2 minute read
from knitter1502020
by leshabarad
alt alternate approx approximately beg beginning ch chain cn cable needle cont continue dc double crochet (US single crochet) dec decrease (work two stitches together) DK double knitting DPN double-pointed needle dtr double treble (US treble crochet) est established foll following inc increase K knit KFB knit into front and back of stitch K2tog knit the next two stitches together kwise knitwise meas measures M1 make one (see M1L) M1pw make 1 st purlwise: with LH needle lift the strand between next and last st from front to back and purl through the back loop M1L left leaning increase: with left needle tip, lift strand between needles from front to back. Knit lifted loop through back of loop M1R right leaning increase: with left needle tip, lift strand between needles from back to front. Knit lifted loop through front of loop

MB make a bobble mrk marker P purl patt pattern(s) PB place bead PFB purl into front and back of stitch pm place marker prev previous psso pass slipped stitch over P2tog purl 2 stitches together P3tog purl 3 stitches together pwise purlwise rem remain(ing) rep(s) repeat(s) rev st st reverse stocking stitch RH right hand RS right side skpo slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over sk2po slip 1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over s2kpo slip 2 tog kwise, knit 1, pass slipped sts over Sl slip sl st slip stitch ss slip stitch (crochet) slm slip marker SSK slip 2 stitches one at a time, return to LH needle, knit 2 slipped stitches together tbl SSP slip 2 stitches one at a time, return to LH needle, purl 2 slipped stitches together tbl st(s) stitch(es) st st stocking stitch tbl through back of loop tog together tr treble crochet (US double crochet) w&t wrap and turn WS wrong side wyib with yarn in back wyif with yarn in front yb take yarn back (no inc) yf bring yarn to front (no inc) yfwd yarn forward yo yarn over yrn yarn round needle
Bergère de France www.bergeredefrance.co.uk Debbie Bliss c/o LoveCrafts 01409 404 010 www.lovecrafts.com Eden Cottage Yarns www.edencottageyarns.co.uk Erika Knight c/o Thomas B. Ramsden 01943 230010 www.thehomeofcraft.co.uk Jamieson & Smith 01595 693579 www.shetlandwoolbrokers. co.uk Novita www.novitaknits.com
‘Mortimer’ on page 26 uses yarn from West Yorkshire Spinners
Rowan 01484 668200 www.knitrowan.com Stolen Stitches www.stolenstitches.com Find stockist details at www.fyberspates.com/retailers West Yorkshire Spinners 01535 664500 www.wyspinners.com
The Crowood Press 01672 520320 www.crowood.com Kate Davies Designs www.shopkdd.com