1 minute read
from Staff Manual 2023
Be mindful of your own reaction! If someone is upset, they may try to push away someone who is trying to help them As a staff member, it is your job to be the solid object who is:
- Calm and unafraid
- Able to make appropriate eye contact
- Centered
- Balanced
- Empathetic
- Non-threatening
- Understanding
- Able to actively listen
List en - allow venting without judgment
Accept - Validate feelings
Focus - Choose one issue to focus on at a time
Encourage - Encourage the participant to identify feelings and appropriate actions
Offer - Offer choices the participant can make that would help solve the problem
Cont ract - Agree on a course of action in collaboration with the participant
Reinforce - Reinforce appropriate behavior with positive praise
Giving Feedback Around Inappropriate Behavior
- Identify the behavior that is unacceptable. Be sure to be very specific when you state the behavior Tell why the behavior is not acceptable
- Tell what the replacement behavior should be Use positive language! (Ex: Please walk!, instead of "Don't run!")
- Use a firm tone of voice It is necessary to show the seriousness of the behavior Do not scream or shout.
- Facial expressions should show displeasure. Look serious and look directly into the child?s eyes.
- Get down to their eye level, making sure they hear you. Don't yell across the room.
- Do not lecture Be brief, firm, and to the point
- Be consistent Once negative behavior is addressed, each occurrence must be addressed with similar action
Remember, all behavior is a form of communication
Lexington Recreation and Community Programs is dedicated to ensuring the safety of all participants when engaging in programs Program staff are equipped to deal with minor behavioral instances and will use the discipline action chart to respond to behaviors Discipline will be constructive in nature and will include techniques to fairly and positively work with participants to address the unwanted behavior(s)
Use of or possession of drugs, vapes and alcohol