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Industrial Block
Centered on Florence Ave. and Gilbert Ave.
The southern part of Gilbert Avenue in Walnut Hills is lined with warehouses and other industrial and manufacturing buildings. Away from Gilbert Avenue, the area quickly turns residential, especially towards the east of Gilbert. West of Gilbert, warehouses continue to exist in smaller numbers alongside low to medium density residential buildings. This area is dominated by Gilbert Avenue and the large buildings which occupy the space between Florence and Gilbert Avenues, shown in the photographic elevation in the top right of the page.
Florence Avenue is a lightly used road which connects Gilbert Avenue and the intersection of Reading Road and Dorchester Avenue
Windsor Street is a crosstown street which connects Gilbert Avenue and Victory Parkway. It is a typical street for this part of Walnut Hills.
Throughout this industrial typology, there exists lightly used land which has great potential for redevelopment and densification. There are numerous surface parking lots which aren’t used to their full capacity. Additionally, there are a number of abandoned lots, especially west of Gilbert Avenue. Currently, the area is lightly populated and seems past its prime.