ballade d’une journée sur la Côte d’Azur.

C’est au petit matin qu’Elite emmenait ses 12 convives en limousine de luxe vers l’Aéroport International de Genève afin de les familiariser avec son nouveau concept de transfert VIP « Door to Door ». Ce nouveau service développé conjointement avec la société de handling Swissport, propose une pise en charge exclusive depuis la porte du domicile ou de l’hôtel jusqu’au pied de l’avion tout en bénéficiant d’une assistance dédiée, du contrôle accéléré, du salon VIP et du transport en limousine sur le tarmac. Après une restauration au lounge VIP, l’équipe Elite et ses acolytes s’envolèrent pour Nice à bord du Dash 8-400 de son partenaire Baboo-Darwin. Une surprise de taille les attendait à bord : un concert « privé » interprété par la violoniste Eva Simonin qui berça les passagers par ses quelques belles notes. Un heureux participant pu même assister au vol depuis le cockpit, tout un programme… A destination, les limousines d’Elite emmenaient tout ce petit monde dans le pittoresque village de Saint-Paul-de-Vence. Là furent remises les fameuses boules de pétanques, personnalisées au nom de chaque participant, pour un tournois improvisé sur la Place du Village. Un goût de Provence et quelques fous rires garantis ! Après cet intermède « sportif » et une visite des lieux, la prochaine étape fut le mythique hôtel Carlton de Cannes où toute la délégation fut accueillie par les Clefs d’Or de la Côte d’Azur. Une belle rencontre entre nord et sud, pour un moment d’échange et de convivialité autour d’un délicieux déjeuner avec en arrière plan, le bruit de vagues et des arpèges d’Eva.

Toutes l’équipe des Clefs d’Or, Elite, Swissport et Darwin-Baboo près au décollage pour… le sud et son soleil !

Photos de famille Elite et les Clefs d’Or sur la fameuse Place Centrale de Saint-Paul-de-Vence. Cela sent la pétanque…

17h00 et déjà l’heure de repartir vers les contrées helvétiques avec des souvenirs ensoleillés plein la tête…

La compétition fait rage.

Marc Pierrin, Chef Concierge Beau Rivage Genève. Litige de pétanque ? Qu’à cela ne tienne ! Une ceinture en guise de mesure et l’arbitre tranche !

Eva Simonin, violoniste ; Virginie Boursier, Responsable des opérations chez Elite et Mina Bayat, Four Seasons, Genève. Une équipe de charme.

Mina Bayat, Chef Concierge Four Season Hôtel des Bergues, Genève, Hervé Laborde, Directeur Général Elite Rent-a-Car et Nicolas Lobinet, Fleet Manager. Il y a du défi dans l’air ! La compétition bat son plein. « Tu tires ou tu pointes ??? »

Après une belle ballade sur la Côte d’Azur, les Elite Rent-a-Car et toute l’équipe des Clefs Photo de famille Elite Rent-a-Car avec leurs Clefs d’Or Suisse rencontre leurs homologues d’Or immortalisés dans une belle ruelle de convives devant le mythique hôtel Carlton qui a vu naître en 1952 les Clefs d’Or. de la Riviera. Saint-Paul-de-Vence.



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