4 minute read
From Well-being to Better Being
By Mimmie Lancaster - Spa Executive Santé Wellness Retreat & Spa
According to a Bloomberg Business survey, South Africa is the second most stressed country in the world. Isn't this shocking to know! One thing is certain - our nation needs to find suitable outlets to destress. Being correctly geared, Spas and Spa visitors can benefit from true stress relief treatment options and guidelines for better living.
The consistent, high levels of stress people experience daily, is one of the biggest challenges faced globally. We know that prolonged periods of stress can result in poor concentration, impaired memory, anxiety and more serious illnesses. This naturally has serious consequences on our economy. In 2017 it was reported that 43% of critical illnesses affected people under the age of 50 years. Depression, often caused by stress, is not only a real crisis for the individual but poses a threat to any organization. A mild form of depression causes a 30% lower productivity rate and reduced productivity costs the country over R200 billion per year.
Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to life experiences, there to help us cope with potential serious situations. A quick recap of what happens during stressful situations- The central nervous system oversees our “fight or flight” response. When under threat the hypothalamus, starts the process by “telling” your adrenal glands to release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones in turn increases the heart rate in order to divert more oxygen to the muscles. The breathing rate increases so that oxygen-rich blood can be distributes to the body quicker. The liver produces more sugar (glucose) to give the body an extra energy boost and muscles tense up to protect themselves from injury. Stressful situations therefore cause all systems to function together for the individual to have the maximum amount of energy, strength & laser like focus. This allows one to break personal barriers and can cause the individual to excel. Yet, if the stress response doesn't stop because stress levels stay elevated far longer than is necessary for survival, the toll that it takes on your health can become serious.
In listening to Richard Sutton, author of Stress Code Talk, he said that the primary causes of stress experienced by employees are caused by 4 factors:
• The lack of control employees experience within the work environment. • The lack of support given by the employer. • A disconnect in the balance between effort & reward. • Injustice or lack of consistency within the workplace.
These 4 factors are relatively easy to solve and most definitely worthwhile attempting to, especially given the positive impact it will have on each employee. Engage with your staff on a regular basis and get their input on decisions, have a bit of fun in your morning meetings & select a charity of choice or community project to support together as a team. By doing this you will not only have a happier team but you and your staff will allow the flow of Oxytocin to increase and naturally decrease the levels of stress.
Oxytocin, a powerful anti-stress hormone is slowly but surely taking its rightful place under the spotlight. We know that Oxytocin work alongside stress hormones to help maintain homeostasis during times of stress as the release thereof lowers cortisol levels & blood pressure. Apart from being released during times of bonding, Oxytocin is also naturally released through other triggers such as touch, smells, sound, connecting & caring for people in person.
Spas truly offer the ideal place for guests to find relaxation through the various stimulation of the senses. Be relevant in your offering and focus on solutions for current issues. A sleep deprived nation will benefit from soothing massage techniques that brings about profound relaxation. Use your relaxation areas effectively and ban all mobile devices from that area. Headache sufferers will benefit so much from massage techniques performed at the base of the neck, head and scalp as well as from a foot zone massage performed by a skilled therapist. Fight inflammation with remineralising body wrap treatments and boost immunity with treatments that alternate between extreme temperatures.
Be selective in your choice of music as we know that by listening to slow, calming music, the level of oxytocin released is increased. Include manual massage therapy in as many treatments as possible as it could lower cortisol levels (as mentioned before the hormone that controls blood pressure) and increase the production of oxytocin.
If you are serious about longevity & wellbeing let that reflect in your food menu too. Get rid of any form of sugar as we know that it is one of the greatest triggers for inflammation. Focus on natural and in season foods that decreases inflammation and get creative with your smoothies and infusions. Add yoghurt, unsweetened coconut milk & probiotics to your popsicles this summer. Up the servings of broccoli, dark green leafy veggies and spice things up with turmeric, ginger and cinnamon. Start living by the principles you teach your clients. If you haven't already done so, install a water purifier in your staff kitchen. Keep bowls of fresh fruit for therapists to snack on during busy times & stock up on a natural “medicine” supply like lemons & fresh ginger to drink and encourage the use of cinnamon instead of sugar in coffee.
By unlocking a natural medicine chest and moving away from pharmaceutically driven health care, towards less toxic, safer alternatives, opting for a scalp massage when a headache starts, taking time to become involved with people less fortunate and making time for one another in person, not via electronics will allow us to live a life full of “in the moment happy times”. This is what better being is about.