Fall 2019 Knight Line

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Dear Graduates, Parents, and Friends of Lexington Catholic, Thank you for the warm Lexington welcome as I begin my tenure as the sixth (and first female) President of Lexington Catholic High School. On my initial day of work I had the pleasure of meeting the senior class officers on the cover of this issue. I was impressed with the theme they chose for the year, FRIENDS; and I have witnessed it come to life over the past four months. As your read Knight Line you will see all of the good news we have to share as we begin the 2019-2020 school year. LCHS continues to thrive, yet it is necessary that we strategically evolve in all areas. A team of administrators, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends have collaborated with our Board to develop our strategic plan. This road map will focus on improving the student experience (mind, spirit, & body), fulfilling our mission and sustaining the longterm fiscal health of the only Catholic high school in Central Kentucky. To achieve this vision, we must increase participation and giving to all development initiatives such as our uKnight Fund, special events, and the capital campaign. Each initiative is vital

I, Wilson Hourigan ’20, am honored to be your student body president for the 2019-2020 school year. Last year, Grace McMillan ‘19, encouraged us to unite as a student body. Asking that we move Forward, Together was a much bigger task than it sounded, but I truly believe we exceeded this expectation in every single way. Whether it was raising 55,000 dollars to help fight childhood cancer, or stopping to help another student pick up their books in the hallway, we all showed that we are in this together. From the President

When Tyler Smith ‘20, Kiran Patel ‘20, Jackson Smith ‘20 and I sat in the school conference room this summer to discuss this school year’s theme, we wanted something that was going to relate to every student here at

to ensuring the successful implementation of the strategic plan and positioning Lexington Catholic for future generations. I thank you in advance for sharing your time, talent and treasure with us in support of the students we serve each day. God bless, Sandra R. Young President

Pictured Left to Right: Kiran, Jackson, Mrs. Young, Wilson, & Tyler

Lexington Catholic. We discussed what we thought had been the best thing about being a student at Lexington Catholic, and we agreed that it was the people around us. Our friends are our main support system, and I don’t think any of us would be where we are today without them. We then, thought about what makes the people here at Lexington Catholic so outstanding, and we came up with some key qualities we believe everyone shows: standing firm in our Faith; treating others and ourselves with Respect; being Inclusive as a school community; Excelling in everything we do whether it’s acting, sports, or schoolwork; being Noble and standing up for what we believe in; being Dedicated to everything we do; and Serving others to make the community around us a better

place. We talked about the friendships that we have made during our time here, and we agreed being a good friend is one of the most important things you can be. So, I’m excited to announce that this year’s theme is FRIENDS. Being called a good friend is one of the best compliments you can receive because it means that you are showing all of the qualities I have mentioned. We are encouraging all students to be friends because you won’t get to know the people sitting around you unless you make an effort. We are encouraging you all to strive to exemplify these characteristics daily. Wilson Hourigan ’20 Student Government Association President


Lexington Catholic High School 2250 Clays Mill Road | Lexington, KY 40503 859-277-7183 | www.lexingtoncatholic.com MISSION STATEMENT Lexington Catholic High School serves as an integral part of the mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington. We serve students of all faith traditions by providing a high-quality, Catholic, college preparatory education that fosters the spiritual ideals and moral values of the Gospel. In this dynamic faith community, we nurture the development of the mind, spirit, and body of our students. ADMINISTRATION Sandra R. Young

Mathew George

Delaine Thiel

David Gadberry




Internal Operations & Athletics

Diana Clark

Lesley Farmer


Community & School Relations

Mindy Towles

Pam Schneider

Admissions & Enrollment Services



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08 10 14 16






TABLE OF CONTENTS From the President Faith and Respect Inclusion and Excellence Nobility and Dedication Service and Alumni News Alumni Highlights Alumni and Events Building a Better Future uKnight Fund Annual Report Business Partners

ON THE COVER: FRIENDS: 2019-20 School Year Theme

Alumni & Events


Susan Macke

Alicia Smith Kazee ‘88

Vice Chair

Secretary & Advancement

• Highly competitive ACT and SAT scores


BOARD Robert J. Benvenuti, III Michelle R. Buerger

Tom Lynch

Mansour Martha

Marty Canning

Jennifer Miloszewski '95

Fr. Tom Farrell

Kerry Nemecek '89

Emily Dorisio

Linda Hollembaek, Student Life & Culture Marvin King

Barry Kowalik, Finance Susan Lancho '86


Eric Monday

Cecelia Page

Linda L. Rumpke, Facilities Leslie Thomas, Academics Lynh Tran

Andy Walker


• More than $22 million in merit scholarships awarded • 98% college-bound • Full-time School Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life • Individual class retreats • More than 20,000 hours of service to the Lexington community • Numerous state and regional championships • 26 athletic programs, including club sports • 85% participation in extracurricular activities

Editor: Kelsea Fitzpatrick, Marketing & Communications Design: Direct Response, Inc. www.lexingtoncatholic.com


The Spiritual Life Center Students and parents are all invited to stop in and meet the LCHS Spiritual Life Team: Chaplain, Father Norman Fischer; Director Christy Nash; Associate Director Ryanne Pults; and Service Coordinator Rachel Scanlon. Located near the cafeteria, the Spiritual Life Center is a hub of activity, where students sign up for retreats, mission trips, service events, and liturgies, or seek guidance or confession, pray for vocations with the V-Crew, or relax for a moment during a stressful day. The Center coordinates Masses, reconciliation, adoration, retreats for each grade level, “LIFT” (a morning Youth Group for students), and a vibrant community service program through the Service Club. The mission of the Spiritual Life Center is to provide ample opportunities for Lexington Catholic students and staff. It allows them the ability to pray together, to participate in worship services, retreats and service events, and to nurture positive Catholic values of love, honesty, integrity, peace, tolerance, and respect. We hope that participation in these opportunities will foster faith, hope, and love, and develop understanding and unity to help to bridge any ideological or other differences within our community. We began our year with an all-school Mass at Mary Queen to celebrate the Assumption of Mary. It was a great way to start the year, praying together as a community. Each grade level had a retreat planned specifically for them in the fall this year. Our freshmen had a retreat with the Jesuit Spiritual Center on September 9th here on campus, complete with a band and small group faith sharing. Then the sophomores will had a nationally trained missionary group called the NET team share their retreat in early October. In November, the juniors will have the opportunity to go on the first of two Search Retreats offered this year at Cedarmore. Our seniors will spent a day at the Newman Center at the University of Kentucky in October, where the FOCUS missionaries shared ways to stay active with the faith in college. There are so many ways for LC students to celebrate their faith this year. These include daily chapel activities, monthly all-school Masses, reconciliation opportunities, youth group, adoration, Bible study, promoting vocations, and supporting the Vocations Crew. New this year, we also have the Teen Ministry Team, which will give students a role in planning and leading Spiritual Life events. We are very proud of our students’ participation in retreats, sacraments and other opportunities offered by Spiritual Life. Also, we are impressed by their empathy expressed to one another daily, and to our community through their extensive service. FAITH

The Spiritual Life Team welcomes the opportunity to work with students and parents throughout the year on faith-based projects!

Christy Nash Director of Spiritual Life Center

Faith Friday



Lexington Catholic High School offers students many opportunities to get involved in the fine arts. As part of the curriculum, each student takes one credit hour of a fine arts class. Students can select from classes in choir, piano, band, visual arts, and theater arts. Many students choose to continue in the discipline of the fine arts they are interested in and take more than just the required credit hour. Students can also become involved in the fine arts by participating in an after school performing group or one of our drama productions put on throughout the school year.

Our theater students bring to the stage up to five productions each year. They finished last year with a wildly successful production of the musical phenomenon Mamma Mia! with more than 75 students on stage, behind the scenes, and in the orchestra. Mamma Mia

During the 2018-2019 school year, our fine arts students were awarded and recognized for their achievements in their disciplines. • Four freshman were selected for the KYACDA Junior High All-State Choir and nine students were selected for the KMEA All-State Choir.


• Students competed in the District Solo and Ensemble and at NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing). • In the fall of 2018 at the State Level for NATS, Caitlin Flemm ‘19 won the high school women musical theater division and Thomas Swerczek ‘19 won the high school men classical division. In the spring of 2019 at the Regional Level for NATS, Justin Felix ‘20 qualified to audition for the national competition.


• One student was selected for All-State Band, four students were selected for KMEA District Honor Band, seven students were selected for the UK Honor Band, and five students were selected for Asbury Honor Band. • 22 Band students medaled in the KMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival. • Band received a Distinguished Rating at the KMEA Concert Band Assessment. • Four students were selected for Governor's Scholars for the Arts Student working on art project


In April, we took 120 students, parents, and teachers to Chicago for our annual fine arts trip. While in Chicago, the students participated in activities specific to their discipline. The choir and band students sang and played for the Festival of Music where they were judged on their performance and participated in a clinic with other choir and band directors. The art students visited the Art Institute of Chicago, and the drama students participated in a workshop presented by Second City, which is an Improv group. Also, the group went to see a production of “Hamilton,” which was the highlight of the trip for many! www.lexingtoncatholic.com



Fine Arts

Friendship and Inclusion Our theme for 2019-20 is FRIENDS, where the “I� stands for inclusion. When Jesus left the 99 to look for the one lost sheep, he did not love the 99 any less. God calls us to love everyone in our community but to go out of our way to reach the lost. As we move forward with our Affinity Groups, we hope to provide a safe space for all students who might feel isolated. We continue to work for greater fairness, inclusion, and understanding amongst our staff and students in a variety of ways. One major way is through training. At our opening Equity and Inclusion Training day in August, we had workshops led by 20+ staff members and two outside speakers.

David Wu Director of Equity and Inclusion

Diversity Club

The discussions that have come from these trainings have been extremely beneficial as we continue to become braver in our conversations about equity and inclusion. In Christ's All-Inclusive Love, David Wu Director of Equity and Inclusion


Professional Development

Diversity Club

Professional Development

Professional Development

Professional Development

The 2019-2020 school year marks our 68th year ministering and educating the students of the Lexington and Bluegrass area. Since the merger of St. Catherine Academy and Lexington Latin School many years ago, we have remained dedicated to our mission to “serve students of all faith traditions by providing a high-quality Catholic college preparatory education.” The start of this school year marks the start of many new and revitalized initiatives at Lexington Catholic. The Catholic Diocese of Lexington has adopted the Diocese of Owensboro’s academic standards and curriculum. This initiative allows students in our area Catholic grade schools to transition to Lexington Catholic High School successfully and seamlessly. This allows for continued and consistent development of the student’s mind, spirit, and body from early childhood through high school. Teachers in the diocese have worked collaboratively to research, evaluate, and begin the implementation process of this new joint initiative. We re-evaluated and updated our Career Quest program to meet the needs of our current students. The program is designed to provide interested students with job shadowing opportunities in Central Kentucky with businesses and professionals in the community. Job shadowing allows students to experience the culture of the workplace and to learn firsthand the responsibilities and benefits of a particular area or career. It can also be used as a strategy to help decide students’ academic major and to gain knowledge by observing and

understanding skills necessary in a particular career path. We have made a significant commitment to developing our science and technology program over the last decade with the addition of the Exemplar Scholars Program for Math, Science and Technology Project Lead the Way (PLTW); and a rigorous science and math curriculum. PLTW is the leader in providing STEM curriculum to over 2.4 million K-12 students. The strength of Lexington Catholic’s STEM program is our outstanding math and science departments. In addition to College Preparatory, Honors and Advanced Placement courses in math and science, students have the opportunity to take PLTW Introduction to Engineering and Design and Dual Credit aerospace courses. Students who intend to pursue STEM majors in college are advised to complete as many science electives as possible. Academic Flex time was incorporated with the new bell schedule this school year. This dedicated time allows students to meet with teachers, collaborate with peers, and visit with school counselors. We offer this every Wednesday for students to help empower them to use their time responsibly, which will help prepare them for their education beyond high school. Our faculty continues to receive professional development from nationally recognized educators. We continue to assist our teachers in incorporating best practices and strategies to help our students perform to the best of their ability on the ACT exam. The faculty and staff have continued training in equity and inclusion practices to assist them in the classroom and school community. Continued education on student mental health, social media, and best practices in education are currently scheduled for this academic year. As we approach our 7th decade of fulfilling the mission of Lexington Catholic High School, we continue to look towards the future and its challenges to meet the needs of our students. We remain committed to educating the mind, spirit, and body of all our students, while preserving the rich history and traditions associated with this school. In His Name, Mr. Mathew George, Principal www.lexingtoncatholic.com




Noble Legacy Society Oftentimes, the opportunity for a larger gift may present itself through the transfer of stocks, bonds, securities, or other investments, or by planning to leave a legacy to the school as a final gift as a beneficiary in a will. Other planned giving can be intentionally made to LCHS from an IRA, life insurance policy, estate, etc. If you are considering a planned gift to Lexington Catholic, please let us know so we can recognize you as part of the Noble Legacy Society.


Lisa Davies

Chris Timko

Bill Grant

Social Studies World Language


Bus Driver


A Tax-Effective Way to Donate Money to Lexington Catholic is a “qualified charitable distribution" (QCD). This distribution is for owners of individual retirement accounts who are at least age 70 ½. Tax free contributions can be made directly from your IRA to any qualified 501c3 organization such as Lexington Catholic. Additionally, your qualified charitable donation distribution can be used to meet all or part of an IRA’s annual required minimum distribution (RMD). Building a Better Future campaign leadership team member Darryl Stith, is retired from a career in philanthropic giving and a resource for us on Planned Giving. Darryl says, “Qualified charitable distributions from my IRA are how I am fulfilling my campaign gift to the school and reducing my taxable income. It might sound like it is only for wealthy taxpayers, but it really is an option available to anyone who over 70 1/2, has an IRA (except for a Roth IRA), has to take an annual RMD, and wants to benefit Lexington Catholic."

Travis Gabehart: Senior School Counselor Anne Brownell: Cafeteria Rebecca Kegebein: Art Yvette Culp: World Language Boys Choir Class

Using your IRA to make a charitable donation can help you lower your tax bill and benefit Lexington Catholic.

Lexington Catholic’s Noble Legacy Society These individuals have contributed to Lexington Catholic in their will, bequest, or by other planned giving.


Ms. Ruth Elizabeth Burke Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cloud Mr. Collin A. Cox Dr. and Mrs. Michael Daugherty Mrs. Virginia L. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hein Mr. Marvin L. Hungate

Ms. Jeri L Isbell '75 Mr. Robert E. Kertickies Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. O'Brien Mr. Marc A. Schwegman, Jr. Mr. P. Darryl Stith and Ms. Samye N. Miller Mrs. Judy Towles

Latin Club at Club Sign Up Day


BY THE NUMBERS Boys Cross Country Team

Swim & Dive Team National Merit Semifinalists



signed with a collegiate team

258 STUDENTS sat for 559 A.P. exams in one or more of 20 A.P. class offerings


Governor’s Scholars Program Students


Governor’s Scholars for the Arts

98% 87%

2 ,

service hours to the community


different middle schools &

EIGHT COUNTRIES represented in student population


admitted to the college of first choice

$22 million+

$800,000+ tuition assistance

scholarship monies earned



Christian Service Program The LCHS Service Club is also an extension of Spiritual Life and its 500+ members organize and promote a wide variety of service events for numerous causes and community organizations each year. We are especially proud of our long tradition of community service at Lexington Catholic. Students are encouraged to complete at least 60 hours of service before graduation, in response to Christ’s call to serve others (Matthew 25:34-40). There are many service events and activities coordinated by our Spiritual Life Center. Some take place on campus, including Dance Blue, flex activities like Backpack Buddies, and monthly collections such as our Christmas Drive for the David Mission. Most students find it easy to complete their service hours, and many exceed the requirements. We believe that our community service program makes a huge impact on the lives of our students. It does this by expanding their hearts and minds and preparing them to be powerful and effective agents of change.

Dance Blue


The Service Club supports charitable walks for several different diseases and conditions, including autism, leukemia, and suicide prevention. We help the hungry and homeless population in our area through canned food, blanket, and winter clothing drives. Students also work with Habitat and BUILD to secure fair housing. We serve parkland, animal conservation, and environmental concerns by working with Raven Run, McConnell Springs, and Salato. We hold craft sales and bake sales for disease prevention and awareness or natural disaster relief as needed. There are monthly collections for bedding, toiletries, jeans, shoes, and many other items for various causes, including foster

Junior Urban Immersion Day

children and third world economic support. We have also held events that support refugee families and children in our community who need mentors, such as the Boys and Girls Club of Kentuckiana. Our students love to support their parish fall festivals, CCD programs, and vacation bible schools by staffing them with volunteers. We pack food and deliver it to area schools whose students experience food insecurity over the weekends, and to the Catholic Action Center every week. We raise money for malaria nets in Africa, do book drives and help with Girls on the Run. We also have students bring in backpacks full of school supplies or sweatpants for local public elementary school students in need. We support Dance Blue and through it, cancer treatments for cildren at UK hospital. About 50 of our students spend part of their summer each year on national and international mission trips. This is a glimpse of the level of commitment to service work at LCHS. We are also committed to the students processing what they learn through service. Our religion teachers and teachers in every department are all on board with teaching our students the Catholic Social Teachings, and emphasizing empathy and solidarity with those we serve. Rachel Scanlon Service Coordinator


We would like for all Lexington Catholic alumni to stay connected and up-to-date on highlights and announcements. These include marriages, having children, receiving an honor or award, taking on a new role in your career, letting us know about a reunion or in-memoriam, etc. All you have to do is submit the information to Pam Schneider, Director of Alumni and Events, along with a picture or two. We will start including these highlights and announcements in our publications. We look forward to hearing from you!


Back Row, Left to Right: Hunter Porter ’11, Jared Pippen ’14, Brandon Potter ’06, Collin Barber ’00, Kevin Ford ‘94 Front Row, Left to Right: Lauren Cambron ’12, Lauren Hinkel Lewis ’01, Kerry Nemecek ’89, Brittany Browning Manning ’04, Susie Morton ‘76 Not pictured: Katie Cranfill Lockard ’01, Alli Deaton ’12, Tyler Deaton Dorsey ’10, Darlene Silvestri ‘73

kfitzpatrick@lexingtoncatholic.com Alumni Highlights: Pam Schneider pschneider@lexingtoncatholic.com

Alumni Council The Alumni Council has had very busy spring and summer seasons with a variety of fun and engaging events! The second annual Easter Egg Hunt was a success this spring, with an even larger turnout than 2018. The Council is already working on plans for the Spring of 2020 Hunt, so stay tuned. Additionally, we had the first year of our “Young and Young at Heart” Alumni gathering at the Village Idiot this June with a great turnout from the classes spanning from 1968 to 2013. We look forward to making this an annual event and continuing to see new faces each year.

The Class of 1970 The class of ’70 joined us for a special Mass on Thursday, August 15th. The alums processed in together and were seated at the front of the church where Father Norman Fischer had them stand and be recognized. We were honored to have our 50th-year reunion class join our student body at Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary for our all-school opening Mass. This is a special tradition we look forward to each year.

Every three years the Council also assists with the Lexington Catholic Hall of Fame selection, which is an incredible honor. This year, our group met in August and chose a great class of inductees who have continued to live out the values of Lexington Catholic throughout their lives. Being involved with the Hall of Fame is an aspect of the Council truly appreciated by all members. Please reach out to any of your Alumni Council members with any comments, suggestions, or if you would like to get more involved with any of the events or other aspects of the school. We are here to help Alumni of all ages connect and engage with the wonderful Lexington Catholic community!



Susie Morton '76 What are you doing now? As of January 2019, I am the owner of SEM Payroll & Bookkeeping Solutions. Before that, I worked in a small accounting firm that I helped establish for 20 years. What accomplishments, honors, awards have you received? I’ve served on the Alumni Council since its inception and have been Chair for the last seven years. Did LC have a positive influence on your life? LC had a very positive influence in my life. The smaller number

of students during my time at LC versus the other local high schools afforded me the opportunity to really engage with my classmates and teachers and, as a result, lasting friendships were formed. LC helped me create a community of friendships and relationships that have given me great joy and comfort as life’s ups and downs came my way. Did LC prepare you for college and your career? Lexington Catholic provided me with a solid foundation of education that saw me through my college years and graduation.

Danny Schwendeman ’78 degree in Library and Information Science. My depth of study was Children's Literature. All of my High School English teachers were well aware of my love of books and reading. They fostered that love of reading, and it is because of them that I pursued my degrees in Literature and Library Science.

Did LC have a positive influence on your life? Did LC prepare you for college and your career? ALUMNI HIGHLIGHTS

What are you doing now? What accomplishments, honors, awards have you received? After graduation, I attended the University of Kentucky. I have a BA in English Literature and a Master's

My four years at Lexington Catholic provided me with many life lessons that I have been able to use as a priest. I hope my experiences at Lexington Catholic have made me a more compassionate and understanding person - let alone a priest.

At Lexington Catholic, I learned how I wanted to treat others. Lexington Catholic opened my eyes to the importance of respecting and accepting others - regardless of any perceived differences. Over four years, I embraced that we are all children of God and that we are all deserving of love and respect. Lexington Catholic taught me to be strong. It instilled in me the importance of perseverance and not giving in or giving up - not on myself and, most certainly, not on others. Because of my experiences at Lexington Catholic, I feel as if I am a better priest today. For that, I thank Lexington Catholic.

What accomplishments, honors, awards have you received?

Did LC prepare you for college and your career?

Bishop John Stowe ordained me to the diaconate on June 1, 2019. God willing, he will ordain me to the priesthood in May 2020. These, however, are gifts rather than accomplishments.

LC prepared me for college. It’s a shame I didn’t take better advantage of LC’s academics. Did LC prepare me for a vocation to the priesthood? Yes, I think so. Fr. Norman Fischer deserves a lot of credit. He became the chaplain my junior year. While Fr. Norman and I are completely different in terms of personalities, he showed me that priests could be happy. Fr. Norman lived, and lives, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank him for his witness.

The one accomplishment that I’m proud of is my title as St. Meinrad’s reigning “chicken wing eating” champion. Did LC have a positive influence on your life?

What are you doing now? I’m a seminarian for the Catholic Diocese of Lexington and study at St. Meinrad in Indiana.

I didn’t enjoy high school. Nevertheless, as time passes by, I realize how blessed I am to have attended LC. The formation that I received at LC helped me to mature and to become a somewhat responsible adult. I’m grateful for LC’s impact on my life.

I want to express my gratitude to the faculty, staff, and alumni of LC. We are blessed to have so many good, talented people affiliated with our alma mater. Go, Knights!

Nessa Timoney '00 What are you doing now? What accomplishments, honors, awards have you received?

involvement in extracurricular activities. It also allowed me to make enduring friendships that I still have today.

I’m a Neurosurgeon at Medical Center, Bowling Green. I attended Centre College and was a student-athlete. After, I went on to attend Medical school and residency completion.

Did LC prepare you for college and your career?

Did LC have a positive influence on your life?

LC provided me with a challenging and diverse curriculum that made me very much prepared for Centre College and postgraduate studies.

LC allowed me to develop into a well-rounded student, governing the importance of balancing both academia and www.lexingtoncatholic.com



Danny Taylor ‘08

Sapphire Society A wonderful reception was held on Thursday, May 2nd, as we welcomed home our alumni beginning with our 50th graduating class of 1969 back to our St. Catherine and Lexington Latin roots. There was much laughter, hugs, and stories told as everyone caught up with one another. Brandon Potter '06 and Martha Jones '73, co-campaign chairs for Building a Better Future, spoke to the group about their continued support of LCHS. This is a favorite event as we all enjoy reminiscing with this special group. Next year’s date is set for Thursday, April 30, 2020.

Young & Young At Heart Alumni Event at The Village Idiot Summer 2019



Lexington Catholic presents a bi-annual

Female Leadership Series kick-off event

Thursday, December 19th 6:30-8 p.m., LCHS Todd Theatre

Premier Keynote Speaker Laura Bell Bundy ‘99 Will join other inspiring female leaders in sharing their experience and motivation in today’s professional and social landscape.

Look for more information to come on www.lexingtoncatholic.com To inquire about advanced reservations or sponsorship opportunities contact, Delaine Thiel, Vice President of Development dthiel@lexingtoncatholic.com



Hoagie Day 2019 Hoagie Day, Saturday, September 14th was another success! We celebrated our 42nd year of this unique, community-building LCHS tradition. Thank you to all students, families, and volunteers who helped us sell and make 38,000 hoagies.

Hoagies are a wonderful fundraiser for our school community, but we also reach out and serve a larger audience in our Lexington community. Many families donate their hoagies (within the school) to the Catholic Action Center


Ava and Lily Hester '23, and family, had a great time delivering 100 hoagies to five separate fire stations in Lexington this year. They donated them to the stations on Southland Dr., Tates Creek Rd., Shillito Park, and two stations near the University of Kentucky’s campus. All of the first responsders they met were so thankful, especially on a University of Kentucky football game day! Anna Schickel ’20, daughter of Julie ’87 and Terry Schickel, sold 750 hoagies to family members, Jennifer ’89 and Kyle Lucus. Combined with what Anna had already sold, they had over 900 hoagies to donate to various local shelters including: Salvation Army, Iron Bridge Workshop, Moveable Feast, Hope Center, Food Chain, and Light House Ministries. Jennifer is an ’89 graduate, her mother, Mary Wilford Liebermann is a ’67 graduate, and her grandmother, Agnes Egalite Wilford was a ‘42 graduate of SCA.


We enjoy hearing how much hoagie purchasers love our one of a kind, once a year taste sensation and these are a few examples of how much sustenance and joy our hoagie fundraiser brings to the Lexington community. Thank you to everyone who supports this wonderful community building fundraiser. We look forward to seeing you next year! Pam Schneider Director of Alumni and Events

“For years the Catholic Action Center community has looked forward to Hoagie Week! For 20 years donated LCHS hoagies have become a delicious fall blessing served at the Center with any excess received frozen and served through the long cold winter days and nights. But more than the sandwiches being food for many hungry brothers and sisters who are experiencing homelessness, they are a symbol of the LCHS family embracing the values of our Catholic social teachings as they include the Center in their annual fundraising event. We appreciate all the effort that goes into Hoagie Week and the spirit of the Knight's community,” Ginny Ramsey at the Catholic Action Center.

Presenting Sponsor Commonwealth Hand Therapy Longest Drive

Closest to the Pin $250 Cash Sponsor #4

$250 Cash Sponsor #11

Friends of LCHS

Friends of LCHS

Hole Sponsors The Cheramies Wells Fargo Advisors, Brandon Potter ‘06 Taylor Made Farm LCHS Parent Action Corps Class of ’67 Memory of Joe Bieschke LCHS Alumni Council & Thomas Keough LCHS Board of Trustees N3D Group PLLC

It was a little chilly for the 19th Annual Principal’s Cup held Monday, May 13th, but it was a great day of golf, fun, and fellowship. All proceeds from the tournament benefited Lexington Catholic High School as we strive to fill the gap between the cost of tuition and what it costs to educate each student.


Principal’s Cup

We appreciate all of the support from our sponsors, players, and volunteers, which can be found on our website.

Additional Thank Yous Spring Valley Golf Club Bluegrass Hospitality Group Tyler Dorsey '10

Pepsi Paul Chartier

Easter Egg Hunt 2020 Save the date for Saturday, March 21st, for our third annual Easter Egg Hunt. We look forward to welcoming children and grandchildren to the school again to meet the Easter Bunny and join in on the Easter Egg Hunt. Pictured Right: The Easter Bunny and his helpers

LCHS: 55% 1st Place Winner 40% 2nd Place Winner 5% 1,600 tickets will be sold

$50 per ticket


Raffle Launch December 2019

Drawing will be held at the conclusion of the Live Auction at Mid-Knight Stakes, February 1st, 2020. Proceeds benefit Lexington Catholic High School. The winner is responsible for any taxes. Charitable Gaming License ORG #0000237 Need not be present to win

We look forward to another wonderful evening in support of all our students and families. If you would like to help as we work on the event over the next few months leading up to February 1st, please contact Pam Schneider at pschneider@lexingtoncatholic.com www.lexingtoncatholic.com


Building A Better Future In 2018, Lexington Catholic embarked on raising funds for a $9M Campaign. With a handful of significant donors leading the way, Building a Better Future campaign was designed to address crucial facility needs in order to accommodate a student learning environment for the 21st century. Since 1951, LCHS has grown into an outstanding academic institution because of the great community of people and our high achieving programs. As the only Catholic high school in Central Kentucky, we have a responsibility to sustain this excellence in an increasingly competitive academic marketplace. A 2015 feasibility study and numerous conversations over the past four years have provided us with a campaign plan that we believe is both necessary and achievable.

Expanded High Marks Center

The demand is growing to meet the diverse needs of typical learners and those with learning differences. As more students seek assistance for enriched and individualized academic support, a more functional and expanded space is necessary. More than 80% of Lexington Catholic students take advantage of the center’s offerings and it’s critical we be able to assist them in a setting that is conducive to help them be successful.

New Science Classrooms & Labs

As STEM occupations continue to grow at rapid rates, it’s imperative we equip our students with the finest, state-of-the-art science facilities. Open, flexible spaces that emphasize practical learning, up-to-date technology to facilitate real-time analysis, and improved, durable lab materials along with comprehensive, efficient storage are essential to ensure our STEM offerings are second to none.


It’s with great pride that we welcome the opportunity to chair Lexington Catholic’s Building a Better Future capital campaign. Dating back to its roots of Lexington Latin and St. Catherine Academy, this school has a long-standing tradition of providing a top-notch, Catholic education to all who have attended. This campaign is about the future of our school, which has established its legacy in central Kentucky. It’s also why we are leading and encouraging everyone to support this effort. None of what Lexington Catholic has achieved, nor what we are able to provide, is possible without the charitable contributions of so many who came before us, as well as those with us now and who will be with us in the future. Please join these campaign donors in sharing your blessings as we Build a Better Future!

New Student Commons Area Enhancing the student learning experience, this area will serve as a hub where students can gather to accomplish their studies, collectively and individually.

Renovated Space for Academic and other Services Renovating existing spaces that help foster the best experiences for our alumni to reconnect as well as our current students, families, faculty, and staff.

The future success of Catholic education in this region depends upon the success of these efforts today. As you will see and hear more about this effort in the coming months, please visit our website to see the video and further details. If you would like to learn more, reach out to schedule a time to visit with Delaine Thiel, Vice President of Development at dthiel@lexingtoncatholic.com. You can help us build a Better Future at Lexington Catholic.

Campaign Co-Chairs Brandon Potter '06 Martha Jones '73


Campaign Donors to Date September 30, 2019 AB Dick Company Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation The Mulhollem Cravens Foundation Mark Hinkel Pedaling Forward Jeri L. Isbell Foundation Central Kentucky Radiology, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buerger †* Mr. David Boyd and Mrs. Cathy Wedding Boyd ‘84 Mr. Bruce Breeding and Mrs. Esther Fallon Breeding '80 Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Cambron * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Canary Jr * Mr. and Mrs. Marty S. Canning †* Ms. Diana Waters Clark * Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Clay Mr. and Mrs. Catesby Clay Mr. William D. Creyer and Mrs. Andrea Hinkel Creyer ‘05 Dr. Brandon Devers ’01 and Mrs. Anne Devers * Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dorisio †* Mr. Darrell Douglas and Mrs. Jennifer Schwendemann Douglas ‘88 Mrs. Shirley K. Duzyk Mr. and Mrs. Darren J. Duzyk * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erpenbeck †* Mr. and Mrs. Craig Farmer * Mr. Michael Fister ‘62 and Mrs. Kathy Powell Fister ‘62 †* Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Fitzpatrick * Mr. Peter Fresca ’89 and Mrs. Lynn Fresca * Mr. David Gadberry and Mrs. Lisa Tyler Gadberry ‘86 * Mr. Frank Gettler ’71 and Mrs. Jane Gettler Mr. Robbie Gorham III ‘10 Mr. Robert Julian Gorham Jr. ’79 and Mrs. Sharon Gorham Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Hall †* Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Hamm Mr. Gregory A. Hill ’67 and Mrs. Bethany Hill * Mr. John E Hinkel Jr. ’73 and Mrs. Monica Bryant Hinkel ‘73 Mr. Jeff Hinkel ’79 and Mrs. Julie Hinkel Mrs. Mary-Lynn Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hollembaek †* Judge and Mrs. Joseph M. Hood Ms. Jeri L. Isbell ‘75 * Ms. Martha E. Jones ‘73 Mr. Andrew Walker and Mrs. Lee Hostetter Walker ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walker II * Mr. D. B. Kazee Jr. and Mrs. Alicia Smith Kazee ‘88 * Mr. Marvin King †* Dr. Barry Kowalik and

Dr. Denise M. Dobbins-Kowalik †* Mr. Jorge Lancho and Mrs. Susan Gravatte Lancho ‘86 Mr. Scott Lewis and Mrs. Lauren Hinkel Lewis ‘01 * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lynch II Mrs. Deirdre Lyons Mr. Jay Messenger and Ms. Susan J. Macke * Mr. and Mrs. Mansour Martha * Mr. Brian J. McCarty ’87 and Mrs. Katherine Veal McCarty ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. John McCarty †* Mr. Randy Miloszewski and Mrs. Jennifer Walter Miloszewski ‘95 †* Dr. and Mrs. Eric Monday * Mr. Paul Mulhollem and Mrs. Valerie Cravens * Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Mussler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Nallia II * Ms. Kerry Nemecek ‘89 †* Dr. George V. Page III and Dr. Cecilia Page Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Patton Mr. and Mrs. John J. Plomin Mr. Brandon C. Potter ’06 and Mrs. Alyssa Potter * Rev. Paul Prabell * Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Pride Jr †* Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rumpke Mr. and Mrs. George Saufley †* Ms. Pamela W. Schneider Mr. Stephen L. Scott ‘80 †* Mr. John M. Simms and Dr. Lynne Simms Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Smiley * Dr. John F. Jansen and Dr. Carol L. Steltenkamp Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson * Mr. P. Darryl Stith ‘65 and Ms. Samye N. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Streepey Mr. Duncan Taylor ’74 and Mrs. Carol Taylor †* Mr. Mark J. Taylor ’87 and Mrs. Julia Taylor †* Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thiel * Mrs. Edward P. Todd †* Mr. Michael Towles ’87 and Mrs. Mindy Towles

Dr. and Mrs. Tuyen T. Tran Mr. and Mrs. Ron Trischler Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Kaci Hinkel Turner ‘03 Mrs. Susan F. Wedding ‘63 †* Mr. Barry Young and Mrs. Sandra R. Young, President LCHS * Denotes uKnight Fund 18-19 † Denotes uKnight Fund 19-20

GOAL $9,000,000



$7M $6.5M $6M










are buzzing with plans for an exciting new year. This past September 14, was my very first Hoagie Event. Although it’s difficult for me to form complete sentences at 5:30 a.m., I quickly learned that the energy you get from over 400 volunteers coming together for one purpose is stronger than any cup ‘o joe could ever provide. At the core of what makes this event so incredible are the people.

The start of school has always been my favorite moment in the year, because it is filled with potential and optimism for the future. The energizing spirit of Lexington Catholic can already be seen and heard as the students and teachers

In truth, it is the people of Lexington Catholic-the members of our community so dedicated to our mission-that make our school such a beacon and a model for the best in Catholic education. This year our Hoagie and uKnight Patron event collectively brought in $204,000 in combined Hoagie sales and Patron

Effective Advancement relies on collaborative planning with all stakeholders. Our faculty, coaches, volunteers, board members, alumni and families all play a vital role in advancing the school in a positive direction.

I am frequently asked “What is Advancement?” uKnight Fund

Institutional Advancement is defined as a focused improvement of an organization. Essentially moving the school from where it currently is, to what it wants to be for future generations. This takes place primarily through resource development and fundraising, but there is so much more required.

Lexington Catholic has thrived over the past decades with our current labs, space, and building. The changing landscape in education now, however, demands we address infrastructure and facility upgrades to meet evolving student needs. These are not fancy bells and whistles that will exponentially increase enrollment. These are necessary changes to remain current and continue to thrive. As the leaves come down this fall, the corner of Stratford and Clays Mill Road will reflect the first phase of our Building a Better Future Campaign project. This is one aspect of Advancement for the future of our school. If you have not already heard about the project, you most certainly will soon. The previous pages provide a general outline and recognition of the lead donors we

donations. Our uKnight Patron program alone has raised $53,888 as of September 18th. Better yet, this program welcomed 24 new donors to Lexington Catholic! In this Annual Report, each name represents a faithful servant to our school who, through their generosity, models a community I feel fortunate to serve alongside. Your generous spirit is inspiring! Thank you for partnering with us and working together on behalf of all the young men and women of Lexington Catholic. Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of our students. Thankful to serve you, Diana Clark Director of Annual Giving dclark@lexingtoncatholic.com

have thus far. We need your support too. Like many, my family contributes to other projects and campaigns within our diocese and community. It is natural for our enthusiasm to shift based on our children or life circumstances. Yet, by receiving Knightline Magazine today, you are invested in the past or present success of Lexington Catholic. The integral role our school plays as a contributor to the Lexington Diocese and community cannot be overstated. As the only Catholic High school in Central Kentucky, it is imperative that we remain competitive. This is why supporting this campaign is so important.The many donors listed in this magazine have contributed time and resources to get us to the point we are today. That is, prepared to Build a Better Future for Lexington Catholic. Please visit our website or reach out to our office to learn more about how you can be part of our Advancement. Delaine Thiel Vice President of Development dthiel@lexingtoncatholic.com

uKnight Fund

uKnight Fund


The uKnight Fund is Lexington Catholic’s annual giving campaign. Unrestricted gifts to the uKnight Fund support our school throughout the current fiscal year. uKnight Fund donations ensure Lexington Catholic fulfills its mission of preparing young men and women for their future.

Does my gift really matter?

Yes! Every gift to the school makes a difference in the lives of our students. Your gift demonstrates your confidence in the mission of Lexington Catholic High School and our commitment to educating young men and women. And because gifts to the uKnightFund are utilized during the current fiscal year, your contribution makes an immediate impact in the school community.

What does the uKnight Fund support?

The uKnight Fund supports the students, faculty, and the campus. Each gift provides financial aid for deserving students, technology for classrooms, musical instruments for our fine arts department, academic assistance sessions for students in our High Marks Program and even funding for campus-wide Christian growth to help develop young men and women of faith and character. The uKnight Fund supports what Lexington Catholic students are doing on campus TODAY.

How do I make a gift?

1) You can give online at www.lexingtoncatholic.com and click on “Make a Gift” 2) Return the enclosed uKnight Fund envelope to 2250 Clays Mill Road,

Lexington, KY 40503, attn. Diana Clark.

3) You may also donate stock - visit the website for instructions. If you have any questions, please call or email Diana Clark at 859-277-7183 ext. 312 or dclark@lexingtoncatholic.com. www.lexingtoncatholic.com


2018-2019 Annual Report THE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY The Legacy Society $10,000+

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cambron Humana Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fister Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Taylor

The Bishop Society $5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fresca Mr. and Mrs. John W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tibe

The President’s Society $2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Dale Absher and Dr. Kimberly Absher Albemarle Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Blake Mr. Patrick S. Davis Mrs. Janice Hilton Judge Joseph and Mrs. Carol Hood Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Kazee Kroger Lexington Clinic Orthopedics-Sports Medicine Center Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCarty Mr. Paul Mulhollem and Mrs. Valerie Cravens Mr. Lawrence Weiss and Dr. Heidi Weiss

The Principal’s Society $1,000 - $2,499

Alltech Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Angelucci Anonymous (2) Dr. and Mrs. Donald Arms Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benvenuti Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bieschke Mr. and Mrs. Bruce & Esther Breeding Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Buchanan

Mr. and Mrs. David Buckles Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Canary, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marty S. Canning Mr. and Mrs. James L. Carrico, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Clay Mr. and Mrs. Catesby Clay Mr. Michael J. Corbett and Dr. Dana N. Corbett Corning Incorporated Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dorisio Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Duignan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erpenbeck Dr. and Ms. Thomas Gal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Grant Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hupman The Joe Bieschke Memorial Fund Ms. Martha E. Jones Dr. Taufik Kassis and Mrs. Roula Albadin Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Keller Kentucky Jesuit Community Mr. Raymond Kopser Dr. Barry Kowalik and Dr. Denise M.

Dobbins-Kowalik Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Lynd Mr. and Mrs. Brent Mayer Dr. and Mrs. Eric Monday Mr. and Mrs. Clayton T. Mooring Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Nalli Dr. Keyur Narendra Patel and Dr. Alicia Carlos Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pride Mr. Joseph C. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rumpke Dr. and Mrs. John B. Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Ron Shashy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Thiel Mr. and Mrs. Jason Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Truitt Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Walker Mr. Charles E. Weber Dr. and Mrs. A. David Westerfield

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johns Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Kent J. Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Al P. Lawing, Jr. Mr. Nelson Leonard Mr. Gary McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Meegan Dr. and Mrs. Emil J. Menk Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin K. Newman Dr. George & Dr. Cecelia Page Mr. Samuel D. Plomin The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. Erik P. Sandefer Mr. and Mrs. Nigel D. Smith Mr. Sonny Tibbs Prof. Margaret M. Tocci Mr. and Mrs. Michael Webb Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Young

Mr. Tim Blevins Judge Joseph T. and Mrs. Jeanne Bouvier Mr. and Mrs. Doran Bradford Mrs. Paula M. Breeden Mr. John Bricken Mr. Aubrey C. Brown Mr. John R. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bullock Mrs. Patsy Bunnell Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Burchett Mr. Scott P. Burnett Ms. Prudence Campbell Mr. Tracy Cerise and Mrs. Suzanne Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David E. Chalk Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chartier Ms. Donna Christle Mr. John David Christman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clarkson Mr. Christopher D. Walters and Ms. Kelly R. Colliver Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Combs Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Costello Mr. and Mrs. James T. Culver Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Currie, III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Detwiler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Douglas Mrs. Shirley Drew Mr. James Dundon Ms. Peggy Hoskins Durney Elkchester Trucking Co., Inc. Mrs. Joann Faillace Mrs. Jeanne Fain Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Farmer Mr. and Ms. Adam Federle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Fitzgerald Dr. and Mrs. Abe Fosson Mr. and Mrs. James Frazier Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gartland Mr. and Mrs. Brent Gaunce

THE LOYALTY SOCIETY Platinum Knight $500 - $999


Anonymous (3) Mrs. Jean Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burks Dr. and Mrs. Jose A. de Leon Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Dupree Mrs. Kimberley A. Ewen Ms. Leslie T. Fannin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Fresca Mr. Tracy L. Giles and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Browning Mr. Michael Green Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Chip Hardy Ms. Leslie R. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Kromer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lundergan Mr. and Mrs. Justin Manning Mr. and Mrs. Elias Mashni Mr. James Carr McMurtry Mr. and Mrs. Randy Miloszewski Mr. John C. Montalbano Rev. Paul Prabell Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Preston Mrs. Maggie Price Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Purvis Col. and Mrs. Mark K. Roland Mr. and Mrs. James Rothbauer Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schwendeman Ms. Rebecca Settle Mr. and Mrs. Craig Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stewart Mr. P. Darryl Stith and Ms. Samye N. Miller Dr. and Mrs. John Strother Ms. Ann Sullivan Miss Samantha L. Syktich Mr. and Mrs. B. Seward Totty Mr. Carl Vertuca, Jr. The Walker Company

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Willcutt Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young Dr. Thomas J. Young and Dr. Fiona M. Doherty

Gold Knight $250 - $499

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Banahan Mr. and Mrs. William Barr, III Ms. Kathleen M. Barrens Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bell, IV Mr. and Ms. Richard Besselink Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Besten Mr. and Mrs. James M. Blackerby Mr. Daniel D. Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Laura Bell Bundy Mr. Jim Bush Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Carter, II Dr. and Mrs. Ray Casserly Mr. and Mrs. Allen Castle Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Caudill Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie T. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Andy Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Crush Mr. James B. Daut Dr. and Mrs. Brandon N. Devers Dr. and Mrs. David C. Dome Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss P. Douglass, III Dr. Paul L. Drnevich Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Felix Mrs. Mary Ann Foster Mr. and Mrs. David Gadberry Mr. W. Clarke Gormley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Griese Mr. and Mrs. David L. Guernsey Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Harney Mr. Cory M. Heitz Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hinkel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Horton

Silver Knight $100 - $249

AL Torstrick Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. and Ms. Laurence W. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Jorge G. Ang Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Ayotte Mr. Rick Bale Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. George O. Barber Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Barry Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beavin Ms. Lynda Amato Bebrowsky Ms. Elizabeth J. Belanger Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bieschke Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Blandford

THE LOYALTY SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Mathew George Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerhardstein Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gettler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilligan Mr. Martin H. Ginocchio Golden Burley Tobacco Contract Station, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Good Mrs. Becky Gott Mr. Douglas M. Gradek Mr. and Ms. Taylor Graham Mr. and Mrs. William H. Graham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Greely Mr. James E. Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Greer Ms. Cynthia E. Guinn Ms. Beverly Hagan Ms. Jill Hallahan and Ms. Kate Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Hallahan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Harbin Ms. Jolene N. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Hartlage Haynes Trucking LLC Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Heintz Dr. Pete and Dr. Molly Hester Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Hicks Mrs. Ann Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hudgins Mrs. Nancy L. Isley Dr. Charles and Dr. Lynda Ison Mr. James L. Jackson and Ms. Carolyn M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. James JMBA, Inc. Mrs. Lillian M. Jones Ms. Ann L. Jones Mr. David C. Jones Ms. Sharon R. Just Mr. and Mrs. James Kearney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Keeling Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Keller Mr. Marvin King Lt. Col. Kenneth J. and Mrs. Mary Kiriacopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kirn Mr. and Mrs. Todd Klein Mrs. Kae Koski Mr. Sean James and Mrs. Brandi Larkey Dr. and Mrs. Alberto N. Laureano Lexmark International, Inc. Mrs. Linda K. Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Malley, III Mr. Steve Marcuccilli Mr. and Mrs. Mansour Martha Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mashni Mr. Michael McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Conor A. McCarthy Mr. Leonard G. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McConathy Mr. and Mrs. John M. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Medlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Melton

Mrs. Greg Mikulec Ms. Irma Miller Ms. Mary Vaughan Misinco Mr. Robert B. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Moloney Mr. James D. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Dirk E. Morris Ms. Susan Morton Mrs. Janet M. Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Nalli Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nash Ms. Kerry Nemecek Mrs. Kelly Newman Mr. and Mrs. John C. Noal Mr. and Mrs. Jere Noe Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Brien Dr. and Mrs. James O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Pabin Dr. Amirala Pasha Mr. Benjamin R. Patterson Mr. Carl G. Patterson, III Ms. Rebecca A. Perez Ms. Flora Lee Phillips Mr. John A. Pica and Dr. Suzanne M. Pica Mr. and Mrs. R. Terrence Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Afnan Rayan Dr. and Mrs. Will Renshaw Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rice Mr. David R. Rink Mr. and Mrs. Luke Roberts Mr. and Mrs. David Romero Mr. B. Ryan Mr. William L. Sallee, Sr. Dr. Carol Sanchez Ms Kathryn R. Sandefer Mr. Buddy Schneider III Ms. Pamela Schneider Mr. Gregory R. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Severance Mr. and Mrs. Adel Sfar Siena Farm, LLC Ms. Darlene Silvestri Mr. John Simms and Dr. Lynne Simms Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sladic Mr. Kyle E. Spring Dr. Laura P. Stadler Mr. Gerald E. Sullivan Mrs. Dorothy Swintosky Mr. Jon T. Terhune and Dr. Katherina Terhune Mrs. Scottye J. Terhune Ms. Leah Terhune Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thompson Mr. James W. Thornton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tibe Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Towles Mr. and Mrs. David P. Tramontin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Truitt Mr. and Mrs. David P. Tyler Dr. Stephen and Dr. Barbara Umansky Mrs. Barbara R. Vail Mrs. Patricia L. Valerio Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanHoeve

Mr. and Mrs. Scottie L. Vish Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Vollet Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Walz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Watson Mr. and Mrs. George L. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Brian Weldon Ms. Mary A. Weldon Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Wells Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Wethington, Jr. Mrs. Helen L. Wheat Mr. Doug W. Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Wills Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Wiseman Mrs. Camille K. Wright Mrs. Monique M. Wurst Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Young, III Mr. and Mrs. Barry Young

Blue Knight Up to $100

Anonymous (3) Ms. Dona D. Barkman Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bellas Mr. Evan P. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Box Mr and Mrs. David Boyd Mr. Strohmann W. Breeding Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlisle Mr. Adrian Casas Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. It-Keong Chew Mr. and Mrs. John Cioci Ms. Diana Clark Mrs. Brooke K. Counts, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Crase Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cutshall Ms. Michell Dale Mr. and Mrs. Gary DeHaan Ms. C. Kathleen Donnelly Dr. and Mrs. James F. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Duell Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Elbert Ms. Kathleen Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Stephan B. Fox Dr. Patrick J. Furlong Miss Hannah E. Gadberry Ms. Marialyce Gradek Mrs. Donna A. Griffin Mr. Robert A. Griggs Mrs. Vandra Guffey Ms. Joyce Hagan-Hacker Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haines Mr. J. D. Hale Ms. Helen S. Hannan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hardy Mr. Louie Hillenmeyer, IV Dr. and Mrs. James D. Hourigan Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hurak Mr. and Mrs. Greg Jacobelli Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kern Mr. Peter F. Kesheimer

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Kincheloe Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Lancho Mrs. Brenda J. Ledford Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Ms. Charlene Legere Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Lowe Mr. Richard Mangione Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Mayo Ms. Jean C. McCauley Ms. Ann W. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Metheny Ms. Colleen M. Milburn Ms. Jody Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moses Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nicholson Mr. Joseph Nimrod, III Father Daniel J. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Noonan Mr. and Mrs. David Opalka Mr. Garrett J. O'Rourke and Dr. Rhonda O'Rourke Ms. Katherine Owen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pfeifer Mrs. Ryanne Pults Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ryan Ms. Nicki Ryan Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sammon Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Scales Mr. and Mrs. Scott Scanlon Ms. Janet L. Schnurr Mrs. Amy C. Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Scott, Jr. Ms. Mary C. Sears Mr. Joseph M. Shannon Ms. Hannah B. Simms Mrs. Judy F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Loren P. Sommerfield Mr. Benjamin M. Spain Ms. Debbie Stadler Mr. Joshua Stewart Mr. Javier Garcia-Penya and Ms. Chris Timko Mrs. Nazha Tindall Mrs. Mary Louise Todd Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Towles Mr. and Mrs. Scott True Ms. Judith Turner Mr. and Ms. Robert Warren Mr. Floyd G. Webb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Steven Williams Mrs. Lora S. Winstandley Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Woelfel Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wu Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Young Mr. and Mrs. Chris Young Ms. Catherine F. Zink Ms. Katherine M. Zweigart

The names listed in the Annual Report are donors who made a gift and fulfilled their pledge by June 30, 2019. The Advancement Office has worked hard to prepare this Annual Report. In spite of our sincere efforts to avoid errors, they do occur. If you contributed to the 2018-2019 uKnight Fund and your name is not listed, is incorrectly listed, or misspelled, please accept our apology. We ask you bring the oversight to our attention. www.lexingtoncatholic.com


2018-2019 Annual Report TRIBUTE GIFTS 2017-2018 Clarence Henley Memorial Fund

AL Torstrick Insurance Agency, INC Anonymous Mr. Rick Bale Tim Blevins Mr. John R. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burks Mr. and Mrs. Allen Castle Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie T. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cutshall Elkchester Trucking Co. Inc. Golden Burley Tobacco Contract Station, LLC Mrs. Vandra Guffey Haynes Trucking LLC JMBA, Inc. Mr. David C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Metheny Ms. Irma Miller Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Moloney Ms. Katherine Owen Ms. Rebecca Settle Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tibe The Walker Company Mr. Doug W. Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Steven Williams Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Young, III

Mary Augustyn Memorial Gifts

George Ewen Memorial Gifts

Col. and Mrs. Mark K. Roland

Mrs. Kimberley A. Ewen

Joe Bieschke Memorial Gifts The Joe Bieschke Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bieschke

Ms. Prudence Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hurak Mr. Leonard G. McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins Mr. B. Ryan Ms. Judith Turner

Matthew Roland Scholarship In Memory of

Anonymous in memory of Caleb Christopher Cowan

Brooke K. Counts in memory of Milo D. Folley Bank of America Matching Gifts in honor of Brian Mattone and Jeremy Letton Mr. and Mrs. R. Terrence Quigley in memory of William B McNeese and Veronica Quigley Gregory R. Scott in memory of Joe Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Lancho in memory of Michael Swerczek

Mr. James Dundon in memory of Diane Milbourn Dundon

MID-KNIGHT STAKES LIVE AUCTION DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Rick Avare Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Clay Mr. and Mrs. Catesby Clay Creative Kitchen and Bath Mr. and Mrs. Tom Erpenbeck

Father Norman Fischer Steve & Debra Hupman Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johns Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarty Dr. and Mrs. Frank McDonnell

Mr. Bill Meck OBC Kitchen Mr. Tom Pabin and Class 101 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pride Ray Tramontin Co., Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robic Sheila Bayes Fine Jewelers White, Greer & Maggard WLEX

Mr. Greg Jacobelli Mr. Jonathan C. Kincheloe Mrs. Brandi Larkey Ms. Charlene Legere Ms. Katherine Owen Mrs. Ryanne Pults Mr. Terry Quigley Mrs. Carrie Roberts Ms. Nicki Ryan Ms. Kathryn R. Sandefer Mrs. Rachel Scanlon

Ms. Pamela W. Schneider Mrs. Cynthia Smith Mr. Nigel Smith Mrs. Delaine L. Thiel Ms. Chris Timko Mrs. Mindy Towles Mr. Scott True Mr. David D. Wu

Mrs. Ann Kilkenny Elbert Dr. Patrick J. Furlong Mr. William C. Gormley Prof. Margaret M. Sweeney Tocci




2018-2019 STAFF DONORS Dr. Steven B. Angelucci Mr. Daniel D. Bowling Mrs. LeaAnne S. Box Mrs. Catherine L. Boyd Mrs. Anne W. Bradford Mrs. Esther R. Breeding Mrs. Theresa G. Brown Mrs. Natalee B. Chartier Ms. Diana Clark Mrs. Jennifer Douglas Ms. Kathleen Elliott

Mrs. Lesley G. Farmer Mrs. Ashley Federle Mr. David Gadberry Mrs. Lisa A. Gadberry Ms. Hannah E. Gadberry Mr. Javier Garcia-Penya Mrs. Katherine A. Gartland Mr. Mathew George Ms. Sarah Graham Mr. Robert A. Griggs Ms. Leslie R. Hinkle


Mrs. Mary Ann Roche Foster Mrs. Mary L. Webb Todd

Mr. Richard Mangione


Mr. Floyd G. Webb

Ms. Ann W. Wiemann McDonald Mr. William L. Sallee Mrs. Nazha Sackleh Tindall











Mrs. Mary McQuaid Kearney

Mr. James Kearney Mrs. M. J. Barrett Faillace Mrs. Dolly Chandler Caudill

Dr. Gerald E. Sullivan Mr. Heyward Tibbs Mr. Ronald E. Watson Mr. William C. Greely Mrs. Catherine E. Eyl Blackerby

Mr. Joseph H. Grant Mr. Raymond Kopser Mr. Benjamin R. Patterson Mr. James W. Thornton Mr. Joe R. Towles Mr. Gerald W. Walton


Mr. Prentiss P. Douglass Mrs. Norma Snapp Greely Ms. Mary C. Welch Sears Mr. David P. Tramontin

Anonymous Mr. Stephan B. Fox Mr. Gary R. Medlin Mr. Peter F. Kesheimer Ms. Judith Hendricks Warren Mr. Robert Warren


Ms. Michell Gordon Dale Mrs. Kathy Powell Fister Mr. Michael Fister Mrs. Brenda J. Brown Ledford


Ms. Angela Sullivan Anderson

ALUMNI CONTRIBUTORS Mr. Aubrey C. Brown Mr. Daniel F. Kennedy Ms. Joyce Hagan Hacker Mrs. Sandra H. Hall McConathy Mr. Fred K. Walz Mrs. Camille Klinker Wright


Ms. Dona Decker Barkman Ms. Beverly George Hagan Mr. Steve Marcuccilli Mrs. Jane Ellen Bricken Myers Mrs. Kathleen Christle O'Hara Mr. Gregory R. Scott Mr. Richard C. Williams


Mr. Michael R. Buchanan Ms. Donna Christle Mrs. Linda Landenberger Lindsey Mr. Paul D. Stith Mr. Carl Vertuca


Mr. C. H. Besten Mr. John Bricken Mr. James D. Montgomery Ms. Barbara R. Urfer Vail Mrs. Patricia L. Hoeflein Valerio


Mrs. Patricia Hicks Besten Mr. J. P. Bieschke Mrs. Louise Wagers Bieschke Ms. Brigid DeVries Mr. David L. Guernsey Mrs. Nancy Legere Isley Mr. Stephen R. Keller Mr. Nelson Leonard Ms. Ann Sullivan


Mrs. Sue E. Stewart Fosson Mrs. Judith Whitlock Guernsey


Mrs. Patricia Gorham Bunnell Ms. Margaret Hoskins Durney Mr. Mike Nash Mr. Joseph C. Roche


Ms. Ann L. Jones Mrs. Charlene M. Jenkins Lilly


Dr. Steven B. Angelucci Mr. J. Frank Gettler Dr. Emil J. Menk Mrs. Judy Fraser Smith Mr. J. M. Webb Mrs. Pamela Foster Webb


Mrs. Paula Miles Breeden Mr. Michael J. Kennedy Dr. Carol Munroe Sanchez Mr. David N. Schwendeman Mr. Gregory S. Wells


Mr. John E. Hinkel Mrs. Monica Bryant Hinkel Ms. Martha E. Jones Mr. Phillip M. Moloney Ms. Flora Lee Phillips Ms. Darlene Silvestri


Mrs. Jeanne M. Fox Hurak Mr. John Hurak


Ms. Mary Vaughan Misinco Mrs. Melanie McDougall Seaman Mrs. Monique M. Boulanger Wurst


Mr. David L. Bishop Mrs. Theresa G. Lucas Brown Mr. Thomas DeLuca Mr. John M. McIntosh Mr. Robert B. Mitchell Ms. Susan Morton Mrs. Julie Kissel Turok Mrs. Mary Riddell Tyler


Mr. James B. Daut Mr. Patrick J. Fitzgerald Mrs. Lori Terhune McIntosh Mr. Robert J. O'Brien Mr. Stephen H. Stewart Mrs. Julie Elkin Young


Ms. Lynda Amato Bebrowsky Mrs. Eileen Vernon Chalk Mr. James C. McMurtry Mr. Michael F. Reynolds


Ms. Kathleen Madden Barrens Mr. Jim Bush Mr. David P. Tyler


Mrs. Esther Breeding Mrs. Mary Haney Mitchell Mrs. Patricia Mitchell Trail Ms. Katherine Muir Zweigart


Dr. Alicia Carlos Mr. Frank J. Carter Mrs. Mathilda Blackerby Carter Ms. Leslie Tucker Fannin Mr. Pete Johns Mrs. Kathleen McNeese Quigley Ms. Leah Terhune


Mrs. Amy Kissel Brown Mrs. Mary Suetholz Johns Mrs. Julie Williamson Preston Ms. Catherine Fitzgerald Zink


Mr. Edward Dillon Ms. Debbie Stadler


Mrs. Catherine L. Wedding Boyd Ms. Sharon R. Just


Mrs. Deborah Rodgers Gilligan Mr. Paul Gilligan


Mrs. Lisa A. Tyler Gadberry Mr. Michael Green Mrs. Susan L. Gravatte Lancho Mrs. Kimberly Dugan Thompson Mr. Scottie L. Vish


Mr. Jonathan S. Nalli


Mr. Patrick N. Blandford


Mr. Cory M. Heitz Mrs. Jennifer R. Walter Miloszewski Mr. Jeremy D. Nalli


Mr. Carl G. Patterson


Mr. David R. Rink

Mr. Gary DeHaan Dr. Paul L. Drnevich Mr. Brian J. McCarty Mrs. Jennifer Cole Mikulec Mrs. Kristine Spalmacin Nicholson Mr. Mark J. Taylor Mr. Jon T. Terhune Mr. John D. Thompson Mr. Michael T. Towles Mrs. Shelley Wynn Vish Mrs. Lee A. Hostetter Walker




Mrs. Jennifer Schwendeman Douglas Mrs. Christine Williamson Good Ms. Jill Hallahan Mr. Louie Hillenmeyer Mrs. Alicia Smith Kazee Mrs. Katherine Veal McCarty Mr. Gregory B. Meegan Mrs. Christina Warren Pabin Mr. Brian W. Young


Ms. Cassandra L. Musulin Besselink Mr. Mark Bieschke Mrs. Jennifer Smith Combs Ms. Carol K. Donnelly Mr. Peter Fresca Mr. Anthony K. Good Mr. David W. Hostetter Mrs. Angela Bryant Miller Ms. Kerry Nemecek Mr. Timothy J. O'Brien Mrs. Rachel Todd Scanlon Dr. Laura P. Stadler Mrs. Nancy Fowler Wiseman


Mr. Stephen Ryan


Mrs. Lucy P. Wathen Hudgins Mr. John J. Malley Mr. Patrick B. Smith Mrs. Alissa Lundergan Tibe Mr. Brian Tibe


Mrs. Anne W. Lynd Bradford


Ms. Michele L. McDonnell Mr. Buddy Schneider III


Mr. Peter D. Barr Mrs. Laura Bell Bundy Mrs. Brooke K. Folley Counts Mr. Matthew D. Haney

Ms. Cynthia E. Guinn


Dr. Brandon N. Devers Mr. Jonathan C. Kincheloe


Mr. John D. Christman Mrs. Brittany L. Browning Manning Dr. Amirala Pasha


Mr. Benjamin M. Spain Mr. Kyle E. Spring


Mr. Scott P. Burnett


Mr. Daniel D. Bowling


Mr. Samuel D. Plomin


Ms. Kathryn R. Sandefer Ms. Janet L. Schnurr Mr. Joseph M. Shannon Ms. Hannah B. Simms


Ms. Samantha L. Syktich


Ms. Hannah E. Gadberry


Mr. Strohmann W. Breeding

Mr. Matthew A. Fresca Mr. Michael M. Lynd





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Robert S. Clark, DM Donald P. Max, DDS Jason E. Ford, DMD, John C. Hornberger, Kelsey D. Menegotto


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