Visual display book Lewis Son
“Design should never say look at me. It should say look at this� David Craib
raphic design is the ideology of probem solving through the communication of visualized representations. David Craibs quotation states that graphic design is more about the ideology behind the design as oppossed to design being restricted to just a visual piece.
Patrick Seymour graphic lion head was created on Adobe Illustrator from the usage of line, shape, and colours. Something like this can be re created however the inspiration for innovative design is something that separates designers.
dobe Illustrator allows me as a graphic designer to combine text, shapes, colours, and line in order to illustrate something graphical. Our technology demonstrations gave me the knowledge on how the design software works so that I am able to create something independently, as adobe illustrator is significant within the design works of graphics.
By attending these technology demonstrations it allows me to participate on a wide range of techniques that can be used within illustrator to increase the aesthetics of my design. So far I have learnt how re create logo’s by using the type tool and the type tool. I have also learnt how to start branding myself, by creating a house style as well as designing my own logo and business card.
Technology Demonstration
Technology Demonstration
Technology Demonstration
randing yourself within the usage of a personal house style will indicate what sort of designer you are. By branding yourself it gives your the option to do some freelance work and start up a business, so logo’s and business cards are essential to starting up your freelance work. To create a personal style that matches your personality should come naturally, however knowing how to design your personality visually needs skill, technicality, and knowledge on how exactly you are to design your personality.
I started off with some rough drawings of logo concepts so that I had something to work with. I drew out a wide range of designs as it allowed me to select a few and start to develop them on Illustrator. The technology demonstrations became vital and significant as it allowed me to understand how I would create a logo; and because I drew up some designs it allowed me to combine the two together and create something visually design worthy for me. Once I developed some sketches into digital concepts it was easy for me to see my outcome.
Technology Demonstration
Technology Demonstration
Lewis Son
Graphic Designer 07581251933
Technology Demonstration
dobe InDesign allows me as a graphic designer to design and publish a spread that can be used for online purposes, magazine and newspaper articles, as well as books and leaflets. Our technology demonstrations gave me the knowledge on how the design software works so that I am able to create something independently, as adobe InDesign is significant within the design works of graphics.
By attending these technology demonstrations it allows me to participate on a wide range of techniques that can be used within InDesign to increase the aesthetics of my design. So far I have learnt how to create character and paragraph styles as well as importing images and re sizing them. I have also learnt how to create multiple pages and how the master pages work, so that I am able to know how InDesign works and how I am able to start designing.
Technology Demonstration
he way on how I re size images represents importance and significance to the audience as this makes the audience notice on what you want them to see first. The text and secondary images tend to be much smaller as it shows that the image is of more importance.
erfect book binding is a method on how you create the form of a book. This method consists of using a very special type of clamp along with very delicate gluing which has to be controlled with the highest quality otherwise the book is ruined.
Measurements of the book have to be precise when it comes to perfect book binding otherwise the hardcover will not attached properly. I really enjoyed workshop as it allowed me to create my own book and learn the skills required to do so.
Workshop Perfect Book Binding
dvertisement is a method on which an institution is conveying a message. Semiotics was first used as a method of understanding how language works within society; by decoding the fragments into the reasons behind the usage.
Specific connotations and signifiers denotations allow audiences to percieve the understnading to why certian object, layouts, colours, as well as gestures are used in methods of advertising. Icons, symbols and indexes are used to justify and represent specfic views or emotions in subtle way to give notice towards the audience.
Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes
eritage is a method on which advertisement institutions promote their products. Brands like to emphasize the heritage so that it portrays the quality assurance towards the audience; which gives us the influence that this is a traditional and vintage product. Our commercial culture is significant within our advertised society as audiences rely on branded products. Whether audiences have false consciousness on these products; having the need to buy branded products depends on the user.
Stella Artois advertisment emphases the heritage however brands nowadays fake the heritage, to reassure the audience that its an ongoing product.
Commercial propganda Comodity fetishism False needs Informercials Consumer needs Public perceptions
Lecture Notes
aomi Kllein s a method on which advertisement institutions promote their products. Brands like to emphasize the heritage so that it portrays the quality assurance towards the audience; which gives us the influence that this is a traditional and vintage product. Our commercial culture is significant within our advertised society as audiences rely on branded products. Whether audiences have false consciousness on these products; having the need to buy branded products depends on the user.
Lecture Notes
on verbal communication is a method on which no dialogue and speech is used. The usage of hand gestures and signifier’s allow a wider ranged audience to understand the message within. For example not everyone can speak multiple languages, so language codes such as hand gestures comes useful as hand gestures are linked with meanings or emotions. We live in a visual culture were we are all so different that we need a method of communication, such as non verbal communication.
Literate audiences are able to read and write however some audiences can’t, and so as a graphic designer by communicating to a literate target audience you have to understand that you will need to design something that those audiences can adapt too. Graphic design is a method of communicating to an audience, and so as the graphic designer there are multiple ways on how you communicate through the means of different medias, such as objects, something you can feel, look, smell, taste. This is significant to understand otherwise your target audience will not understand the means.
A Higher managerial, administration or professional B
Immediate managerial, administration or professional
C1 Supervisory, Junior management, or professional C2 Skilled manual D Semi skilled and unskilled manual E
Lowest levels of sustenance
oney makes the world go round, money is also the main factor on how the ‘rich stay rich’ as multi- million businesses are making more and more profits by investing and developing better products for the audience. The styling and materials used within packaging is a main method on how business keep their products fresh, meaning that audiences won’t feel as if the product is old fashioned; although more brands are advertising their heritage to give quality assurance towards the audience.
The list above shows the groups on which people in placed in, based upon their salary. We all know that the more professional jobs are the ones with highest pay, as opposed to the middle/ lower class which earns much less then them. The cost of products is something business have to consider carefully as for who their target audience is, they have to look into how wealthy these types of customers are. Consumers have false needs as they feel as if they need to buy a product solely for the purpose because they want it, even though they might not need it; therefore graphics is crucial to lure people to buy.
Lecture Notes
he seduction of advertising is a method on which business sell their product by seducing the target audience with the attraction of the star model. In this example we see Scarlet Johanson modelling for the Dolce and Gabbana fragrance. The product itself is for women we can notice that the colour pink is a dominant colour, and so it seems that this fragrance is for a women, however the model is laying comfortably on the bed, with the hand giving support to the head; the look as if she’s notice someone walk in on her, and she seems excited about it. The usage of star appeal will grab the audiences attention as audiences look up to these role models. The glamour and beauty within the image suggests that the usage of seduction is the technique used in order to sell the product.
esearch is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing” Warnher Von Braun
nswering the who, what, when, where, why and how’s will lead and guide your direction to how you advance to the next stages of research. By unlocking hidden concepts as well as decoding design aesthetics will reveal specific connotations, opinions, and messages that give the audience a wider perspective. The initial stages of research give you a starting point to where you begin, however by decoding and unlocking significant texts it allows you to expand on your research and so you can branch out to more defined and specific parts of information.
First start with a question, which suggests an answer. Then identify relevant topics and potential sources of information to locate and gather a wider perspective which allows you to analyse and challenge the opinions within the source that you found. Then by combining the information that you’ve gathered, you link it all together and potentially answer the question by revealing your sources of information and research. The ideology of information helps solve the problem of the question, by relating to other sources as well as researching into areas outside the comfort zone, so that you can form a non biased opinion as you have looked towards both sides.
Lecture Notes
OB (Box of broadcast) is a research tool that allows you to search for videos that are in relation to what your looking for. Bob allows me to find references much more easier then going into a library as I am able to type in the source and a wide variety of video clips are there to help me to gather the information that I need in order for my to help push my assignment forward. The Arts University library is another research tool that allows me to collect the information and research I need to help my work.
The library has many books, magazines, and internet articles that give me the references that I need. However unlike Bob it is not that quicker, and it seems almost out of date, although going into the library still gives me the references needed. The online library is a more up to date system that allows me to find the books relevant to my research. Bob gives me the video clips, however books provides written quotes and more in depth research then clips; so overall I have a wide range of resources given to me in order to gather the research and references.
43 minutes 12, 563 steps 13 songs 74bpm average Turn left, cross bridge, straight over crossroad, straight over the two roundabouts, turn left into university.
y journey home was my first assignment, I had to map out my journey from home (halls of residence) to the university. However I was not able to use google for any research at all, this allowed me to develop my skills without the usage of the internet. The map had to visually represent the journey, and that it has to show a clear route from the starting point to the destination. Also as this was my journey to the university I had to make to personal with sense that its my own intake of the journey and how I visualise it.
I started off with some sketches about how I would visualise the journey. As this was my personal intake of the journey I had to make it my own, I thought that as I walk to the university I could possibly include some relevance to music or sounds as I listen to music as I walk to the university. Along with the drawings I had to have some sort of facts as this would help audiences identify where the journey is based (such as how long it takes, the route, the amount of steps, the songs I listen too). The initial stage was to get some ideas going and to start thinking about how I can visualize the journey.
Assingment 1
nce the sketches were finalized and completed I came under the realisation on how I was going to visualize my journey. I wanted to portray a sound frequency bar as that represents sound. I wanted to go to that route as I listen to my headphones whilst I walk, however despite me cancelling out the exterior noise from cars and bikes, I wanted to combine that in with the sound bar as that would signify the noise level of my journey to the university.
Along with the sound bar, I still wanted to show that this is a journey, and so I decided that I wanted to include the simple directions that I go through to get to the destination. The initial development I got a lot of feed back as audiences thought that there was too much information squeezed in, such as the addition of the song titles, and the heart rate, and really thin frequency waves. This then allowed me to further develop and refine my journey to make it more stylish in terms of aesthetics. I simplified the sound bar and made a few changes in order to make the map look more friendly to the audiences so that they can easily identify my journey.
Assingment 1
Assingment 1
Assingement 1
ife and death was the second assignment for the course. The brief was that I had to design the back doors of a lorry so that it gave notice to any overtaking cyclists, bikers, or car drivers. The left door had to symbolise life and the right had to symbolize death as overtaking on the right hand side can be a dangerous choice for people on the road. The way on which you visualise the lorry was up to me, however it had to be designed in either InDesign or illustrator.
“Life and Death row� is a documentary from BBC Three which I found on Box of Broadcasts (BOB); its about these law students at the University of Houston in America, and how they can give a lifeline to the murder’s that are waiting to be executed. The research and the interviews that these law students take depend on their lives as they await one last trail before the sentence. From watching the clip it allowed me to get a more in surreal analysis of life and death and how that can be transferred in the methods of graphics.
Assingment 2
“If you want to live a life get prepared for death” Sigmund Freud
igmund Freud is one of the greatest philosophers of our history and the way on which he perceives life and our purposes gave knowledge, wisdom, and innovation to people and has helped shaped our society to what it is now. One of his most famous quotes on life and death is significant within my research “If you want to live a life, get prepared for death”. This quote meant something to me as what he says is true, with life comes death, and so the balance between the two is how we live our lives. The brief for this assignment is quite dark in terms of creating a link between graphics and death. If my design were to be at the back of a lorry it needs to save lives and to give people awareness on the risks of overtaking.
Assingment 2
Assingment 2
pider diagrams help me create a starting point on how and what I show to represent life and death. I did two separate spider diagrams and I listed things in relation to life and death. I then started to draw and sketch those ideas from the spider diagram into visual representations. I drew up a wide range so that I can make an intelligent decision on which designs to take forward.
Binary opposites came into mind as it means two objects that are very different but somewhat similar at the same time (for example a superhero and a supervillain, knife and fork ect). The object that I include has to be understandable and meaningful, otherwise audiences will not take notice of the design of the lorry.
Assingment 2
Assingment 2
Assingment 2
Assingment 2
he development stage took my idea forward as the drawings and sketches were stylized digitally through the usage of illustrator. I started to look into symbols, as opposed to using typography as I feel that symbols have a more meaning as opposed to words. With symbols it makes people think, and so that’s what I want to achieve.
I started with a template of a lorry and used the pen tool along with the line tool to create shapes and lines within the page in order to create the aesthetics of the back of a lorry. I then filled it in with the adaptations of my sketches. The fork and the grim rippers weapon took my interest as the two looked very similar yet they are two different options, although I really liked the birthday cake and gravestone as that defined life and death in a nutshell.
Assingment 2
efining my developed ideas was taken into consideration as audiences really took an interest in the birthday cake and gravestone. The simplicity of the design was effective as it related to the simple symbols that I used. Although there were a few changes that were needed to be taken to further the aesthetics. Such as brighter colours to indicate and to separate the two doors.
Also the birthday cake didn’t look realistic enough so I had to design a better cake. Once those changes were done I then filled in the lorry to the perspective of how it would look. Overall I think that I have met the brief as the two doors signify life and death, I feel as if my style and the way on which I visualised the symbols gives great notice that left is life and right is death and that I have used colour, line, symbols, and tone to create a message to not overtake on the right shoulder.
Assingment 2
Assingment 2
ssignment three is called “through the letter box” and the brief is that their were three articles and that we had to choose one and create and form an opinion based on that article. We were then told to branch out and create something that would go into the letter box of the person/ audience that you have chosen. I chose article 2 which was about the police and how they accessed the phone records of a journalist who was a freelancer for the Mail on Sunday.
Summary of Article 2 Kent Police were granted authorisation via RIPA to obtain the phone records of two journalists; to be done in secrecy. Officers were able to access the billing and call data of the Mail on Sunday’s news editor David Dillan and his freelance reporter Andrew Alderson. RIPA was enacted in 2000 for dealing with terrorism. Fewer whistle-blowers mean fewer stories. The police were misusing RIPA to discover how journalists obtain their stories. RIPA was supposed to protect our nation security, instead it threatens our civil liberties.
Assingment 3
ranching out of the article meant that I needed to find other sources in order to form an opinion based upon the article. Google Scholar was a research technique that allowed me to look at relevant articles online. I found a recent article from the guardian which had a relation the RIPA case study. The article was a about how the police were getting into trouble for snooping over the journalists.
The guardian are in support of the conservatives, which means “the belief of power to the people”. And so it explains why their writing a lot of negative points as opposed to agreeing that what the police did was a good thing. The article read that the police would require a judge’s approval to access journalists’ phone records. Legal action has been taken into consideration as many audiences are speculating and questioning the works and the manor of the police.
Assingment 3
This targets the metropolitans and those of Scotland yard as police offers are being questioned to the level of snooping. Perhaps there is more too it, what If its not just the journalists’ but to other people of our society as well. This article helped me push my investigation forward as I started to for the opinion that the police are in the wrong. I can now take this further by looking into more relevant and trustworthy sources in order to form a strong opinion.
ig Brother Watch was set up to challenge policies that threaten our privacy, our freedoms and our civil liberties, and to expose the true scale of the surveillance state. The campaign was founded in 2009 as people were feeling more and more anxious about the amount of surveillance cameras in the area.
Big Brother Watch is an internet based campaign from users all around the UK. The campaign is there to give individuals more control over their personal data, and hold to account those who fail to respect their privacy, whether private companies, government departments or local authorities. The campaign is also trying to get legal action from parliment as growing numbers of people are becoming distressed.
Assingment 3
Assingment 3
esigns came into the equation as I started to think of how I was going to visualise my opinion. I decided that in order to create some designs I had to make the decision on what I am going to put in the letter box and to who I will be sending it too. I figured that this needs to have an impact and so I will targeted this at Scotland yard, the head office of our police and security.
I was thinking a poster or perhaps a leaflet to give awareness that the police are in the wrong and that the snooping needs to come to a stop, or if not more in a subtle way as opposed to pointless snooping which does invade our civil liberties and our way of living. Spying also came into mind as under policemen are lurking around. I want to address the message that this is wrong and that there must be a better method as opposed to spying.
Assingment 3
xperimentation then came into progression as I started to develop my drawings. The concept of an undercover policeman was common within my drawings as I wanted to convey the message that undercover police is not part of our law. Police are not spy’s and so I wanted to promote that message.
COPS is a campaign opposing the Police surveillance. The users that are with cops believe that our civil liberties are not respected as their has been too much snooping around, that everywhere you go you are watched. Police surveillance can be toned down as it invades our civil privacies; as well as the stop to undercover Polices that are not obeying the law.
Quotes/ definition
Who said it?
Author? institution?
“Design should never say look at me. It should saw look at this”
David Craib
401 Design Meditations (Book)
Catharine Fishel
“A logo defines a business, its house style is recogniseable on if the business is good”
Naomi Klein
No Logo (Book)
Naomi Klein
Lion head
Patrick Seymour
Google images
Patrick Seymour
Indesign multi-diciplinary design
Shakoor Bukhuth
Shakoor Bukhuth
HD Berries (Indesign purposes)
Google images HD Berries
‘There goes another 600 years of brewing heritage’
Stella Artois
Stella Artois
Aboriginal HD
Dolce & Gabbana (Rose the one)
Scarlet Johanson
Aboriginal HD
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing”
Warnher Von Braun
Real Worl Research (Book)
Colin Robson
Quotes/ definition
Who said it?
Author? institution?
“How to save a life” Life and death row
Life and death row (Documentary)
BBC three
“If you want to live a life get prepared for death”
Sigmund Freud
Killing Freud (Book) 2003
Todd Dufresne
“Police SNOOP on journalists”
The gaurdian
“We challange the surveillance as it threatens our civil libetries”
Big brother watch (Online artlice)
The Grim RIPA thegrimripa
Campaign opposing police surveillance
Big brother watch