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Les Nouvelles South Africa Spa Magazine Issue#78 2021

ZENTS - Mindful Luxury distributed by The SPA Advocates

The Miracle of Health ZENTS began with founder Cord Coen’s life changing car accident. Left with physical and brain injuryincluding chronic pain, intense migraine, and almost complete loss ofthe ability to smell, Cord underwent two years of rehabilitation. Whenhis healing plateaued, doctors told him he simply wouldn’t get anybetter. Instead of accepting this fate Cord took a new path – packinghis bags and traveling from Boulder, Colorado all the way to India. Withthe support of loving parents and a caring Indian host family, he spentan entire year doing yoga, receiving massage and internal herbaltreatments, and practicing pranayama and meditation for up to eighthours a day. Finally, he found what felt like a miracle… his painsubsided, his senses of smell and taste returned, and his body healed.In this place of healing the idea of ZENTS was born.


Healing Around the World Cord felt so lucky to be given a second chance at healing that he wanted to pass on this gift to others.The ZENTS collection brought his vision to life, with powerful potionsand incredible ingredients that truly transform the skin. His backgroundas a cranial sacral therapist and Reiki master also helped guide thecreation of spa rituals that uplift the mind, body, and spirit. Eachpersonalized treatment brings the whole self to its deepest place – aplace to heal and to connect with the miracle of you. Talented massagetherapists, estheticians, and nail professionals now use ZENTS organicquench treatments and ultra-hydrating formulas in the most renowned spasall around the globe. At resorts, you can experience ZENTS in theboutique, spa, salon, shower, and guest suites. With each day comes newpossibilities, and new ways to spread the blessing of health to others.

For more info: https://www.spaadvocates.com/


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