p o rt l a n d , or e gon
p a p e r.
Printer Allison Baer has been creating art, making cards, and sending love notes for as long as she can remember. After taking a circuitous route through ceramics and interior design, she followed her passion for layout and design, paper, and typography to graphic design. Allison fell in love with letterpress printing while taking classes at The School of Visual Concepts in Seattle. Lettuce Press was planted in Tacoma, Washington in the spring of 2008. All 4,000 lbs of cast iron love were transplanted to verdant (and often soggy) Portland, Oregon in August of 2010. The girls (pictured on cover: Bibb on the left, Hedy on the right) have been happily spinning their flywheels ever since as Lettuce Press continues to grow. All goods are designed by Allison and lovingly printed by hand, one color at a time on luxurious 100% cotton, tree-free paper with the cast iron expertise of Hedy and Bibb, LP’s 100 year old Chandler & Price 10x15 Old Style presses. Letterpress printing is based on the 1439 Gutenberg process where movable type is set, locked up, inked, and then pressed against a waiting piece of paper. Ink. Paper. Love.
lettuce cheer
GC04 - birthday wisdom
GC03 - birthday sunshine
GC02 - happiest of birthdays
GC01 - birthday argyle
lettuce be thankful
GC05 - thank you sew
GC14 - merci
GC06 - many thanks
lettuce love
GC19 - hugs & kisses
GC22 - penguin love stroll
GC17 - heart scribble
GC18 - heart hands
lettuce love
GC20 - narwhal love
GC23 - alpaca nuzzle
GC21 - i want to kiss you squirrel
GC07 - jellyfish love
lettuce love
GC09 - heart tree
L: GC26 - morse code thank you r: GC38 - morse code i love you xoxoxo
GC10 - i want to kiss you squirrel
GC08 - heart cookies
lettuce ponder
GC27 - have a sunny day
GC31 - wish for you
GC12 - go left
lettuce sass
GC29 - f* it
GC30 - f* that s
GC28 - sofa king cool
lettuce stay in touch
GC39 - i whisk you were here
GC11 - t rex rawr
GC40 - s’up yo?
lettuce be real
GC16 - oops eraser
GC15 - i’m sorry
lettuce grow
GC41b - baby feet blue
GC41p - baby feet pink
GC13 - parenting
lettuce personalize
wso4 wso2 wso3 wso5
wax wax wax wax
seal seal seal seal
heart ampersand anchor heart horse show
WS01A - WS01Z - wax seal monogram A - Z WS02 - wax seal ampersand WS03 - wax seal anchor heart WS04 - wax seal heart WS05 - wax seal horse shoe
WS01b + ws01f wax seal monogram b + monogram f
lettuce pattern
pN02 - eastern pattern b
pN03 - faux bois love
pN01 - eastern pattern a
lettuce celebrate
gc36 - father’s day
gc33 - hat, mittens, skates
gc32 - snowman
gc35 - mother’s day
lettuce judaica
gc25 - mazel tov
gc34 - chappy chanukkah
gc24 - shalom
lettuce accessorize
12 plACE CARDS + pc01 - bon appétit pc02 - bow - green pc03 - bow - red
BA01 - small bamboo barrel (1.5” h x 2” dia) BA02 - medium bamboo barrel (3” h x 3” dia) BA03 - large bamboo barrel (2.25” h x 4” dia)
12 plACE CARDS pc01B - bon appétit pc04B - chevron pc02B - bow - green pc05B - garlands pc03B - bow - red pc06B - silverware
6 bamboo holders pc04 - chevron pc05 - garlands pc06 - silverware
15 plACE CARD HolderS pH01 - 7/8”x7/8”x3/4” Bamboo
lettuce stay connected — Printed on a chandler & price 10x15 old style press — 100% cotton, tree-free paper — 4621 SE 27th Avenue portland, oregon 97202 — T 503-688-0184 F 503-236-6414