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Column: Painting the “C” is a family tradition

Third-generation Bantam paints Clarkston ‘C’

When the Lewiston Tribune recently published a picture and article about five students, three parents and seven staff members, going to the top of the Lewiston Hill to paint Clarkston High School’s “C,” I — being a CHS grad — was extremely pleased.

Then a midmorning text from a granddaughter, made me much more elated, because I learned that my great-granddaughter, Paitton Zellerhoff, was one of the painters.

I sent a note to Paitton, telling her my husband, her great-grandfather, Lloyd J. Bosserman, was one who helped form and paint the very first “C,” 80 years earlier. He graduated in 1941, which set the date earlier than the 1950s, as reported in the Tribune.

The first “C” and its location was a dream of science and math teacher, Frank Mosher. He chose the most prominent peak, and then had to have asked for permission from the land-owners before even presenting his plan to school authorities. Mosher was extraordinary in many ways. I remember, in grade school, having him bring guinea pigs and rats from his lab. He wanted us to see and pet them and learn about their use in science.

I was thrilled to pet a guinea pig, having never seen one before. When I shared my happy news at home that night, my mother was appalled and ordered that, should he bring them again, I was never to touch them. My inner response was that I could barely wait to see and pet them again. Now, back to the “C”: Lloyd Bosserman loved math; he aced geometry and calculus, so Mosher made him a classroom assistant to help with the other students. It was natural he would be one of the students chosen for the task of forming and painting the “C.”

The students were taken to the site, but Mosher, using telescopes and signals, remained on the ground at the high school to direct the students in the project. Lloyd could never explain to me just how this worked, when I questioned him years later, but he and his buddies knew what to do under Mosher’s expert tutoring, and the very first “C” was created.

In 1976, our youngest daughter, Rena Bosserman Blair, who lives at College Place, Wash., also braved the hill and helped paint the “C”. That makes three generations of our family who have helped with this important task.

When I interviewed Paitton, she mentioned that permission is required before entering the private property where the “C” is located, and it is a rough road to drive on. While they painted, friends located in Walmart’s parking lot, sent pictures showing where more paint was needed. Paitton said it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but one she wouldn’t want to try again. She nearly lost her balance and was saved by a faculty member. She still recog-

MOVING FORWARD nized that it was a great honor to be there and to participate in it. This isn’t a yearly Ruth Bosserman event. The “C” needs to be painted every four years or so. When a class has the opportunity to do the painting, it is truly carrying on a great tradition and an honor to do so. Go Bantams!

Bosserman, 92, is a retired Clarkston first-grade teacher. She may be reached by email at ruthboss20@gmail.com.

For the Lewiston-

Clarkston Valley

> Mondays Coffee hours, 10 a.m. to noon, Valley Community

Center (VCC), 549 Fifth

St., Clarkston. Line dancing, 10 a.m., Lewiston Community Center, 1424 Main St., Lewiston. Fit For Life, 10-11 a.m., Grange Hall, 2220 Reservoir Road, Clarkston. Senior citizens nutrition program meal (pickup) 11-11:30 a.m., Lewiston

Community Center. Senior citizens nutrition program meal (dine in), noon to 1 p.m., Lewiston

Community Center. Painting class, noon to 3 p.m., VCC. > Tuesdays Coffee hours, 10 a.m. to


noon, VCC. Senior Round Table meal (pickup), noon, Valley

Community Center. Senior citizens nutrition program meal (pickup) 11-11:30 a.m., Lewiston

Community Center. Senior citizens nutrition program meal (dine in), noon to 1 p.m., Lewiston

Community Center. > Wednesdays Coffee hours, 10 a.m. to noon, VCC. Fit For Life, 10-11 a.m.,

Grange Hall, Clarkston. Senior citizens nutrition program meal (pickup) 11-11:30 a.m., Lewiston

Community Center. Senior citizens nutrition program meal (dine in), noon to 1 p.m., Lewiston

Community Center. Bridge, 12:30-4:30 p.m.,

VCC. Pinochle, 6 p.m., Lewiston

Community Center. > Thursdays Coffee hours, 10 a.m. to noon, VCC. Line dancing, 10 a.m.,

Lewiston Community

Center. Senior Round Table meal (pickup), noon, VCC. Painting group, noon,

Lewiston Community

Center. > Fridays Coffee hours, 10 a.m. to noon, VCC. Fit For Life, 10-11 a.m.,

Grange Hall, Clarkston. Bridge, noon, Lewiston

Community Center. Senior Round Table meal (pickup), noon, VCC. Pinochle, 1-4 p.m., VCC.

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