Military Diorama
Annual English Course 2012 What is a Diorama? It is a scene that captures a moment in time. It displays multiple objects in miniature or life size with the purpose of interacting and presenting a situation. There are two main categories of dioramas: 1. Dioramas for fun or hobby. 2. Dioramas for teaching and instruction.
OBJECTIVE To create a situation for speaking in English in order to practice technology vocabulary, categories and general knowledge of military topics based on learned grammar structures.
Let´s take the second option focused to our military course.
Let´s create Military Technology Dioramas. Step 1: Decide the scale and the scene. Talk to your group about the topic you were assigned to decide the scale or size
of your diorama and what situation you would like to present. For example: a military base or post,
military operation, the construction of a
DATE: 02 MARCH 2012
bailey bridge, air
combat or
escorting a carrier, etc.
TIME: 1100hrs - 1200hrs
PLACE: Assigned room
Step 2: Start collecting the materials. Start
aircrafts Dear Students: Remember to do your best effort when creating your dioramas, but the most im po rt a nt t h i n g is t o communicate your ideas in the best way as possible using military terminology and correct grammar structures.
human, vessels
vehicles, figures
miniature for the interior of your project.
Step 3: Decide on a background. You can paint or draw your own wallpaper or anything else you can find. Remember that the background has to be consistent with your figures and scale. Step 4: Choose a container.
Let icia C an to ral R . Instructor
It can be a box, a board of wood, glass etc. Remember that your project has to be light but sturdy and moveable at the same time. Se e y our gro up
Group Organization
Diorama activity
The groups have been organized in the following order: RESOURCES HUMAN: Annual Englis h C ours e 2012 MATERI AL: The basic materials to use in the preparation of your dioramas could be wooden, metal, glass, plastic, disposable materials and all kind of realia.
PHYSI CAL PRESENTATI ON: In other words, the diorama could be a model or a maquette. It has to be consistent to the scale prepared and it also has to be light , moveable, and sturdy at the same time. SPE AKI NG PRESENTATION: In groups define the situation or scene of by describing all the physical objects and their functions. Then explain the audience what the diorama represents.
Source material Campaign 1 Unit 7