HOMECOMING Each Fall, the Iowa State Student Alumni Leadership Council (SALC) puts on a number of events during Iowa State’s annual homecoming celebration, as a way for students and faculty to celebrate the history, traditions, and alumnus of Iowa State. The sorority and fraternity community sees the largest participation amongst the student body, with chapters being grouped together in teams to participate in many different competitive events. These events contribute to the overall Homecoming competition, and include community service activities, a float parade, a banner competition judged by faculty, athletic tournaments, and the Yell Like Hell Competition.
YELL LIKE HELL The annual Yell Like Hell Competition is one unique to Iowa State and it’s sorority and fraternity community. Teams write, choreograph, and perform an original skit about Iowa State traditions and history. The skits are performed in a style similar to cheerleading, however performers are painted head to toe in cardinal and gold paint. This tradition is one of the most iconic of Iowa State’s Homecoming activities, and is the highlight of homecoming for many members of the sorority and fraternity community.
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