Little Flower Activities 2014 - 2015
Girls with dreams become women of vision
Student Activities 2014 - 2015
Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Mrs. Maryanne Rayer Athletic Director Mr. Adam Buchter Little Flower Motto: Vigilate et Orate Little Flower Patroness: St. ThÊrèse of the Child Jesus The Little Flower Little Flower Colors: Maroon and White The information contained in this booklet pertains to the 2014 - 2015 school year only. Offerings may vary in subsequent years based on student interest and
availability of moderators. Alternate Universes Club: Moderator: Mrs. McDougall Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 239 Limit: 25 Are you a fan of Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, or The Hunger Games? Do you enjoy T.V. shows such as Lost, Dr. Who or The Walking Dead? If so this club is for you! We will meet each month to discuss our favorite books, T.V. shows and movies in which authors, directors and actors have created complex, fascinating and often dangerous worlds very different from our own. As we share our favorites other club members will discover new works to read or watch. We will also attempt to determine what makes these varied “alternate universes� so appealing.
Amazons Moderator: Ms. Ann Tracey-Lyman Meeting: T-2 and as needed Location: Room 231 Limit: To be determined
Amazons learn the skill of archery! This club is for girls sincerely interested in learning archery. Membership requires dues to pay for group lessons 4 times this year. Members must also be willing to travel to and pay for time in an indoor archery range.
Athletic Association: Moderator: Mr. Sean Ryan Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 260 Limit: Membership limited Members assist with pep rallies and help to keep the student body informed of all athletic events. Beatles and the 60’s Moderator: Mr. Arnold Ronzoni Meetings: T-1 or T-2 (different group each Time) Location: Room 235 Limit: 30 This club will explore the phenomenon of The Beatles. Videos will cover the band from its inception through its breakup. We will view the first appearance of The Beatles in America on the Ed Sullivan Show, and we will watch live concert performances from the mid-1960’s.
Also, we will review Beatles’ films and music videos, and show their place in pop music culture. As John Lennon sings on Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, “A splendid time is guaranteed for all!”
Bracelet Making Moderator: Ms. Adrianna Cherenack Meetings: T-1 or T-2 (different group each time) Location: Room 333 Limit: 25 Students will use different colored floss to tie and knot different patterns to create a variety of friendship bracelets. Possible themes could include holidays, special occasions, class, etc. Come with experience or learn from others in the group. Material will be provided.
Card Club Moderator: Mrs. Anne Boland Meetings: T-1 or T-2 (different group each time) Location: Room 204 Limit: 28 Got heart? Come and join the card club to learn hearts and more. We will explore traditional multi-player card games each week. You do not have to be an experienced
card player to join. For all you know you could be the diamond in the rough.
Caritas Moderators: Ms. Ann Tracey-Lyman and Fr. McCaffrey Meetings: T-1 and after school (as determined by moderators) Location: Room 231 Limit: Acceptance by audition only. Guitarists, percussionists, singers and songwriters are needed to form this musical group who will assist Father McCaffrey as needed with liturgies and prayer services throughout the year. Members must be willing to learn music on their own time. Acceptance is by audition only. Please stop by Room 231 for an audition time.
Chinese Club Moderator: Ms. Zhiying Zhang Meetings: T-2 Location: 305
Limit: 25 The Chinese Club is organized for anybody who is interested in Chinese and China. The activities include discussions on Chinese culture, enjoying and learning folk music, Chinese dancing, Chinese calligraphy and Chinese games and activities. Also, you will learn how to cook Chinese food. If you want to know more about China and Chinese people, please join the Chinese Club.
Classic Film Club Moderator: S. Frances Ratay Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 267 Limit: 20 The Classic Film club is an opportunity for LF students to gain a greater appreciation of cinema from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Students will analyze the film craft intensely through discussion of direction, acting, visuals, and plot development. In addition, students will also consider the genre of the film era during which it was made, and other factors in order to truly understand why the film is an American classic. The goals of the Club are to recognize why a certain film is considered a “classic�, to appreciate great filmmaking, and to supplement the humanities courses (History, English) here at LF.
College Club Moderator: Mr. Sean Ryan Meetings: T-1 Location: Room 308 Limit: 35 (10 Seniors, 15 Juniors, 5 Sophomores, 5 Freshmen)
The purpose of the College Club is to help students research their potential college choices and majors. In addition, we will help in understanding and researching financial aid opportunities and scholarships. Please note: As the projects will be similar to last year, only new members will be accepted.
Concert Choir Moderator: Mr. Ralph Purri Meetings: Wednesdays after school Location: Fine Arts Building Limit: Rostered Vocal 1 and Vocal 2 Students (Students who have completed Vocal 1/or Vocal 2 or not currently enrolled in vocal are welcome to sing in the concert choir with the approval
of the moderator). Concert Choir members are required to participate in both the Christmas and Spring Concerts. They also serve as the choir, cantors, or leaders of song for liturgical celebrations and special school assemblies. Senior Concert Choir members are also required to sing at Ring Mass and Baccalaureate. CSC Moderator: Ms. Stankiewicz Meetings: Every Monday after school (More meetings will be announced around the time of our Thanksgiving baskets and Operation Santa Claus). Location: Room 165 Limit: CSC Officers and Reps CSC representatives will be elected in each Religion class period. These CSC representatives and officers will meet to plan and work on community service events both in and outside of our school community. ANY STUDENT can participate in and help plan a CSC event. Listen during the morning announcements, check the bulletin board or ask your CSC representative for meeting information for all CSC members. There will be plenty of opportunities where everyone can come and join
in the fun. SCHOOL-WIDE MEETINGS will be held the last Monday of every month where everyone is welcome.
Fantasy Football and Baseball Club Moderator: Mr. Rosbach Meetings: T1 and T2 Location: 302 - 304 Computer Lab Limit: 15 to 24 Students interested in participating in Fantasy sports may enjoy the Fantasy Football and Baseball Club. Students will learn the workings of a fantasy sports league, learn to rate players in various positions, conduct an actual draft of players and conduct player trades for their team. The football season lasts until December and the baseball season begins near April 1. To bridge the time between those seasons, students may choose to join a fantasy hockey team based on their interests. The competition can provide some fun and possibly goodnatured conversation, and students may even sharpen their math skills in deciding whether to trade a star
quarterback for a rival’s star running back. The biggest benefit will be outsmarting a father, an uncle, or a brother in a fantasy league next year.
Flowerettes Moderator: Mr. Ralph Purri Meetings: Tuesday afternoons after school Location: FAB-Vocal Music Room Limit: 20 The Flowerettes is the advanced choral ensemble at Little Flower, consisting of 20 singers. Membership is open to students who are serious about choral singing and committed to singing more difficult music. A vocal audition is necessary in order to gain entry into the group. The Flowerettes sing 2-3 selections at the Christmas and Spring Concerts and may participate in Ring Mass, Baccalaureate, liturgical celebrations and special school assemblies. French Club Moderator: Ms. Megan Hay Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 164 Limit: 30
The French Club is open to any student enrolled in a
French Class. The purpose of the French Club is to promote and celebrate the French culture in all French speaking countries! This includes countries in Europe, Africia, Canada and the Caribbean; it even includes the United States! During meetings we will discover exciting aspects of French life and culture. We will even plan les fêtes for traditional French holidays. There is also an opportunity to become a club officer!
GarageBand – Music Composition Moderator: Mr. Emore Meetings: T-1 and/or T-2 Location: Room 309 Limit: 20 This club is for students who want to compose music using GarageBand in the Mac Lab. Instruction will be given to get you started on some music projects. No previous musical experience or training is necessary.
Garland (Yearbook) Moderators: Mrs. Schiavone & Ms. O’Neill Meetings: T-1 or T-2 and after school on Tuesday until 2nd Activities Bus. Location: Room 309
Limit: Yearbook Staff Limited to Yearbook Staff members or those interested in writing stories for the Yearbook.
GIMP Braiding Moderator: Ms. Dauerbach Meetings: T-1 Location: Room 364 Limit: 25 Students will use gimp (plastic lacing) to weave, braid, or knot a variety of fun projects. Come with experience or learn from others in the group. (Gimp is provided)
Horticulture (Gardening) Club Moderator: Ms. McDougall Meetings: T-1 Location: Room 239 Limit: 20 Horticulture is the formal term for “Gardening.� In the Horticulture Club, you will learn about both indoor and outdoor gardening and you will have the opportunity to grow some examples of each kind of plant. Please bring $3.00 to the first meeting to pay for plants, gloves, potting soil, seeds and pots.
“I’m Not Too Crafty” Club Moderator: Ms. Martin Meetings: T-1 or T-2 Location: Library Limit: 25 We will make easy-to-make crafts such as holiday crafts, printed frames, bracelets, and pins. The cost of materials for the year is 5.00 per student.
Italian Club Moderator: Mrs. Higgins Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 209 Limit: 35 If you would like to learn about Italian Heritage come and join our club. We prepare Italian food for the International Café.
Knitting Club Moderator: Mrs. Cornwall Meetings: T-2
Location: Room 361 Limit: 20 If you're interested in learning to knit, this club is for you. We will start with a scarf and work up to a hat or cell phone/I-pod sock. Please bring large needles – size 10½ or larger to club meeting and some yarn. This club is limited to 20 members. We will also be coordinating the Sock Drive, where socks will be collected for those in need. We will not be knitting these socks.
Know (the Issues) On The Go Club Moderator: Sr. Fran Ratay Meetings: T1 Location: 330 Limit: 30 Interested in stretching your awareness of current global justice issues, but you just can’t sit through a long TV commentary or read another never-ending article? Learn the basics about the immigration issue, human trafficking, fracking, world poverty, health care, genocide, etc… and feel informed about todays “hot” topics. You don’t have to be “in the dark” anymore!
Las Flores Moderator: Miss Laura Stankiewicz Meetings: T-1 and after school on the first Friday of the month and when announced Location: Room 165 Limit: Approved through application process Las Flores is a newly formed school-based leadership club at Little Flower. In Spanish, las flores means “flowers”. As an acronym, L.A.S.F.L.O.R.E.S. stands for “Latinas Actively Striving to Foster Leaders of Respect, Education and Service.” Our goal is to provide leadership opportunities, cultural enrichment activities and community action projects to our members while promoting a positive image of Latino culture within our club, student body and community. Members of our club have offered supplemental support to school-wide service activities, organized a soda tab drive, sponsored a “Jeans for Teens” collection and volunteered in the guest-chef program at the Ronald McDonald House located on Erie Avenue. In addition, many of our members organize and participate in the
Puerto Rican Day Parade to assure that the Little Flower Latino community is well-represented. In order for a student to be considered for membership, she must first qualify academically and behaviorally. The student must obtain a grade point average and conduct grade (as accumulated at the end of the previous school year) of 80 with no failures. After those qualifications have been verified, potential members will then be interviewed by a panel of the moderator and officers. Please note: These interviews will take place before the T-1 club sign-up day.
Let’s Jump Moderator: Mrs. Pisacano Meeting: T-1 Location: Cafe Limit: 25 If you like to jump rope, Let’s Jump is the Club for you! Single and double Dutch jump roping will be the focus of this entertaining and cardiovascular workout. Please bring sneakers, shorts and water on T-1 days.
LF Ambassadors Moderators: Miss Morris, Sister Donna Shallo & Mrs. Kerr Meeting: T-1 Location: Room 356-358 Limit: Invitation only The LF Ambassadors will spread the word that our school’s “The Place to Blossom and Grow” as they escort alumnae around the school, meet prospective students and parents at high school nights, and be a link with their local elementary school.
Library Ladies Moderator: S. Kimberly Miller Meetings: T-2 Location: Library Limit: 9 The Library Ladies will learn how to become aides and be trained in the working of a library. They will be able to do library activities and will go on book signings. We will also discuss our favorite books and create new displays.
Literary Garland Moderator: Mrs. DiCicco Meeting: T2 after School (days to be announced) Location: Room 261 Limit: Literary Garland Staff The Literary Garland publishes the writing and artwork of the Little Flower Community. Staff members select, edit and assemble and lay-out these creative works in an annual volume. The Literary Garland is distributed to all students at the end of the year.
Liturgical Friends Moderator: Fr. McCaffrey Meetings: After school on the 2nd Monday of the month Location: Chapel Here at Little Flower we have a rich liturgical tradition. There are many opportunities to explore and to deepen our faith journey and spiritual heritage. The goal of the Liturgical Friends Club is to deepen the awareness within
our students of the many forms of liturgical expression that are available to them throughout the course of the year. Similar to the CSC, members of the Liturgical Friends Club will come from each section of our Theology classes. It is the role of the Liturgical Friends to inform their Theology class about the Communion Services, Penance Services, Eucharistic Adoration and other Chapel happenings. The Liturgical Friends also are offered the opportunities to be active in our community liturgies through participation in various ministerial roles. This club will meet monthly, every 2nd Monday from 3:00 – 3:20 in the Chapel.
Math 24 Moderator: Mrs. Kathleen Zolk Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 202 Limit: 35 How many different ways can you get to 24? Join our
club and we’ll figure it out.
Mathletes Moderator: Mrs. Boland Meetings: After school (monthly competition/weekly practice) Location: Room 209 Limit: None This club is part of the diocesan mathematics competition in which the students from various high schools compete against each other for trophies and plaques. Competitions are one Monday a month. Membership is open to all students who are interested in math and who have enough background to compete.
Model UN Moderator: Mrs. Maria Murray Meetings: After school - day Thursday Location: Room 252 Limit: No limit The Model UN Club is a competitive debate club that
competes against other schools from the Delaware Valley. Competitions consist of debates on international topics in which members argue from their assigned country’s point of view.
National Honor Society: Moderator: TBA Meetings: Monthly – 2:45 – 3:15 Location: Room TBA Limit: Invitation and retention under the supervision of the Principal, Faculty Selection Committee, and the NHS Moderator The Honor Society is a national organization sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals to encourage the development of scholarship in the secondary schools. This society rests its foundation on the four faces of the block that makes up its cornerstone, namely: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. In order for a student to be considered for membership, she must first qualify academically by her grade point average as accumulated at the end of her sophomore year. Qualification at this time makes the student eligible for nomination in junior year. While some may not qualify at the end of sophomore year, they may later do so because of increased effort. In this case, they will be eligible for nomination in their senior year.
Since scholarship is only one of the qualities to be considered for membership, a student who meets the required norm scholastically must be further judged on service, character, and leadership. Of all the characteristics, service provides the most concrete basis for judgment. A student must have given service to her school and to her community in order to qualify.
Orchestra Moderator: Ms. Jessica O’Neill Meeting: TBA Location: FAB Members of the Music Department participate in instrumental presentations throughout the school year. Occasions such as the Spring Concert, the School Play, Christmas Concert, Ring Mass, Baccalaureate, Graduation, special liturgies and assemblies, are the times when the Orchestra performs for the benefit of the student body. Students usually join the instrumental department in their freshmen year and are prepared to play with the upperclassmen by their Sophomore year. Freshmen who have played an instrument in elementary school may be eligible, after an audition, to perform with the larger group.
Otaku Moderator: Sister Kimberly Miller Meetings: T-1 Location: Room 266 Limit: 25 In this club, we watch and talk about different anime, manga, and video games. We also discuss Japanese culture, including language and music. This year we are having an anime art contest. We participate in the Christmas Flea Market and the International CafĂŠ. Every so often we gather outside of the T-1 club dates to watch animated movies or play video games.
Peace Club Moderator: Mrs. Nicholson-Schenk Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 330 Membership Limited Interested students work with adult members of the LF community to provide activities with themes on nonviolence, self-awareness and self-esteem. Each April, the Peace Week Committee organizes a series of workshops around these themes. An art exhibit, classroom presentations, and collections for the needy are also part
of this event. Members of the Peace Club not only introduce and escort the speakers and other guests, but also play a part in the scheduling of certain activities during this week. While Peace Week is the focal point, activities may be planned throughout the school year.
Scrapbooking Club Moderator: Mrs. Maria Murray Meetings: T-1 or T-2 (different group each time) Room: Room 252 Limit: 25 Are you looking for a reason to print out all those pictures that you never take off your camera or computer? Join the scrapbooking club and bring your pictures to our meetings where you can create and design page after page to cherish those memories! No scrapbooking experience is necessary. A small fee of $5.00 is required to purchase a variety of needed supplies.
Set/Prop Club for “Shrek� Moderator: Mrs. Diehl Meetings: T-1 and/or T-2 Location: Auditorium
Limit: Invitation only Set/Prop Design for Shrek is an invitation only club, limited to certain art students who will assist on creating props, and helping with the sets for “Shrek�.
Sewing for Beginners Club Moderator: Ms. Maureen Gillespie Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 264 Limit: 20 The sewing for BEGINNERS Club is a club for those who are interested in creating simple sewing projects and learning a little about the art of sewing. If you are creative, patient, able to follow directions, and have a sense of humor, then join the club! Please note: As the projects will be the same as last year, only new members will be accepted.
SGA Moderator: Ms. Maureen Gillespie Meetings: Monthly - after school
Location: Room 264 Limit: 4 School Officers, Student Council Reps, and HR Reps The Student Government exists to promote communication and involvement between the faculty and the students. It is a democratic group that works with the administration and faculty to coordinate school activities. The Association promotes the general welfare of Little Flower. Members of Student Government are elected by their peers and represent them to the Faculty and Administration.
Stage Crew Moderator: Mrs. Boland Meetings: After school when needed Location: Auditorium Members of the Stage Crew service and supervise all assemblies, programs, etc. during the school year. In addition they help build scenery and manage all behind the scene operations of plays and concerts. Learn audio and lighting techniques as well as set design. Needed: A desire to work hard, have fun and be ready for unexpected adventures.
Stepmania Moderator: Mr. Yeiter Meetings: T1 or T2 (two different groups) Locations: 207 Limit: 16
Stepmania is a game where participants step to match a song being played. Arrows rise up the screen matching the rhythm of a song. Players step on a mat as the arrows reach the top of the screen.
Sudoku Solvers Moderators: Mrs. Higgins Meetings: T-1 Location: 209 Limit: 35 Anyone who enjoys Sudoku Puzzles, on any difficulty level, will enjoy this club. Although the puzzles use numbers, math ability is not a necessity. We will have new puzzles, or you may bring your own. Our goals will include moving up in difficulty level, having competitions for time on level and, eventually, to have a member compete in one of the City-Wide Competitions that have begun to appear!
Tech Squad Moderator: Mr. Kane Meetings: T2 Room: 307 Limit: 10
Members should have an understanding of how networks operate both wired and wireless. They will help with Ipad and Windows consulting.
Theresian (Newspaper) Moderator: TBA Meetings: TBA Location: TBA Limit: Newspaper Staff Want to change the world? Join the staff of our school newspaper! The power of the written word forms and informs a community. Be involved in the “news you can use� movement.
Travel Club Moderator: Ms. Laura Stankiewicz Meetings: T-2 (Some after school meetings may be required) Location: Room 165 Limit: 20 “Welcome! This is your captain speaking. The Little Flower Travel Club will investigate all of the planning and preparation that is required for an international trip from the departure to the arrival gates. Students will learn the step-by-step process of obtaining a passport, get tips on packing and become familiarized with the procedures at an airport. Members will investigate a student-chosen destination as well as how to see all of the popular attractions via various modes of transportation. Along the way, tips on optimal travel seasons, staying healthy, communication back home, and precautionary measures to take while abroad will be offered complimentary. On behalf of the cabin crew, we hope you will have a great flight. Thanks for flying LF!” Membership into this club will be available on a firstcome, first-served basis not to exceed 20 “travelers”. However, those joining are expected to have a true desire to travel and explore the world in their future. Some preparation before meetings as well as presentations will be expected during our T-2 flight.
Tri-M Music Honor Society Moderator: Ms. Jessica O’Neill Meetings: TBA Location: FAB Limit: By invitation The chief aims of the Tri-M Music Honor Society are to foster greater interest in band, orchestral and choral performance and to provide wider opportunities for personal musical expression. Students are selected for membership in Tri-M on the basis of musicianship, scholarship, character, cooperation, leadership, and service to their school and community. The organization’s high standards serve to challenge students to greater effort and achievement and to encourage them in the pursuit of excellence.
TV Club Moderator: Ms. Dauerbach Meetings: T-2 and after school as determined by the moderator.
Location: TV Studio, Room 356-358 Limit: 24 The purpose of this club is to operate and maintain the three major branches of our television network: the Educational/Instructional Group. The goal of the members is to learn as much as possible about the artistic and technical sides of television work while being of service to the school and its community. The members will produce school commercials, produce LF 1 Show News report and produce various shows for school entertainment. Upperclassmen as well as freshmen may apply for membership.
Yoga and Exercise Club Moderator: Mrs. Pisacano Meeting: T-2 Location: Gym Limit: 25 Yoga and exercise is a low impact fitness program that focuses on breathing, flexibility, and balance. The goal of this club is to encourage a healthy lifestyle that includes physical fitness as a way to reduce stress and anxiety. Please come prepared with shorts and a towel on T-2 days.
You Can’t Spell LIFE Without “LF” Club Moderator: Father McCaffrey Meetings: T-2 Location: Room 262 Limit: 28 The LF Pro-Life Club will discuss and present issues concerning the dignity of all human life in light of the monthly virtues. Zumba Moderator: Mrs. Sharon Cornwall Meeting: T-1 Location: Gym Limit: 30 Zumba is a Latin-inspired fitness program that incorporates Latin music for an entertaining workout. The goal of this club is to encourage healthy lifestyle choices with exercise segments choreographed by student leaders. Be prepared with shorts on T-1 days and come to the gym and samba your way into a fun workout. Zuma will also meet T-1 days after school until the 1st activities bus. Have sneakers and water! This
after school activity is open to students and faculty.
ATHLETIC TEAMS Basketball Coaches: Mr. Adam Buchter, Mrs. Maureen Buchter, Ms. Jamie McCalister, and Ms. Jenna Beck November, December, January Girls play this fall/winter sport on an interscholastic level. Tryouts are held for both the varsity and junior varsity teams. All girls are welcome to try out. Bowling Coach: TBA December, January, February The varsity and junior varsity bowling teams are chosen in November. They compete on an interscholastic level with home games played at Thunderbird Lanes. Cheerleading Coaches: Ms. Sue McNeal and Ms. Amanda Gelovich October through April All students are encouraged to try out for the varsity and junior varsity squads. Tryouts do require some dance
and/or acrobatic skills. The cheerleaders cheer at all home basketball games.
Cross Country Coaches: Ms. Melissa Roberts and Mr. Jared Roberts Cross Country is an interscholastic Team that competes in the Fall. All girls are invited and encouraged to try out. No experience is necessary. Field Hockey Coaches: Mrs. Carol Pisacano & Mr. Mark Woltemate September, October The interscholastic sport is offered on the varsity and junior level. It is played in the fall. No experience is necessary to try out for this sport. Golf Coach: Mr. Mike Fox and Mr. John Blackmon August, September, October The team will play its home games at the Juniata Golf Club. The team will compete in the Catholic League against boys and girls. Any student is welcome to try out.
Indoor Track Coaches: Ms. Melissa Roberts Mr. Jared Roberts Winter This is an interscholastic sport played during the winter. All students are invited and encouraged to try out. No experience is necessary. Lacrosse Coaches: Mrs. Carol Pisacano April, May This interscholastic sport is offered on the Varsity and Junior Varsity levels. It is played in the Spring. No experience is necessary to try out for this sport.
Soccer Coaches: Mr. Markos Pittaoulis, Mr. Refael Causha, Jr. and Peter Pittaoulis September, October This sport is offered on the varsity and junior varsity levels. It is played in the fall. All girls are welcome to try
out for this sport.
Softball Coaches: Mr. Daniel Milio, Mr. Richard Atwell, Jr. Ms. Laura Stankiewicz, and Ms. Colleen Mack April, May This sport is offered in the spring. Tryouts for varsity and junior varsity are held in March. All girls are welcome to try out.
Swimming Coaches: Mr. Sean Clothier Ms. Jessica Hemingway Ms. Lauren Sharkus December, January, February The team will practice and have their home meets at Lincoln High School Pool.
Tennis Coach: Mrs. Valerie McPeak Ms. Beth Yancey
This interscholastic sport is played in the fall on the new courts in Hunting Park. All are welcome to try out.
Track & Field Coaches: Ms. Melissa Roberts Mr. Jared Roberts April, May Track is an interscholastic team that competes in the spring. All girls are invited and encouraged to try out. No experience is necessary.
Volleyball Coaches: Mrs. Marian Stengel & Jennifer Mastantoni August, September, October Volleyball is an interscholastic sport played during the summer and early fall. Both varsity and junior varsity teams are selected during tryouts in the summer. Social Activities Big/Little Sister Night: Seniors and Freshmen share an evening of fun and dancing. The time is one of “getting to
know you better” and of official welcome to the Freshmen. Ring Night: Seniors receive their class rings in the memorable context of a liturgy which they share with their parents. Ring Dance: Seniors only attend the Ring Dance which is scheduled after the reception of their school rings. Little Flower Musical: Tryouts are open to all interested Little Flower students and are held in September. The Broadway production is a musical occasion which will be long remembered. This year’s production is “Shrek”. Harvest Dance: This dance scheduled for the fall is open to students of all four classes. Father-Daughter Night: Fathers and daughters of all classes enjoy an evening of entertainment and dancing together. Christmas Concert: All are invited to be filled with the Christmas spirit as the Fine Arts Department presents Christmas at Little Flower. Freshman Dance: Open to Freshmen only, this dance is held at Little Flower. Tuition must be current to attend.
Sophomore Dance: This dance is held at Little Flower and is open to Sophomores only. Tuition must be current to attend.
Junior Dance: This semi-formal date dance is the social highlight of the Junior year. This dance is traditionally held at Little Flower in the spring of Junior year. Tuition must be current to date to attend. Senior Prom: The annual, formal Senior Prom is an elegant evening of dining, dancing, and socializing. The prom is held at the Ballroom at The Ben. Tuition must be current to attend. Spring Concert: A musical evening featuring music of all times and kinds produced by the Little Flower Fine Arts Department. Mother-Daughter Night: Mothers and daughters of all classes enjoy an evening of entertainment and dancing together. Senior Night: This is a farewell evening for the Seniors to share the memories of their past four years at Little Flower. Seniors only attend.