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Artist Index


Abercrombie, Gertrude .............116-119 Africano, Nicolas ..................... 43 Ali, Khadim ......................... 22 Ando, Miya ........................ 112 Andrews, Benny ...................... 16 Appel, Karel ..................... 34, 35 Armajani, Siah ....................... 21 Arman ............................. 39 Arnoldi, Charles ...................... 30 Arp, Jean .......................... 49 Avedisian, Edward .................... 88 Baechler, Donald ..................... 46 Baeder, John ......................... 9 Bailey, Radcliffe ...................... 13 Bannard, Walter Darby ........... 81, 86, 87 Bartlett, Jennifer ..................... 12 Beasley, Phoebe .................. 14, 15 Bengston, Billy Al .................... 26 Berrocal, Miguel Ortiz ................. 41 Bertoia, Harry ....................... 97 Bey, Dawoud ....................... 105 Bluhm, Norman ...................... 59 Boyd, John ........................ 124 Brown, Roger ........................ 8 Buck, John ......................... 29 Calcagno, Lawrence .................. 108 Calder, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Calzada, Humberto ................... 79 Cavallon, Giorgio ..................... 75 Christo ........................... 115 Clark, Ed ........................... 65 Craxton, John .................... 18, 19 Cruz, Emilio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Davis, Ron ...................... 25, 91 Di Modica, Arturo .................... 50 Dogancay, Burhan .................... 80 Dubuffet, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Erchun, Luo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Etrog, Sorel ......................... 51 Gabin, Leo ......................... 71 Gahl, Ted ....................... 31, 32 Gatewood, Maud ..................... 10 Goodnough, Robert ................ 94, 95 Gray, Cleve ......................... 67 Halley, Peter ..................... 63, 64 Hambleton, Richard .............. 109, 110 Havard, James ...................... 68 Hinman, Charles ..................... 93 Hood, Dorothy ...................... 122 Hunt, Richard ....................... 48 Hunter, Clementine .................. 127 Jane, Xylor ......................... 23 Jarrell, Wadsworth .................... 17 Jenkins, Paul ..................... 60, 61 Kohlmeyer, Ida ...................... 78 Landfield, Ronnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Leroy, Eugene ....................... 58 Lipsky, Pat ......................... 66 Lockwood, Ward ...................72-74 Lutes, Jim .......................... 36 Marwan ............................ 37 Matta, Roberto ................... 98, 99 Minter, Marilyn ................. 103, 104 Moessel, Julius ..................... 123 Morang, Alfred Gwynne ................ 38 Natkin, Robert ....................... 69 Nevelson, Louise ..................... 40 Nilsson, Gladys ..................... 4, 5 Nutt, Jim ............................ 6 Olitski, Jules ........................ 55 Olson, Alex ......................... 70 Orozco, Jose Clemente ............... 126 Paschke, Ed ........................1-3 Paternosto, Cesar .................... 54 Poons, Larry ........................ 57 Reed, Paul ......................... 84 Resika, Paul ....................... 107 Rickey, George ...................... 92 Rivers, Larry ........................ 28 Rothenberg, Susan ................ 44, 45 Ruff, Thomas ....................... 62 Saito, Kikuo ......................... 56 Sander, Ludwig ................... 82, 83 Segal, George ....................... 42 Sekine, Nobuo ..................113,114 Shaw, Richard Blake ................. 106 Sillman, Amy ....................... 101 Solomon, Syd ....................... 33 Storrier, Tim ....................... 121 Strassburger, Henning ................ 102 Struth, Thomas ...................... 11 Sultan, Donald ................... 89, 90 Thomas, Howard ..................... 96 Turnbull, William ..................... 47 Utarit, Natee ....................... 111 Vasarely, Victor ...................... 24 Vicente, Esteban ..................... 52 Whitney, Stanley .................. 76, 77 Wilde, John ........................ 120 Wiley, William T. ...................... 27 Wirsum, Karl ......................... 7


ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE This work, in our best opinion, is by the named artist.

ATTRIBUTED TO ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE To our best judgment, this work is likely to be by the artist, but with less certainty as in the aforementioned category.

STUDIO OF ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE To our best judgment, this unsigned work may or may not have been created under the direction of the artist. CIRCLE OF ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE To our best judgment, a work by an unknown but distinctive hand linked or associated with the artist but not definitively his pupil.

STYLE OF . . . FOLLOWER OF ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE To our best judgment, a work by a painter emulating the artist’s style, contemporary or nearly contemporary to the named artist.

MANNER OF ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE To our best judgment, a work in the style of the artistand of a later period. AFTER ADRIAEN JANSZ VAN OSTADE To our best judgment, a copy of a known work of the artist.

The term signed and/or dated and/or inscribedmeans that, in our opinion, a signature and/or date and/or inscription are from the hand of the artist.

The term bears a signature and/or a date and/or an inscription means that, in our opinion, a signature and/or date and/or inscription have been added by another hand.

Dimensions are given height before width.

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