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The Anti-Aging Secrets Dermatologists Tell Their Friends

By Kristin Perrotta


Having a dermatologist on speed dial falls under the “wouldn’t it be nice” department of life. But since most of don’t have a derm in our friend circle, we asked Dr. Doris Day, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at the New York University Langone Medical Centers, to fill us in on the anti-aging secrets she bestows upon those lucky enough be on a firstname basis.

These five insider insights can have a huge impact on your pursuit of a clear, younger-looking complexion. Consider them your skin’s new BFFs.

Cut Sugar Out of Your Diet RIGHT NOW

“Sugar is inflammatory, and inflammation causes you to age faster. It causes a hardening of the skin, wrinkles, and a look of sallowness or blotchiness,” says Day. “Your skin just looks stressed and tired when you’re eating a diet that includes simple sugars and highly processed foods.”

The good news is that you can still have sweets without sacrificing your youth—just make sure they’re in the form of fresh fruit. (But sadly, candy, cereals, and cookies packed with high-fructose corn syrup will date you faster than a quote from a John Hughes movie.) “When you drop the refined sugar from your diet, your skin looks so much better and brighter in a matter of days.”

Antioxidants are the True Skin Saviors

“They’re so powerful from an anti-aging perspective” when ingested and applied to your skin, says Day. “Antioxidants help your skin defend itself from insult— from UV rays, from pollution, from stress, and from the bad sugars you end up eating anyway.” blueberries, spinach, tomatoes, beans (you know the list), and slather on an antioxidant cream or serum morning and night (Day prefers formulas with a blend of different antioxidants). Make sure to also add a supplement to your routine; Day says she takes several, including one containing the powerful “wine” antioxidant resveratrol.

You’re Probably Not Wearing Enough Sunscreen

“My minimum SPF is 30, but the higher the better, because no one is really applying enough or reapplying it often enough, and the higher SPFs give you a little more protection,” she says. “It’s a small percentage difference, but that difference is still significant—and I’ll take what I can get.”

In addition to SPFs as high as 100, Day loves the new breed of sunscreens that are reinforced with skin-protective antioxidants and DNA-repair enzymes to help fight against UV damage. She’s also developed a few tricks for packing on as much protection as possible. “Since you really need a dime-size amount of sunscreen for your face and another dime-size for your neck and chest, apply it in two layers. Rub it on, wait until it dries, and then do it again to make sure that you’re getting enough.”

She also recommends “[smoothing] on sunscreen from the peripheries of your face toward the center, because you’re always going to get more to cover your nose and the upper lip, but you will not always go back to get more to cover the skin along your hairline and in front of your ears.”

Don’t forget your chest and neck, she cautions, including the sides and back of the neck. “Even if you have long hair, because that area ages, too.” Day recommends applying sunscreen before putting on your clothes each day. And don’t leave home or drive without covering the backs of your hands. Day even tells her friends to wear sun-protective gloves when they’re behind the wheel.

Beauty Sleep is a Real Thing

Getting eight hours of sleep isn’t just a break for your mind—it’s the equivalent of a spa getaway for your skin, allowing it the time and conditions it needs to undo some of the damage it incurred from the environment and your less-than-stellar habits throughout your day.

“At night, your stress hormone, cortisol, goes down, and your growth hormone levels go up,” says Day. “This shift allows for [cellular] repair.” And be sure to wipe off all your makeup before crashing; along with the pollution and general grime that accumulates on your skin during the day, sleeping with makeup on will only lead to more damage.

The Fountain of Youth May Actually be a Fast

“I’m a big fan of intermittent fasting,” says Day. “That means a 12 to 14-hour-a-day fast—eight hours as you’re sleeping at night and then two to three hours on either side of that. It helps regulate metabolism and energy even more than sleep, and that allows the skin to repair itself.”

Taking a break from late-night snacks will not only help you drop a size over time, but it also “optimizes your skin’s ability to function properly in terms of barrier repair and everything else,” says Day. “You’ll notice that your skin ages better with this type of fasting. It’s firmer, it stays better hydrated, and it withstands insults better against pollution and UV rays.”

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