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Les Nouvelles Spa Magazine Issue #77 2021
SIX Skincare - For the Love of your Skin
Hit age at its weakest. Reverse the years to the power of Six.
SIX Aesthetix Microhydrabasion Microhydrabrasion uses the philosophy of improving the skin’s appearance by restoring youthful, healthy radianceby thoroughly removing dead skin and debris from deep within the skin.The skin best responds to a holistic approach and requires ongoingmaintenance with tailored treatments suited to each skin type. The benefits of microhydrabrasion is not just a temporary fix but with on-going treatment, the quality of the skin isdramatically improved as the results compound over time. Technology isassisting us more and more in the beauty industry, and by using theMicrohydrabrasion Delux, your clients are exposed to more precise andnoticeable results in a short space of time. This dynamic skincare procedure thoroughly cares for your client’sskin, providing all the key ingredients of an effective facial. TheMicrohydrabrasion Delux, offers cleansing, exfoliation, extraction andhydration, the fusion of anti-oxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid isdelivered in specialised serums. The treatments are a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that delivers instant results with no discomfort or downtime, and the effectcan be seen immediately. The system delivers results comparable to moreinvasive treatments without the same level of skin irritation thatthese conventional treatments cause.
For more info: http://sixskincare.com/