It's No Joke, Using Humor is Important For Public Speaking

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Unless a speaker has a reputation as a comedian because of the work he does, chances are that audiences aren't expecting his remarks to make them laugh throughout the length of his remarks. But that doesn't mean using humor isn't important when it comes to public speaking. Humor can not only help relax audience members, it can greatly increase how much they like a speaker which is important in helping them relate to him. Remember, though, that including humor in a speech isn't an opportunity for a speaker to turn his comments into a comedy hour. As with storytelling, using humor can also help illustrate the absurdity or futility of a situation. Using humor can also be effective if a speaker can successfully share a joke or humorous comments about local news or personalities. A speaker using humor should: · Make sure that it's kept to a minimum. · Be certain that the humor has some relevancy to what he is speaking about. As with personal stories, the humor may be lost on audience members if does not having any bearing on a speaker's topic. · Avoid mocking groups based on their race, disabilities, beliefs, etc. Using humor should also avoid any indication of a speaker's personal beliefs about well-known individuals. · Be age appropriate so that it's not too juvenile for adult audiences, or blue when addressing younger listeners. Using humor should not only be age appropriate, it's also important that it's location, situation and moment appropriate. What does this mean, though? A speaker addressing a group in an area that has recently experienced a disaster should eliminate humor from his remarks because no one listening is likely to find much humor in even the funniest of remarks. Likewise, situation appropriate would apply to not making jokes about a well-known politician who may have experienced personal tragedy in his life. Remember the line about not kicking a man when he's down? Using humor during public speaking is perfectly acceptable. The trick is to share it in a way that it's enjoyable, versus offensive or silly. It's also important to remember that using humor has to be appropriate to situations residents of an area are experiencing. And speakers using humor as part of their remarks should never mock groups included in their audience. Speakers should also remember not to take it personally if audiences don't respond as expected when using humor though. As with everything else, though, any humorous remarks should have been rehearsed to the point that a speaker knows they will be effective.

Yes, humor can be included as part of a speaker's remarks. But that doesn't mean it should represent the majority of his remarks. A speaker shouldn't lose sight, though, that his main focus is on educating his audience.

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