We’ve added a few new things to this year ’s event to remind everyone that it ’s our anniversary. Look for the GIANT Foods booth in front of the Historic Courthouse. Staff from the Burnham and Lewistown stores will be handing out anniversary cake both evenings while it lasts. If you’re standing in line waiting for your cake, look up. Two new banners were designed by Ryan Cherry and hung by Dave Dubois Carpentry. They’re BIG! Several steps away toward HC Kerstetter’s office is a large anniversary ice sculpture sponsored by McDonald ’s. If you made it to the ice sculpture, you ’re just a few steps away from Santa. Say hello to The Big Man! One more thing to recognize our monumental year will be pins lots of them given away by event staff, the McDonald ’s crew at their booth, and Pete Cato from Bigfoot Radio. Pete will be wandering the festival grounds in his colorful Croc footwear. You ’re going to either see him or hear him but say “Hello!”
Daytime happenings While official event hours are 9pm each night, we know that people arrive earlier and are looking for things to do. This year, we ’re debuting a trivia contest that will send people into our downtown shops and businesses to find a holiday movie related question. Entry forms will be in the box on the porch of the Historic Courthouse. Completed forms are to be returned to the mailbox on the same porch. Prizes will be awarded by a random drawing of all correct entries. This contest will be held on Dec 1 & 2 only so get to town!
This year’s theme is Christmas Movie Classics so as you walk the festival grounds, see the many ways that your favorite holiday movies have been incorporated into this annual event. From the ice sculptures circling Monument Square to the tip of the Grinch ’s toes on top of a tree in the
We’d love to see your photos from this year ’s festival. Use these when posting: #discoverJRV or #lewistownicefest
6-9 - Visit with Santa beside H.C. Kerstetter.
6-9 - Pony rides for the kids at the west end of Market Street.
6:30-8:30 Live music at the Live Nativity.
7:05 – Miss Stephanie Historic Courthouse.
Thursday, December 1
All Day The Merry Mannequins will be on display in downtown business windows and inside the Historic Courthouse.
1-5 Christmas Movie Classics Quiz in downtown Lewistown. Pick up an entry form on the porch of the Historic Courthouse.
5-9 - MC Model Railroad Club open house in the basement of 3 West Monument Square.
5 9 JVB Holiday Market (on The Square) is open.
5 9 The Mifflin County Historical Society Book Sale at the society ’s library inside the Historic Courthouse.
5-9 - The McCoy House Museum will be open for tours.
5:45 Geisinger Hospice Tree of Love ceremony on Monument Square.
6 p.m. SHARP! The Crazy Parade kicks off from the Lewistown Borough Building, North Main & Third Streets.
6 AND 8 2 performances by the Lewistown Community Band in the courtroom in the Historic Courthouse.
6 8 Samuel Price performs at the McCoy House Museum.
6:15 Sacred Heart School choir performance on the steps of the Historic Courthouse.
6:30 Tim and Duane Show at East End Coffee Co.
6:30-8 Wagon rides begin at the west end of Monument Square. Hosted by Calvary Church of Lewistown.
7:40- Mifflin County High School Drama Club performance on North Main Street beside the Historic Courthouse.
8:00 The Lewistown Community Band performs again in the courtroom in the Historic Courthouse.
Friday, December 2
All Day- The Merry Mannequins will be on display in downtown business windows and inside the Historic Courthouse.
10 5 Christmas Movie Classics Quiz in downtown Lewistown. Pick up and entry form on the porch of the Historic Courthouse.
11-1- Battle of the Morning Shows! Drive to Monument Square and hand a donation to your favorite radio station representative. All proceeds stay local and benefit the Salvation Army.
4:30 Registration starts for the Chillin ’ 4K Race/Walk at Falkner Technologies, 21 E. Market St.
5 9 MC Model Railroad Club open house in the basement of 3 West Monument Square.
5-9 - JVB Holiday Market (on The Square) is open.
5-9 The Mifflin County Historical Society Book Sale at the society’s library inside the Historic Courthouse.
5 9 The McCoy House Museum will be open for tours.
6 The Boyz steps of the stairs to the
6 Chillin’ Square.
6:15 Studio Main & Water
6-8 Wagon Hosted by 6-8 Caroling tains Medical
6 9 Visit 6-9 Pony
6:30-Seth 6:30 8:30
7 Juniata side the Historic
performance on the downtown Lewistown. Pick Courthouse. Square representaArmy.
Falkner basement of 3 the socie-
6 The Boyz will start singing Christmas songs from the front steps of the Historic Courthouse and then invite the crowd upstairs to the courtroom for more.
6 Chillin’ 4K Race/Walk starts at the east end of Monument Square.
6:15 - Studio 32 School of Dance at St. Mark ’s Episcopal Church, S. Main & Water Streets.
6 8 Wagon rides begin at the west end of Monument Square. Hosted by Calvary Church of Lewistown
6 8 Caroling by the Ice Festival Carolers in front of Seven Mountains Medical Center.
6-9 - Visit with Santa beside H.C. Kerstetter.
6-9 Pony rides for the kids at the west end of Market Street.
6:30 Seth Whitesel to perform at East End Coffee Co.
6:30-8:30 Live music at the Live Nativity.
7 Juniata County 4 H Square Dancers, perform on N. Main St., beside the Historic Courthouse.
7:15 Studio 32 School of Dance at St. Mark ’s Episcopal Church, S. Main & Water Streets.
7:30 – Big Band Sound will perform in the courtroom in the Historic Courthouse.
Thank You!
Event Logistics: The Borough of Lewistown, Borough Manager Kim Zimmerman, and the Maintenance Dept., Mifflintown Equipment Rental, Dubois Carpentry/Dave Dubois, Lonnie Griffith and the Mifflin County Maintenance Department, St. Mark ’s Episcopal Church
Ice Sculpture Gallery: Rick Bryant, First Night State College, DiMartino Ice Company, Penn Equipment Co., Wray’s Landscaping, Metzler Forest Products
Ice Sculpture Sponsors: See complete list on page 6.
Chillin’ 4K: The Juniata Valley Striders, Scott Falkner, and Falkner Technologies
Electrical Support Team: Thomas Whitsel, Robert P. Lepley Electrical Contractor, Juniata Valley Bank, Central Insurers Group, Heather Knepp Crader, Friends of the Embassy and MC Historical Society
Promotional Support: Lewistown Sentinel, Juniata Sentinel, County Observer, The Times, WGRC, Seven Mountains Radio, Pete Cato of County Communications, and the advertisers in this program.
Entertainment: Lewistown Community Band, The Boyz, Big Band Sound, Miss Stephanie’s School of Dance, Studio Thirty Two School of Dance, Juniata County Hillbillies Square Dancers, Mifflin County High School Drama Club, Sacred Heart Children’s Choir, Ice Fest Carolers, The Logan Guards, RB Powell, The Tim & Duane Show, Seth Whitesel, Sam Price, Ken Shubert, Zion Salon
Activities on the Square: Calvary Church of State College Stone Arch Players, Cari Kilmer, St. John ’s Cookie Walk, GIANT Stores in Lewistown and Burnham, Paintersville CMA Church, Geisinger Hospice
Event Volunteer Support: Cathy Collins, Denise Foss, Paul Wilson, Jim Zubler, Crider Mitchell Construction, Mifflin County Probation
Decorations: Courthouse by Sandra and Dennis Knapik, planters by Sara Buffington and landscaping crew, Merry Mannequin participants and window hosts, artwork by Sacred Heart School, Belleville Mennonite School and Lewistown Presbyterian Preschool, The Square Café & Bakery, Rebecca Conner Miller and sidewalk chalk clubs include MCHS TSA, MCHS Spirit Club, MCHS Art Club,
Juniata tion/Faith Merry Moser, Lemon Bank, Aurand, and PA Kids’ Activities Model and members Crazy Rachael Greyhound/Beagle Club, Two Jesus School, Group
Observer, Miss County Heart & LewisZubler, Buffinghosts, Lewistown Miller and
MCJHS Art Club and MCHS Yearbook, and Juniata Valley Gingerbread House Competition/Faith’s House of Hope
Merry Mannequins : Lisa Knudson, Scott Moser, Bill Basom, Alyssa Brown, Deb Bargo, Lemon & Lime Craft Co., Rhonda Kelley, MCS Bank, Juniata Valley Bank, Ashley Henry, Nancy Aurand, Morgan Messerman, Sandra Knapik, and PA CareerLink Mifflin County
Kids’ Activities: Daria Wray, Mifflin County Model Railroad Club, Santa Claus, Sonya Riden and members of the National Honor Society, Crazy Parade Marchers, Judy Fitzgerald, Rachael Steinbach, Lisa Bollinger, Nittany Greyhound/Beagle Rescue, Lewistown Country Club, Two Brothers Bicycle Co., Sacred Heart of Jesus School, First Quality, Central Insurers Group H.C. Kerstetter, Stay Healthy, Stay Safe
Mifflin-Juniata, Logan Guards, Mifflin County Academy, Tim Yohn, Brooklyn Hose Co., United Fire Co., Raystown Development Services, AAA Central Penn, SUMMIT Early Learning, Kish Valley Grace Brethren Church, New Life Church, First National Bank of PA, Center for Community Action, Juniata Valley Council/Boy Scouts of America, Fire and Ice Central, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Mifflin County Historical Society, and Lewistown Masonic Lodge, Central Insurers Group/HC Kerstetter
The Live Nativity: Granville United Methodist Church and volunteers, Beth el Mennonite Church Choir, Pleasant Valley Youth Choir, and Gideon ’s International
Other contributors : Community Partnerships, Hometown Potters ’ Studio, Mifflin County Library, and Lewistown Printworks, JRV Chamber of Commerce, Rhonda Kelley, Alyssa Brown
25 years of Christmas Spirit!
JRV Visitors Bureau receives state arts funding support through a grant from the PA Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of PA and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
The Chillin’ 4K returns with its awards for speed but awards for the crazy holiday costumes, too. Check it
Mifflin County Model Railroad Club
The display will be open to the public for the holidays during the following hours. Find them in the basement of 3 West Monument Square.
Festival of Ice Dec 1&2: 5 9 p.m
Dec. 3: 12 5 p.m. Dec. 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18: 1 4 p.m. Jan. 7: 1-4 p.m. (Thomas the Tank Engine Day)
Faith’s House of Hope, formerly known as the Juniata Valley Gingerbread House Contest, returns to the festival and will be featuring one of a kind gingerbread house masterpieces created by community members. Vote for your favorite gingerbread house by picking up an entry form outside 3 W. Monument Square and then head inside to the lobby to view and pick your favorite. The contest benefits the Mifflin County School District’s Nurse’s Closet in memory of Faith Bollinger.
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