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Scalp Detox
Skincare routines have officially become an obsession — you can spend hours falling down the internet rabbit hole of natural products, cutting-edge skin science and 15-step skincare routines. But no matter how packed your medicine cabinet is with serums, moisturizers and every variety of face oils, there is one major area of your skin you are likely neglecting: your scalp.
“A healthy scalp is as important for healthy hair as healthy gums are for healthy teeth,” says David Kingsley, Ph.D., a board-certified trichologist (aka a scalp care specialist) and member of the World Trichology Society.
Just like the skin on your face, neglecting your scalp can have unwanted consequences — think dandruff, clogged pores and infections. “This can have a very big impact on the hair follicle,” says Penny James, founder of Penny James Salon and a member of the International Association of Trichology. “It can become clogged and this can cause hair loss. Aside from that, your hair will start to look limp, may be clumpy and dull-looking,” she says.
Preventing these sad scalp effects is not just about making sure you wash your hair regularly. “There are many things that can cause scalp problems: Stress levels, diet, beauty routine,” James explains. Even the sun. “Just like your facial skin, your scalp needs protection from harmful UV rays,” says Kerry Yates, a trichologist and founder ofColour Collective.
“Women especially will experience some level of burning — especially on the part-line. This leads to inflammation and follicle challenges.”
So how can you avoid scalp issues? Showing your scalp some extra love isn’t complicated, according to the trichology experts.