2 minute read


Project Background



In February 2019, the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) completed Imagine Lexington, a comprehensive plan to guide growth in population and jobs while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Lexington within the urban service boundary. Imagine Lexington articulates a vision for the community over the next 20 years, refl ecting local values to shape how Lexington grows and changes. Along with using a data-driven approach to develop the plan, LFUGC conducted a robust community outreach program that began in early 2017 during which over 10,000 people contributed. The process started with a consensus on goals and objectives and concluded with recommended policies and actions to implement the vision. Six themes shaped the plan: growing successful neighborhoods, protecting the environment, creating jobs and prosperity, improving a desirable community, balancing urban and rural characteristics, and implementing the plan. Within each theme, a series of goals and actions were developed to guide plan implementation.


Lexington’s “Imagine Lexington” Comprehensive Plan recommends developing in-depth land use plans and transportation studies for major corridors across Lexington in cooperation with the Lexington Area MPO. Launched in late 2019, Imagine Nicholasville Road is the fi rst corridor to undergo such study as we strive to implement the community’s policies and goals outlined in Imagine Lexington. These include locating high-density development along arterial roadways to accommodate future growth, increasing transit ridership and supporting transit-oriented development (TOD). Continuing Imagine Lexington’s approach to using comprehensive data and robust community outreach, the results of this plan include conceptual designs for each segment of Nicholasville Road to more effi ciently manage traffi c, create a more pedestrian, bike and transit-friendly environment, explore new ways to accommodate development, and identify the policies necessary to implement the community’s vision of a reimagined Nicholasville Road.

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