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Happiness is not about Positive Thinking but Creative Thinking - LNE #99
Happiness Is Not About Positive Thinking but Creative Thinking
By Lori Milner - Beyond The Dress
Your thoughts are the turbines that generate the energy of happiness.
Affirmations and positive thinking are 'part of the furniture' of personal growth. You can tell yourself you're terrific, but if you don't inherently believe it, there's always an inner critic inside whispering to you – what a load of rubbish, no you're not.
If you can't always rely on positive thinking when you need it most, what if you experimented with creative thinking instead?
You don't have to be creative in your work to adopt this label. This trait is a standard feature even if you don't believe you are creative. Creativity expands your horizons and generates new possibilities; it creates internal excitement, which is where happiness is born.
If you're not a 'creator' as in a writer, coder, artist, etc., here are some different ways you can begin to create:
Create Something To Look Forward To
What separates a holiday mindset from a typical work week is the anticipation of the holiday and everything associated with it. How can you bring that anticipation and joy into a typical work week?
Is there a hobby you enjoy or a creative outlet you have yet to make time for because you've convinced yourself you're too busy? Do you give yourself permission to indulge in that thing because you're on holiday?
Have you neglected your social relationships, your exercise routine or upgrading your skillset?
Whatever you've answered yes to, schedule blocks of time to bring back that anticipation, excitement and delight into your week.
It could be martial arts, padel or a dance class. Carve out time to work on a painting or get back into the kitchen. Whatever it is for you, ensure you have something in your calendar that excites you.
Even if it's not a creative endeavour, how about blocking out an hour daily for something self-carerelated? You can block out twenty minutes if an hour seems too daunting but have a part of your day where the anticipation is as rewarding as the activity itself.
Create a Permanent Solution
Think about where the bulk of your time goes. Is there a situation that constantly repeats itself? Despite your best intentions, the same crisis continues to emerge. Rather than feel frustrated and resentful, ask yourself how you can create a permanent solution. Work backwards from the end result and re-engineer the process. Do you need to add a step in the process or remove one? Do you need to check in with the team sooner? Do you need to automate, delegate or eliminate?
Investing in creating a permanent solution will always save you time in the future.
The absence of frustration is where happiness lives.
Create New Experiences
Cliches have their place because they are based on truth, and this one is no different – variety is the spice of life. While we need a routine's consistency, introducing new experiences is equally important.
You can do this through travel, booking a new restaurant, building a new skill, or even being a tourist in your city.
What if you applied for that dream role that you have been holding back for fear of not being perfect or being judged? Stop hiding and embrace being seen – nothing will bring you more growth than throwing yourself headfirst into the deep end.
If you get invited to dinner, and you'd typically say no because you don't want a late night or to disrupt your weekday routine, say yes. I am speaking from experience here – the more I have said yes to socialising and exposing myself to new experiences, the more joyful I become.
You will always be happier if you gain a new experience than constantly sticking to what you know.
Create New Promises
If you're yet to make good on those New Year's resolutions, it's time to create new promises.
If you've broken your promises, you can always behave your way back into self-trust.
What do you want to create and make a new promise to begin? Keep the promise of creating the first slide rather than avoid the task altogether. Show up to a ten-minute walk, take three mindful breaths or focus on the task rather than check the news headlines for the twentieth time that day.
Can you make a new promise to learn a new skill set? What would excite you? It can be work or hobby related, but you'll energise yourself from the inside out if you commit and simply begin.
Momentum and progress motivate us, no matter how small we start. The lack of starting drains your mental battery, so ask yourself what promise you are willing to keep.
Final Thoughts
If you're feeling stuck, ask yourself, 'What would I love to create?'. This question diverts your mind and takes you into your heart.
If you're unsure, journal using the following prompts and let your mind wander freely.
· It would be really cool if…
In my notes app, I have a page dedicated to this question, and I add stuff as and when I get an idea. For example, it would be really cool if Apple invited me to come and speak. Or it would be really cool to take the family to Italy. You get the idea…
· What would excite me…
Just posing this question generates energy and forces you to think from a place of authenticity rather than logic alone. When positive thinking can't generate the spark you need, remember to tune into your creative thinking:
Create something to look forward to.
Create a permanent solution.
Create new experiences.
Create new promises.
You are a creative person; rather than worry that you don't have the ingredients to be creative, know that everything you need is already within you to begin.
Here's to generating happiness from the inside out,