Parent Magazine St Johns - May 2022

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MAY 2022



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M AY 2 0 2 2

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FROM THE EDITOR Happy May! May brings with it such renewal and hope, with the graduation of students taking their next steps into the world and students moving from one grade to the next. A summer full of opportunities and adventures awaits. It is also the month where we honor our mothers! Whether you still have your mother or not, we all had women who shaped us. As mothers ourselves, we try to take the best of what we have observed and apply it to raising our own children. Motherhood is a 24/7 kind of job, with no retirement date, though our duties change through the years. Whether you are changing diapers or being a chauffeur for soccer games, every stage is important in the raising of children to be capable, caring adults. In this issue, we honor mothers and give some ideas on how to take care of yourself! We also share ideas for passing down traditions and honoring our mothers who are no longer with us. We highlight some local companies that are working on family-friendly policies and share how to give a great Mother’s Day tea. If you are reading this in print, the recipes from the tea are available on our website. We hope you have noticed our fantastic contests. We must thank our great sponsors and advertisers who have been so generous to our readers. Head on over to our website to see what we have for you to win this month!

Parent Magazine is published by TouchPoint Innovative Solutions.

PUBLISHER Howard M. Holley Sr. EDITOR Dr. Barbara C. Holley MANAGING EDITOR Jeanne Coates ART DIRECTOR Leslie Proctor SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR Jeanne Coates EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Jennifer Farrow • Parent Volunteer Christina Upchurch • St. Johns School District Vikki Mioduszewski • Wolfson Children’s Hospital Danielle Taylor • St Johns School District Erin Wallner • Flagler Health+ INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? If you would like to advertise in Parent Magazine, please call 386.449.8353 or email us at IDEAS FOR ARTICLES? Send your article ideas or provide feedback to

We are proud to have our graduation gallery available on our website. It is a great way to honor your graduate with a picture and a statement of support or achievements and plans! It is a free way to share your senior’s accomplishments with family and friends! Wishing you a warm and wonderful May and a Happy Mother’s Day!


389 Palm Coast Pkwy SW, Suite 3 Palm Coast FL 32137

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All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. TouchPoint Innovative Solutions assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. © 2022 TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved. Information contained in these materials are neither sponsored or endorsed by the School Board of St. Johns County, its agents or its employees.

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St. Johns County School District By Tim Forson, Superintendent of Schools


t is very hard to believe that the 2021-2022 school year is coming to an end, graduations are upon us and more than 3,500 seniors will be off to new adventures in college, careers, military service

or technical schools. It is always an honor to take part in their last school function as St. Johns County students. Congratulations, class of 2022! Along with celebrating our seniors, the School Board of St. Johns County recognizes May 2-6, 2022, as Teacher and Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week and the month

of May as Teacher Appreciation Month. In the SJCSD, we have 3,266 instructional staff and approximately 994 substitute teachers employed. This year has been a very challenging one for us all but especially our teachers. I am beyond grateful for their commitment, passion and perseverance. Teachers shape the future by challenging their students to learn, think and improve the world around them. Continuous learning by our students is critical to the mission of the district. Our teachers have influence that reaches beyond the classroom and is as boundless as the imagination and determination of every student with whom he or she comes in contact. I want to encourage you to take a moment to thank the instructional staff and substitute teachers for their hard work and dedication. Now more than ever, your tokens of appreciation lift up and encourage our teachers as we end this year with hope and optimism. Even though the school year is coming to a close, our team continues to recruit into the summer months in preparation for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. If you or someone you know is interested in working for the SJCSD in any capacity, please be sure to visit the district recruitment website at https://www.stjohns. for upcoming recruitment fairs as well as a daily updated list of current employment opportunities. I am humbled and proud to serve a school district and community that recognizes and honors teachers, staff and students who demonstrate good character. As superintendent, I am grateful that I get the opportunity to have a small part in helping your students realize their potential and dreams in a world full of possibilities. Do not forget to take a moment and reflect on the pillar of the month, which is citizenship. I would encourage you to discuss as a family how you can do your share to make your school and community better.


St. Johns County Mother’s Day Gift Guide Flowers

Art and Artful Gifts and Classes

Southern Grace Fresh Floral Market 904-342-8298

Art Box 137 904-342-0373


Wine, Cheese and Tastings

Neff Jewelers 904-829-5003

Relaxation Retreats

Feather and Bloom 904-806-5850

Blue Water Jewelers 904-829-5855


Salt Spa St. Augustine 904-814-8641 The Spa at Ponte Vedra Inn & Club 904-273-7700

Improv Classes

The Adventure Project

Recess for Grownups (Improv Classes)

Paelo Jemeniz Fine Art 305-322-8107

The Gifted Cork 904- 810-1083

The Pilates Yoga Loft 904-325-1497

A Cooking Experience A Chef’s Kitchen 904-827-1350

The Gift of Sailing

The Schooner Freedom 904-810-1010

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Tea Party

How to Create a Magical Mother’s Day


By Jeanne Coates

he request seemed overwhelming – a tea party for men and women, party of 7. I didn’t even know how to start. Luckily, I love tea rooms, so I had a good idea of what I wanted to serve. What I didn’t have were teacups and recipes. Here is how we built a beautiful tea party.

The who, when and where: The first step is finding

a date and time and determining your guest list. Co-ed, multi-generational – a tea party works for everyone.

Find a spot with lots of natural light. We used my daughter’s home, which had a wet bar for the tea setup, a nice table where we could put some of the food and a bar for the rest.

The menu: Since we had hungry men, delicate women

and a request for traditional tea food, this is the menu we came up with (some recipes are available at www.

• Broccoli and Cheddar Soup (Panera brand from the grocery store) • Butternut Squash Soup (Panera brand from the grocery store) • Tea Bread (recipe available) • Tea Sandwiches – cucumber, chicken salad and ham salad (recipes available) • Assorted Tarts (bought from a local bakery) • Assorted Cookies & Macaroons (bought from a local bakery) • Green Salad (fresh vegetable, however you would like it. I recommend a choice of a vinaigrette and poppy seed dressings.) • Fruit Salad (recipe available) • Scones (bought from an excellent local bakery)

The serving pieces: The beauty of a tea party is eclectic works! I grabbed some serving pieces that I had in storage, borrowed tea pots from everyone I know and then realized I did not own enough teacups. A friend recommended that I check out a thrift store, and it was a great suggestion. I found many styles, from the 1940s 6 | ST JOHNS PARENT M A G A Z I N E

We ate off china plates and drank out of a totally mismatched collection of teapots and teacups. Our honoree felt totally spoiled and loved, and a great time was had by all. You can make everything yourself or buy things to make this easier on you. Everything we served could have been made from scratch, but due to time and energy levels, we let the grocery store and local bakeries fill in the gaps. Make this as simple as you need to and honor your mother (or help your children honor you!) with a fun event!

to much newer cups and from a variety of countries. Prices ranged from $11 on up to $17, and I ended up with a gorgeous eclectic collection. While at the thrift store, I saw beautiful serving pieces and tea pots also.

Decorations: Crisp tablecloths or runners, brown craft paper, anything can work. We chose cloth tablecloths and pink rose garlands, with some fresh flowers as accents. The tablecloths and garlands were found on Amazon.

We had 11 types of tea. Oolong, prince of wales, earl gray, breakfast blend, mint, irish breakfast, breakfast in paris, double chai, turmeric chai, gunpowder green and jasmine green teas. We had multiple electric kettles, which made making the tea and refilling pots easy. M AY 2 0 2 2 | 7

Life/Work Balance

How Flagler Health+ is Caring for the Whole Employee By Jeanne Coates


very working parent knows the struggle of balancing their careers and their family. Worrying about childcare is one of the key stressors for parents. Private or public childcare, in your home or someone else’s or with a relative, working different schedules so one parent is always home with the kids, or one of you giving up a career while the kids are little – all decisions that parents must work out. It became evident to Flagler Health+ during the pandemic that they needed to reevaluate what is truly important in a changing marketplace. They have chosen to look at the entire health of the employee, including the balance between work and home. 8 | ST JOHNS PARENT M A G A Z I N E

Dennis Hoban, administrator for talent, strategy and management, shared what they are doing to reach this. People are looking for more options, and different employees need different relationships with their employers. Flagler Heath+ looked to expand options for people with different priorities, motivations and circumstances. They feel they are uniquely positioned to do this since their mission for the past 130 years has been caring for the people of St. Johns County and surrounding communities. They began by looking at the types of roles the

organization needed to fill, both now and in the future, and what those potential employees needed from their employer. For instance, nurses are the largest operations group in the health system that has locations throughout St. Johns County, and they come in all age ranges and life circumstances. The health system already offers places for breastfeeding and provides reimbursement for daycare expenses among their benefits but they are looking to do more. Flagler Health+ is exploring employment models that address the motivations of employees with different circumstances, such as those beginning a career vs. those who have a closer eye on retirement and the associated benefits. Flagler Health+ is piloting flexible schedules, such as a schedule where nurses work 12-hour shifts every Saturday and Sunday, receive a premium wage and full-time benefits and get Monday through Friday off. Alternately, a Monday through Friday schedule is available where the nurses do not have to work weekends.

The health system is looking at all their other scenarios right now and will roll out to other clinical groups down the road, customized for specialties as needed. They are also asking new job candidates what they want. As parents, we are highly adaptive, and it is exciting to see an employer willing to adapt to help their employees. I hope that as companies like Flagler Health+ change and make accommodations to be family-friendly, it will encourage other companies to copy policies where possible. Parent Magazines Florida has a work from home program, which allows our employees great flexibility. This is a very popular program. You are your family’s advocate, so share with your employer if you need accommodation. Since happy employees tend to be more productive, it is my experience that they will consider your suggestions. Keep your eyes open in the marketplace because I expect that we will see employers really focus on the whole employee going forward – an important lesson from the last few years.

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Ten MOMPOWER Mantras:

Positive Self-talk for Moms for the Whole Family’s Sake By Christina Katz


n case of an emergency landing on a plane, we are instructed to put on our own air masks first before assisting our children. We hear this advice so often that it eventually becomes like a mantra we repeat to ourselves as soon as we board an aircraft. But how often, in the midst of hectic times in our lives, do we jettison all the healthy instructions we know we should be repeating to ourselves right then when we need it most? For busy moms, the answer is too often. Enter these 10


mompower mantras to help you remember the magic words that can quickly restore order and sanity to your life no matter how much hustle and bustle you are facing today. So sit yourself down and commit these phrases to memory. This list of notes-to-self will remind you how to take care of yourself in the short run, so you can better take care of your whole family in the long run and set a good example for a lifetime of healthy self-talk, too.

1. I Am Allowed To Say ‘No Thanks.” If you feel

harried and hectic, running from one family activity to the next, you may have forgotten how to bow out gracefully. All you likely need is a little practice in the no thank you department. Once you get back in the habit of weighing and measuring before you commit, your schedule will calm down and you can better choose how to divide and conquer your time. Just remember, in times of distress, the cure is often the shortest word you know. Repeat: Sometimes I say, ‘yes,’ and sometimes I say, ‘no.’

2. My Health & Energy Matter. Expect to feel happy

and healthy every day. And if you don’t, seek solutions and improvements immediately. If you are not feeling your best, don’t ignore niggling symptoms. Maybe a small adjustment in diet and exercise is all that is needed. Or maybe you need to consult with a health care professional. If you carry invisible hurts from the past, you owe it to yourself and others to seek healing support. Repeat: I take care of health concerns in a timely manner.

3. Oops, I Am Not Perfect. If

you are putting yourself under too much pressure or believe that others are holding you up to impossibly high standards, you may have trouble accepting yourself as you are. You are human, so naturally, you will sometimes make mistakes. Forgive yourself for past errors in judgment or action, make amends with others swiftly as needed, and resist the tendency to be too hard on yourself. A penchant for self-recrimination will hurt you in the long run. Repeat: I am human; therefore, I make mistakes.

4. Home Is Sacred. Creating a safe, secure, stress-free home helps everyone in the family feel more loved and loving. Undercurrents of strife can undermine a family’s need for relaxation and rejuvenation. Try to make your home a relaxing respite where everyone feels welcome and appreciated. Then family members can carry that feeling of sacred space out into the world when they leave home, too. Repeat: There is nowhere as precious as home.

5. I Keep in Touch With

My Needs. Are you feeling fuzzy and muddled, as though you are not really certain what matters and what doesn’t? If you can’t remember the last time you did anything for yourself, then it’s time. Making space for yourself is not selfish; it’s necessary. When you spend time doing things you enjoy, your energy goes up. For caregivers, it takes conviction to carve out time for self-expression; otherwise, it inevitably falls to the bottom of the priority list. Repeat: I make regular time for myself.

6. My Voice Counts. Sometimes we convince ourselves

that our opinion does not matter before we have even had a chance to share it. The truth is that everyone’s opinion matters, ours just as much as anyone’s. Sometimes it’s hard to share what you think, especially if your opinion goes against the grain, and speaking up is a risk that’s always worth taking. Repeat: My opinion deserves to be expressed and considered.

7. Acceptance Is Sanity. Practice accepting situations and others as they are. When things don’t work out the way you’d like, remember that we can’t ultimately control

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other people and situations. If you feel beholding to everyone and everything, maybe you have forgotten how to let the world spin on without your input. Sometimes we need to be reminded that the world will keep spinning without our expert micro-managing. Today, just tackle what’s already on your plate. Repeat: I am only responsible for what I choose to take on.

8. My Example Inspires. You matter. Often we look

for role models without remembering that we are all setting an example, for better or for worse, every day. Sacrificing self is not a requirement; it’s an unhealthy habit that needs to be broken. If you relentlessly practice self-sacrifice, then that’s the legacy you pass along. You are all called to be an example for someone. Start with what you want to embody for your children and family and then move on to the rest of the world from there. Repeat: I strive to be a person I would admire.

9. Tomorrow Is Going To Be Great. Things don’t stay the same, so it’s important to expect life to be an adventure in growth and change. If you have a very


traditional mindset and you like routine, it may take courage to embrace the idea of life as a continual evolution. But if you start by looking forward to tomorrow and can simply let it be different from today, you will enjoy the journey instead of resisting it. If you want to raise brave, optimistic, adventurous children, you are going to have to be brave, optimistic and adventurous yourself. Repeat: I look forward to every day of the future.

10. I Appreciate This Moment. Of course, we all want

to live as long as possible. But we never know how long we are going to be here. Rather than worry about it too much, why not just embrace today? Happiness in this moment isn’t about how much money you make, what you look like or what kind of car you drive. It’s not about how clean your home is, your waistline or what grades your kids are earning. Enjoying the moment is about finding something to appreciate right here, right now and sharing that joy with whoever is right in front of us. Repeat: I surrender to the joy of this moment.

National Puppy Day Photo Contest


Melania Atzori s wel, ha e J , d l and year o “My 5 rned to read to just lea ove listening ps; u l we all ially these p c pe ina.” her, es y and Coqu Smoke

Tea Room Fruit Salad Ingredients: • 1 can peach pie filling • 1 pound fresh strawberries, sliced • 2-3 bananas, sliced • A large bunch of grapes, cut in half • 1 pint fresh blueberries Instructions: Combine the ingredients in a pretty bowl. Can be made ahead of time except for bananas. Add bananas close to serving time. Provided to Parent Magazines Florida by Gail Teigeler, mom of 3 boys

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Snapshots From the Past By Brianna Carter


hen I set out to write this article, I thought my community outreach would yield scores of ideas and loads of sentimental stories about sharing fun and timeless traditions learned from generations prior. Alas, I was proved wrong. My efforts proved fruitless. How can a writer write without a source, inspiration or other people’s insight? Sometimes, you must look within.

Finally, my grandfather, my Poppi, would jump in, finessing the accordion. The band was in full swing. We would clap and dance along. Sometimes, there’d be a sweet solo sung, but often it was an extemporaneous jam session.

Traditions—family pastimes—are a funny thing. Often, we don’t even know they are happening, as they are just a part of us, occurrences that have continuously existed. It’s not until we look back that we see the great imprint these seemingly small moments had on our lives. For the Modugno side of my family, there has always been an unwavering presence of food and music.

This happened at my Poppi and Grammie’s house, too. Only there, the pianos would start the groove— that’s when my Uncle RJ would take the helm—and my Poppi would keep the rhythm on the drums. Oldies, rock or a nod to our Italian heritage were the favorites. Sometimes, Pop would enlighten us with a titillating jazz riff when no one else wanted to play along.

Rock out.

We grew up immersed in the tones and nuances of instruments. My sister’s repertoire grew to include piano, mellophone and French horn. I remember the Christmas my brother got a drum kit. To this very day, he plays in bands. I was always the singer, the entertainer, who knew enough piano to play some basic melodies.

My great-grandfather was a musician in the iconic Mummers Day Parade. Every visit to their South Philadelphia row home, he asked my sister, “Did you bring your fiddle?” He’d grab his banjo and start plucking away. Then, Sammie, a dear family friend, would tune his saxophone and whistle along with the enchanting melody, usually an Italian ballad of sorts. (Fun fact: A distant cousin Domenico Modugno, is the voice behind “Volare,” which means “to fly” in Italian). 14 | ST JOHNS PARENT M A G A Z I N E

For my sister and me, our kids have taken notes. These days, it’s my husband who is gliding his hands on the piano as I sing. My son dances to the tune or dives into the songs he knows, like “Memory” from Cats.

My niece, on the other hand, has accepted a coveted vocalist placement at a charter school in her town. Well earned. All of these musical forums convened as anticipated a meal…

Lasagna: it’s what’s for dinner. I still remember the setup of my grandparent’s house. The stairs upon entry. The couches, with clear plastic coverings so the grandkids couldn’t destroy the furniture. Cases harboring my grandfather’s Eagles shrine. They lived outside of Philadelphia, after all. A sofa so old the indentations were permanent, the recliner solely for my grandfather and the pianos. But then there is a fragrance of simmering foods and sweets baking, with music and laughter boldly in the background. Food has been a keystone for our Irish-Italian family, as it is in many others. My grandmother has six children to feed, four of them active males. Many holidays and family events were spent waiting in agony for the food to be ready. My uncles would charismatically saunter through the kitchen, tossing a dashing smile toward their mother, grandmother and sisters, plotting the precise time to strike and snatch a sample of anything they could grab—a taste test of sorts. Often, the cunning behavior was welcomed with a whack from a spatula—usually delivered by my Grammie or Nanny—a warning to run from this hub of scrumptious goods. Meanwhile, all the kids would lurk in the shadows, pathetically feigning starvation, as if we had some control over when supper would be served. This was especially difficult at Christmas because until dinner was served, there would be no unveiling of the gifts.

It was a staple at our dinners, lasagna. My Grammie and great Nanny Piccani each made a stellar version layered with a menagerie of noodles, mixed Ricotta and melted mozzarella, finished with just the right portion of garlic marinara that the delectable red sauce would cascade when served. Kiss. I’m certain there were fights over whose was better, though I was shooed from the kitchen and any discussion. This attention to cuisine is something dear to me as well as my siblings. Rita, my sister, who is the namesake of my great grandmother Nanny, is a much better cook. I’m more of a free spirit, a risk taker but a solid baker, while my brother is super adventurous and creative. Over the years, beginning with my pregnancy, I took a liking to preparing meals for my family, and I have a keen eye for lasagna. It was the first dinner I made and froze to prep for the new addition. I never follow the recipe, yet I’m always asked for it. Spoiler, I don’t have one. Somehow Rita 2.0 got her paws on those things, so I just make it up as I go. And now, my son has taken a liking to joining me in the kitchen. Baking is his favorite because he loves cookies. His idea of fun is gathering all the ingredients—particularly the eggs—combining them and asking when the timer will ding. There is history in food; there are solace and promise in the music we share with our loved ones. Reflecting on these moments, I realize I’m passing on the same affinity to my kid, the same affection for homemade food and quality time. He impatiently waits for the treats to be ready…just as I sat in agony through dinner anxiously waiting to dive into dessert. And he has found a love for rhythm that cannot be taught. Things may change in ways from generation to generation but continuing or reinvigorating certain aspects may inspire the next legacy. And, well, that’s just delicious. M AY 2 0 2 2 | 15



Make YOU a Priority By Sarah Lyons


aising kids is one of the most life-changing and rewarding times of your life, but it can also be the most exhausting and draining. While moms typically make their kids their top priority, putting them above their own needs and wants, moms need to make time for themselves so that they can continue to be at their best when it comes to supporting and taking care of their families. Moms, it’s time to make you a priority.

Why? Your mental health is important Being a mother has its emotional highs and lows. Your body goes through amazing physical and mental changes during pregnancy, birth and the years that follow. It is important for moms to make their mental health a priority. Ask your significant other or a trusted friend to help you monitor when you are struggling. Ask for help if you feel you are not at your best emotionally. Taking care of your family on a day-to-day basis can be draining on your emotional reserves, but when you have participated in activities that make you feel happy and healthy, it is easier to be attentive and supportive to those around you. Your physical health is a priority If you are physically exhausted, it is hard to be patient with your kids or accomplish anything productive at home or work. Getting good rest, exercising and eating healthy are important for moms to feel at their best. It’s also important for moms to make their health important by visiting the doctor, dentist and other appointments to maintain health on a regular basis. So often, moms will delay their own scheduled doctor visits to make time for their families, but routine check-ups can prevent issues before they arise.

How to make yourself a priority? Find your tribe Having a group of friends who understand what it’s like to raise children, work, maintain a healthy lifestyle and commit to a loving marriage is important for moms to feel “normal” and supported. Moms groups (like MOPS), online meetups or groups, book clubs or church groups are great places to meet and connect with other moms with whom you have things in common. Set aside time Between running errands, extracurricular activities, housework and spending time with your kids, it can be hard to set aside time for yourself. Spending time alone, with your spouse (without your kids) and with friends is so important for moms to feel energized for another day. Add time for you to the family calendar to ensure that it happens on a regular basis and that any child care needs are met. Exercise A good exercise routine not only keeps you healthy and fit, but it can also help you feel better about yourself as well as give you an extra energy boost for the long days of mothering. Taking time for exercise can also give you a chance to be alone and listen to a podcast, audiobook or music you enjoy while working out. If your exercise takes you outside, you also get an added boost of Vitamin D, which has been proven to help you feel happier too. Treat yourself Moms work hard. Allow yourself a treat such as a coffee, a new outfit, a fresh haircut, a pedicure or a sweet treat

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on occasion. Giving yourself permission to treat yourself can boost your mood and acknowledge that you work hard and deserve something special. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money; it’s more about putting yourself first on occasion. Talk to someone Sometimes we just need someone to talk to about our feelings, what is going on in our lives, and the details of everyday life. One way moms make themselves a priority is to find a friend or family member they can chat with on a regular basis. Some may find it helpful to talk to a counselor if they have a lot to work through and have dealt with depression or feel like they could use some unbiased advice.

Ask for help Moms are used to helping others and many of us have a hard time reaching out and asking for help. However, when a friend asks, we are the first to offer assistance. Give others a chance to help you. Set up a carpool so you are not always the one playing taxi with the kids for their after-school activities, accept help when offered, or trade babysitting with a friend so you can have a muchneeded date night. If your significant other offers to help out around the house, let them, even if it isn’t exactly the way you would have done it. Accepting help can be a big relief and can give moms the chance for some muchneeded time to focus on themselves. Take up a hobby What do you love to do? Many moms find they have forgotten the hobbies they used to enjoy prior to kids. Make time for yourself and your interests. Seek out an old hobby or find a new one - reading, running, sewing, scrapbooking - whatever activity gets you excited is what you need to make time for. Whether you do your hobby with a group of friends or on your own, you will not regret making time for something that is important to you. It’s not possible to put yourself first all the time when you are a busy mom, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set aside time when you are the priority. It’s important for your mental and physical health and well-being and will make you a better mom overall.


Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood After taking care of your family’s needs, working and doing household chores, moms can feel like their gas tank is running on empty, which can drain their energy and mood. Here are some quick ways to boost your mood.

< Sing along - Turn up your favorite song and sing along. Dancing and singing are sure to boost your mood.

< Laugh it off - Call a friend who always makes you laugh. If your child is doing something that is frustrating, try to laugh it off. Turn on a funny TV show or podcast. Laughter is the best medicine.

< Take a bath - A relaxing soak in the tub is always a good mood booster and can help tense muscles relax, helping you feel physically better as well.

< Take a walk - Physical exercise and a break from

your house and chores is a great way to change your mood.

< Let it go - Do you have piles of dishes and laundry

to do? Is it overwhelming? Let it go. You can’t leave it forever, but you can for now. Find something fun to do instead, just for the day. You might find that after a break away, you come back to it with a better attitude.

< Take a nap - There is nothing better than a nap to

help you recharge your batteries. If your baby is sleeping, take the time to rest as well. If you have older kids, put in a movie and rest next to them on the couch. You will feel recharged and ready for the rest of the day.


Minnie's Maingate Manor


M AY 2 0 2 2 | 19

More Energy for Mama! Simple Ways to Up Your Beat By Christina Katz


y normal state is upbeat, optimistic and energetic. So if I am feeling out of sorts in any way, I know something is up.

I am fortunate to be blessed with good health and a positive disposition. Unfortunately, over the years, I have also developed some minor health challenges that can rob me of my usual energy, motivation and pleasure when I am not keeping close tabs on my daily attitude. If you are experiencing consistent low energy, it’s time to visit your doctor, who can run a series of tests to determine if you have a medical condition in need of treatment. But if you only feel occasionally out of steam or out of sorts, maybe it’s time to pay better attention to your energy tank. Is your tank typically half-full or even running on empty? No matter what the cause of your energy dips, the best way to banish the doldrums and bounce back with vigor is to pay attention to ways to increase your energy each day.


So, the next time you feel wiped out, whether for an hour, a day or even a series of days, see if you can pump your energy back up by trying some of these simple yet helpful mood boosters: Up the Green Stuff. Try Odwalla Superfood juice. Add spinach or kale to your next smoothie. Put a couple of teaspoons of Vitamineral Green superfood powder into your daily juice. If you are vitamin/mineral-deficient, you will likely notice the difference immediately once you ingest more much-needed meanie-greenies. Move That Booty. Try aerobic exercise three times a week for 30 minutes, five times a week for 20 minutes or just get out for a daily walk. Put on your workout clothes first thing after you get up to remind yourself to make exercise a daily priority. Drink It Down. Put your daily allotment of water in a pitcher on the counter and drink the pitcher down as the day goes along. You don’t have to sip your water slowly, and it’s easy to chug down and absorb if you keep it at room temperature. The Mayo Clinic recommends women drink nine cups or 2.2 liters per day.

Snooze Better. Keep the bedroom tidy. Block out any evening or morning window light with heavy drapes. Change your sheets weekly. Replace any bumpy or ragged pillows. Let Sunshine In. Open up those shades and blinds and give the windows a quick wipe down for an immediate moodimprover. Sunshine boosts your happy hormone, serotonin, and increases white blood cell production, which helps boost your immune system. Ah. Keep Blood Sugar Steady. Add more protein into your diet so you will stay energized longer. Try easy-to-incorporate sources like yogurt, cottage cheese or eggs. Buy Some Boing. Bounce back more quickly from everything with a pair of new sneakers and some cushy athletic socks. Put them to ample use by wearing them indoors and out. Surround Smile. Hang images of smiling people you love everywhere. Put away any photos that bring you down. What other images or words bring you joy? Get them out and up. Share the Bouquet Bounty. Purchase a large bunch of flowers and then break the blooms up into smaller vases around the house. Combine a few flowers with twigs and blooms in season by the front door. Brighten Up. Dispel shadowy corners by changing all the burned-out bulbs in the house. Then restock your backup supply so that you will be ready for next time. Wash Away the Dust. Launder the curtains, the blankets and the pet beds. This keeps the air cleaner and keeps seasonal allergies at bay, as well. Chew Longer. Put a bowl of fresh fruit next to the couch near the TV. Continually rotate a variety of crudités in the fridge. When you need to crunch, choose healthy junk

food like popcorn or baked chips. Spritz Things Up. Place some lemon or orange air fresheners around the house, especially in the kitchen, bathrooms and pet rooms. Bring on the Berries. Keep a variety of energizing berries in the house year-round, if you can. Add their intense color to at least two meals a day. Freshen Up. Add a mint or eucalyptus body and foot scrub to your shower gel collection. Either one will wake you right up. Still Tired? Try an easy-toabsorb iron supplement daily for one week. Take it with a citrusy beverage. Notice an improvement? You just might need more iron on an ongoing or cyclical basis. Ask your doctor about a blood test to find out where you stand.

Boost Your Energy on the Go Here are some items to keep in your purse or car that will keep your energy running high all day, no matter what you have on your to-do list: • Small packets of trail mix • Non-sugary granola bars • A water bottle that fits in your car’s beverage holder • A couple of individually wrapped Yerba Maté tea bags • Minty gum or breath fresheners • Photos in your wallet of your most beloved people • Lip-gloss in your favorite color • Roll-on perfume to dab on your wrists • Divinely scented hand cream

M AY 2 0 2 2 | 21

The Legacy of


mother’s impact is felt from the moment their child is born. Throughout their lives, they take on many roles, such as caregivers, confidants, educators and friends. Much of their energy is given to the betterment of those around them, finding joy in the chaos parenting presents. They leave their mark on the world, not only in what they do but also in the humans they raise and the lives they touch. Mothers provide a sincere and intimate bond that can’t be replicated, a love and support that often begins at birth. As such, we continue to celebrate and honor their dedication. For over 100 years, we have shown our gratitude for the woman who raised us. But for many, observing the Mother’s Day holiday is earmarked with memories of times past, memories that will never be re-created.



By Brianna Carter

Remembering those souls who are no longer present is a situation many find themselves in each year. While they may not be present, their legacy lives on.

A Difficult New Year For JoAnna Thompson, this Mother’s Day will be difficult: her mother passed in the early months of 2022, making this the first celebration without her best friend. “Her spirit is alive. I didn’t do anything to make that happen; she did,” JoAnna says, reflecting on her mother’s infectious personality. “I hear her voice. I see her in the mirror, in my sister, my kids.” What does she miss the most? Among her unconditional love and frequent phone calls, she misses her mother having the right answer, the words

she needed to hear—in comfort or in tough love. Joanna knows this isn’t going to be easy, especially for her own children, who were also close with their grandmother. Yet, she has found some solace in the memories of them singing together. The song “The Truth I’m Standing On” by Leanna Crawford has been a treasured release as she navigates the world and fondly recalls the beautiful moments she cherishes of her mother. To honor her mother, she says, “The only thing I can do is try to be even just half the mother she was.”

A New Generation Sophie Taylor’s mother passed about 10 years ago from breast cancer. She admits there are hard days, days when the sudden grief will wash over her. This became particularly noticeable after the birth of her own daughter, Faye. “I have great women in my life, who have been super supportive and helpful,” she shares. “But you know, not to sugarcoat it, it’s not my own mom. It’s just not the same.” By acknowledging her emotions, she is able to move through the absence of her beloved mom. “[I] lean on my husband. I talk it out when I need to, and I do have a counselor that I call on and talk to as a third party.” And she chooses to make every effort to show young Faye the dynamic essence of her grandmother. Favorite hobbies of her mother included making freshpressed flower frames with watercolor paintings, Sophie explains. “I was able to get one of those frames from my dad and I put it in Faye’s nursery. So, she’s [my mom] physically there and so Faye can look at it.” She continues, “My mom was really into gardening and had a green thumb, and Cory [my husband] and I are the same way.” The pair has turned it into a new favorite pastime, not only for the fresh fruit, vegetables and beautiful flowers but also as a way to connect their daughter with her grandmother.

Leaving A Legacy Nearly 13 years ago, Jennifer Presswood’s mother lost her battle with breast cancer. Though the way she honors her mom each year changes, the sentiment, love and admiration are ever radiant.

“She did everything with so much passion behind it,” she reflects. Her mom was a pharmacist, committed to helping people. Jennifer is now a marketing executive for a regional health insurance company with a mission that inspires Jen. After her cancer diagnosis, Jennifer’s mom, Karen, founded METAvivor, an organization dedicated to metastatic breast cancer awareness, research and support. “My mom left a legacy,” she shares proudly. At first, she felt a subtle pressure to be involved in the organization to keep her mother’s advocacy alive, to continue what her mom started. “The legacy of starting a nonprofit organization, advocating for the need for more dollars to go to research and support for Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer while fighting cancer herself, those are some tough shoes to follow or step into,” she says. Eventually, Jennifer found her own passion in the volunteer world. “What I have learned over time is I need to honor those shoes by creating my own legacy to keep her passion and spirit alive,” she acknowledges, collaborating with METAvivor when possible. As she has evolved both personally and professionally, Jennifer is in a place where she is more now than ever a striking comparison to her mother: living her purpose and passion through work. “As I have become more grounded in my grief, this year I will honor my mom by resting, pausing and simply celebrating her,” says Jennifer. She wishes her mom could see how far she’s come. Anna Jarvis secured her mother’s legacy so we could continue to honor mothers for years to come. Simply choosing to remember our maternal figures, no matter the manner, is the greatest gift we can give. It embodies all forms. From artistic endeavors and rest to maternal aspirations and legacies, our recognition of what they do and have done will continue to guide our path. We honor those who have moved on from this life by living our lives. By carrying out our dreams and by welcoming each day with unyielding zest and energy for whatever comes our way, we honor them. By using the lessons they have taught us, engaging with their passions and joys—even in our own way—and sharing these facets with our own children, we honor them. Now and always, we carry them in our hearts. M AY 2 0 2 2 | 23

How To Find Time for Reading With Little Ones in the House By Rebecca Hastings


watched my daughter longingly. She was happily snuggled up in the middle of the day with a stack of books. Blanket wrapped, she was blissfully unaware of the real world around her, fully engrossed in the story in front of her. I was jealous. As parents, we hear a great deal about the importance of reading for our children. Some programs start your new bundle of joy off with a book right at the hospital and mail a new one each year until they are five. There are library programs challenging kids to read 1,000 books before kindergarten or summer reading programs to encourage kids of all ages to keep their noses in a


book. I could list reason after reason why kids need eyes on print. But what about us? I tried to read a novel after my second baby was born. I fell asleep by page three every single night. (Needless to say, I abandoned the book, freeing up nightstand space for a spit-up cloth and nipple cream.) There was far too much to do and reading just wasn’t a priority. But I desperately missed it. Soon after the abandoned book, I realized reading was important for more than my kids. Reading was important for me, too. Finding ways to make it happen has involved trial and error and a lot of grace.

Here are seven ways to make reading work for you today. 1. Read small. My first mistake after my second baby was thinking I could pick up a novel, turning pages late into the night. I needed to broaden the way I defined reading if I was going to make it work. Initially, magazines became my friend. With the easily consumable sections, I could leave them open on the table and come back to them whenever I had the chance. Finding short things you can put down easily and are easily accessible is key. Magazines, short stories and blogs you love are great options. Don’t waste your precious time reading something you don’t love. 2. Let them see you read. This is the best way to let go of the guilt associated with sitting down and reading. Understanding that your kids seeing you read sets a good example of being a reader and shows that mom can do things she loves too! Reading in front of your kids will help set them up for a lifelong love of words. 3. Choose wisely. I hinted at this above by starting small. You are tired. Time is limited. Your brain is on overload and the to-do list is never done. None of this is a surprise. So you have to be very picky. Don’t waste your time reading things you don’t love. Put a lousy book down. Maybe you’ll come back to it someday when your kids are in college. Maybe you won’t. Either way, you deserve to love what you read. You don’t have time for reading that is less than great!

easier, but it’s like fast food -- it won’t fill you up. Be intentional about how you use your time. 5. Set a goal. Sometimes we need a concrete goal to make something happen. Set a goal to read a certain number of books or for a certain amount of time each day. Make a list of books you’ve read this year. Make a To Be Read list. Make a sticker chart for your reading. Sometimes we all need a gold star. See how you can motivate yourself. 6. Stay on topic. If you’re struggling with making the time, start by choosing parenting books. You can justify the learning as helping you raise your little people. The only warning with this is not to stay in parenting books forever. Being a mom is a huge part of who you are, and it will forever define you, but it is not the only part. Think of this as a baby step back to reading. 7. Bring it with you. Keep a book in the car. Or your purse. Or the diaper bag. Or on your phone. It doesn’t matter what it is or where it is, as long as it travels with you. Take advantage of those five minutes at preschool pickup or the 10 minutes in the waiting room. Anthologies and devotional-style books work well for reclaiming these lost minutes. You can find ways to make reading part of your life, even with little ones keeping you busy. Start with one thing and grow from there.

4. Make it a choice. This is different than just choosing wisely. This is about being intentional with your time. Giving up even 10 minutes of social media scrolling gives you 10 minutes with words that can feed your soul. I know mindless feels

M AY 2 0 2 2 | 25

Welcome to the

Book Nook! Brought to you by


ooks are sometimes windows, offering views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange. These windows are also sliding glass doors, and readers have only to walk through in imagination to become part of whatever world has been created or recreated by the author. When lighting conditions are just right, however, a window can also be a mirror. Literature transforms human experience and reflects it back to us, and in that reflection, we can see our own lives and experiences as part of a larger human experience. Reading, then, becomes a means of selfaffirmation, and readers often seek their mirrors in books.” — Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop

Celebrating mothers is a perfect time to offer children the opportunity to explore both familiar and strange experiences Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop refers to. Though each experience is unique, children everywhere share the human experience of “mother,” somehow. Exploring through that common ground leads to connection, despite differences, and is an important step in developing empathy. Here are a few titles that may offer a window, sliding glass door or mirror for your child or may just be fun to share and enjoy!

Like the Moon Loves the Sky

by Hena Khan (Author) Saffa Khan (Illustrator) Reading Level: K − 1st Grade In this moving picture book, author Hena Khan shares her wishes for her children: “Inshallah you find wonder in birds as they fly. Inshallah you are loved, like the moon loves the sky.” With vibrant illustrations and prose inspired by the Quran, this charming picture book is a heartfelt and universal celebration of a parent’s unconditional love. For families who have read and loved Under My Hijab, Yo Soy Muslim and Mommy’s Khimar. A sweet and lovely bedtime book to help let children know they are loved and precious.


Me & Mama by Cozbi A. Cabrera (Author and Illustrator) Reading Level: K − 1st Grade On a rainy day when the house smells like cinnamon and Papa and Luca are still asleep, when the clouds are wearing shadows and the wind paints the window with beads of water, I want to be everywhere Mama is. With lyrical prose and a tender touch, the Caldecott and Coretta Scott King Honor Book Mama and Me is an ode to the strength of the bond between a mother and a daughter as they spend a rainy day together.

Where Three Oceans Meet

Your Mama

by Rajani Larocca (Author) Archana Sreenivasan (Illustrator) Reading Level: 2nd − 3rd Grade A child, mother and grandmother travel all the way to the end of the earth in this picture book that celebrates multigenerational love--perfect for fans of Drawn Together and Alma. “I want to see what’s at the end of the earth!” Sejal, Mommy and Pati travel together to the southern tip of India. Along the way, they share meals, visit markets and catch up with old friends. For Pati, the trip retraces spaces she knows well. For Mommy, it’s a return to the place she grew up. For Sejal, it’s a discovery of new sights and sounds. The family finds their way to Kanyakumari, where three oceans meet, and delight in making it to the end of the earth together. This own voices picture book celebrates the beauty of India and the enduring love of family.

Hope Springs

by Jaime Berry (Author) Reading Level: 4th – 5th Grade Eleven-year-old Jubilee Johnson is an expert at three things: crafting, moving and avoiding goodbyes. On the search for the perfect place, she and her Nan live by their Number One Relocation Rule -- just the two of them is all they need. But Jubilee’s starting to feel like just two is a little too close to alone. Desperate to settle down, Jubilee plans their next move, Hope Springs, Texas -- home of her TV crafting idol, Arletta Paisley. Here she meets a girl set on winning the local fishing tournament and a boy who says exactly the right thing by hardly speaking at all. Soon, Jubilee wonders if Hope Springs might just be the place to call home. But when the town is threatened by a megachain superstore fronted by Arletta Paisley, Jubilee is faced with skipping town yet again or standing up to her biggest bully yet. With the help of her new friends and the one person she never thought she’d need -- her Momma -- will Jubilee find a way to save the town she’s come to love and convince Nan that it’s finally time to settle down?

by Nonieqa Ramos (Author) Jacqueline Alcántara (Illustrator) Reading Level: 2nd − 3rd Grade A sweet twist on the age-old “yo mama” joke, celebrating fierce moms everywhere with playful lyricism and gorgeous illustrations. Perfect for Mother’s Day. Yo’ mama so sweet, she could be a bakery. She dresses so fine, she could have a clothing line. And, even when you mess up, she’s so forgiving, she lets you keep on living. Heartwarming and richly imagined, Your Mama twists an old joke into a point of pride that honors the love, hard work and dedication of mamas everywhere.

Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (Sal & Gabi #1) by Carlos Hernandez (Author)

From the Rick Riordan Presents collection, this brilliant sci-fi romp with Cuban influence that poses this question: What would you do if you had the power to reach through time and space and retrieve anything you want, including your mother, who is no longer living (in this universe, anyway)? When Sal Vidon meets Gabi Real for the first time, it isn’t under the best of circumstances. Sal is in the principal’s office for the third time in three days, and it’s still the first week of school. Gabi, student council president and editor of the school paper, is there to support her friend Yasmany, who just picked a fight with Sal. She is determined to prove that somehow, Sal planted a raw chicken in Yasmany’s locker, even though nobody saw him do it and the bloody poultry has since mysteriously disappeared. A sassy entropy sweeper, a documentary about wedgies, a principal who wears a Venetian bauta mask, and heaping platefuls of Cuban food are just some of the delights that await in his mind-blowing novel gift-wrapped in love and laughter.

M AY 2 0 2 2 | 27

Cardiac Gender Gap

Men and women have different heart attack symptoms


By Johnny Woodhouse and Emilie Pennington

eart attacks are more common and often strike earlier in men, but according to researchers, women are more likely to die from the condition. One reason is that women often experience a combination of less-recognized symptoms, which they may attribute to something non-life-threatening. In addition, women having heart attacks wait more than 30% longer than men to seek treatment, studies show. “Many women are focused on the daily aspects of their busy lives, which can include caring for children, a spouse or relatives, and tend to minimize their own symptoms,” said Andre Macedo Dias, MD, a, cardiologist with Baptist Heart Specialists. “It is very important not to disregard those symptoms and to seek medical attention. This is especially important in women who have risk factors or a strong family history of cardiovascular disease.” If you experience any of these warnings signs, dial 911 immediately, try to stay calm and take deep breaths while you wait for first responders to arrive. 28 | ST JOHNS PARENT M A G A Z I N E

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