Univers Specimen

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Adrian Frutiger 1957

Typeface Speicmen Book

Univers “The new Linotype Univers is, on the whole, better than most other versions, but to be frank I find it a little exaggerated to develop such a huge family.” — Adrian Frutiger

Adrian Frutiger 1957 Deberny & Peigont Grotesque sans serif 66 Weights Numerical system Linotype Swiss style

History Univers was designed by Adrian Frutiger and released by Deberny and Peigont in 1957. Univers was based on the 1898‘s AkzidenzGrotesk model.

Univers is a grotesque sans-serif typeface that in the Swiss Modernist style. Univers is the French for universe It was originally named as “monde” and only 20 weights. It was reworked in 1997.

Univers was designed as a full system of fonts with a wide range of weights with the same design principles and visual aesthetic. It was the first typeface in which the weights were classified with a numerical system. It consists of 44 different faces, with 16 uniquely numbered weight, width, position combinations.

AB CDE F GH I J K L MN O 72pt Univers 55 Roman


“I determined the regular weight of Univers together with Emil Ruder. He was a great help to me. We looked at it in the reduction and discussed it for a long time, how the width should be in relation to height and white space. He’d written his corrections, like opening the counters, on card in the final artwork. That’s how Univers was made, after many constructive discussions with Emil Ruder. Univers 55 is my most successful ‘Medium’.” — Adrian Frutiger

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r stuvwxyz




“I made the numerals narrow on purpose. Their character widths vary in the hot metal version, but for Lumitype photosetting they’re all 10 units. This is most noticeable with the zero, which is impossible to confuse with the O. My numerals were always narrower than the uppercase alphabet. This is also the case with classic typefaces, apart from old style




numerals, of course. On Lumitype we only had lining figures to start with because there wasn’t enough room on the Lumitype disk. So there was only one 1. Monotype made an alternative narrow version with less side bearing.” — Adrian Frutiger





48pt Univers 55 Roman

GK 300 pt Univers 55 Roman

KQ “I constructed Univers on a horizontal vertical axis. That was my starting point. All the different weights of width and boldness came from this cross, even the terminals fit inside in.”

— Adrian Frutiger

Characteristics varied width in bowl

dot wider than stem

The t is an exception. The t arc ends vertically rather than horizontally. All letters with a tight radius have this ending, that’s f j r and t. The slanted cut of the t demonstrates my respect for writing with a pen. I never liked it horizontal, a t is not a cross.

dramatically slanted stem drift away from vertical

250 pt Univers 55 Roman

cj horizontal end terminals

“I was aware that in the regular weight a diagonal, classic curved end would have been nicer, but I wanted to make 21 weights and I couldn’t cut the narrow weights diagonally, it just didn’t look good. The horizontal ending was a matter of consistency for me, with respectto the whole font family.“

tight radius vertical descender

ky diagonal strokes meet at stem

substle angle shift

Univers has horizontal terminals at the ends of the curves like uncials.

250 pt Univers 55 Roman


39 Thin Ultra Condensed 45 Light

45 Light Oblique

47 Light Condensed

47 Light Condensed Oblique

49 Light Ultra Condensed 59 Ultra Condensed

53 Extended

53 Extended Oblique

55 Roman

55 Oblique

57 Condensed

57 Condensed Oblique

63 Bold Extended

63 Bold Extended Oblique

65 Bold

65 Bold Oblique

67 Bold Condensed

67 Bold Condensed Oblique

73 Black Extended

73 Black Extended Oblique

75 Black

75 Black Oblique

85 Extra Black

85 Extra Black Oblique

93 Extra Black Extended

93 Extra Black Extended Oblique

“You may ask why so many different typefaces. They all serve the same purpose but they express mans diversity. It is the same diversity we find in wine. I once saw a list of Médoc wines featuring sixty different Médocs all of the same year. All of them were wines but each was different.” —Adrian Frutiger

u u u u u u uu u u u u u uu u u u u uu u u u u uu

7 â „ 9 pt Univers 55 Roman

Think of it as a Swiss design with a French heart. As its weight increases, this personality becomes more apparent. The slight contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers is a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.

8 â „ 10 pt Univers 55 Roman

Think of it as a Swiss design with a French heart. As its weight increases, this personality becomes more apparent. The slight contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers is a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.

9 â „ 11 pt Univers 55 Roman

Think of it as a Swiss design with a French heart. As its weight increases, this personality becomes more apparent. The slight contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers is a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.

Think of it as a Swiss design with a French heart. As its weight increases, this personality becomes more apparent. The slight contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers is a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.

Think of it as a Swiss design with a French heart. As its weight increases, this personality becomes more apparent. The slight contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers is a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.

Think of it as a Swiss design with a French heart. As its weight increases, this personality becomes more apparent. The slight contrast in stroke weight, subtle angularity, and just the smallest hint of calligraphic brush stroke make Univers is a typeface with a twinkle in its eye.

8 â „ 10 pt Univers 45 Light

8 â „ 10 pt Univers 55 Oblique

8 â „ 10 pt Univers 65 Bold

Bibliography Osterer, Heidrun, and Philipp Stamm. Adrian Frutiger Typefaces: The Complete Works. Birkhauser, 2008. Print. Christensen, Thomas. “The Typehead Chronicles.” Typeface:Univers. N.p.. Web. 9 Mar 2013. <http://www.rightreading.com/typehead/univers.htm>. “Fonts.com.” Univers. N.p.. Web. 9 Mar 2013. <http://www.fonts.com/font/linotype/univers>.

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