4 minute read
innovation Creativity in Marketing
By Ernst Kuhlmann - Chief Evolution Officer, Arc 8 Global
The field of marketing has changed significantly over the last two decades, especially with the introduction of social media. What surprises me though, is how few companies really align their marketing activities to their strategic intent. To shift your perspective on marketing, here are a few points for consideration that should yield real results:
1.Start with your WHY. Simon Sinek has been the leader in purpose-driven companies and with his Golden Circle model, he demonstrates that “People don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it”. Define WHY you do what you do, and let your deeper purpose drive all your actions.
2.Begin with the end in mind. Every business should have an idea for the future (Vision), as well an idea on how to get there (Strategy). Ask yourself where your business is heading; how marketing will support your strategy and what you ultimately want to achieve with your marketing activity.
3.Have a defined Customer Value Proposition (CVP). Define your customers, and make sure you know what they want from you. Define how you will deliver on their needs and ensure you add value to them, beyond just your direct service offering.
4.Map out all the touch-points of how and when you interact or engage with you customers, also known as a customer journey map. Once you mapped them, think of ways you can create wow moments for each of those steps. Those memorable moments they want to talk about and share on their own social platforms, which will boost your credibility ten-fold.
5.Have a customer-centric culture. Your team's culture needs to deliver on your CVP and this will only happen if you have the right people in your team and they understand their role in this. To further embed this culture, create an internal experience for your staff as well, so they too feel valued.
6.Have a holistic and integrated approach to all your marketing activities. The marketing landscape is huge and intricate. If you have the budget, then consider traditional channels such as TV, print and radio. Consider your digital presence in the form of your website, and how it ranks across various search engines. In addition, it is critical to choose the correct social media channels and create content relevant to your preferred customer profile. Do not see any of the channels and platforms in isolation, so ensure you integrate your campaigns across all of them. However, the marketing efforts are not only externally focused. Do internal marketing and communication to your team as well, to include, and involve them in the hype.
7.Choose to be inspired. Find inspiration from other brands, especially the ones outside of the spa and wellness industries, and make it your own. Put your own unique spin on things.
8.Have a clear plan for your content. Too many brands only push hard sell onto their followers. Split your content into thought leadership, conversation pieces to initiate dialogue, and brand building where you pull your customer into your world. Only then, do you push promotions onto them.
9.When you create your content, you have the freedom to be as creative as you wish. Think of the seasons, special dates such as Valentine's Day, events, and even social trends to build content around.
Marketing is not an event. It does not happen in isolation, and should form part of all activities across the business. You also need to remember to have fun, and always be authentic! Creativity is more than giving expression of self, but to ultimately inspire others, to find the power of creation in themselves.
About: Ernst Kuhlmann is the CEO and Chief Evolution Officer of Arc 8 Global. At our core we are a business evolution firm. No fancy consulting jargon and impressive academics. Just authentic passion, experience, and expertise. We challenge traditional thinking by adding value to your business, for real change and measurable bottom-line impact. ernst@arc8global.com