Effective Communication With Long Range Two Way Radios

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Two way radios are used for communication purposes. They let a user send as well as receive signals over different channels. These radios find use in variety of applications. These radios use radio waves for communication and these radio waves have different frequencies. Therefore, two way radios operate on different frequencies. These frequencies may differ from one place to another. Also the transmission rate depends upon the frequency that the radio uses. When low frequencies are used, data transmission can take place over a short distance. In case a high frequency is used, data transmission takes place over a larger distance. Long range two way radios are a variant of the two way communication radios. These radios are called long range because they operate on a high frequency. These radios are also called HF radios. They use frequencies in short wave bands which range between 3 MHz and 30 MHz, where MHz stands for mega hertz. Hertz is the unit in which frequency is measured. These radios can transmit signals over very long distances. The long range radios can also operate on Very High Frequencies (VHF) and Ultra High Frequencies (UHF). These long range radios can work over a very large distance and can transmit signals very clearly. The radios can be used for various purposes. They are generally used for communication in airplanes and ships at sea. These radios are very popular in military organizations where they are used for two way communication. These two way radios can even be used in remote locations where cell phones cannot be used because the required infrastructure and frequency is not available. The radios can even be used for transmitting voice signals very clearly over long distances. For this purpose, these radios are equipped with single side bands. These radios can even transmit digital data from one computer to another. This is the main reason of these radios becoming very popular in the computer industry. For 2 way radios, very high frequency (VHF) signals are considered better because they have better penetrating powers and can be easily used in any type of terrain. Also very high frequency signals can travel longer distances as compared to ultra high frequencies. These log range radios can be conveniently used in indoor as well as outdoor applications. One problem with HF radios is that for the transmission of data over long distances, these radios need very big antennae. This makes it difficult to handle these radios conveniently. When these radios have to be used in vehicles, the big antennae pose a big problem as they cannot fit into the vehicles easily. It is for this reason that long range radios are not considered fit for use in vehicles. The two way radios operate in a straight line of sight and therefore are not very effective where the terrain is not plain. However, in spite of their few drawbacks, the two way radios have become

very popular and are widely used for many applications across the world.

Rob Burdett is from UK Radio Communications Ltd, the UK's Leading Provider of Two Way Radios for Schools, Pubs, Shopping Centres, Retailers and Businesses of all types. With a fully secure and stocked online store, UK Radio Comms provide modern two way radios and radio communication equipment for hire and sale. With radios available including Motorola Two Way Radios, Kenwood 2 Way Radio, ICOM and HYT, UK Radio Comms highly knowledgable and experienced staff can provide you with advice and guidance so you and your business gets exactly the right radio equipment for your needs and budget. With many special offers available, free postage and packaging and free trials of many of their two way radios, it has never been easier to see why UK Radio Communications are now the UK's Leading Two Way Radio Company. For all your 2 Way Radio needs visit http://www.ukradiocomms.co.uk

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Burdett

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