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room signage
from Brand Identity
All guest room signage will be designed as shown below regardless of oor or suite size.
e only element to be changed is the room number.
e signage is to be printed on black metal and the room number and design will be cut out of the metal piece.
As with the other room signage, the room number will be placed right next to the door with metal attachments on the back so that it is not at up against the wall. ere will be illuminating light behind the metal room number panel.
e signage for rooms such as o ces, ballrooms, and the spa/ other amenities will be designed as shown above. All elements of the signage will remain the same other than the name of the room in which it is referring.
e signage will be made on black metal. e signage is to be placed right next to the door/ entrance with metal attachments on the back so that it is not at up against the wall.