The Incredible Power of Humor

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Ever since man slipped on his first banana peel, much has been written about the power of humor. Witticisms, parodies, limericks and knock-knock jokes demonstrate our interest in all things funny. The vast number of emails passing from computer to mobile device speaks to what we see as humorous. Even the Holy Bible states, "A merry heart does good like a medicine"(Proverbs 17:22). The purpose of this article is to discuss the power of humor for good mental health and emotional well-being and to provide reasons why humor is valuable. As a professional counselor, I have witnessed the healing power of humor in a person. The benefits experienced by an individual who can recognize and respond to humor go far beyond the office setting. These benefits include: 1). The ability to release tension. The very action of smiling, or even laughter relaxes the muscles and shakes off the rigidity experienced during stress. The body reacts to humor in a way that can change the posture and mobility of the tense individual; I have seen many peoples' entire body language change during a session as they respond positively to light-hearted conversation or even a joke or two. 2). A good laugh, chortle, snicker, titter, guffaw or belly laugh increases the intake of oxygen and aids in thinking and reasoning. It takes a good lungful of air to get a good laugh; once the lungs are expanded and oxygen flows more freely to the brain, life tends to seem more positive. 3). Humor can change a person's viewpoint. When determining a client's state of mind I look for the 'glass is half-full or half-empty' attitude. Sometimes I tease someone who is a "WHAT GLASS?" kind of individual. Humor can change a pessimist into an optimist even briefly. Nothing's better than a sly grin on a pessimists' face when they know they've been funny. I think it's the rarity of it that makes it more enjoyable. 4). Humor provides a second wind to face problems with renewed energy. It helps us to realize that things aren't so awful after all. Reviewing a situation with the eyes of humor reframes how it really was and gives new options in dealing with it. Instead of an issue becoming a big hairy monster it can be seen as a simple occurrence in life. 5). Humor is magnetic. It draws folks together and creates dialogue that encourages interaction. Even elected officials have gained public offices with their talent for a well-timed humorous comment. Humorist Will Rogers was known for never having met a man he didn't like. His open demeanor and willingness to laugh at himself attracted people who responded well to him. Humorous people travel in packs; cranky people tend to be more solitary. 6). Humor teaches us not to takes ourselves too seriously. A laugh shared is a load lightened. It

also shows others of your willingness to be genuine and allows them to be real too. A lack of judgement or criticism toward ourselves or others promotes safety and the encouragement to be in on the joke. 7). Humor increases the level of serotonin, the 'feel good' chemical, in your brain. Have you noticed how much better you feel after you've had a good laugh? Serotonin needs to be restored regularly; that's why I have even recommended joke books and funny movies to folks who are depressed. The power of humor cannot be understated. It benefits our bodies as well as our thought processes. It unclogs our brains; giving us creativity to see and react to life more positively. Humor creates a solidarity among people and increases interaction and dialogue. I challenge you to open your eyes and heart to see the humor around you. Then laugh, even if the only one who 'gets' the joke is you.

Karen Wasoba, M.Ed., L.P.C., is a licensed professional counselor currently practicing in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Specializing in Christian counseling, Karen uses humor and personal experiences to encourage individuals who are dealing with dysfunction within themselves and their relationships. Karen is also the author of the book, "Lord, Shut Me Up!" available on and Her goal is to provide tangible help for families and individuals who need it. Please contact Karen @ for updates and to access her blog.

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