7 minute read
from Potential of The Townhouse Building Type for Energy Efficiency Over Conventional Housing Typologies
by LESS Studio
6.0 Conclusion
In the initial comparison, the apartment outperformed its peers in terms of less energy consumption, while the villa outperformed in terms of solar energy production, despite that, we find that the townhouse has outperformed both rivals in annual energy balance, which proves that the townhouse building type has more potential in energy e ciency over conventional types.
The townhouse solution also proved that it works around di erent cities in the Kingdom.
During townhouses comparison process, the optimized townhouse showed the highest rates of solar energy production, as it achieved 17.8% less annual energy production from the base townhouse, while the conceptual townhouse achieved 31.9% less.
The passive optimization strategies proved their e ciency as they pushed the optimizer townhouse to be the highest in terms of solar energy production, and it also reduced energy consumption by 9.9%, and reduced the annual energy balance by 17.8%.
Comparing all five cases in the annual energy balance, the results came as follows: Conceptual Townhouse (48%), Optimized Townhouse (58%), Base Townhouse (71%), Apartment (82%), while the Villa came in last place, so it is the reference point. It could be concluded that the conceptual townhouse outperformed all four cases.
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