7 minute read
Tri-State Joint Orthopedics Program

Hitler and Benito Mussolini were starting to be politically active in Germany and Italy. The New York Giants won the World Series. Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned in India for civil disobedience. A new “little” magazine called The Readers Digest debuted. Pope Pius XI began his reign. And Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics.

Dick Riggs, 90, is a lifetime Lewistonian. He’s an avid Warriors fan, a retired educator, coach and school superintendent and volunteers his time at the Nez Perce County Historical Society. He can be reached at bdriggo@gmail.com.

Library Giving Day set to kick off today in Clarkston
Patrons and library lovers have an opportunity to show their appreciation during today’s annual oneday fundraising event in Clarkston.
This year the Friends of Asotin County Library are collecting money to help pay for a new and improved website, “the library’s ‘24/7 branch,’ ” according to a library news release.
“This campaign reminds us that libraries, small and large, serve as a cornerstone for our communities,” the news release states. “Beyond well-loved books, Asotin County Library offers innovative programs that spark curiosity and promotes lifelong learning.”
Activities at the downtown library located at 417 Sycamore St. in Clarkston will include a live broadcast by Nelly Broadcasting, a Glowforge laser printer demonstration, puzzles, and an afternoon craft for children. All programs and services are free and open to the public.
Donations may be made online at asotincounty library.org/giving; in person at the downtown library or the Heights Branch Library at 2036 Fourth Ave.; or by calling (509) 758-5454 to pledge by phone. Matching sponsors for Library Giving Day include Skelton’s Carpet One Floor & Home, Clarkston Rotary, Asotin County Library Board of
Trustees, Diane and Dave Pakula, and Dennis and Diane Rousseau.
Normal activities also scheduled at the downtown library include: ï Play & Learn Storytime for kids, 10 a.m. ï Job & Career Catalyst Center Open House, 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. ï Make & Take Spring Craft for adults, 1:303 p.m. ï Kahuna Ukulele Players singalong, 3:30 p.m. and ï Google Slides Computer Class, 6 p.m.

Rom-com ‘Almost, Maine’ is coming to Lewiston stage
“Almost, Maine,” will open next week at the old Lewiston High School Auditorium.
Terry Lewis is directing the John Cariani play, that features “Lewiston Civic Theatre veterans and rising stars,” according to a theater news release. The release describes the play is described as “a romantic comedy that has taken the country by storm.” The plot follows the interconnected stories of the residents of a small, fictional town in Maine, as they navigate the joys and pitfalls of falling in love.
Performances are 7 p.m.
April 13-15 and 20-22 and 2 p.m. April 16 and 23. Tickets are available at lctheatre.org.
Medicare 101 workshops to be held at Lewiston library
Registration is open for two Medicare education workshops planned for April 19 at the Lewiston City Library, 411 D St.
Dawn Eden, of Futurity First Insurance Group, will teach the classes. According to a news release from Eden, the classes will “to help explain the sometimes confusing and complicated federal health insurance program to those turning 65 and enrolling in Medicare and those already on Medicare wishing to learn about the new Idaho Birthday Rule.”
Topics include the Medicare enrollment process and a review of Medicare parts A and B. The difference between Advantage (Part C) and Medicare supplement will be discussed, the news release states, and partici- pants “will also learn how Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D) work as well as how to get help with the cost of prescription drugs.”

Workshops are at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Registration is available by calling (208) 298-8945, texting (541) 801-3412, or emailing Eden at dawneden@ffig. com. Accommodation for special needs can be arranged by calling 711.
Futurity First is an insurance organization specializing in financial security and retirement needs of individuals and businesses, according to the news release, and isn’t connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare program. Futurity First sales staff will be on site during the workshops with information and applications.
“We do not offer every plan in your area. Any information we provide is limited to the plans we do provide,” Eden wrote in the release.

Information on all available options can be found by visiting Medicare. gov or calling (800) MEDICARE.
TO SUBMIT BRIEFS: Groups and organizations may submit event information pertaining to seniors in the region for free publication in the monthly Golden Times magazine. All submissions are subject to editing and space restraints and must include the name and phone number of the person submitting the information. Questions may be directed to editor Julie Breslin at jbreslin@lmtribune.com or (208) 791-6635. Submissions may be sent to goldentimes@ lmtribune.com or Golden Times, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. Information for the May issue must be received by 5 p.m. April 15.
The WA-ID Volunteer Center, in the Lewiston Community Center at 1424 Main St., strives to provide individualized volunteer opportunities for those wishing to serve in Lewiston, Clarkston, Asotin, Pomeroy, Moscow and the Orofino area. Information and other volunteer openings can be found at waid volunteercenter.org or by calling (208) 746-7787. Volunteer needs include: ï Tutors — America Reads needs tutors to help K-third grade students become proficient readers. Volunteers need to be able to commit to at least an hour a week for the school year. Background check required. ï Companions — The Senior Companion program provides companionship and respite care to the elderly and disabled. It allows low-income senior volunteers an opportunity to assist those who need minor help to continue living independently. Senior Companions visit clients in their homes, but it isn’t an in-home care program. ï Food bank help — Volunteers are needed to repack frozen and dry foods for distribution. Front counter volunteers and drivers for morning food pickups also are needed. ï Meal sites — Volunteers are needed as regular and substitute meal delivery drivers. A valid driver’s license and auto insurance are required. ï AARP tax preparer — AARP Tax Aide Program needs volunteers to help prepare free basic tax returns for seniors and low-income individuals. No experience necessary; comfort working with computers helpful. Training and materials are provided. ï Project Warmup — ï Project Warmup lead — Organize and stock yarn, manage and inventory completed cold-weather items, and help staff to prepare and complete fall disbursement event. ï Local hospital auxiliary — Greet people, deliver flowers, courtesy cart, deliver mail, gift shop assistant, create baby and child items, clerical, provide hospital tours and more. ï Lewiston Police Department — Individuals with the ability to interact positively and keep information confidential are needed to fingerprint citizens. Training is provided. Some basic computer skills are required, and volunteers must pass a background check. ï Lewiston City Library — Volunteers needs include circulation support, tech tutors and programming support. ï Mobile blood drive canteen — Volunteers serve refreshments to donors immediately following donations, help maintain a comfortable atmosphere, talk with donors and answer questions while observing the donors for possible adverse reactions. ï Disaster services — As the first responders of the American Red Cross, the Disaster Action Team volunteers provide comfort and direct assistance to those affected by disaster as they begin the recovery process. ï Museum docents — Skills include meet-andgreet abilities, friendly personality and the ability to answer questions about the museum displays. Training is provided. ï Household repairs (minor) — Tasks range from changing light bulbs and checking fire alarms to repairing steps and installing grab bars to prevent falls. ï Transportation— Drive seniors or disabled community members to and from destinations across the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley. A valid driver’s license and auto insurance are required.
Crafters are needed to make hats, scarves, mittens and lap blankets (yarn is provided) and to help tie quilts. Completed items are donated to local nonprofit agencies.

Valley Meals on Wheels provides daily homedelivered meals to seniors, home-bound and special needs clients in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley. Drivers are needed for weekday and weekend deliveries from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you can help, contact the office between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. at (208) 799-5767 or by email at valleymeals@aol.com.
L-C Valley Habitat for Humanity serves low-income residents of Nez Perce and Asotin counties by helping them build or improve a place they can call home. The Habitat vision is “a world where everyone has a decent place to live.”
For more information or to volunteer, visit l-cvalley habitat.org/volunteer/ or call the office at (509) 758-7396
Current needs include: ï Construction — Help build the 35th Habitat Home in the LewistonClarkston Valley. Experience is welcome, but not necessary. ï Grant researcher and writer — Training is available. ï Social media specialist — Create and schedule posts on social media. ï Administrative office receptionist — Answer phones and do light office work. ï Habitat ReStore — People with skills in electrical, basic carpentry or furniture repair needed.
St. Joseph Family Hospice is seeking individuals who are passionate about providing care for others during the most difficult times in life, specifically end-of-life care. If you are interested in making a positive impact in the lives of terminally ill patients, please call Volunteer Manager Shannon Courtney at (208) 799-5275. Volunteer needs include: ï Direct patient care, such as running errands or providing respite and companionship ï Administrative duties, such as making phone calls, filing and other office tasks ï Offering emotional support through phone calls or bereavement visits.

Interlink Inc. is a nonprofit organization in Clarkston that matches community volunteers to people needing assistance to remain independent in their own homes. For information about becoming a volunteer, call (509) 751-9143. Volunteer applications and additional information also can be found online at interlink volunteers.org.
Volunteer needs include: ï Drivers to take people to appointments; mileage is reimbursed. ï People who can do small home safety repairs for seniors. ï Help with cabinetry and hanging large pictures and white boards in the Interlink Office. ï People to work on the Christmas Concert and other fundraising events. ï People interested in serving on the Interlink Board of Directors, especially from Asotin County.
Golden Times publishes Volunteer Opportunities in the LewistonClarkston Valley monthly as a free public service. Area agencies may send information to goldentimes@ lmtribune.com or Golden Times, P.O. Box 957, Lewiston, ID 83501. All submissions are edited for brevity and clarity, and will run as space allows. Questions may be directed to editor Julie Breslin at jbreslin@lmtribune. com or (208) 791-6635. Deadline for the May edition is 5 p.m. April 15.
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