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Ozone Therapy by Salvagente
Augmenting Wellness with Touchless, Automated Hydromassage
A new white paper, entitled “Hydromassage in Today’s ‘No Touch’ Normal,” from the Global Wellness Institute’s Hydrothermal Initiative explores the opportunities and benefits that automated, therapist-free dry hydromassage offers spas in a physically-distant, post-COVID environment.
The paper’s author, Dr. Kerstin Bremser, a professor at Germany’s Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, suggests that evidence-based automated dry hydromassage, which has been proven in clinical studies to successfully treat issues like sciatica, chronic low-back pain, and pinched nerves, etc., could be an effective alternative for those seeking touchless body work. The automated devices have been effectively used in medical and rehab centers throughout Europe for over a quarter of a century.
“Dry hydromassage systems not only deliver highquality hygienic treatments that are touchless and require minimal staff time, but they can also be customized for personalized wellness experiences,” said Bremser. “For example, guests choose which body zones need more attention and can alter pressure, speed and duration of a treatment. The customization also makes it possible for spas to create and save numerous treatments/massage journeys.” The paper includes interviews with numerous spa and wellness experts, all of which acknowledged that, though most spa-goers would prefer going back to the treatments they know and love, changes in behavior will be necessary due to new norms and regulations to inhibit virus spread. Spas will have to update and refine their existing spa menu, reducing treatments that demand touch and finding high-quality wellness alternatives, such as automated massages, relaxation pods, inhalation therapy and hydrothermal bathing.
In addition, the paper acknowledges that a key issue for spa operators pre-COVID was the availability of well-trained staff. Industry experts anticipate this problem to become even more acute post-pandemic, given the added pressure that the new norms will put on therapists safeguarding their own well-being and that of guests. And, because therapists are responsible for the hygiene of the treatment rooms they work in, another byproduct is that they will likely have less time to dedicate to clients as sanitizing and disinfecting rooms will take longer.
“At least in the short term, social distancing rules will limit the number of guests that can be in a spa at any one time, while new protocols will likely increase operating costs,” said Don Genders, Chair of the GWI Hydrothermal Initiative and CEO of Design for Leisure. “To minimize the financial impact, operators will need to get creative in how they offer safe, hygienic and unique spa experiences –automated dry hydromassage offer a relevant and effective alternative.”
The white paper, which was commissioned by GWI’s Hydrothermal Initiative, a collaborative of hydrothermal experts and thought leaders, can be accessed here. The Initiative’s white paper series is supported by the following companies: Unbescheiden, Barr + Wray, Design for Leisure, Dornbracht, Gharieni Group, Hygromatik, KLAFS, Kemitron, Lux Elements, Sommerhuber, TechnoAlpin and WDT.
About the GWI Hydrothermal Initiative: This Initiative was formed in 2010 to increase education and transparency regarding the design and implementation of thermal and wet areas. To this end, the Initiative has developed and published a key resource, the Guide to Hydrothermal Spa & Wellness Development Standards, available for free download. In addition, the Initiative aims to educate therapists, specialists and users on the most beneficial ways to use these features to attain health and wellness.

Oxygenate your Body with Ozone Therapy

By Chris Porter - Salvagente
Oxygen is the single most important nutrient for the body and your wellness. The body can survive weeks without food, days without water ... but only minutes without oxygen. Every cell of the body requires a continuous supply to generate energy, detoxify the body and maintain healthy cells. Any reduction in the availability of oxygen to the body reduces the optimal performance of these essential cellular functions. Low oxygen levels are caused by poor posture and breathing, deoxygenated water and refined foods, smoking, lack of exercise, environmental pollution or exposure to carbon monoxide.
A lack of sufficient oxygen is a major cause of poor health. It leads to conditions such as arthritis, low immunity, constant tiredness, cancer, regular colds and flu's, hay fever, migraine, low vitality, and a number of other illnesses. When the body is flooded with an activated form of oxygen (ozone), people consistently report that these conditions (and their general health, wellbeing and energy levels) dramatically improve.
Ozone (03} is activated oxygen (02), and in a short period of time the 03 molecule will revert back to oxygen. During this short half life cycle, the O3molecule can therefore be utilized for sanitation and sterilization purposes. Ozone inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa.
Is Ozone Therapy Dangerous?
Our company, Salvagente, takes great care to ensure all our Customers receive proper training and have all the information about the Do's and Don'ts of ozone therapy.
Ozone therapy in the steam saunas are not dangerous at all, especially when correctly administered and when following the correct protocols. There are, however, a few important things to consider: irritate the lungs and airways. That is why your head is outside of the sauna and the opening sealed around your neck.
• Some individuals should consult with their general practitioners before going for ozone therapy. These include, but are not limited to, pregnant women, individuals with heart disease or high/ low blood pressure.
Is Ozone Therapy Ligit?
Ozone has risen in prominence over the last decade as a viable alternative health modiality. As the therapy assist the body in natural healing, results should not be expected overnight, but should rather be viewed as a lifestyle. Multiple sessions are required to affect a positive change and get the desired results.
What are the Benefits of Ozone?
Ozone therapy increases the oxygen in your body, which improves the body's ability to combat a range of ailments. Ozone therapy has over 100 health benefits. Ozone helps reduce toxins and impurities in your body as well as help fight viruses and bacteria.
Reported benefits include: fighting infections such as allergies, colds & flu, alleviating headaches, insomnia, anxiety and stress. It is also known to help fight diseases like hypertension, heart disease, neurological disorders and cancer.
How Many Sessions are Required?
Almost 14 years in the ozone industry revealed that this varies from person to person. For most, a total of 10 sessions will yield goad results. These 10 sessions should be completed within 3 weeks to a month. Itis recommended to continue with less frequent sessions even when improvements are achieved. Can my Body Overdose on Oxygen?
No. Ozone therapy should be part of your daily health & wellness routine. Your body can, however, react to the detox process. This reaction is called a healing/detox crisis. Symptoms can range from headaches, nausea and body aches to the most common symptom - a rash. If your body reacts to ozone in this way, you are on the right track and should persist - you are detoxing your body of years and years of toxins and impurities.
Should I buy a Sauna or rather go for Sessions?
The main consideration to make is whether you are purchasing a sauna for private or professional use. What's great about owing your own sauna is not only that you and your family will benefit from ozone therapy daily, but you'll also be able to earn an additional income. We have a network of affiliated outlets around the world which you can visit for sessions, also in South Africa.
Happy Customer
"| had indescribable amount of pain (sic). | suffered facial paralysis from shingle symptomatic with Ramsay Hunts Syndrome. Most of the pain medication the doctors administered had unfavorable side effects. Being diabetic, effected my recovery negatively.
After my first session | had no pain. Significantly | am experiencing additional changes in my wellbeing.|had to reduce my diabetic medications because | don't need it as much, my skin feels amazing; my vitality is back; my metabolism increased dramatically; my hair is stronger and | am no longer on pain medication‚”Alicia, New Zealand. (Letter was shortened, Ed.)