Super Signup System - List Building System - With Mrr DOWNLOAD HERE
Super SignUp System - List Building System - With Full Resell Rights Super SignUp System the easiest way to build a highly targeted list of buyers. Build A List Fast And Make Money In The Process You Dont Have A List Yet? - Getting started is the hard part.. how do you go about building one in the first place.. where do you get the traffic from? You Dont Know How To Promote To Your List? - Writing good Email copy to your list can be difficult at first! How do you make your Emails flow and make money without showing that you want to take advantage? You Dont Know How To Build A List? - Whats the best method to use? Do an ad swap or do you set up a landing page? You Dont Know How To Create A Compelling Enough Landing Page To Build A List? - Creating a landing page of your own is only half the battle. People will not sign up if youre not going to provide any good! You Dont Know What To Give Them? The best way to start building your list is to provide something for free. But you dont want to give anything random do you? Thats why its best to give something away for free which has potential to link to a special offer. ..All Of The Above? So, Whats The Plan? You see, Email marketing is deadly effective and definitely one of the fastest ways of making money online. Its traffic at the click of a send button! I want you to build your list, establish a relationship with them and then be able to offer, (notice I didnt say sell) to them. How Do I Build A List Fast And Make Money In The Process? Luckily you dont have to worry about this part because Ive prepared all the landing pages and download pages and special offer sales page for you. All you have to do is insert your opt-in code, upload the files and drive traffic to that site! The best way to get a high sign-up rate is to give! Whoever is looking for information on how to make money on the internet - give it to them! Not only that, but make the page good enough so that they would be silly not to sign up to your list! Ive created a page for you which displays all the products they will be getting for free. Take a look below.. 1. 7 Giveaway Information Products You will be giving away quality information products on popular topics that others could quite easily charge for. Doing this will place you as an expert in the field of multiple internet marketing related subjects whilst showing your subscriber that you provide REAL value to them! Not only that but you will have access to the eBooks yourself, but you will automatically own master resell rights to them so you can resell them as your own. A resellers kit will
be provided! 2. High Converting Squeeze Page! You will receive a full give-away landing page designed for high opt-in rates! Simply enter your auto responder opt-in code at the bottom of the page and youre ready to upload! Add your own picture on the landing page to personalized it! Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing. 3. The Confirmation Page You will also receive a confirmation page to ensure that your prospect signs up! This part of the sign up process is very often overlooked! Many list servers require your prospect to double opt-in before you can start Emailing them which is why a confirmation page is necessary! Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing. 4. The Download Page Again this part of the process is very often overlooked because most marketers simply send their PDF report or zip archive straight through to their prospect. You will now be able use your auto responder to send your prospects to a full download page so they feel like theyve been looked after! Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing. 5. The One-Time-Offer Sales Page Now Ill leave this up to you how you want to go about using this sales page. I personally would send your new subscriber to this page first just before they are sent to the download page above. Alternatively, you could let your subscriber download and read the eBooks, give them a couple of days to digest the information, then present them with this offer using your auto responder! Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing. 6. The Master Resell Rights Download Page Again, if your subscriber invests in the one-time offer, you will have a ready-made download page to send them to. This will save you valuable time! Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing. 7. The Quick Start Guide The Super Sign Up System was designed for the beginner in mind. Even if youve never set up your own squeeze page or built your list this step-by-step guide will tell you what to do! It doesnt get any easier! Revealed information.. How to set up digital delivery - when someone buys your one-time offer, you will want to deliver the download page to them. This guide will show you how to automatically send an email out to them with and without scripts! How to set up your template system there is a logical process in setting up this system. Get 1 component out of place and it can be a headache putting things together. Get it right from the start! The raw PayPal button code - you will learn which parts of the PayPal code you need to edit. This will set the pricing, item name, the download location and more. Most importantly it will make sure YOU get paid! How to create your web capture form - every single little step needed to create your first web capture form is illustrated for you. If youre a point-and-click, do this and do that kind of person, you wont miss a thing! and much more.. Thats 7 Core
Components To Building Your List Fast Whilst Making Money Along The Way! Putting a system like this together can take several hours even for experienced marketers! But your time is too precious to go through all the technical details. Youre a marketer and you want to get straight down to business and start promoting your landing page and to build your list because that IS where the REAL money is. I spent ages trying to figure out how to build a list quickly, build a relationship with them and make money in the process. Now youre going to take my knowledge and work and apply it with these 5 important HTML pages, information products and quick start guide! Heres What Youre Getting Today!.. 1. An Opt-In Landing Page 2. A Confirmation Page 3. A Download Page 4. A Special Offer Page 5. A Special Offer Download Page 6. All The eBooks And Master Resell Rights Material 7. Extra Bonus! The Quick Start Guide Now You Can Focus On The More Important Parts.. Promote a single domain name Build a huge list and fast! Make $97 in the process with the special offer! Any most importantly, do successful joint ventures for life! This Is What The Process Map Will Look Like.. Once youve got a good system like this set up and in place youre set for life! All you need is a small funnel of traffic with a high converting one-time offer system and the rest is history! But Whats The Point? You might be thinking to yourself.. why do I need to invest in the SuperSignUpSystem? Couldnt I just create my own squeeze page or invest in a set of opt-in templates? Whilst you can buy 100s if not 1000s of templates designed to help you build your list the sad fact is that they just will not perform like the one in front of you. A lot of them are generic templates which were there to make a quick sale. However if you look at the landing pages above you will noticed how focused and well put together they are. Not only do they encourage a sign up with every visitor, but you have a chance to make an up-sell early on that is directly related to the original free offer. Putting this together yourself can take some time, but why start from scratch when Ive already done it for you? Get Ready To Start Receiving Hordes Of Traffic And HOT Subscribers Every Day! But Wait!.. Thats Not All!.. Order Your Copy Of The SuperSignUpSystem Today And Receive 100 Professional Written Emails To Stock Up Your Auto Responder!.. So You Dont Have To Spend Hours.. Even Days Writing Them Yourself!.. Just ask yourself this.. When you receive a new subscriber, what do you have planned for them next? * Do you want to promote one of your own products to them? * Do you want to promote an affiliate product to them? * Do you want to promote a piece of software or tool that you use? Maybe you want to do all three, but that would demand a lot of your time to write the Emails and find what you want to promote. This where the FollowUpSystem comes in!.. The FollowUpSystem includes.. 100 Completely
Pre-Written Emails. You dont have to write one single word and can enjoy the peace of mind knowing a professional copywriter crafted your messages from scratch! Topic Specific Messages. You get 100 full messages, spread across all 10 areas of an online business that are ready to roll for every faucet of your online business. Just grab the sequence you need and youre off to the races. Fully Customizable. Easy message is marked with tokens that show you where to enter things like your name, product name and e-mail address as well as dozens of other personalized tidbits to make each message truly unique and customized to you and your business! 100 Plug N Play. Just pick the sequence you need for any aspect of your marketing process, customize it and pop it into place for a fast, effective and truly professional follow up system. Super Fast Implementation - You will never find a way of following up thats as easy as Follow Up System. You select the sequence thats right for the function of your business that you need follow up for and you just customize it and plug it in! Nothing could be any easier! Professional Copy Writing Fees Already Paid - You dont have to hire a pro copywriter and pay tens of thousands of dollars to them! Weve already done that for you saving you that huge expense! Get Results! - These messages are guaranteed to boost your profits or you pay nothing. Nothing could be as simple, proven and guaranteed to work! Take A Look At The Emails Youll Be Getting!.. You get 100 lengthy and informative email messages in word format that target 10 areas of your business including.. 10 Emails for people interested in auto-responders 10 Emails Emails for people who bought your eBook 10 Emails for people who joined your membership site 10 Emails for people who have bought your software 10 Emails for people who signed up for your free report 10 Emails for people interested in reprint rights 10 Emails for people that downloaded your software demo 10 Emails for people that signed up to your newsletter list 10 Emails for people who joined your affiliate program 10 Emails for people who signed up for your marketing report If youve ever tried building a series of Emails for your list before youll know that you can spend a whole day doing this! But Ive outsourced ALL the work for you so you can simply copy and paste these Emails into your own auto responders to build a relationship with your list and to make back-end sales! Heres 1 Email Sample.. Heres message #1 taken from people who are interested in auto-responders.. Subject: {First Name} Heres the Secret to mining Gold using Auto responders Dear {First Name} You asked for more information on how you can use auto responders to boost your sales, and here it is: Auto responders are automated sales people that tirelessly follow up with your customers so you dont have to. You simply create a series of letters and decide how often you want them to be sent.
Then, when people sign up for your auto responder series, each follow-up letter is sent on the precise schedule that youve established. Now, how easy is that! What can you do with auto responders? You can do anything that you can do with e-mail. Heres some of the most popular ways that people use auto responders these days: * Deliver FREE Reports * Provide Technical Support Follow-up * Deliver Online Sales and Training Courses * Deliver Frequently Asked Questions * Process Online Forms There are essentially three types of auto responder available. Each one has its own benefits and drawbacks, and its up to you to determine which one meets your needs best. Heres a look at your options: PC-Based Auto responders This is a software package that you install right on your PC. It parses and processes incoming mail through your existing e-mail client and responds to messages that meet your criteria. Advantages * You typically pay a one-time fee and you own the software. * Its easy to use but typically provides only the most basic auto responder services. Disadvantages * It only works when your PC is on and connected to the Internet. * Its only as fast as your Internet connection * Your ISP may not allow you to send large quantities of mail. * You could get shut down if a subscriber forgets that they asked for your auto responder series and makes a SPAM complaint Owner-Managed, Web-Based Auto responders This is software that you install directly on your own web site. While some of the packages are full-featured, many are weak and buggy. Advantages * You typically pay a one-time fee and you own it. * Some versions have advanced features. * Its as fast as your servers Internet connection. Disadvantages * You need advanced technical knowledge to install and maintain the auto responder. * You have to own your own web site and domain name. * You may exceed your web hosts daily bandwidth limits if your auto responder series is popular. * You could get shut down if a subscriber forgets that they asked for your auto responder series and makes a SPAM complaint Auto responder Service Provider This is an auto responder service that you simply sign up to use. Everything is hosted on the service providers web site. You pay your monthly fee and you have full use of the service. Advantages * You dont need any technical knowledge * You dont need to own your own web site or domain name * You dont have to worry about e-mail or bandwidth limits * Most auto responder operators realize that auto responder SPAM complaints are usually bogus, so they are more lenient when you get one. Disadvantages You have to pay a monthly fee but, in most cases, its more than worth it to not have to deal with all the hassles of running your own. Most marketers, except for the really tech-savvy and those who have very deep pockets, opt for using an auto responder service. It just makes sense. Deciding what type of auto responder you want is just the
first step. No auto responder is a good deal if you dont understand the secrets of using them to make money. In my next e-mail Im going to reveal the first of my Secrets to Mining Gold using Auto responders. Im also going to give you a 100 FREE gift just for reading the e-mail. Until then, take a look at {Offer 1}. Its the auto responder that I use. Yep, you guessed it, its the one that Im using right now to communicate with you! You can check it out right here: {Offer 1 URL}. Until next time! {Your Name} {Your Email Address} {Your Web Site} PS {PS 1} How can this Email make you money you might be asking? Simply by becoming an affiliate of Aweber or Getresponse and replace the tags {Offer 1 URL} and {Your Web Site} with your affiliate link! If you have 10 Emails on the subject of auto responders spaced out between 4-7 days informing your reader about the subject you will make back-end commissions! ..And Thats Just 1 Email! ..You Get 100 Of Them! Heres Another Sample.. Heres message #1 taken from people who are interested in resell rights.. Subject: {First Name} Heres the secret to making REAL money with reprint rights Dear {First Name} You asked for more information on how you make money with reprint rights, and here it is: Reprint rights lets you buy a book or report one time and then you have the right to sell that copy over and over again! Now dont confuse this with an affiliate program that only pays you a commission for referring orders to the product owners web site. This is TOTALLY different. When you have the reprint rights to a product, you get to keep 100 of the money for yourself. And its LEGAL! Now are you starting to see how valuable reprint rights are? Someone else spends all of the money and time that it takes to produce a new special report or e-book and then you get to sell it as if it were your own. Your investment = 0 and your upside potential is only limited by your imagination! But what Ive just told you is only the tip of the iceberg. You see, there are some insider-only secrets to multiplying your profit potential that all of the big dogs use, but the average guy like you and me are locked out. Well, youre not going to be locked out because I have the key and Ill share it with you next time we get together. In the meanwhile, if the lure of big money has you drooling hop over to {Offer 1 URL} and take a look at {Offer 1}. Its one of the best reprint rights deals I have ever seen! Until next time! {Your Name} {Your Email Address} {Your Web Site} PS {PS 1} Again how can this Email make you money? You could become an affiliate of a resell rights package or better still, reselling a package that youve already bought yourself and replace the tags {Offer 1 URL} and {Your Web Site} with your link! Not only are you informing your prospect about the potential about resell rights products, you are the going to the be first person they go to when theyre ready to buy! Youll Now Be Years Ahead Of The Competition! The sad fact is that
everyone is after new subscribers and looking to build their list, but many dont know how to promote to them or receive a high un-subscription rate because of poorly written Emails! Thats the last thing you want right?.. Imagine you receiving quality Emails like this in your inbox, would you want to unsubscribe from this informative newsletter? Dont you think that your subscriber will become eager to hear more from you? This is EXACTLY what the Follow Up System is designed to do! ..And Its A Fact! ..Getting a person who has just spent money with you to make an additional purchase is 100 times easier than getting a non-customer to make a first time purchase. Your Auto Responder Will Be Working Harder Than An Outsourced Staff Of 20 People! Another fatal mistake is that beginners only place a few Email messages in their auto responder, maybe 3, maybe 5, even 12 at most.. but this is limited thinking. After your subscriber has received all Emails what happens next? ..Nothing! No Emails, no contact, less responsiveness and most importantly.. no money! Why would you want to do that? This is what a beginners auto responder looks like... This is what yours will look like... ..and it keeps on going! ;) Your System Is Now STRONGER Than Ever! Now look at what your process map will look like with your SuperSignUpSystem and FollowUpSystem in place.. Save yourself many hours writing Emails from scratch and deciding on what to promote! All the relationship building is done for you. Your auto responder delivers, our Emails do the pre-selling whilst you make a residual income. Space your Emails out weekly and youve got nearly 2 whole years worth of newsletters! Weve done all the work for you and set it up as a template! All you have to do is replace the tags and plug it into your auto responder then sit back and relax! How much would you expect to pay a freelance writer for these emails? $10 a piece? Thats on the cheap side, not only that but youve still got to wait for them to deliver, proof-read and then edit to your liking. So far the bill is already $1000 and these Emails would be worth it! After all, theyre here to save you precious time and to take care of your subscribers months from now! Despite the $1000 value, you can get them all FREE as a bonus to your SuperSignUpSystem templates! So are you ready to start taking action and building a life long source of income from your list? Simply accept the terms in the form below and order in complete confidence..
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