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nick@bilsandrye.com contemporarysculpture.gallery BilsAndRye bilsandrye
The Harrogate Bils & Rye contemporary art gallery exhibits eye-catching Ceramics, Sculpture and Paintings. They leave pretentions at the doorstep and welcome all lovers of art, no matter what level of knowledge they may have. But, above all, they encourage visitors to discuss the art they have in their collection. They encourage visitors to explore the tactile works with hands as well as eyes! Got a question? Ask their expert team who make the gallery the friendly and professional place it is. Their knowledge about each artist is extensive. This is because they tour the country and spend time getting to know the individuals behind the work. Personal investigation and individual narrative is prioritised with a mission to create connections between art and collectors alike.
They talk, they deliberate and together they examine the methods employed by each artist to create their unique piece. They examine the context of the artists within contemporary culture and they even discuss the artists likes, environment and lifestyle. By taking a more relaxed, hands-on approach, they simply help you fall in love with the art you admire.

Bils & Rye are proud of their relaxed and welcoming gallery where you can expect to enjoy a wide variety of art. Their gallery is a space where anyone can purchase a piece of art, as an investment or simply because they love it. Their mission is simple; to connect passionate art buyers with quality pieces in an unpretentious and friendly way. Nick and his team have developed a professional and friendly reputation as a result of a comfortable, straight-forward approach with clients on every level. Their dedicated team work hard to ensure that the art you invest in is perfect for your home or workspace. They offer home trials, allowing you to take the piece away to see how it looks in your space. It really doesn’t matter what level of knowledge you have, there’s no need to know everything (or indeed anything) about art. Through conversation and careful curation, they share their growing knowledge of modern ceramics, sculpture and paintings in an informal way.
Artwork on left page by Louisa Tebbutt Above from left by Ollie Holman, Jonathan Hateley