Auction, Estate and Valuation Services Hindman is recognized internationally as a leading fine art auction house. With an unyielding focus on client service, Hindman operates more salesrooms in the United States than any other firm and conducts over 100 auctions annually in categories such as fine art; modern design; jewelry and timepieces; fine books and manuscripts; couture and luxury accessories; fine furniture, decorative arts, and silver; Asian works of art; arts of the American West; numismatics; and more. C O N TA C T O U R T R U S T S A N D E S TAT E S D E PA R T M E N T 312.280.1212 E S TAT E S @ H I N D M A N A U C T I O N S . C O M HINDMAN 1338 WEST LAKE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607
Overview of Services Our strength has always been our ability to offer trust and estate professionals, private collectors, and institutions a comprehensive suite of appraisal and auction services. As a result of our exemplary reputation, we have had the privilege of handling many prominent estates and collections from distinguished museums, institutions, corporations, and private individuals. Hindman offers auction, estate, and valuation services and prepares market value, gift tax, insurance, and estate tax appraisals. Because of our relationships with members of the trade, private clients, museums, and institutions, OP P OSIT E
A G r a d u a t e d Tr i ple Strand Na t u r a l Pe a r l N ec klace. S o l d fo r $ 3 6 2 , 5 00
Hindman is also called upon to broker private treaty sales for many of our clients.
Auction Services Selling at auction is an effective method for realizing the maximum value of unique and rare assets. Our specialists provide estimates and guidance on the best approach to offering property at auction. Their expertise and market insight ensure that every item reaches the world’s most likely bidders through personal outreach, marketing, and publicity. We offer a wide range of services during the consignment process, including the coordination of professional packing, shipping, and full insurance coverage. Sellers’ commissions are based upon the AB OV E A ND OP P OSIT E
A R a r e B lu e a n d W hite Po r c e l a in He x a f o il Bowl, X u an de M a r k a n d Period (1 4 2 6 -1 4 3 5 ) . So l d fo r $ 1 , 4 5 2 , 5 0 0
ultimate scope and value of the property consigned. Hindman works closely with consignors to present a competitive fee structure for each consignment.
Hindman is home to a team of over 150 experienced professionals and specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive services, including auctions and appraisals, private treaty sales, collection management, disposition, and acquisition advice. Hindman has the following specialty departments: American and European Paintings American History Arts of the American West Asian Works of Art Couture and Luxury Accessories Fine Books and Manuscripts Fine Furniture, Decorative Arts, and Silver Historical Firearms and Militaria Jewelry and Timepieces Modern Design Native American Art and Artifacts Numismatics Post War and Contemporary Art Prints and Multiples Specialized Auctions
An d y Wa rh o l, John Wayne fro m C owboys and Indians , 1986. So l d fo r $ 6 2 ,5 0 0 LEFT
Ale xa n d e r C a ld e r, The Long Bras s Tail on Blac k and Red, 1956. So l d fo r $ 8 4 5 ,0 0 0
Estate Services Hindman
beneficiaries throughout the country with confidential and customized appraisals and disposition services. All appraisals are prepared fully in accordance with Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) guidelines and meet all current requirements A B OV E
set forth by the IRS.
A R a r e S t a in l e s s S teel R e f . 6 2 3 9 / 6 2 6 2 “Paul Newman” D ay t o n a C o s m o g r a ph Wris twatch, R o l e x , C i r c a 1 9 6 8. S o l d fo r $ 1 7 7 , 5 0 0
We recognize that each client and appraisal situation
and residences. Our Trusts and Estates Department
A n I m p o r t a n t 3 1 . 6 1 Carat A n t iq u e C u s h i o n Cut Fancy In t e n s e Ye l l o w D iamond. S o l d fo r $ 7 4 4 , 5 0 0
is unique and often involves multiple asset categories offers services that are tailored to meet our clients’ time lines and specifications.
Appraisals Professional appraisals are prepared for estate tax, gift tax, charitable contribution, insurance, and equitable distribution purposes. Our experienced team of specialists regularly appraises property by analyzing market
research. Our specialists evaluate thousands of objects each year for auction, allowing them to closely monitor the nuances of the market. A B OV E
A R o m a n M a r b l e Venus , C ir c a 2 n d C e n t ur y C. E . S o l d fo r $ 2 3 1 , 250 OP P OSIT E
T h o m a s Ha r t B e nton, ( A m e r i c a n , 1 8 89 1 9 7 5 ) , St i l l L i f e . S o l d fo r $ 4 5 5 , 000
Appraisal fees are based on the number of specialists involved, hours required, and necessary travel and expenses. They are negotiated according to the express needs of each client and are competitive within the marketplace.
Valuation Services Our Trusts and Estates Department works closely with fiduciaries, private clients, institutions, and corporations to coordinate the valuation of personal property. We recognize the importance of determining proper asset valuation in order to ensure that property is appropriately maintained, reported, or sold in a A B OV E
An Hermès 35cm B l u e A by s s e C r o c o dile B ir k in B a g . S o l d fo r $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 OP P OSIT E
A n Y v e s S a i n t L a u rent Haute Couture P u r p le R aw S ilk Gown. S o l d fo r $ 1 8 , 7 5 0 A n Y v e s S a i n t L a u rent M on dri an D r e s s . S o l d fo r $ 2 7 , 5 0 0
manner that maximizes value. We offer complimentary walk-through services with the goal of providing an accurate representation of value based on the current auction market.
Local Service, Global Reach Hindman
marketing campaigns to ensure that important objects realize their maximum potential at auction. In addition to promotional efforts, specialists work closely with important collectors, dealers, and institutions around the world to maximize interest and encourage competitive bidding among potential buyers. Strategic communication plans include securing national and local press in industry publications A BOV E
After Qi Baishi, (1863-1957), Shrimp. S ol d fo r $ 2 6 9 , 0 0 0 O P P OSIT E
A Ye llo w Pe k in g G la ss Vas e. S ol d fo r $ 1 0 6 , 2 5 0
and the key markets unique to each collection. Our commitment to international marketing and continued online presence allow us to provide our clients with local service while reaching a global audience.
Important Estates and Collections Our expertise and market knowledge allow us to oversee every aspect of valuation and consignment. We provide all parties with a detailed proposal outlining the procedure through which property is brought to auction—from initial appraisal though settlement.
Local Service Consignors can expect the same level of service whether their property is being sold in a local salesroom or at our headquarters in Chicago. Many notable and successful estates and collections have been brought to auction by regional Hindman representatives.
Estate Settlement Hindman personnel at regional salesrooms across the A BOV E
TOLKI E N, J . R . R . T h e Ho b b it;
country assist in every aspect of estate valuation and
o r T h e re an d B a c k Again. L on d o n , 1 9 3 7 . S ol d fo r $ 4 2 , 5 0 0
settlement. Our staff is on hand to connect trust and
PAL M ATA RY, J [ a m e s ] T.
C h i c a go, 1 8 5 7 . S ol d fo r $ 1 9 7 , 0 0 0
estate professionals with our strategic partners, who are able to assist with moving, storing, and liquidating items not suitable for auction.
Private Sales For clients seeking an alternative option for buying and selling, Hindman offers private sales in all department categories. Hindman uses its world-class expertise and client experience to provide the most efficient and reliable system to individuals looking to buy and sell O P P OSIT E
D al e C h i h u l y, ( A m e r ic an, b. 1 9 4 1 ) Ma s s i v e C h a n d e l i e r / Sus pended Sc ulpture S ol d fo r $ 8 1 , 2 5 0
items at a set price. We have proven success in this service, negotiating million-dollar sales that leave all parties satisfied.
Museum Services Our Museum Services Department has been privileged to work with many important museums and institutions throughout the country. We are committed to achieving the highest levels of success for our institutional clients – whether we are assisting with valuations, consignments, or acquisitions. Appraisal and consulting services are offered to museums and institutions at little or no cost for the purposes of insurance, charitable contribution, gift tax, A B OV E
and fair market value, as well as potential acquisitions
A L o u is X V G ilt B r onze M o u n t e d E b o ny C ommode. S o l d fo r $ 1 2 8 , 5 0 0
and collection management. Each museum and
Or a z io A n d r e o n i , N y m p h D ri n ki n g f r o m a S he ll. S o l d fo r $ 1 2 , 5 0 0
institutional client receives unparalleled access to a dedicated team of specialists ready to maximize the sale of a single item or entire collection.
1. T h e o d o r o s S t a m o s , ( A meric an, 1 9 2 2 - 1 9 9 7 ) , H i g h S n ow - L ow S u n A, 1 9 6 1 . S o l d fo r $ 1 9 7 , 0 0 0
5 . Pe te r S a u l, (Ame rica n , b . 1934), Saul’s Guernic a, 1974. So l d fo r $ 5 7 5 ,0 0 0
2. Al e x K a t z , ( A m e r i c a n, b. 1 9 2 7 ) , Po r t rai t of E l a i n e de Ko o ning , 1 9 6 5 . S o l d fo r $ 2 0 6 , 5 0 0
6 . A Ho p i Go ld , Tu rq u o ise , C o ra l a n d S u gilite B ra ce le t, C h a r le s Lo lo ma . So l d fo r $ 4 8 ,7 5 0
3. 4.
8 . Pa b lo Pica sso , (S p a n ish , 1881-1973), Bus te de Femme dapres C ranach le Jeune, 1958. So l d fo r $ 5 7 2 ,5 0 0
A G e o r g e I I I S i l v e r -G ilt Tureen, Be n ja m in S m i t h I I & Benj amin Smith I I I , London, 1817. S o l d fo r $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 L i n o Ta g lia p ie t r a , ( I talian, b. 1 9 3 4 ) , E n de av or ( f r o m B oat s eries , # 1 3 8 0 7 ) . S o l d fo r $ 1 2 , 5 0 0
7 . Th o ma s Ha r t B e n to n , (Ame rica n , 1889-1975), Study for F lood Dis as ter, c. 1951. So l d fo r $ 3 6 2 ,5 0 0
9 . A Ge o rge II C a r ve d Ma h o ga ny C h e st o f Drawe r s. So l d fo r $ 2 3 ,7 5 0
CHI C AG O E S TAT E S @ H I N DMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 1 3 3 8 W E S T L A K E STRE E T C H I C AG O, I L L I NOI S 6 0 6 0 7 312.280.1212 AT L ANTA AT L A N TA @ H I N DMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 6 6 8 M I A M I C I R C LE , N. E . AT L A N TA , GE ORGI A 3 0 3 2 4 404.800.0192 CI N CI N NAT I C I NC I NNAT I @ HI NDMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 6 2 7 0 E S T E AV ENU E C I NC I NNAT I , O HI O 4 5 2 3 2 513.871.1670 CL E V E L A ND C L E V E L A N D@ H I NDMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 2 6 8 0 1 M I L E S ROA D C L E V E L A N D, OHI O 4 4 1 2 8 216.292.8300 DE N V E R DE NV E R @ HI N DMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 1 0 2 4 C HE RO K EE STRE E T, SU I TE 2 0 0 DE NV E R , C OL O RA DO 8 0 2 0 4 303.825.1855 M I LWA UK E E M I LWA UK E E @ HI NDMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 4 1 4 M A S ON S TRE E T M I LWA UK E E , W ISCONSI N 5 3 2 0 2 414.220.9200 NA P L E S NA P L E S @ H I N DMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 8 5 0 6 T H AV E NU E SOU TH NA P L E S , F L O R I DA 3 4 1 0 2 239.643.4448 PAL M B E AC H PA L M B E AC H@ H I NDMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 1 6 0 8 S OU T H D I XI E HI GHWAY W E S T PA L M B E ACH, F LORI DA 3 3 3 4 0 1 561.833.8053 S COT T S DAL E S C OT T S DA L E @ H I NDMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 1 5 4 7 5 N OR T H G RE E NWAY HAY DE N LOOP S UI T E B 1 7 S C OT T S DA L E , A RI ZONA 8 5 2 6 0 480.490.3175 S T. L OUI S S T L O U I S @ H I N DMA NA U CTI ONS. COM 3 2 N OR T H B R E N TWOOD BOU LE VA RD C L AY T O N, M I S SOU RI 6 3 1 0 5 314.833.0833